Breaking News China-US War?


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"The Chinese fleet is becoming more and more dangerous..."
It is not clear to which country you are comparing the Chinese fleet. He
more dangerous than the US Navy???...
Why did you decide that he was becoming "dangerous"? For whom is this dangerous?
Is the American Navy less dangerous?
Indicate in what century the Chinese fleet sank someone or at least threatened someone.
I don't know much about maritime affairs, but I know a little history. Strictly speaking, no special knowledge is needed here. You type the question “The Chinese fleet is dangerous,” and you read about “danger.”
That's exactly what I did.
And I found an interesting article about the expedition of a powerful Chinese fleet led by Admiral Zhen He in... the beginning of the 15th century. (No more mention of the Chinese Navy). But I have not found any danger of the Chinese fleet for the whole world anywhere in 600 years!
The only expedition undertaken by the Chinese in the last 600 years was most likely diplomatic in nature. According to some historians - even of a scientific nature.
Just in case, the huge Chinese fleet during this expedition, having made a trip to the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and East Africa, did not fight with anyone, did not bombard cities and did not occupy overseas countries.
That is, to be objective, the Chinese fleet has never threatened world peace! Explain where you got this cliché about the danger of the Chinese fleet? Which overseas lands did the Chinese fleet occupy?

Now let’s see what the military fleets of the “humane and peace-loving” West did in the world’s oceans and overseas countries.
To tell you? Or do you know how the Spanish Dutch, French, English and other military fleets sank merchant fleets in the world's oceans, bombed defenseless cities, occupied many countries and entire continents! They were engaged in the slave trade! They turned many independent states into colonies! etc.
Yes, China and its navy are becoming increasingly powerful. More powerful than any fleet in the world. But writing fables about its possible danger is already a fantastic genre ;) 😂
Lol all I meant by "dangerous" is more capable. China's Fleet is quickly growing in capability compared to its opponents. Every year the Chinese military becomes more capable of threatening Taiwan and presenting a strong challenge to the U.S. led regional support for Taiwan.

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