This should be approached with caution unless the Egyptian government takes concrete steps regarding Libya and Eastmed. Let them buy overpriced and downgraded western products if necessary.
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Erdogan deserves a death sentence if he ever accepted such a deal tbhEgypt shows interest in manufacturing Turkish HISAR surface-to-air missiles locally
Citing the Turkish government, diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt are maintained at the level of Chargés d’affaires on both sides since 2013. The two Ministers of Foreign Affairs meet regularly on different occasions. Turkey’s Embassy in Cairo and Consulate General in Alexandria as well as Egypt’s Embassy in Ankara and Consulate General have regular meetings.
Egypt is a major commercial partner of Turkey in the African continent. Turkish and Egyptian businesspersons maintain close contact and continue to realize reciprocal visits.
The HİSAR is a family of short, medium and long-range surface-to-air missile systems being developed by Roketsan and Aselsan since 2007. The missiles are developed by Roketsan, while most sensors and electronics are developed by Aselsan. The missile family consists of two air defense missile systems including the HİSAR-A and the HİSAR-O.
The HISAR-A / HISAR-A+ is the short-range version in the HISAR family. Both HISAR-A versions are based on a tracked armored vehicle ACV-30 manufactured by the Turkish Company FNSS. The missile of the HISAR-A has a maximum altitude of 5 km and a maximum overall range of 15 km (at sea level). The HİSAR-A short-altitude uses a high explosive fragmentation warhead, which can be equipped with impact and proximity fuses to effectively destroy airborne targets flying at medium altitudes.
The HISAR-O / HISAR-O+ is the medium-range air defense missile system of the HISAR family. The missile launcher unit is mounted at the rear of a Mercedes-Benz Zetros 6x6 military truck chassis. The missile of the HISAR-A has a maximum altitude of 10 km and a maximum overall range of 25 km
Egypt shows interest in manufacturing Turkish HISAR surface-to-air mis
According to information published by the "Tactical Report" website on April 1, 2022, Egypt could be interested to cooperate with the Turkish Defense
On the contrary it is wise to sell our older generation weapons systems to Egypt with many favorable consequences.Erdogan deserves a death sentence if he ever accepted such a deal tbh
Older generation? Come on mate, you just had Hisar A entering service 2 years ago FFS!On the contrary it is wise to sell our older generation weapons systems to Egypt with many favorable consequences.
We make money
We prevent sales of competing products
They become dependent on us for those systems and future versions
People of the country becomes friendlier
Opens possibility of further sales to and further revenues from Egypt and other countries
Overall makes us safer from possible Egyptian aggression
Makes Greek the reporter furious and Greeks realize worlds realities
Risks are minimal as in this kind of sales some key elements are only provided ready made.
Older generation? Come on mate, you just had Hisar A entering service 2 years ago FFS!
how is this old?
Even the US doesnt allow foreign nations to manufacture their shitty Patriots, lool. Let that sink in for a while bro
Making money isnt the main purpose of a defense industry but gaining sovereignity and the ability to protect oneself is tha main goal; making money is just some sort of bonus
Moreover, what makes you think that Egypt wont sell such tech to Greece? You really need to understand that dictatorial regimes will always want a mole or supporter within the West and rn there is none better than Greece to protect Egyptian Sisi from human rights abuses, sanctions, and claims by the EU.
Moreover, Sisi hates all forms of democracy within Muslim nations; thus, if Turkey remains a democracy, a non-ass licker, and has geopolitical ambitions to grow and spread its infoluence, then Turkey will always be the number 1 enemy for dictatorial regimes especially when most Muslim nations compare their peaders against Erdo and how Turkey is still democratic till this date
Politics is way more complicated than you think
This is a big opportunity to start the beginning of the dominance of Turkish defense sector in the middle east. While Russia is down and the west is unfriendly and at a time when Türkiye is ready to unleash its defense sector products out the doors there will be fast paced developments from here after.
Hisar-A, Hisar-A+ and Hisar-O even our own military just passed on them and only received Hisar-O+.
Paradigm changes happen and a new world order is impending, opportunities arise for those who see them.
Remember they were Ottomans just like Albania was.
We can still see how attached Greeks are to Türkiye. I won't be surprised when Greece stops bickering with Türkiye when we are over 90% self reliant in technology. Greece only lacks a good amount of Muslim population. Even Armenia can follow suit.We can dominate the sector with non-strategic weapon systems. Egypt can foot the cost of developing their own surface to air missile, with Roketsan giving assistance - that way they are more dependent and less open to foreign interference.
