Balkan Tensions


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Sebrenica genocide has been committed mostly because of anti muslim hatred.
If I know correctly, Turks are a very small minority in Bosnia!

Bruh! Sometime you sounds like Karen who makes everything about herself!😂
Just kidding!😉
He is actually right you know.Serbs have and to this day are calling us Bosniaks,"Turks".
As far as Srebrenica here is a quote from Sreb war criminal Ratko Mladic:
‘We give this town to the Serb nation.... The time has come to take revenge on the Turks.”



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To the Serbs being Muslim meant being Turk.

It used to be this way in the whole of europe. To them a Turk was a Muslim and a Muslim was a Turk. Even today their fear and animosity towards Muslims stems from Turkish Muslim history.

The rest of the muslim world they feel in their hearts they are superior too, however the Turk continues to worry them. This is why any achievement Turks make it receives a level of scrutiny that no other nation receives.

As for the genocidal serbs who liked to advertise they were wiping out the Turks when they committed their genocide on the Muslim slavs, i suspect we are strong enough now to tip the balance against them and their corrupt ways.
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Sebrenica genocide has been committed mostly because of anti muslim hatred.
If I know correctly, Turks are a very small minority in Bosnia!

Bruh! Sometime you sounds like Karen who makes everything about herself!😂
Just kidding!😉

something to understand about Europeans and balkans, is that Muslim = Turk from the longstanding daddy-issues the continent had with the Ottomans, even a hundred years after that dynasty fell.


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something to understand about Europeans and balkans, is that Muslim = Turk from the longstanding daddy-issues the continent had with the Ottomans, even a hundred years after that dynasty fell.

i got that dude on ignore, he's insanely ignorant.

Even the two terrorist attacks from anders brevik and the christchurch guy their primary motivation was hatred of Turks. No european fears pakistan or indian subcontinent Muslims taking them over. Islam in that region has no basis for europeans or the west today, its non factor, its not a consideration.

This was what the leader had to say who committed the genocide in bosnia.

go the minute 12:30 where he says finally the day to take revenge against the Turks has come. He's wiping out Muslim slavs in the year 1996, but as far as the christian European is concerned all Muslims are Turks and thus can be righteously slaughtered.

its gets tiring listen to ignorant muslims talking about Turkish matters, they so ignorant of Turkish european history, they have absolutely no clue whats going on and the difficulties the Turks face.

And what is with certain Muslims who are against hearing the Turkish side of the story? You guys behave like the armenians and greeks who don't like to hear our perspective, even though it directly concerns us.

No where on the internet or the wider media do you hear our side of the story, this forum is one of the few places you can hear and muslims show the most resistance to it.
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Islam and being Muslim was associated with Turks because the Turks were the ones who were running the Middle East as the Europeans no longer faced Arabs or Persians constantly faced the Turks hence why being Muslim was now associated with being a Turk.

Any European who embraced Islam was called a Turk or a renegade or the person who turned into a Turk.

Same thing in Spain any Christian who became a Muslim during Muslim Spain became a Moor which was a word for Arabs and Amazighs of North Africa. Turning Moor.

They treated like it was racial too and cultural not just religion.


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Al right folks! I got your point.
I was just joking with @Ryder!

No need for hard feelings!

I knew, historically Turk-Muslim terms used as synonym by the Europeans, but i didn't knew that is still in dominant use today.

Again, @Ryder @Dmr @Barry thank you all for enlighten me about that.

And for somebody, as always who cannot get over his point without Exaggeration, i should clarify that, i am certainly not refusing to hear Turks perspective nor i am against it.
You should also stop falsely accusing me and some of us, acting like Armenian and Greek nationalist!
it doesnt make any sense.

And before you saying, how subcontinent Muslims is nothing and nothing, you can at least show some respect, as our soldier were there and died fighting on that soil.
and when it comes to Pakistan, they are one of the very few Muslim countries who dared to defied the UN arms embargo and supplied Bosnians with critical arms supplies at that time, which was more significant than just peacekeeping missions.
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Even in India today
Islam and being Muslim was associated with Turks because the Turks were the ones who were running the Middle East as the Europeans no longer faced Arabs or Persians constantly faced the Turks hence why being Muslim was now associated with being a Turk.

