Korean.I guess.Depends on tech level and the solutions we can offer. I predict that a rival will be created to try restricting Turkeys markwt share and tech sharing/exporting. The rival will produce assembled tech that comes from west. Imo Italy is usually the o e fulfilling that role.
They will provide Korean the drone and jet and heli tech to suppress Turkiye in all the area.
K2 Altay
K9 T-155-2
FA50 Hurjet
KF21 Kaan
Naval ships
And new Heli and drone to match Baykar and TUSAS.
Unlike westeren,Korean can proivde good terms and price without Political question
Turkey positions Type 209, 214 submarines for Indonesia's third Nagapasa batch
Turkish naval shipbuilder Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret (STM) has made a formal presentation on its Type 214 and Type 209 submarine designs to senior...

Malaysia Prefers Korean TA-50 over TUSAŞ’s Hürjet | TURDEF
ROK sole aircraft manufacturer KAI, announced a $920 million contract to sell 18 fighter jets to Malaysia, with the first due for delivery in 2026.

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