Pay with what, sell of Turkish lands ?
The issue here is that RTE and AKP has been spending money without budget discipline, even overspending, and add to that screwing up the economy. So the first step to 0 interest is, you clear off your debt, and then you build up stockpiles of valuables amounting to 1,5 times GDP. Lastly you only spend money when you have it in your treasury, but never overspending and sticking to budget discipline, yet never going beyond 0 (balance economy).
That would effectively mean an end to RTE construction projects, even Canal Istanbul would die.
Add to this if you stopped construction projects you'd have unemployment en mass.
Back to the issue, who the hell would lend you money for 0 in interest!
If the Lira is just freed from monetary intervention, the consequence is the debt would be like doubled or something. I think some one in Turkey should hire Indonesian economist who have been dealing with Asian Financial Crisis.
There is retired Indonesian Economist that has experienced in dealing with extreme lost of currency value. You can see our currency at 1997 is valued at 2500 and then up to 16.000 per USD only within a year in 1998
Prof. Dr. Anwar Nasution is a professor of economics at the University of Indonesia, where he specializes in applied macroeconomic theory, monetary economics, and international economics.
Over the years, Anwar has been published by ISEAS of Singapore, RoutledgeCurzon, University of Chicago Press, University of Michigan Press, Praeger, Maruzen, MacMillan, Lynn Rienner Publishers, OECD, and Oxford University Press.
From 1968-1975, Anwar worked at the Ministry of Finance, and from 1985-1994, served as economic advisor to the minister for Cooperatives of Indonesia. From 1982-1983, he was an economic consultant for Bank Indonesia, the central bank of Indonesia, and in July 1999 was appointed as senior deputy governor of the central bank, a position that he held until 2004. In October 2004, he was appointed chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic Indonesia.
He has been a consultant to UNESCAP, UNECLAC, USAID, ADB, the World Bank, IMF, and MITI of Japan; a member of International Advisory Group of Finance Forum of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the Asian Economic Panel, and the Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies of San Francisco; an international associate member of the Ministry of Finance of Japan, the American Economic Association, and American Committee on Asian Economic Studies (ACAES); vice chairman of the Indonesian Economists Association; and country director of East Asia Economic Association.