Any European who embraced Islam was called a Turk or a renegade or the person who turned into a Turk.

Same thing in Spain any Christian who became a Muslim during Muslim Spain became a Moor which was a word for Arabs and Amazighs of North Africa. Turning Moor.

They treated like it was racial too and cultural not just religion.

Persians have no real significance in the Muslim vs Christian fight. The Arabs faded away quickly after their rise, they were even crushed trying to take Constantinople. Only really Spain and the battle of tours holds some significance in this Muslim vs Christian narrative, but comparatively to the Turks history its holds minor significance in the western conscience.

So anytime the Turks move or non-Turk Muslims in Europe are concerned negative images of the Ottomans are conjured. So when the Muslims in the Balkans an entirely non-Turk white Slavic peoples were being slaughtered, the Turks name was raised to justify it.

We see the Geeks and Armenians play the same game when trying to justify western hatreds of Turkey, they understand that by conjuring up a long dead empire the Ottomans you conjure a part of history where the entire European world feared being conquered and dominated by the Turks. At its very core its racist attack to dehumanise all Turks and indirectly all Muslims.

Now if we Turks don't point this out who will? Western media isnt going to expose what they are doing, Arab owned media isn't going to do it? Meanwhile the Muslim world who should be raising their voices and defending fellow Muslims, are very silent, they don't want to rock the boat.


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Even in India today

Persians have no real significance in the Muslim vs Christian fight. The Arabs faded away quickly after their rise, they were even crushed trying to take Constantinople. Only really Spain and the battle of tours holds some significance in this Muslim vs Christian narrative, but comparatively to the Turks history its holds minor significance in the western conscience.

So anytime the Turks move or non-Turk Muslims in Europe are concerned negative images of the Ottomans are conjured. So when the Muslims in the Balkans an entirely non-Turk white Slavic peoples were being slaughtered, the Turks name was raised to justify it.

We see the Geeks and Armenians play the same game when trying to justify western hatreds of Turkey, they understand that by conjuring up a long dead empire the Ottomans you conjure a part of history where the entire European world feared being conquered and dominated by the Turks. At its very core its racist attack to dehumanise all Turks and indirectly all Muslims.

Now if we Turks don't point this out who will? Western media isnt going to expose what they are doing, Arab owned media isn't going to do it? Meanwhile the Muslim world who should be raising their voices and defending fellow Muslims, are very silent, they don't want to rock the boat.

Still as the Europeans faced Arabs they thought every Muslim was an Arab. Anybody who becomes a Muslim has turned Saracen or Arab or whatever name they had.

When the Turks became the dominant force of the Islamic World it switched from Saracen or Moor to Turks.

Association of the crescent with Islam mainly due to Turkish armies having crescent banners which led to its association as an Islamic symbol as Islam itself does not have an official symbol like the Christians or Jews.

For centuries the Europeans the interacted with the Muslim Turks and the Turks reached the gates of vienna.

The whole discourse has been negative when the New World was discovered the Ottoman invasion of Europe generated more books than the discovery of the Americas itself.

European colonialism was even born to out of Turcophobia. Christopher Columbus voyage was done to generate as much money to start a crusade against the Ottomans. While the Portuguese not only tried to find a trade route but it was bypass the Ottoman empire even launch crusades and take the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
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While the Portuguese not only tried to find a trade route but it was bypass the Ottoman empire even launch a crusade and take the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
in the era of mamluks right? i read somewhere that, sultan selim the first didnt wanted to help mamluks defending holy cities!
dont know if it is true or false.


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in the era of mamluks right? i read somewhere that, sultan selim the first didnt wanted to help mamluks defending holy cities!
dont know if it is true or false.

Mamluks were struggling against the Portuguese.

Mamluks were in turmoil hence Makkah and Madinah were left undefended.

Sultan Selim I grew fustrated as the Mamluks refused help and prefered allying with the enemies of the Ottoman Empire.

