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Airport for Sale Tells a Tale of $140 Billion Turkish Overreach​

It seems classic case of undermine judiciary, create/enlarge a public-private miasma of "apparatchik" bureaucrat-corporatists (buddies-lobbies-supporters-favours-bribes"R"us-$$$-cha-ching) and then profit off it while pointing above or across the sea or anywhere else thats not perpetuate more of it for the chosen few.

Its a proven model for greedy powerful thugs everywhere....they just insert into whatever society's psyche issues are.... to act as biggest cover for what they do.

My buddy @Deliorman pic is so telling for it:


i.e broad daylight theft at this scale....and there's still people supporting and justifying it....unbelievable....

People so in love with whatever politician/party are a real problem in general. Not to mention it severely occludes their vision of the actual nation (as a whole). They cannot be proper nationalist.

They have no basic sense that you are supposed to pit parties AGAINST each other, not let them pit you (the people) against other people....I mean are we human beings or are we sheep and cattle?

Whats the point of a laundered/greyed version of hobbesian system after all the lessons we have learned since? Get away from that @#$@%$ as far as you can! It always ends up bad for us down here...can't we all see it and learn for God's sake?

Imagine how many of the world's problems are solved if 100% of the population are swing voters, instead of having large % of captive vote dunderheads stuck in the mud.

Imagine the bargaining power we would realise against the gated snotty-nosed snobs of the powerful and influential..."powdering" noses and engaging in ballroom dances and silly walks far from any actual reality.

For Turkey, it is current span of 10 - 20 years w.r.t it's population's overall capacity/permeation/entrenchment for its local variant of unprincipled emotionalist delusion and angst.

Hope it stops ASAP and Turkey can get itself back to more rational pragmatic order this decade. The costs are mounting.

India is in its version of it too, we are about 7 years in one version of it (others preceded it in different ways and in different areas - a long disturbing story in of itself).

It is why some islamists in this forum remind me in an almost hand in glove way... of number of hindutva blockheads (which just a few days back I had the displeasure of having to confront one ...given the whatsapp propaganda it was peddling to my mother).

They are cut from the same basic cloth in the end (they even speak the same way and use same silly predictable tactics)....and rest of us have to suffer having them (and other types of blockheads in general) on board for the journey.

At least endless crying babies on long flights have an actual excuse...and the journey (for you the sufferer of the piercing screeching chorus) is not a whole lifetime either...

I talk about the large role of sound education in helping to limit this problem here:

I hope it is useful for people to apply to and understand their own economies and societies.

@Sinan @xenon5434 @UkroTurk 🚬 @VCheng @Anmdt et al.


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It seems classic case of undermine judiciary, create/enlarge a public-private miasma of "apparatchik" bureaucrat-corporatists (buddies-lobbies-supporters-favours-bribes"R"us-$$$-cha-ching) and then profit off it while pointing above or across the sea or anywhere else thats not perpetuate more of it for the chosen few.

Hey, as long as this works, it will be business as usual, sadly.


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Turkey’s Treasury will repay debts worth 122.6 billion Turkish liras (some $15 billion) in the September-November period, the Treasury and Finance Ministry announced on Aug. 31.

It will repay 29.3 billion Turkish liras ($3.5 billion) in external debts, including 12.5 billion Turkish liras ($1.5 billion) in interest payments.

In the next three months, 93.2 billion Turkish liras ($11.2 billion) of domestic debt redemption is also projected, with around 28.3 billion Turkish liras ($3.4 billion) of this amount in interest payments and the rest in principal payment.

According to the ministry's borrowing strategy, the Treasury will borrow 107.4 billion Turkish liras ($13 billion) from domestic markets in the next three months.

The Treasury plans to hold 23 bond auctions and direct sale of lease certificates – no planned external borrowing – in this period.



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Interesting prospects.

Inflation occurs when an economy grows due to increased spending without a concomitant increase in the production of goods and services. When this happens, prices rise and the currency within the economy is worth less than it was before. The currency essentially won’t buy as much as it would before. When a currency is worth less, its exchange rate weakens when compared to other currencies. However, this depends on whether other countries are inflating less than yours. If they are inflating faster than your country, your currency might strengthen, which is a basic purchasing power parity argument.

The question is what will the government do to reduce inflation to 14%. Which deals would the government be willing to make to bring it down ?

There are many methods used to control inflation; some work well, while others may have damaging effects. For example, controlling inflation through wage and price controls can cause a recession and cause job losses.
I bet many living in Turkey working poor paying jobs can tell a lot about the conditions. Public employees may receive an acceptable salary, but the main thing is they get insurance and other things covered, so they can (if retired) look forward to a pension. This pretty much depends on people owning their home or rent, as renting, since you can expect 50% of your salary or more goes to rent.

