TR Air Defence Programs


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They’ll finish order that signed now by 2024.
They will finish the order. But spare missiles might be delivered separately(i heard nothing just a guess) as 1080 missiles/36 months is 30 missiles per month. I expect the missiles to cost us between 500k-to 1 million per unit(probably closer to 500k).
The contract also covers the battalion-level hardware. Battalion fire control center, battalion level radar, battalion data link vehicle.


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They will finish the order. But spare missiles might be delivered separately(i heard nothing just a guess) as 1080 missiles/36 months is 30 missiles per month. I expect the missiles to cost us between 500k-to 1 million per unit(probably closer to 500k).
The contract also covers the battalion-level hardware. Battalion fire control center, battalion level radar, battalion data link vehicle.
What is the source of these infos ? The numbers of ordered systems and delivery frame ?


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Closed lobbies of defense industry cycles. Sources are very trusted but always take it with a grain of salt unless it is %100 officially declared as the Turkish defense industry is dynamic, things can change pretty fast and info can be outdated.


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Aselsan Şahin 40mm Anti-Mini/Micro UAV system



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TRV/DROKA Light UAV Detection, Recognition and Protection System​

Droka has been designed, developed and produced locally for especially small UAV threats.
The system has a standard basic structure for detection and identification.
The protection system depends on the kind of threats and customer requirements as RF Jammer, HPEM and HP laser-gun.
Spectrum measurement option is also available.
System Performance:
  • Detection (3D Radar): 5-8km
  • Detection (Thermal Camera): 3-6km
  • Detection (VNIR-SWIR + Thermal Fusion): 6km
  • Recognition (Thermal Camera): 2km
  • Recognition (VNIR -SWIR+ Thermal Fusion): 3km
  • Identification: RF (unautonomous): Maximum: 3km
  • Identification: Laser (autonomous / unautonomous): 1000m
  • Identification: EM-GUN (autonomous / unautonomous): 300m

Technical Specifications:
  • F#: 2
  • Focus: 120 mm
  • MRTD: <120mk
  • Detector Resolution: 1280×1024
  • Pixel Pitch: 15µm
  • Spectral responsive: 3.7~4.8 µm
  • NETD: ≤18 mK
  • Operability: ≥99.5%
  • Response Non-uniformity: <8%
  • Dynamic Range: ≥75dB
  • Power Supply: 24 V
  • Power Consumption: <60W
  • Data Interface: CameraLink / HDMI
  • Detection Range: 2-5 km
  • Recognition Range: 2 km

Electrical Specifications:
  • Array Size: 1280×1024 – 12 um pixel pitch
  • Detector Type: InGaAs/ Spectrum: 900nm – 1700nm
  • Video Output: CameraLink® Base Configuration (26-pin SDR Connector)
  • Digital Video Port (Parallel data with syncs, BT.656) Analog Video
  • Camera Control: UART I2C Frame Rate: ≤ 50 fps (100 and 200 fps options are available)
  • Integration Time: Programmable from 500ns to 1s in 100nssteps Gain: High
  • Gain (HG) FWC: 10 K e- Mid Gain(MG) FWC: 20 K e- Low Gain(LG) FWC: 350 K e
  • Input Referred Noise: ≤ 10 e-rms for High Gain
  • Supply Voltage: 5V DC
  • Power Dissipation: ≤ 7W(with TEC disabled)
  • Optical Specifications Lens: SWIR optimized, f/1.4, 250mm
  • Mount: C-Mount

Application Areas:
  • Driver Vision Enhancement (see through fog)
  • Industrial Control (see trough plastic, paint and glass)
  • Traffic Control
  • Scientific Imaging
  • Security and Surveillance
  • Drone and UAV based imaging


It is said that the system is a price of 5000 to 800 thousand dollars.


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ASELSAN’ın geliştirdiği çok alçak irtifa, alçak ve ortak irtifa ve uzun menzil hava savunma sistemleri Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerine katmanlı bir hava savunma kabiliyetine katkıda bulunulmaktadır. Bu silahların radar/haberleşme sistemleri, ast-üst komuta kontrol sistemleri ve kendi seviyelerindeki batarya / takım seviyesindeki diğer sistemlerle entegrasyonu için komuta kontrol hayati öneme sahiptir. Hava savunmanın farklı seviyelerinde görev alan bu sistemler, komuta kontrol mimarisinin etkin şekilde uygulanmasıyla görevlerini başarıyla yerine getirebilirler. Silah sistemlerinin kendi katmanlarındaki başarısı, diğer katmandaki sistemlerin de görevini tam yapabilmesi için hayati öneme sahiptir. Ayrıca; silah, mühimmat, radar, hedef vb. komuta kontrol ilgi alanındaki bilgilerin milli bir algoritmayla işlenmesiyle envantere daha sonra kazandırılacak silahların da hava savunma mimarisine en kısa sürede entegrasyonunu mümkün kılmaktadır. Bundan sonraki kısımda, ASELSAN tarafından geliştirilen ve milli komuta kontrol yazılımlarını kullanan hava savunma sistemlerini inceleyeceğiz.