Hence the war plus the Ottomans expansion into the Middle East was influenced by territorial expansion, taking the holy cities of Islam, trade routes also access to the Red Sea, expand the Eastern Med and gaining access to the Indian Ocean to connect to India.

Ottomans also had to balance the population the empire had more Christians than Muslims.

Expanding into the East would bring more Muslims into the Empire also would unite most of Anatolia under Ottoman rule.

Expansion into the Middle East ensured a long term health for the Empire.


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Still as the Europeans faced Arabs they thought every Muslim was an Arab. Anybody who becomes a Muslim has turned Saracen or Arab or whatever name they had.

When the Turks became the dominant force of the Islamic World it switched from Saracen or Moor to Turks.

Association of the crescent with Islam mainly due to Turkish armies having crescent banners which led to its association as an Islamic symbol as Islam itself does not have an official symbol like the Christians or Jews.

For centuries the Europeans the interacted with the Muslim Turks and the Turks reached the gates of vienna.

The whole discourse has been negative when the New World was discovered the Ottoman invasion of Europe generated more books than the discovery of the Americas itself.

European colonialism was even born to take out of Turcophobia. Christopher Columbus voyage was done to generate as much money to start a crusade against the Ottomans. While the Portuguese not only tried to find a trade route but it was bypass the Ottoman empire even launch a crusade and take the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.

The issue is that the arab as a threat to europe faded away a long long time ago, in general arab armies are not taken seriously in the west. Even the Ottomans were writing in the 15th century how modern warfare was out their capacity. Isreal defeating them so many times also crushed any international prestige they may have had.

The problem is that the Turks suffer the prejudice directly, we are still treated as enemy and a threat to europe and the west. Not all nations, but mostly the ones that geopolitically matter. This makes it exceptionally difficult for us on all levels. From a social interaction level right up to a state level.

Just look at Ukraine and how much shit gets thrown at Turkey despite Turkey being with Ukraine from day one and doing more for Ukraine then 90% of nations and i'm sure had we been a super power we would have done a hell of a lot more for ukraine then the USA has done.

Long story short we have to counter this dark propaganda. The armenian pashinyon is a good example of how this prejudice negatively effects us. If you look at Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia, only Armenia was the one going around claiming eastern Turkey and parts of Azerbaijan while occupying Azeri land. The Turkish side spent 30 years trying to find a peaceful settlement while the armenians were expansionist and found many Christian nations supporting her ambitions. The war eventually comes and the armenian goes on TV claiming its the Turks who want to establish a new empire and that the west should feel directly threatened by it.

The greeks play a similar game, in cyprus they attempted the illegal annexation and genocide of the entire Turkish Cypriot community, the Turks intervene under legal guarantor rights and today the greeks claim this is an example of Turks wanting to build an empire. They play the same game with the sea of islands or east med sea where they want to take from us and because we resist they claim we are the imperialists.

As Turks we have to find a way to counter this propaganda. If you look at the past 200 years, black propaganda has been the biggest and most succesful weapon used against the Turks.


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When has the USA has not fcked up its foreign policy?

So many L's from the Iranians to the Armenians while maligning their Turkish allies for useless clout.


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Usa literally funneling in money to Pro Russian Serbs of bosnia.

Do the Usa ever investigate this?

Their politicians are such whores no joke. Now they funneled in money to a croat nationalist group which is pro Russian.

Usa is also funneling in money to Armenia meanwhile that same Armenia is allied to Russia and Iran and is effectively a Russian satellite state.

Bob menendez that prick would ignore that of course.

Mehmed Ali

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In Bosnia , it is not priority for USA to stop Russians. The priority is and money spent is dedicated to the intent that Bosnians themselves make Gaza or some kind Apachi reservoir out of themiselvs. In that , they succeeded. I think that in Syria, Azerbaijan they showed that the hatred for Muslims is paramount to their interests.

Mehmed Ali

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When has the USA has not fcked up its foreign policy?

So many L's from the Iranians to the Armenians while maligning their Turkish allies for useless clout.
I have said so many times , we are dealing here with the cults not the political entities as such. When you realise that then the picture becomes much clearer.

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