One popular method of controlling inflation is through a contractionary monetary policy. The goal of a contractionary policy is to reduce the money supply within an economy by decreasing bond prices and increasing interest rates. This helps reduce spending because when there is less money to go around: those who have money want to keep it and save it, instead of spending it. It also means there is less available credit, which can reduce spending. Reducing spending is important during inflation because it helps halt economic growth and, in turn, the rate of inflation.
And we know that RTE and AKP aren't going with policies that will do the above as growth is driven by consumption and keeps the wheels turning. Like a downwards spiral.

There are three main tools to carry out a contractionary policy. The first is to increase interest rates through the central bank.
We know what happened when last time someone tried to follow sound CB management policies.
The second tool is to increase reserve requirements on the amount of money banks are legally required to keep on hand to cover withdrawals. The more money banks are required to hold back, the less they have to lend to consumers. If they have less to lend, consumers will borrow less, which will decrease spending.
The reserve requirement has been reduced AFAIK.
The third method is to directly or indirectly reduce the money supply by enacting policies that encourage the reduction of the money supply. Two examples of this include calling in debts that are owed to the government and increasing the interest paid on bonds so that more investors will buy them.
During RTE "Damat" reign in CB they printed money like toilet paper. Perhaps someone can enlighten us as to whether they're continuing.

The latter policy raises the exchange rate of the currency due to higher demand (through capital inflows if your rates are increasing relative to foreign rates) and, in turn, increases imports and decreases exports. Both of these policies will reduce the amount of money in circulation because the money will be going from banks, companies and investors' pockets and into the government’s pocket where it can control what happens to it.
Well, we're experiencing quite a boom in the export, but it's not benefitting the lower classes. So the graph below just looks good for the politicians, and they can continue distributing tea bags while praising the economy :)



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Interesting prospects.

The question is what will the government do to reduce inflation to 14%. Which deals would the government be willing to make to bring it down ?

I bet many living in Turkey working poor paying jobs can tell a lot about the conditions. Public employees may receive an acceptable salary, but the main thing is they get insurance and other things covered, so they can (if retired) look forward to a pension. This pretty much depends on people owning their home or rent, as renting, since you can expect 50% of your salary or more goes to rent.

And we know that RTE and AKP aren't going with policies that will do the above as growth is driven by consumption and keeps the wheels turning. Like a downwards spiral.

We know what happened when last time someone tried to follow sound CB management policies.

The reserve requirement has been reduced AFAIK.

During RTE "Damat" reign in CB they printed money like toilet paper. Perhaps someone can enlighten us as to whether they're continuing.

Well, we're experiencing quite a boom in the export, but it's not benefitting the lower classes. So the graph below just looks good for the politicians, and they can continue distributing tea bags while praising the economy :)

View attachment 29995
The growth is 20%, meanwhile the effective inflation is about 30-40%.
Playing with numbers will not save the day. It has been too obvious that even hardcore Erdogan supporters started to question the rises on the price of electricity, gas, household and shops have surpassed 30% in the last year.


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Interesting prospects.

The question is what will the government do to reduce inflation to 14%. Which deals would the government be willing to make to bring it down ?

I bet many living in Turkey working poor paying jobs can tell a lot about the conditions. Public employees may receive an acceptable salary, but the main thing is they get insurance and other things covered, so they can (if retired) look forward to a pension. This pretty much depends on people owning their home or rent, as renting, since you can expect 50% of your salary or more goes to rent.

And we know that RTE and AKP aren't going with policies that will do the above as growth is driven by consumption and keeps the wheels turning. Like a downwards spiral.

We know what happened when last time someone tried to follow sound CB management policies.

The reserve requirement has been reduced AFAIK.

During RTE "Damat" reign in CB they printed money like toilet paper. Perhaps someone can enlighten us as to whether they're continuing.

Well, we're experiencing quite a boom in the export, but it's not benefitting the lower classes. So the graph below just looks good for the politicians, and they can continue distributing tea bags while praising the economy :)

View attachment 29995
IMO, all will depend on TCMB decision on Spetember 23rd
If TCMB kept interest rate at 19% till Q2 of 2022; the economy would reap unprecedented profits with inflation reducing to around 11-14%


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What do the 'economic growth' numbers mean? What is the real chart? What is reflected in the public?​

'We will see the real picture in the third quarter, where there are no restrictions and supports, if there is a decline in the share of labor payments, we have a serious problem. In addition, there is serious inflation. While the share of the working class in welfare is decreasing, the cost of living it is exposed to causes it to fall back from the current level of welfare. This is an unsustainable, crippling situation.'​

01 September 2021 11:05Updated: 01 September 2021 11:10
What do the 'economic growth' numbers mean?  What is the real chart?  What is reflected in the public?

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the GDP data for the second quarter of the year.
According to TUIK figures, the Turkish economy grew by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of the year. In this period, GDP increased by 52.4 percent at current prices and amounted to 1 trillion 581 billion 120 million liras.