Ateş İdare Cihazı (AİC) ve Modernize Çekili Top
35mm’lik vuruş kabiliyetine sahip Ateş İdare Cihazı (AİC) ve Modernize Çekili Top (MÇT) hava savunma takımında etkin bir komuta kontrol sistemi yer almaktadır. MÇT, 35mm’lik topluyla üç boyutlu uzayda yüksek hızda hareket eden hedefi önleyebilmek ya güdümlü mühimmat/ füzeler kullanarak hedefi vurmayı veya hedefin gideceği yeri tahmin ederek mühimmatı hedefle öngörülen noktada buluşturmayı sağlamak üzere tasarlanmıştır. 98 AİC-MÇT’nin hedef setindeki hava tehditlerinin kabiliyetlerindeki hızlı artışa karşı koyabilmek için hava savunmada radarlardan bilgilerin alınması, bu verilerin birleştirilmesi ve komuta kontrol sistemlerinde kararların verilmesi için artık çok daha az zaman vardır. Bu hesaplamaları gerçekleştirmek ve haberleşmede zaman kayıplarının en aza indirmek için komuta kontrol yazılımında ve sistemlere entegre olan bilgisayar ve haberleşme sistemlerinde sürekli iyileştirme çalışmaları devam etmektedir.

Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı (SSB) ve ASELSAN arasında 19 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde imzalanan KORKUT Projesi Seri Üretim Sözleşmesi kapsamında tedarik edilmekte olan KORKUT Sistemi, hareketli unsurlar ile mekanize birliklerin hava savunmasının etkin şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla geliştirilmiş bir hava savunma sistemidir. KORKUT Sistemi, üç Silah Sistemi Aracı (SSA) ve bir Komuta Kontrol Aracından (KKA) oluşan takımlar halinde görev yapacaktır. KORKUTSSA, yine ASELSAN tarafından geliştirilen 35 mm Parçacıklı Mühimmatı atma kabiliyetine sahiptir. Parçacıklı Mühimmat; 35 mm hava savunma toplarının görevlerini havadan karaya füzeler, seyir füzeleri ve insansız hava araçları gibi güncel hava hedeflerine karşı etkin olarak icra edebilmelerine imkan sağlamaktadır. KORKUT Sistemi, stabilize silah kulesi ile hareket halinde atış yeteneğine sahip atış kontrol yeteneği ile ön plana çıkarken, üst seviye komuta kontrolü koordinasyonunda operasyon kabiliyeti ile de dikkat çekmektedir. KORKUT sistemi, kendi komuta kontrol aracı ve radarı ile hava resmini yönetebildiği gibi, HERİKKS unsurları ile de tam entegrasyona sahiptir. Bu kabiliyet ile üst unsurlardan ve radarlardan gelecek iz bilgisi, sevk ve idareye ilişkin emirleri icra edebilmektedir.

Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı ile ASELSAN arasında 20.06.2011 tarihinde HİSAR-A Projesi Sözleşmesi ve HİSAR-O Projesi Sözleşmesi imzalanmıştır. HİSAR Projeleri, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda hareketli ve sabit birlikler ile kritik tesislerin hava savunmasını gerçekleştirmektedir. Bu sayede günümüzün modern tehditleri olan savaş uçakları, helikopterler, seyir füzeleri, insansız hava araçları ve havadan karaya atılan füzeler yüksek performans ile etkisiz hale getirilir. HİSAR A+ Otonom Sistem; hedef tespit, teşhis, takip ve füze atışı fonksiyonlarını tam otonom olarak gerçekleştirebilen bir hava savunma füze sistemidir. Sistemin taşıyıcı platformu paletli ve zırhlıdır. Bu sayede sistem; zırhlı mekanize birlikler ile birlikte her türlü arazi şartında hareket eder, hızlı konuşlanma, kısa reaksiyon süresi ve hızlı mevzi değiştirme kabiliyetleri ile intikal halindeki zırhlı birliklerin hava savunma ihtiyacını etkin şekilde karşılar.
HİSAR O+, TSK’nın orta irtifa hava savunma ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere nokta ve bölge hava savunması kapsamında tehdidin orta irtifada tesirsiz hale getirilmesi görevini yerine getirecektir. HİSAR O+, hedef tespit, sınıflandırma, teşhis, takip, komuta kontrol ve atış kontrol fonksiyonlarını icra edecek mimaridedir.
HİSAR O+ Bataryası; Batarya Atış Kontrol Sistemi (AKM), batarya seviyesi radar, elektrooptik sistem, erken ihbar merkezleri arayüzü link-16 sistemi (ERİMAY-L16) ve füze fırlatma sistemlerinden oluşmaktadır. HİSAR O+ Bataryası hedef tespit, takip, teşhis, komuta kontrol ve atış kontrol fonksiyonlarını otonom olarak icra edebilme yeteneğine sahiptir. ERİMAY-L16 sistemi ile HİSAR O+ bataryasının Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı komuta kontrol unsurları arasında Link-1, Link-11B ve Link-16 taktik veri link bağlantısı sağlanacaktır. HİSAR A+ ve HİSAR O+ sistemleri otonom olarak çalışabildiği gibi, HERİKKS unsurları ile de tam entegrasyona sahiptir. Bu kabiliyet ile üst unsurlardan ve radarlardan gelecek iz bilgisini alabilmekte, sevk ve idareye ilişkin emirleri icra edebilmektedir.

