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It is a matter of fate; most of our actions are reactions to somebody else's actions. Defending you rights sometimes requires showing teeth. And the counterpart is supported by some other opponent that has a long reach and makes them stand against you. If it wasn't for Israel we wouldn't have those Arabs standing against us. Israel holds Arabs by their balls by holding their money deposited in American banks as ransom accusing them of being behind 911. Situation will continue like this until Turkey fully becomes the party anyone has to recon with and stand down.
orrrr ya know.. fix relationships with Israel?


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You still insist on seeing this as black and white. It was RTE mouth that started bringing us at odds with Israel, and it went bad from "one minute".

So you're saying we shouldn't fix our relationship with Egypt either, you should call RTE and tell him to give up on that endeavor ?

You can't even explain the damn tenders AKP are making where they backtrack on a lot of crap they spew about contracts in foreign currency and inflict extraordinary cost on the state. Filling the pockets of their own faction, who then move their wealth abroad.

To hunt down these traitors he's going to reveal account details of all citizens living and working abroad who bring currency back to Turkey to invest.

3 mio. in Germany, 5 mio in France, UK 4-500k, 80-100k in Denmark etc. All of these ppl have brought money back to Turkey ever since the first Gurbetci. That's betrayel.

He looks like a dead fish on every picture taken.


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You still insist on seeing this as black and white. It was RTE mouth that started bringing us at odds with Israel, and it went bad from "one minute".

So you're saying we shouldn't fix our relationship with Egypt either, you should call RTE and tell him to give up on that endeavor ?

You can't even explain the damn tenders AKP are making where they backtrack on a lot of crap they spew about contracts in foreign currency and inflict extraordinary cost on the state. Filling the pockets of their own faction, who then move their wealth abroad.

To hunt down these traitors he's going to reveal account details of all citizens living and working abroad who bring currency back to Turkey to invest.

3 mio. in Germany, 5 mio in France, UK 4-500k, 80-100k in Denmark etc. All of these ppl have brought money back to Turkey ever since the first Gurbetci. That's betrayel.

He looks like a dead fish on every picture taken.
Any proof that he fills pockets of his faction?

You are only looking at things from your vantage point at a distance and caring your own benefits.
We are living in a democracy and people have rights to vote.
And the leadership will consider the well being of the entire nation and not just your cohort.


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Any proof that he fills pockets of his faction?

You are only looking at things from your vantage point at a distance and caring your own benefits.
We are living in a democracy and people have rights to vote.
And the leadership will consider the well being of the entire nation and not just your cohort.
It is no more different than you mate. In fact what irks ppl like me is that you don't seem capable of criticizing RTE and AKP at all.

It is this inherent trait that is dominating AKP supporters.

But we already know that we don't share same views nor even when it comes to accountability. Then perhaps you can explain the lack of transparency on those dealings ?

I even made a thread for the purpose of gathering information on tender processes both good and bad.

So if you are so sure about your favorite team by all means give us examples of tender processes. You'll find your answer to "faction" there as well.


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What you are suggesting is give up all your claims and surrender. Be the sick man of world, pathetic.
Lol I have no idea how you got that comment out of my message, but whatever I’m not gonna argue with someone this hostile


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Lol I have no idea how you got that comment out of my message, but whatever I’m not gonna argue with someone this hostile
Don't worry, allow yourself some time, like a couple decades and you will start to understand the big picture.
By the way I don't remember having responded to you. Hell, I am not even aware of you existence.


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It is no more different than you mate. In fact what irks ppl like me is that you don't seem capable of criticizing RTE and AKP at all.

It is this inherent trait that is dominating AKP supporters.

But we already know that we don't share same views nor even when it comes to accountability. Then perhaps you can explain the lack of transparency on those dealings ?

I even made a thread for the purpose of gathering information on tender processes both good and bad.

So if you are so sure about your favorite team by all means give us examples of tender processes. You'll find your answer to "faction" there as well.
I will not get too much into actual processes that governs the government deals as I am not involved in them. But as an outsider I know about AK Parti as one of my family members is a member of it and I participate in their activities from time to time. In one party gathering an attendee meant he expected a job position in the local government and he was properly warned that party activities are voluntary work and no benefits are given for their efforts. Also unlike some minority parties AK Parti is a majority party and will not observe benefits of individuals but the benefit of the people at large. This is reflected throughout its existence and that's how you can attract majority approval.

