Based on my own experience here in Turkey, when obtaining planning permission for a home or property, there needs to be a structural engineer attached to the project. They produce the plans and calculations for the project which is submitted and approved by the local municipality.
Then a third party inspection company has to be appointed who will check that the house or building is built according to the plans.
I believe that the problem lies with these inspectors, as well as the contractors or landlords that are trying to cut costs and use less steel or concrete than they are supposed to. And of course pay the inspectors to turn a blind eye.
When the government itself issues residency permit to illegally built buildings(with no engineering oversight whatsoever) many times, it feels rather pointless to discuss the misdeeds of contractors. Because they would be rewarded for their mischief by the state with an amnesty.
Here's the public service ad for the latest "İmar Barışı" in 2018. Watch this piece of filth of a video and know where to point your finger.
"Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi İstanbul Milletvekili Mahmut Tanal, 2022 yılının Ekim ayında TBMM’de verdiği soru önergesinde, Çevre, Şehircilik Ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanı Murat Kurum’a, son imar affıyla kaç konut ve işyerinin Yapı Kayıt Belgesi aldığını sormuştu. Bakan Kurum tarafından verilen cevapta İmar barışı kapsamında Türkiye genelinde toplamda 7 milyon 85 bin 969 adet Yapı Kayıt Belgesi verildiği, bunların
5 milyon 848 bin 927’sini konutların oluşturduğu
"Republican People's Party Istanbul Deputy Mahmut Tanal, in his parliamentary question in October 2022, asked the Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, Murat Kurum, how many residences and workplaces received the Building Registration Certificate with the last
zoning amnesty. In the reply given by the Minister Institution, it was stated that within the scope of the zoning peace, a total of 7 million 85 thousand 969 Building Registration Certificates were issued throughout Turkey, of which
5 million 848 thousand 927 were residencies."
Bir deprem ülkesi olarak tanımlanan Türkiye’de yaşanan her depremden sonra imar afları gündeme geliyor. 6 Şubat 2023’te Kahramanmaraş’ın Pazarcık ilçesinde yaşanan 7,7’lik ve Elbistan ilçesinde yaşanan 7,6’lık depremlerin ardından da en çok konuşulan konulardan birisi imar affı oldu. Gecekondu ve
Furthermore, they were going to issue the same "zoning amnesty" before the elections this year.
İmar affı son durum ve gelişmeleri ile gündemde yer alıyor. Kurallara aykırı şekilde inşa edilen gecekondu ve kaçak yapılar için geliştirilen düzenleme 30...