State within a state is your concern, yes I can understand.
But let us have a look on how western media looks at it when soldiers run operation in cities, it is blatantly falsified as "occupation forces in Kurdistan".
Yes we all know the western propaganda, but why are we helping the west to create this propaganda?
Whether we like it or not nowadays media is a very effective weapon, terrorists use the media to play the victim and this is picked up by lobby groups from US to Germany. Result Turkey is embargoed from all sides.
In certain areas we have to give the right picture, inside Turkey it should be police running all operations with all legal procedures attached to it. Use the army fully outside Turkey to smash the terrorists, this adds to a strong picture of Turkey.
The propaganda in the west is the result of the government policies, and not the other way around. What I mean with this is, the "news" they report is a reaction and a product of the governments policies. The government is not influenced by their media, but it is the media that is influenced by the government. This is called "manufactering consent". In other words if their objective is to embargo or sanction, they will always find some reason to do so, whether this reason is based off of fact or not is not relevent or important to them. Politics rely on internal reports, maybe media as well a little to which they base their decisions and policies on. But in general the media's puropse is to "inform" the public rather than themselves. Bad things as well as good things happen always and everywhere regarding what the topic is, who it is or where in the world it is. Media picks and choose only the good or only the bad things on certain topics because they want to convey a certain message or manipulate the public into a certain opinion.
Yes, the western "news" make it look like our soldiers are occupation forces, but this is not due to the actions of Turkish security forces. This is a conscience choice they are making because their objective is not about informing the people with facts, but rather fool the people into believing what the government wishes for people to believe. Heavy fighting in urban area's, sure the news outlets in the west make use of it to put a negative spin on Turkey as a country. But even if there were no heavy fighting in urban area's, they would still find something to use against Turkey (and are doing it), because that is their objective. They make a mosquito into an elephant if you will (Dutch proverb), and use that in such a fashion in however it fills their needs. On the other hand, they choose the ignore all the atroticies that the pkk and ypg are conducting every day, because it is not in their interests to do so. "we are supporting ypg because they are fighting isis" is the same narrative as "WMD's in Iraq", it serves the same purpose in the sense that it convinces everyday people to support their actions and avoid public backlash. They are saying "Kurds" and not "ypg", in other words they are not differentiating between a terrorist organisation and Kurds in general (they did the same with Muslims and isis as well). This serves to give a certain perception that serves their interest (algi yonetiyorlar). I am not saying that our soldiers and citizens should get free rain and not mind their actions, because their actions can be used against us in propaganda because these actions can make their perception management more effective. (mesela bir Kuzey Irakli bir turist Trabzonda Kurt (IKBY) bagragi acip bir hatira fotorafi cektirmek istemisti, bunada bir kac kisi tepki gostermisti ve bu sosyal medyaya dusmustu. Ve bu ne yazik ki pkk icin cok iyi bir propaganda malzemesi olmustu, sadece video'daki olan bitenler degil, altina vatandaslarimiz tarafindan yazilmis yorumlarda propaganda malzemesi olabiliyor. Buda pkk'nin isine yariyor, sozde Turkiye ve Turkler zulm ediyor, Kurt kulturunden ve Kurlerden hazm edemiyorlar algisi ureterek insanlari kandirmaya calisyorlar. Boyle seyler yapip terrorisme prim vermememiz lazim, yani hepimize vatandas ve insan olarak bir sorumluluk dusuyor. Her attigimiz adimda, bu disariya nasil yansir diye sorgulayip atmamiz lazim).
It is not a coincidence that Can Dundar is in Germany. Or that feto and pkk are very active in Europe and USA. Or that Enes Kanter is actively propagandasizing heavily with anti-Turkey rhetoric in US. Enes is unfortunately very good at this and he can be very subtle. Only those that follow Turkish politics and know about feto can read through his lies.
Eskidende Turkiye'yi pkk konusunda kotulerlerdi, eski derken 20, 30 sene oncede bunu yaparlardi, yeni birsey degil. Eskiden hatirliyorum (dogru hatirliyorsam tabi, cunku daha cocuk yada ergen dim), ama Turkiyede pkk tarafinda bir koy basilmisti ve katliam yapilmisti, ama Belcika televizyonu sanki Turk askerleri yapmis gibi gosteriyordu. (Ben Hollanda'da dogdum ve buyudum, ama Belcika'nin Flemenk bolgesi'de Hollanda ile ayni dili konosuyor). Turkiye'yi her konuda bilinc alti olsun, olmasin kotuluyorlar. Hic alakasi olmayan gezi programlari, yada yemek programlarinda bile bazen cok ince sekilde Turkiye'yi kotuluyorlar. Bunu diger ulkeler icinde yapiyorlar (mesela Rusya, Thailand, diger AB ve NATO ulkeleri, vesayre gibi), ama ben bu ulkeler hakkinda (ic ve dis siyasetleri olsun) fazla bilmedigim icin diger ulkeler kotulendigi zaman ben farkina varmiyorum, buda bilmedigim icin bilinc altima yerlesiyor. Boylece damla damla gol oluyor.
Bu Turkiye'dede oluyor (tum dunya'da oluyor), mesela sozcu ve yeni safak gazeteleri, ayni olayda gece gunduz gibi degisiklik gosteriyor, ve her haberlerinde kendi yorumlarini ekliyorlar, neden? Cunku bu iki gazete'de degisik politik parti/ideoloji'yi destekliyor. Bu iki gazete'de (objektif haber yapiyoruz diye bizleri kandiriyor, ama uygulamada subjektif haber yapiyor, ve bundan dolayi ulkemiz kutuplasiyor. Bize dusen objektif ve tarafsiz kaynaklardan heberleri okumak (oda fazla yok malesef, ama objektif olmaya calisanlar var), ve onun yani sira her okudugumuz sey'i dogru olup olmadigini arastirmak.