Grand Charles
Active member
You're rightCommon day/month etc.
Turkiye usa
tomato pirce: 1kg = 6,12 TL 1= 6,7 dollars
Pants 1 = 40 TL 1= 40 dollars
Fuel: 1lit = 9.57 TL avarge 5km perday 1lit= 0.90 dollars avarge 30km per day
I can continue but if you CAN understand that Turkiye citizens are NOT in BAD position.
Buuuut Lot of people DO NOT want to understand. THEY ONLY CARE to COMAPRE with EXCHANGE MONEY
SO in this situation WE COPARE 1 vs 1
Turkiye usa
Apple phone
13 800 TL ? 1060 dollars
Car 280 000TL 30 000 dollars
Yes in second case it is BAD. Why?
1. Turkiye DO NOT produced! SO EXCHANGE TL vs $
2. PRIVATE sector -> companies and people FUCKED TL. Why they GOT LOAN from Foreigner BANKS -> EXCHNAGE TL vs $
This above is the main source of DRIVING Turkiye economy to shit.
IT IS NOT goverment Finacial person. YES They make mistakes but NOT THAT BIG to bring economy down.
People living in the County have The POWER to fuck the economy Step by STEP by Buying and taking LOANS -> From Foreigner BANKS and Foreigner PRoducts->
Why ? Because They are Greeeed and WANT TOys
Situation Related to Gov-> Country Debts or asset warants of Turkiye -> Which are Related to goverment Finacial person Decition
Turkiey Debts
Goverment related 28%
Private Sector related 70%
Private sector keeeeeeeep pushing TL DOOOOOOOOWN
As long as Turkey does not produce enough, taxes make it possible to reduce foreign imports.
Without taxes the trade balance would be bankrupt.
All those Turks who criticize and produce nothing want to sink the country for their personal comfort