One of the things that struck me while watching these footages on Youtube is how much people were inside the buildings during the second earthquake.
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One of the things that struck me while watching these footages on Youtube is how much people were inside the buildings during the second earthquake.
On top of everything Turkish architecture often has the worst kind of buildings for a seismicly active zone.One of the things that struck me while watching these footages on Youtube is how much people were inside the buildings during the second earthquake.
This encapsulates what I have tried (and often failed) to explain to people (who have turned anti-capitalist in some reactionary way) over many years w.r.t proper capitalism vs rampant.
(In fact IMO, the rampant form stops being capitalism altogether)
i.e there is an important reason why Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" (sometimes considered to be the definitive work w.r.t capitalist philosophy) had as its prequel "The theory of moral sentiments".
A wise, reasoned man always knows that proper capitalism only exists where the morals of the society are well based and secure as possible.
The (classical) Marxists and their close authoritarian-inclined equivalents (be it luddites, fascists, theocrats and still others) all have demonstrably objectified and implemented a radical Hobbesian approach to short circuit this process as fast as possible....which is why these systems have drastically failed (and keep failing, though are often attractive to some populist reactionary to scapegoat or indulge in personal emotional escapism/delusions in any given timeframe).
The evolvement over time into drastically less-honest and less-defined neo-marxist forms (to conflate and merge with neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism) is one of the unfortunate trends picking up this then it becomes simply a zero sum power struggle in the end of might makes right.....which indulges the worst proclivities and tendencies of man, in what can be surmised as "evil" and "corruption".
Unfortunately most people want short easy answers for application of short easy time they have to commit on these deep issues.
This ends up exacerbating the whole thing (especially as new host of challenges pop up as we develop pressures and easy offer of viceful impulses that are anathema to the human collective existence itself that has always relied on and gotten this far on the family structure as the fundamental basis)
I do wonder how human species will get out of this in the end to truly elevate the best methods are literally staring at us all chomping at the bit (in how we approach preserving what has worked well and changing only what needs to be changed)....but we remain so timid, unwise and fearful to embrace them genuinely.
This in the end is why too many innocent people die in the end (by our own collective hand) than otherwise would have....just like in this earthquake. There is not a proper reckoning yet, there are huge amounts of gaps in our total mind frame and application.
In the end we owe it to them that we will realise such things, life is the most precious yet fragile thing of all.
Install German politicians in Turkiye, it will become like Germany in no time.
Politicians are not chosen by people, take CHP for instance, KK lost more than 15 elections in a row, people don't want him but he is still at the head of CHP.
Same with MHP and many other parties. Which politician do we really chose?
Install German politicians in Turkiye, it will become like Germany in no time.
Politicians are not chosen by people, take CHP for instance, KK lost more than 15 elections in a row, people don't want him but he is still at the head of CHP.
Same with MHP and many other parties. Which politician do we really chose?
Same politicians which turned Germany into a cuck of a nation.
No thank you but Germany apart from being advanced and developed is a clown show.
When we look at the root of all problems, we see that the problem of morality and the individual's sense of community has disappeared and he fallen into personal ambitions. Unfortunately, this is a common problem not only in Turkiye but in almost all Muslim countries that are struggling with countless problems.German politicians would not make Turkiyer become like Germany. Like brother @dBSPL has mentioned people are not god-fearing, and that's why we see so much corruption, however, does that mean that the state is doing enough? Definitely not! I think that it would be suitable to say that the state needs to have a functioning control mechanism to keep people in check! Norway is good at having control and that's why we have a safe environment even if we get slapped right, and left with high taxes, and fines. In most cases, we see that the change comes from the people themselves, and that's where I have to agree with some brothers here that mentioned the "mentality" of people. But I also do agree with your comments regarding the state doing its job in monitoring the safety, and well-being of its citizen.
Greetings from the clown show in my earthquake safe flat, the highest living standards in the world and a democracy that is actually working. Good that people like you dont run Germany.
On 6th of February, a massive earthquake struck southern Türkiye and Syria affecting millions of people in the region. Immediately on receiving news of this tragedy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed that all possible assistance be extended to the affected people.....
In this episode, we will discuss Operation Dost and India’s increasing profile as a first responder and net security provider.
Anchor: Vikas Swarup, Former Diplomat and Author
1- Firat Sunel, Turkiye's Ambassador to India
2- Atul Karwal, Director General, National Disaster Response Force
You are right 100% but let's be really honest with ourselves. We have a lot of good-hearted people around us with integrity and good manners. However, we also have another side of things that is dark. When I read all this you reminded me of a verse in the Quran where Allah swt says " Verily Allah does not change a people's condition unless they change their self". Weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men, and strong men create good times.When we look at the root of all problems, we see that the problem of morality and the individual's sense of community has disappeared and he fallen into personal ambitions. Unfortunately, this is a common problem not only in Turkiye but in almost all Muslim countries that are struggling with countless problems.
There is a conformist mentality that we all resort to most of the time: The West colonized us and confined those it could not colonize to controllable borders. The West fought us, it fought our religion and our faith. It has exploited and continues to exploit our wealth. That is why we are poor, that is why we have not developed enough.
But at the heart of it, the real betrayal is within ourselves. We have run away from the struggle, we have avoided sacrifice. We worry about one more loaf of bread to put on our table without even thinking about our neighbor. I grew up in a conservative community. I have seen countless people who do not leave Muslimness to anyone, who question your Muslimness and my Muslimness, who pray five times a day but consider haram as their right.
It is not the buildings that have collapsed, something much bigger has collapsed inside us, long before that. Our moral foundation was destroyed. Now we are searching for our humanity in its rubble.
India is perhaps one of the biggest contributors to Turkey in this natural disaster. Respect!Turkish ambassador gives information like ~1500 civilians so far treated in the field hospital set up by India in Hatay province.
Overall NDRF mission to Turkiye is explored.
There are no fault lines in Germany for your flat to be earthquake safe or not.Greetings from the clown show in my earthquake safe flat, the highest living standards in the world and a democracy that is actually working. Good that people like you dont run Germany.