Criticizing Erdoğan: I have never found an opportunity to criticize him. Everything he does I can find a good reason for it when I think about it. Those that criticize him only look at the matters from their perspective and are selfish or short sighted. People are fallible but Erdoğan is someone that I found for myself is the least fallible among politicians found anywhere, anytime.
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I will not get too much into actual processes that governs the government deals as I am not involved in them. But as an outsider I know about AK Parti as one of my family members is a member of it and I participate in their activities from time to time. In one party gathering an attendee meant he expected a job position in the local government and he was properly warned that party activities are voluntary work and no benefits are given for their efforts. Also unlike some minority parties AK Parti is a majority party and will not observe benefits of individuals but the benefit of the people at large. This is reflected throughout its existence and that's how you can attract majority approval.

Criticizing Erdoğan: I have never found an opportunity to criticize him. Everything he does I can find a good reason for it when I think about it. Those that criticize him only look at the matters from their perspective and are selfish or short sighted. People are fallible but Erdoğan is someone that I found for myself is the least fallible among politicians found anywhere, anytime.

Lol, omg you're a lowlevel party supporter. Well, nothing wrong about that we have that here in Denmark too, and even my cousins, uncles did that in the past.

Do you really think lowlevel ppl like you or others get anything from that volunteer work ? Of course not. You don't have deep pockets.

So no criticizing, I guess that refugee deal was a brilliant move, appointing his own son in law was another awesome move.

See what DAP Yapi made: (it's a comedy).

And from Birgun newspaper.

AKP’li Üsküdar Belediyesi’nden bir hukuksuzluk daha: 35 yıllık parkı DAP Yapı için yıktılar​

Üsküdar’daki 35 yıllık park yıkıldı, ardından da DAP Yapı için yol yapma çalışmaları başlatıldı. Bölge sakinleri tepkili: “Mahallelinin, çocukların oynadığı, nefes aldığı parkı DAP Yapı’ya vermeye, ağaçları kesmeye kim-senin hakkı yok.”​

AKP’li Üsküdar Belediyesi’nden bir hukuksuzluk daha: 35 yıllık parkı DAP Yapı için yıktılar


İstanbul Üsküdar Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park ‘yol yapımı’ gerekçesiyle yıkıldı. Validebağ Korusu’nun karşısındaki eski subay lojmanları, ilk olarak DAP Yapı’ya verildi. Sonrasında da DAP Yapı, alanda inşaata başladı. İnşaatın tamamlanmasının ardından binalardan sokağa çıkış yolu kalmadığı anlaşılınca çıkmaz sokak olan Çamlık Sokağı, Tophanelioğlu Caddesi’ne bağlanarak çıkar hale getirmek istendi. Bu kapsamda da Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park yıkıldı. DAP Yapı için yol yapma çalışmaları başlatılırken bugün alana giden mahalleli tepki gösterdi. Yıkılan parkın deprem toplanma alanı olduğu öğrenildi.


Bölge sakinlerinden yapılan açıklamada, şöyle denildi:

“Üsküdar Belediyesi'nden yeni bir hukuksuzluk daha... Bu sefer Barbaros Mahallesi Çamlık Sokak ile ilgili. Bilindiği üzere Validebağ Korusu karşısındaki subay lojmanları DAP Yapı'ya verilmişti. DAP Yapı bütün bu alana inşaat yapmış ancak 1 metrekareyi bile kullanmak için bu binalardan sokağa çıkış yolu bırakmamıştır. Bu durum hem imar hukukuna hem çevre düzenlemesine aykırı. Hilmi Türkmen de ‘DAP Yapı rahat etsin ve biraz daha para kazansın’ diye, çıkmaz sokak olan Çamlık Sokağı, Tophanelioğlu Caddesi’ne bağlayarak çıkar sokak yapmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu konuda alınmış hiçbir izin, meclis kararı yoktur. Hilmi Türkmen’in şahsi tasarrufu ile Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park yıkılarak, DAP Yapı’ya fiili olarak yol yapma imkânı verilmiştir. Koca arazide sokağa çıkış için yol bırakmamışlar, parkı yıkıp kendilerine yol yapıyorlar. Mahallelinin, çoluk çocuğunun oynadığı, nefes aldığı, parkı DAP Yapı’ya vermeye, ağaçları kesmeye kimsenin hakkı yoktur. Burası kamu arazisi biz de kamuyuz. Sokak halkı ve tüm mahalle direniyor. Hilmi Türkmen bu hukuksuzluğa son ver, parkımızı rahat bırak.”


