It seems classic case of undermine judiciary, create/enlarge a public-private miasma of "apparatchik" bureaucrat-corporatists (buddies-lobbies-supporters-favours-bribes"R"us-$$$-cha-ching) and then profit off it while pointing above or across the sea or anywhere else thats not perpetuate more of it for the chosen few.
Its a proven model for greedy powerful thugs everywhere....they just insert into whatever society's psyche issues are.... to act as biggest cover for what they do.
My buddy @Deliorman pic is so telling for it:
i.e broad daylight theft at this scale....and there's still people supporting and justifying it....unbelievable....
People so in love with whatever politician/party are a real problem in general. Not to mention it severely occludes their vision of the actual nation (as a whole). They cannot be proper nationalist.
They have no basic sense that you are supposed to pit parties AGAINST each other, not let them pit you (the people) against other people....I mean are we human beings or are we sheep and cattle?
Whats the point of a laundered/greyed version of hobbesian system after all the lessons we have learned since? Get away from that @#$@%$ as far as you can! It always ends up bad for us down here...can't we all see it and learn for God's sake?
Imagine how many of the world's problems are solved if 100% of the population are swing voters, instead of having large % of captive vote dunderheads stuck in the mud.
Imagine the bargaining power we would realise against the gated snotty-nosed snobs of the powerful and influential..."powdering" noses and engaging in ballroom dances and silly walks far from any actual reality.
For Turkey, it is current span of 10 - 20 years w.r.t it's population's overall capacity/permeation/entrenchment for its local variant of unprincipled emotionalist delusion and angst.
Hope it stops ASAP and Turkey can get itself back to more rational pragmatic order this decade. The costs are mounting.
India is in its version of it too, we are about 7 years in one version of it (others preceded it in different ways and in different areas - a long disturbing story in of itself).
It is why some islamists in this forum remind me in an almost hand in glove way... of number of hindutva blockheads (which just a few days back I had the displeasure of having to confront one ...given the whatsapp propaganda it was peddling to my mother).
They are cut from the same basic cloth in the end (they even speak the same way and use same silly predictable tactics)....and rest of us have to suffer having them (and other types of blockheads in general) on board for the journey.
At least endless crying babies on long flights have an actual excuse...and the journey (for you the sufferer of the piercing screeching chorus) is not a whole lifetime either...
I talk about the large role of sound education in helping to limit this problem here:
How can Artillery Numbers today relate to Universal Education yesterday?
How can Artillery Numbers today relate to Universal Education yesterday? Analysis on the Guns versus Butter impact over time. By: "Nilgiri" Prelude "Crixus": 100 (Vajra SPH) is too less if you compare the eastern...

I hope it is useful for people to apply to and understand their own economies and societies.
@Sinan @xenon5434 @UkroTurk 🚬 @VCheng @Anmdt et al.