Isn't Uranium fuel stuck in a positive neutron flow turn into plutonium, which then, depending in its usage time in the reactor, is perfectly usable in plutonium based WMDs?
I think we discussed this before.
Yah but it only becomes economical (reactor side) with heavy water as the moderator.
Heavy water is a sweet spot area for neutron transparency (while still slowing them down enough for fission with the U-235 present), so you can essentially "flash" U-238 (regular bulk uranium) to turn into U-239 which immediately turns into Pu-239.
It can then be extracted (fairly quickly) before too much of the Pu-239 then captures another neutron and turns to Pu-240 (which is a contaminant for a bomb that is not easy to get rid of).
This is how a plutonium breeder works....a good
fast conversion rate to Pu-239 from having a intense enough neutron flux due to heavy water (or graphite, but thats lost favour ever since chernobyl).
Light (i.e regular) water by and large absorbs neutrons too easily for breeding to happen feasibly. (The deuterium in heavy water already has a neutron stuck to it and the tritium capture is lot less frequent)
So yes over time you will produce some Plutonium 239 in the fuel rods, but it will be slow process and a bunch will also turn into Pu-240 over that time as the whole thing becomes unfeasible (AFAIK) for breeding compared to heavy water. The neutron flux of regular water just doesnt have the same sweet spot as it absorbs neutrons more readily itself.
VVER in Akkuyu is a Light water reactor.
Heavy water reactors attract lot more IAEA safeguard scrutiny for this very reason as well.
Hence why countries like Iran simply went for centrifuges separately (with the claim this was for just larger expansion of nuclear energy and isotope program etc ) .
They didnt have a Pu generating reactor grandfathered in like say North Korea did with yongbyon using graphite there iirc ....(though the North Koreans have since augmented their fissile production with centrifuges too).
So you generally either need centrifuges and/or the right moderator essentially for fissile production (U-235 and Pu-239 respectively) of any relevant economy/scale/intensity.