SİPER Projesi
Türkiye’nin ilk milli yüksek irtifa/uzun menzil hava savunma ihtiyaçları Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı ile ASELSAN-ROKETSAN-TÜBİTAK SAGE İş Ortaklığı arasında Ocak 2018 tarihinde imzalanan SİPER ile karşılanacaktır. SİPER Milli Uzun Menzilli Bölge Hava ve Füze Savunma Sistemi konfigürasyonu, filo seviyesi ekipmanlar (filo kontrol merkezi, arama radarı), batarya seviyesi ekipmanlar (atış kontrol merkezi, atış kontrol radarı, füze fırlatma sistemi, Tam Atım Füze (TAF), füze taşıma yükleme sistemi, haberleşme araçları (haberleşme istasyon aracı, haberleşme röle aracı) ve destek ekipmanları içermektedir. SİPER’in Radar Ağı Yönetim Sistemi (RADNET), Hava Bilgi Sistemi ile bağlantısı olacak ve taktik veri link ile üst komuta kontrol entegrasyonu sağlayarak üst unsurlar ile ortak bir harekât yönetebilecektir


Very low altitude, low and common altitude and long range air defense systems developed by ASELSAN contribute to a layered air defense capability of the Turkish Armed Forces. Command control is of vital importance for the integration of these weapons with radar/communication systems, subordinate-superior command and control systems and other systems at the battery/team level at their own level. These systems, which take part in different levels of air defense, can successfully fulfill their duties with the effective implementation of the command and control architecture. The success of weapon systems in their own layer is of vital importance for the systems in the other layer to do their job properly. Also; weapons, ammunition, radar, target, etc.By processing the information in the command and control area of interest with a national algorithm, it makes it possible to integrate the weapons that will be added to the inventory later into the air defense architecture as soon as possible. In the next section, we will examine air defense systems developed by ASELSAN and using national command and control software.

Fire Management Device (AIC) and Modernized Towed Cannon
There is an effective command and control system in the Fire Management Device (AIC) and Modernized Towed Artillery (MÇT) air defense team with 35mm strike capability. The MÇT is designed to be able to prevent the target moving at high speed in three-dimensional space with a 35mm cannon, either to hit the target using guided ammunition/missiles or to predict the target's destination and meet the ammunition with the target at the predicted point. In order to counter the rapid increase in the capabilities of air threats in the target set of the 98 AIC-MEC, there is now much less time to receive information from radars in air defense, to combine this data and to make decisions in command and control systems.In order to perform these calculations and to minimize time losses in communication, continuous improvement studies are continuing in the command control software and in computer and communication systems integrated into the systems.

The KORKUT System, which is supplied within the scope of the KORKUT Project Mass Production Contract signed between the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and ASELSAN on May 19, 2016, is an air defense system developed for the effective realization of air defense of mobile elements and mechanized troops. KORKUT System will operate in teams consisting of three Weapon System Vehicles (SSA) and one Command and Control Vehicle (KKA). KORKUT-SSA has the ability to fire 35 mm Particulate Ammunition, also developed by ASELSAN. Particulate Ammunition; It enables 35 mm air defense guns to perform their duties effectively against current air targets such as air-to-ground missiles, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. KORKUT System,While it stands out with its fire control capability, which has the ability to fire in motion with its stabilized gun turret, it also draws attention with its operational capability in high-level command control coordination. The KORKUT system is able to manage the air picture with its own command and control vehicle and radar, and has full integration with the HERIKKS elements. With this capability, it is able to execute orders related to tracking information, dispatch and administration from superior elements and radars.