Mate you simply refuse to look at all the crap around you. There is so much crap that we don't know where to begin. I'm not saying CHP or any other party is any better, but as long as they are accounting for their spendings and are transpared, they're way better than AKP.

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Lol, omg you're a lowlevel party supporter. Well, nothing wrong about that we have that here in Denmark too, and even my cousins, uncles did that in the past.

Do you really think lowlevel ppl like you or others get anything from that volunteer work ? Of course not. You don't have deep pockets.

So no criticizing, I guess that refugee deal was a brilliant move, appointing his own son in law was another awesome move.

See what DAP Yapi made: (it's a comedy).

And from Birgun newspaper.

AKP’li Üsküdar Belediyesi’nden bir hukuksuzluk daha: 35 yıllık parkı DAP Yapı için yıktılar​

Üsküdar’daki 35 yıllık park yıkıldı, ardından da DAP Yapı için yol yapma çalışmaları başlatıldı. Bölge sakinleri tepkili: “Mahallelinin, çocukların oynadığı, nefes aldığı parkı DAP Yapı’ya vermeye, ağaçları kesmeye kim-senin hakkı yok.”​

AKP’li Üsküdar Belediyesi’nden bir hukuksuzluk daha: 35 yıllık parkı DAP Yapı için yıktılar


İstanbul Üsküdar Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park ‘yol yapımı’ gerekçesiyle yıkıldı. Validebağ Korusu’nun karşısındaki eski subay lojmanları, ilk olarak DAP Yapı’ya verildi. Sonrasında da DAP Yapı, alanda inşaata başladı. İnşaatın tamamlanmasının ardından binalardan sokağa çıkış yolu kalmadığı anlaşılınca çıkmaz sokak olan Çamlık Sokağı, Tophanelioğlu Caddesi’ne bağlanarak çıkar hale getirmek istendi. Bu kapsamda da Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park yıkıldı. DAP Yapı için yol yapma çalışmaları başlatılırken bugün alana giden mahalleli tepki gösterdi. Yıkılan parkın deprem toplanma alanı olduğu öğrenildi.


Bölge sakinlerinden yapılan açıklamada, şöyle denildi:

“Üsküdar Belediyesi'nden yeni bir hukuksuzluk daha... Bu sefer Barbaros Mahallesi Çamlık Sokak ile ilgili. Bilindiği üzere Validebağ Korusu karşısındaki subay lojmanları DAP Yapı'ya verilmişti. DAP Yapı bütün bu alana inşaat yapmış ancak 1 metrekareyi bile kullanmak için bu binalardan sokağa çıkış yolu bırakmamıştır. Bu durum hem imar hukukuna hem çevre düzenlemesine aykırı. Hilmi Türkmen de ‘DAP Yapı rahat etsin ve biraz daha para kazansın’ diye, çıkmaz sokak olan Çamlık Sokağı, Tophanelioğlu Caddesi’ne bağlayarak çıkar sokak yapmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu konuda alınmış hiçbir izin, meclis kararı yoktur. Hilmi Türkmen’in şahsi tasarrufu ile Çamlık Sokak’taki 35 yıllık park yıkılarak, DAP Yapı’ya fiili olarak yol yapma imkânı verilmiştir. Koca arazide sokağa çıkış için yol bırakmamışlar, parkı yıkıp kendilerine yol yapıyorlar. Mahallelinin, çoluk çocuğunun oynadığı, nefes aldığı, parkı DAP Yapı’ya vermeye, ağaçları kesmeye kimsenin hakkı yoktur. Burası kamu arazisi biz de kamuyuz. Sokak halkı ve tüm mahalle direniyor. Hilmi Türkmen bu hukuksuzluğa son ver, parkımızı rahat bırak.”


Mate you simply refuse to look at all the crap around you. There is so much crap that we don't know where to begin. I'm not saying CHP or any other party is any better, but as long as they are accounting for their spendings and are transpared, they're way better than AKP.

There is no low level or high level about supporting a party. I have been a ballot box attendant too if you want to know, that is not any higher level but that is commitment. By the same token, low level is the level when you don't support at all.