I don't know what you mean by our own military passing over HISAR-A and O. Our military wanted the specs they wanted, they got their missiles and then requested for more capability which Roketsan achieved. Just because production cycle of A/O stopped in favour of A+/O+ doesn't mean they are bad missiles. Also, the army didn't skip over A+ - they are used in the tracked ACV-30 which provides low-altitude cover.
This isn't a paradigm change, just a very short lived blimp in the grand scheme of things.
Greeks were Ottomans too, and ?
If you wanna Turkey to dominate the defense market then you do so by providing UNDOUBTABLE TOP TIER WEAPONS and not by offering ToT willy nilly for a few bucks and just lay the ground for new competitors to enter the market after they obtain such tech that normally takes 20 years in just a month of negotiations.This is a big opportunity to start the beginning of the dominance of Turkish defense sector in the middle east. While Russia is down and the west is unfriendly and at a time when Türkiye is ready to unleash its defense sector products out the doors there will be fast paced developments from here after.
Firstly, just because the army didnt buy in bulk doesnt mean it is bad And so what if the army didnt buy the Hisar missiles till date? They are only doing so because they know that Aselsan and Rocketsan are still improving the system and Ismail Demir said that in any new weapons system, they initially buy a small batch to test it and provide feedback for improvements and then buy in bulkHisar-A, Hisar-A+ and Hisar-O even our own military just passed on them and only received Hisar-O+.
A new world order is certainly shaping up I agree and I also agree on the fact that Turkey should seize the opportunity by expanding its influence; however, I want Turkey to rise by political dominance and not by selling tech that Turks worked their asses for. Certainly political dominance is coupled with 60% hard power and 40% soft power but at the end being the only one with such tech gives you a GREAT LEVERAGE over other peopleParadigm changes happen and a new world order is impending, opportunities arise for those who see them.
Remember they were Ottomans just like Albania was.
So? That still doesnt justify giving Egypt the Hisar defence systems
Pls tell me when did the Hisar program start? I believe in 2007 the desihn phase started; in other words, this is the result of Turkey working its ass off for more than 13 years and these are coupled with the blackmailing, embargoes, less investments and poor image worldwide just to build such systems and now you wanna give such systems to foreign nations within a few minutes for a few bucks? Insanity
If you wanna Turkey to dominate the defense market then you do so by providing UNDOUBTABLE TOP TIER WEAPONS and not by offering ToT willy nilly for a few bucks and just lay the ground for new competitors to enter the market after they obtain such tech that normally takes 20 years in just a month of negotiations.
A prime example is Tb2; at first none knew of its specs but after being battle tested, most nations are offering to buy it without any special conditions.... Period! You will always get a chance to test such weapons since humans in general love warfare
Firstly, just because the army didnt buy in bulk doesnt mean it is bad And so what if the army didnt buy the Hisar missiles till date? They are only doing so because they know that Aselsan and Rocketsan are still improving the system and Ismail Demir said that in any new weapons system, they initially buy a small batch to test it and provide feedback for improvements and then buy in bulk
A new world order is certainly shaping up I agree and I also agree on the fact that Turkey should seize the opportunity by expanding its influence; however, I want Turkey to rise by political dominance and not by selling tech that Turks worked their asses for. Certainly political dominance is coupled with 60% hard power and 40% soft power but at the end being the only one with such tech gives you a GREAT LEVERAGE over other people
Finally, Yes Albanians and Egyptians were Ottomans before but I would like to remind you that it is because of some pricks within these 2 nations that the Ottoman got a lot weaker; certainly the ottomans themselves did play a role in it as well; I mean even the Greeks were Ottomans as well. You should learn that many different cultures will eventually lead to ruin especially if Arabs are an integral part of them since (throughout history) they are easily decieved and easily succumb to temptation amd treason to rise to a higher level of power
All what I wanna say is that while geopolitical trend changes, history doesnt and currently it is WAY TOO DANGEROUS to sell any sort of sophisticated tech to Egypt
Turkey should learn from its history and grow to become an insatiable beast that other countries will do whatever it takes to appease Turkey in order for Turkey to lend its support to them <<<<<<<<<This is the goal Turkey should strive to achieve
This is my first entry and I would like to say Hisar A/ O happen to be very strategic as the SAMs could waste an Air force . Moreover Hisars are last gen.Hisar A/O isn't strategic weapon by any stretch of imagination. Thus it should be available to any country with cash. Especially considering its defensive weapon not an offensive one.
BOOM! There it is.A really nice speech from Pakistan's military on why some nations flock to the Chinese axis
Martin Herem, Chief of Staff of Estonia:
"Turkey has a very strong industry in the production of all kinds of equipment and weapons that we may need."
"We are interested in all your air defense capabilities. It is too early to say whether we will have a specific contract."