I've noticed that you stay silent on somethings, but appear to defend AKP on others
May I ask, what do you think of this:
Seydişehir Alüminyum nasıl mı peşkeş çekildi ?
Seydişehir Alüminyum AKP hükümetinin 10 yıllık iktidarı boyunca sattığı-özelleştirdiği fabrikalardan yalnızca birisi… 2005 yılında satılan fabrika için Danıştay’ın 2007 yılında aldığı iptal kararı uygulanmazken, iadesi geren fabrika için ÖYK’nın açmış olduğu dava da çekilince fabrika patron...haber.sol.org.tr
Danistay rules the sale of Aluminum factory in Seydisehir illegal. But AKP still finds a way to let their "friend" CE-KA Insaat keep the factory.
You never answered back on the Kütahya airport either.
Dude, I am not a journalist, I am not getting paid for answering such questions. I am not a politician either. I am an ordinary citizen minding his work. I only answered on this matter because it is brought up often and it is a social matter as well. Such and such aluminum factory or a small airport somewhere are trivial matters. Do you know that such matters of economy are not really a blessing to their owners and sometimes they are disaster to whoever touches it?
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