Lucky for Turkey instead of altay we got TB2. TB2 did wat no tank could do better and cheaper in asymetric warfare...
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OK, let's say Otokar made a design mistake there. So why did the TSK not want this situation to be corrected in the acceptance tests? As you can see, all roads lead to the TSK, not Otokar.Otokar left armour gap next to gunners periscope. There is only armour plate protection and not armour array. This is Otokar fault...
'sudden enlightenment' is not so sudden when abrams performed superb in 1991 and 2003... still they failed to implement the strenghts of Abrams in Altay...
Turkey could make the best abrams without uranium armor and with efficient diesel engine. Now it is just....meh
This is what stabilization is
Leotay prototype has no stabilization when it was demonstrated. The turret is welded to the bottom part. There are gears between the turret and the bottom part that makes them turn independently. You can find such a solution in older tanks that don't have real stabilization and fire on the move capability. It is good for the show (göz boyama).
No official contract is signed with BMC for Leo2a4 mod because SSB knows BMC has no capability to modernize and trying hard to gain capability. To give them space to gain the ability to upgrade Leo2A4s SSB postpones the official contract. Meanwhile satisfying very urgent needs with another modernization package. This is a similar strategy to waiting for BMC to design its own 8x8 vehicles. You will see that after BMC completes 10000 km tests and live-fire tests of its 8x8 armored vehicle things will gain pace.
For the past 5 years, we are waiting for BMC to design an 8x8 armored vehicle.
For 3+ years to gain the capability to upgrade Leo2A4 tanks
For 5 years to gain the capability to produce Altay.
BMC is working on upgrading Leo2s since 2018. This is a picture from early 2019. People think BMC has just kicked off the project. 3+ years have passed with no modernized tanks in sight. Not even a fully working prototype.
This is a mobility test those bricks are simulating the weight of the add-on armor.
So why did BMC push for Leotay? According to upgrade terms BMC has to remove the old hydraulic-based turret stabilization of Leo2s and replace them with a fully electrical turret. BMC just couldn't do it. It is a big work. Only FNSS, Otokar and Aselsan has that ability. Altay turret is designed as an electrical turret from scratch and blueprints were ready. It is not a bad decision but it is pushed to gain time since they couldn't show an upgraded Leo2A4.
Do you guys think Erdo just fired Ethem and Talip from BMC for the sake of firing someone? If there is no failure why Ethem and Talip are fired and why do Qataris push their complaints as far as to Erdo?
BTW I'm hopeful from 2022.
How nice, they even colored it red to indicate where the points of failure are.Poor BMC... They need to find place for hull ammo to be protected and have blow out panels when ammo extends under the turret cheeks ... They need to redesign this tank from ground up...
BMC should give this messy project back to otokar and let them redesign this tank entirely... They made design faults they should clean up...
We are so lucky to have TB2... No tank could do for Turkey what TB2 has done...
And the army officers responsible for the requirements of this tank should be demoted by two ranks at least and discharged...
View attachment 34126
In a way your argument is correct. But that was only by luck that we found out the deficiencies of our leo2 tanks. Had we not had the costly experiences of the Euphrates Shield and the Afrin conflict we would not be in a position of correcting the mistakes of previous design parameters. This is now helping us in redesigning the Altay, by adding ERA panels and the addition of Akkor. Also strengthening of the old armour.How lucky Turkey was to send leopard into Syria and not altay...
The whole world would laugh at us even more and we would be ashamed even more...
Instead we got glorious TB2 to save our humiliation caused by the leopard...
Good thing that altay is delayed...
I hope it gets scrapped entirely and better design is made...
Can you explain it a little bit?Very bad article made with inflated and wrong figures... Best to ignore...
Please explain and prove your claim with concrete evidence.Very bad article made with inflated and wrong figures... Best to ignore...
Instead of arguing which tank design is best I would suggest reading below article in detail.
ALTAY, Leopard 2A6, Merkava IV ve Abrams’a karşı UMTAS, Hellfire, Spike NLOS ve ATAKA! | SavunmaSanayiST
Bu yazımızda Türkiye, Yunanistan, Mısır ve İsrail'in sahip olduğu en iyi tank ve anti-tank füzelerinwww.savunmasanayist.com