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Cutting it like that won't be feasible for long. Seems like Azerbaijan is poking and looking for weaknesses.
But does this apply to Nagorno-Karabakh?
Bad news; it looks like Armenians ambushed one Azerbaijani convoy and destroy couple tanks
But does this apply to Nagorno-Karabakh?
Here is the thing though ; If Russia chooses Armenia over Azerbaijan or vice versa woundt that compromise CSTO even more ? Given that both of them are members of CSTO.The technicality of it might be irrelevant. Russians will definitely push both sides towards a ceasefire due to CSTO and to show the world who is the boss in the region. To be honest, If Ruskies do not back Armenia their ability to protect those under CSTO will come under question. Hoping saner minds prevail before this escalates into a bigger regional conflict.
Israel seems to be sending some stuff for Azerbaijan. Interesting thing is how they are using Turkish airspace.
Interesting cooperation here.
Bad news; it looks like Armenians ambushed one Azerbaijani convoy and destroy couple tanks