This Altay serial production business is some form of gimmickry to me.
Production is to start in 2025. But first tank will join inventory on 30th August. In fact in 2025 they are envisaging delivery of 3 tanks. (Pls read last paragraph of the below article)
So, 1-1-2-4-8 production speed per month won’t reach 8 per month until May/June 2026.
This is going to be a never ending saga.
Although many people believe that the age of MBTs are over, I don’t think we will see the end of tanks yet. Tanks are the driving force of any land assault unit. They will definitely change form though. Their protection system and armour will become even more substantial. Their use in the battlefield will be different. Certain stealth technologies may be applied to them.
To think that almost a million dollar Akkor system with its limited number of missiles, is going to be used against FPV drones is madness. (See below list) There will be other systems to eliminate those drones.
Just like stealth planes becoming the next norm in aerial warfare, tanks with different protection and assault systems will become the norm. They will not be the steel walls that were once used for protecting the infantry, anymore.
With the proliferation of ATGMs and various drones, tanks need to be changed and redesigned in a big way. With the rate we are going with our Altay production, we will be lucky if we can deliver the first 250 units before these changes become imperative. Before we even complete the delivery of the first batch, the need for redesigning Altay may be on the drawing board.
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanı Haluk Görgün, milli muharip uçak KAAN'ın 2'nci prototipinin görüntüsünü paylaştı. Görgün, KAAN'ın 2028'de teslim...
NOTE: Units marked with an * can be used for light armored vehicles as well. Other systems are solely suited for main battle tanks. While units marked with ** are player designed.