Bringing up trivial stuff with arguable truthfullnes and credibility is being a lowly supporter.


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There is no low level or high level about supporting a party. I have been a ballot box attendant too if you want to know, that is not any higher level but that is commitment. By the same token, low level is the level when you don't support at all.

Bringing up trivial stuff with arguable truthfullnes and credibility is being a lowly supporter.
Congratulation, you focus on an insignificant part of my post and completely ignore the rest.

Ignorance must be a bliss.


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I just came back to answer the rest of your post in a separate message to put the deserved weight on the matter and found you bitching about not getting enough attention.

Leaders work with people who will help maximize their performance. In his 18 year office as a party leader and 47 year political life since the age of 18 how many of his kin or family have you seen him place in respectable positions, 1 , just 1 (one). In so many years and only one relative gets a political position which is not even his own son. Are you accusing this person for doing so? Can you say that the person in question is not fit for the position he is filling? He is a champion of a minister, making public appearances in every media and talking about his job while he doesn't really have to and putting all that effort and facing the heat and pressure of a ruler who won't bid an eyelid to remove him from where he stands at a moments notice. I don't see a tiny bit of downside to placing his son in law in ministerial positions. It is a position of giving and not taking.


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I just came back to answer the rest of your post in a separate message to put the deserved weight on the matter and found you bitching about not getting enough attention.

Leaders work with people who will help maximize their performance. In his 18 year office as a party leader and 47 year political life since the age of 18 how many of his kin or family have you seen him place in respectable positions, 1 , just 1 (one). In so many years and only one relative gets a political position which is not even his own son. Are you accusing this person for doing so? Can you say that the person in question is not fit for the position he is filling? He is a champion of a minister, making public appearances in every media and talking about his job while he doesn't really have to and putting all that effort and facing the heat and pressure of a ruler who won't bid an eyelid to remove him from where he stands at a moments notice. I don't see a tiny bit of downside to placing his son in law in ministerial positions. It is a position of giving and not taking.

Talking is what he's doing, and has always been good with words. That is also partly why he had so much support.

But the moment you can't back it up with accountability and transparency you get the current situation. AKP and RTE doing a lot of things that they are not held accountable for.

I even provided some sources for you to look into and you can even discredit them if you can find better information.

I once asked for a better explanation on Kütahya aiport since that one is a prime example of what AKP and RTE ALSO stands for.


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Don't worry, allow yourself some time, like a couple decades and you will start to understand the big picture.
By the way I don't remember having responded to you. Hell, I am not even aware of you existence.
Holy shit you either have a split personality disorder/have functional illiteracy/plain delusional or a troll which is highly probable. I love the “you don’t see the big picture” comment btw


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Talking is what he's doing, and has always been good with words. That is also partly why he had so much support.

But the moment you can't back it up with accountability and transparency you get the current situation. AKP and RTE doing a lot of things that they are not held accountable for.

I even provided some sources for you to look into and you can even discredit them if you can find better information.

I once asked for a better explanation on Kütahya aiport since that one is a prime example of what AKP and RTE ALSO stands for.
I will leave the task of dwelling on trivial stuff to your attention.


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Guys, lets take a cpl steps back from ad-hominem stuff. It leads to nowhere in debate. Just saying.


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TCMB didn't raised the interest rates today and dollar and euro skyrocketed to new heights.
Sry but every child could forsee this reaction from the market if they didn't raise the interest rates (at least a symbolic raise). Now it's a matter of time till lira reaches the two digit threshold (euro).

I think this isn't a healthy development for the lira and the economy. You need a stable currency for a stable economy.


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TCMB didn't raised the interest rates today and dollar and euro skyrocketed to new heights.
Sry but every child could forsee this reaction from the market if they didn't raise the interest rates (at least a symbolic raise). Now it's a matter of time till lira reaches the two digit threshold (euro).

I think this isn't a healthy development for the lira and the economy. You need a stable currency for a stable economy.

What are the major drivers of the Lira exchange rate decline lately?

Is it more current account driven? (i.e worsening exports compared to imports, less forex remittances back to turkey etc)

Or more capital account driven (loan servicing/repayments coming due more than before, lower foreign investment, turkish capital flight etc)?

I haven't studied Turkey's recent economy all that much.

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