‘Turkey should take part in solution process in U.Karabakh’
With its strong position in int'l community, Turkey should participate in U.Karabakh solution process: Azerbaijani leader - Anadolu Ajansı

This has relevance to the conflict, I have posted it already but will post it here in case some don't see it.
Canada suspends exports of military drone technology to Turkey
Foreign affairs minister says move is in response to reports about Canadian drone tech in combat The federal government is suspending the export of sophisticated Canadian drone technology to Turkey while Ottawa investigates claims that it is being used by the Azerbaijani military against...defencehub.live
My advise was cleaning up, so that users can follow up on the previous information without having to read all the off-topic... Was only well-meantHe got warning from another mod. He is not banned.
People should treat this forum as a new start, digging back selective drama from other forums can be done all different ways and is not productive...and then use ad-hominem on top...simply to discredit forum in some way for your own personal issue with someone.
But ban means you need to keep doing same thing repeatedly and clearly not taking on board mod's messages to you. There is plenty chances given by warning system.
I think we will just take things from here and stay on topic moving on. Forum will have such moments especially when starting out. I myself would prefer to actively mod only my own country subforum etc.
It is also important to get feedback from members on all these larger issues (or moving same issue of conflict to other regions of world etc for debate), but I feel another thread is more appropriate for that stuff.
This should be focused on or around Karabagh conflict as far as possible.
Lets get back on topic I say. The larger debate is not really going to go away or get easily resolved.
My advise was cleaning up, so that users can follow up on the previous information without having to read all the off-topic... Was only well-meant
Thanks Bro... A much followed thread like this one should stay quite cleanOK, it all got moved to here (we can later change tread title if we want to be more general for complaints/issues/debate regd the forum system at large):
Who keeps deleting my posts?
OK guys, lets get back on topic please. Personally, I don't think tarring any entire country or region as something (either good or bad) is correct. Is everyone living somewhere 100% responsible for the govt/agents that carry out such things as wars and geopolitics etc? It is not a fully...defencehub.live
I think thats an ok compromise to debate other things there etc....past the thread topic itself. Other mods and members can also weigh in as they want.
Looks like the mayor of LA is throwing his support on Armenia. Not good considering Hollywood is the #1 propaganda machine.
abi let me translate what he is saying "what is mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable"- NK was Azerbaijani territory with Armenians having ethnic majority. Armenia invaded and commenced, ethnic cleansing and annexed. Not very different from what Russians did with Ukraine.
- To look it from an different angle, there are ethnic Turks living in all around Balkans. There are couple of Balkan Turks here in this forum too. Then Turkey can do the same with Balkans where ethnic Turks are majority of the population?
They started series of warcrimes by executing POWs, still didn't hand out the bodies because the fact would be relieved.Allah belalarini versin. I saw the pics, they are the worst.
Negotiations underway with Israel over the suspension of arms shipments to Azerbaijan in light of battles in NKR. Estimated that within 2-3 days Israel would stop supplying weapons to AZ.
This is just claim of Armenian ambassador.how is that even possible?
I was talking about calling Armenia an artificial state .Moving the discussion to Homo Erectus and what not doesn't change the fact that Nagorno Karabach was actually a gift from Stalin and Armenians were there a couple of thousand years before Turkic arrival. Hating on Armenians for clinging to their ancestral lands is a Turkic nationalistic knee jerk reaction but don't act surprised that most of the Western world,which is educated, actually knows the history of the region and, naturally, sympathises with the Armenians. That's all.
Canada blocks arms sales to Turkey, like i said.
Its official now.
Armenia is basically the "Israel" of the Turkic world. An artificial thorn placed there by the big powers of the early 1900s in order to constantly stir trouble and keep Turkey separated from its Turkic brothers. They will have to be dealt with in due time.