Roketsan produces a 122mm and 230mm rocket munition that can be fired from drones like Akinci and probably TB3.
Trg122 missile (122mm diameter) has a weight of 76kg and when fired from air should have a range of about 70-80km.
There is also a trg230 (230mm diameter) with a weight of 215kg and if fired from air can hit targets 150 km away with precision. As TB3s has a maximum capacity of 280kg, it may be just about capable to carry one Trg230. But should easily accommodate the trg122 missiles.
KHAN missile is a land launched twin canister solid fuelled rocket system like the above missiles. It is 600mm in diameter, 450kg explosive payload with a range of just under 300km. It can hit targets with pin point accuracy.
Atmaca is a 890 kg weight anti ship missile powered by a solid fuel booster and a locally manufactured turbojet engine that can easily sink frigates with it’s 250kg warhead. It has a range in excess of 250km. It can hit all surface platforms with precision. It can be fired from land or sea platforms.