The HİSAR-A Project Agreement and the HİSAR-O Project Agreement were signed between the Presidency of Defense Industries and ASELSAN on 20.06.2011. HİSAR Projects carry out the air defense of mobile and fixed units and critical facilities in line with the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces. In this way, today's modern threats such as warplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles are neutralized with high performance. HİSAR A+ Autonomous System; It is an air defense missile system that can perform target detection, diagnosis, tracking and missile firing functions fully autonomously. The carrier platform of the system is tracked and armored. In this way, the system; act in all terrain conditions together with armored mechanized units, fast deployment,With its short reaction time and rapid position change capabilities, it effectively meets the air defense needs of the deployed armored units.

HİSAR O+ will fulfill the task of neutralizing the threat at medium altitude within the scope of point and regional air defense in order to meet the medium altitude air defense needs of the TAF. HİSAR O+ has the architecture to perform target detection, classification, diagnosis, tracking, command control and fire control functions.

HİSAR O+ Battery; Battery Fire Control System (AKM) consists of battery level radar, electro-optic system, early warning centers interface link-16 system (ERİMAY-L16) and missile launch systems. The HİSAR O+ Battery is capable of autonomously performing target detection, tracking, diagnosis, command control and fire control functions. Link-1, Link-11B and Link-16 tactical data link connections will be provided between the ERİMAY-L16 system and the Air Force Command's command and control elements of the HİSAR O+ battery. HİSAR A+ and HİSAR O+ systems can operate autonomously as well as fully integrated with HERIKKS elements. With this capability, it can receive trace information from superior elements and radars, and can execute orders related to dispatch and administration.

SİPER Project
Turkey's first national high altitude/long range air defense needs will be met with the SİPER signed in January 2018 between the Presidency of Defense Industries and the ASELSAN-ROKETSAN-TÜBİTAK SAGE Business Partnership. SİPER National Long Range Area Air and Missile Defense System configuration, fleet level equipment (fleet control center, search radar), battery level equipment (fire control center, fire control radar, missile launch system, Full Fire Missile (TAF), missile transport loading SİPER's Radar Network Management System (RADNET) will be in connection with the Air Information System and provide a common communication with the upper elements by providing tactical data link and upper command control integration. will be able to lead the operation


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Aselsan Sahin 40mm ATOM developed against mini/micro UAVs
View attachment 26435
View attachment 26436

Sahin should be able to be integrated to variety of vehicles. Can be used for clearing buildings, trenches and C-UAS roles with 40mm ATOM airburst munition.

Maybe even boats. Could be used along with SMASH for against loitering munitions and coastal targets.


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Roketsan sold ~400 million $ worth of equipment to the Turkish armed forces this year. An Atmaca missile costs 500k $. So this is a huge purchase of missiles, rockets, smart freefall bombs, cruise missiles, air defense missiles etc. Note that there is a slight mistake in the news it is calculated with current dollar/TL parity(8,5). The dollar value of yearly turnover is in fact around ~550 million $. (3 billion and 830 million TL / 7)

We will see a similar volume of purchases in the next years.


1 821
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Roketsan sold ~400 million $ worth of equipment to the Turkish armed forces this year. An Atmaca missile costs 500k $. So this is a huge purchase of missiles, rockets, smart freefall bombs, cruise missiles, air defense missiles etc. Note that there is a slight mistake in the news it is calculated with current dollar/TL parity(8,5). The dollar value of yearly turnover is in fact around ~550 million $. (3 billion and 830 million TL / 7)

We will see a similar volume of purchases in the next years.
In coming years ..esp when high value /high tech products enter the services ..this value will increase dramatically .. esp with hisars and othe sams/ akkya und other torepdos/ som/ atmaca ... Also they developed armour packages for tanks ... So at least it will be 1 billion $ / year in comming years


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Hisar-A+ and O+ serial production contracts were signed this year. SOM is an ongoing program. The serial production contract was signed years ago. New batches are being delivered periodically. Atmaca serial production contract is also signed this year. A serial production contract for Akya might be signed by year's end.


1 821
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Hisar-A+ and O+ serial production contracts were signed this year. SOM is an ongoing program. The serial production contract was signed years ago. New batches are being delivered periodically. Atmaca serial production contract is also signed this year. A serial production contract for Akya might be signed by year's end.
Regadring som and atmaca ..i think coz of embargos ..the stock of sarfan engines wont allow them to make large deliveries ... When ktj integration begins next year ..imo ... Large orders will be ordered

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