So what do these numbers mean? Are we really growing? What are the effects?
We asked these questions to economist Recep Erçin.

Erçin's assessment is as follows:
“We expected a high rate of growth in annual national income due to the base effect last year. In the light of the announced leading indicators, BETAM experts predicted a contraction of 6 per thousand quarter-to-quarter, while BBVA predicted a growth of 2 percent. Our expectation was a modest quarter-to-quarter growth.

The remarkable development in the growth data in the recent period is that the share of labor is decreasing. In the second quarter of 2021, "Labor payments increased by 36.1% year-over-year, and net operating surplus/mixed income increased by 78.2% compared to the same quarter of the previous year." Thus, "While the share of labor payments in Gross Value Added at current prices was 37% in the second quarter of last year, this ratio decreased to 32.9% in 2021."


In the first quarter, the following situation emerged; "While the share of labor payments in Gross Value Added at current prices was 39.0% in the first quarter of last year, this ratio decreased to 35.5% in 2021."

Again, according to the independent GDP data for 2020 announced today, "While the share of payments made to the labor force in the current gross value added was 34.8% in 2019, this rate decreased to 33.1% in 2020."

Yes, there is a growth, we are faced with a growth from quarter to quarter, but the share of the labor side is decreasing. Of course, there is also the effect of supports such as short-time working allowance. These supports continued in the second quarter of the year as well. Employment losses continued in certain sectors. The idle workforce is high. We will see the real picture in the third quarter, where there are no restrictions and supports, and if there is a decline in the share of labor payments, we have a serious problem. In addition, there is serious inflation. Public inflation is at least ten percentage points higher than official inflation. While the share of the working class in welfare is decreasing, the cost of living it is exposed to causes it to fall back from the current level of welfare. This is an unsustainable, crippling situation.”


Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the gross domestic product (GDP) results for the second quarter of this year (April-June).
Accordingly, the GDP forecast, as a chained volume index, increased by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year.

According to the production method, the GDP estimation at current prices increased by 52.4 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 1 trillion 581 billion 120 million liras. The second quarter value of GDP was 188 billion 566 million dollars in US dollars at current prices.

When the activities that make up the GDP are analyzed, services as chained volume index 45.8 percent, industry 40.5 percent, professional, administrative and support service activities 32.4 percent, other service activities 32.3 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year. , information and communication activities increased by 25.3 percent, public administration, education, human health and social service activities increased by 8.5 percent, real estate activities increased by 3.7 percent, construction by 3.1 percent and agriculture, forestry and fishery by 2.3 percent. Finance and insurance activities, on the other hand, decreased by 22.7 percent.

Meanwhile, the highest growth rate in the new series announced since 1999 was reached. The shrinkage of 10.4 percent, which occurred in the same quarter of last year, was also effective in this growth .

On the other hand, TURKSTAT revised its growth figures for the previous period . The growth figure for the first quarter of this year was revised from 7 percent to 7.2 percent.

Economists participating in the AA Finans Growth Expectation Survey had predicted a 21.8 percent growth in the Turkish economy in the second quarter of the year .
The growth rate of the Turkish economy since 2010 by years and quarters is as follows:
1st Quarter​
2. Quarter​
3rd Quarter​
4th Quarter​



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What do the 'economic growth' numbers mean? What is the real chart? What is reflected in the public?​

'We will see the real picture in the third quarter, where there are no restrictions and supports, if there is a decline in the share of labor payments, we have a serious problem. In addition, there is serious inflation. While the share of the working class in welfare is decreasing, the cost of living it is exposed to causes it to fall back from the current level of welfare. This is an unsustainable, crippling situation.'​

01 September 2021 11:05Updated: 01 September 2021 11:10
What do the 'economic growth' numbers mean?  What is the real chart?  What is reflected in the public?'economic growth' numbers mean?  What is the real chart?  What is reflected in the public?

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the GDP data for the second quarter of the year.
According to TUIK figures, the Turkish economy grew by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of the year. In this period, GDP increased by 52.4 percent at current prices and amounted to 1 trillion 581 billion 120 million liras.

So what do these numbers mean? Are we really growing? What are the effects?
We asked these questions to economist Recep Erçin.

Erçin's assessment is as follows:
“We expected a high rate of growth in annual national income due to the base effect last year. In the light of the announced leading indicators, BETAM experts predicted a contraction of 6 per thousand quarter-to-quarter, while BBVA predicted a growth of 2 percent. Our expectation was a modest quarter-to-quarter growth.

The remarkable development in the growth data in the recent period is that the share of labor is decreasing. In the second quarter of 2021, "Labor payments increased by 36.1% year-over-year, and net operating surplus/mixed income increased by 78.2% compared to the same quarter of the previous year." Thus, "While the share of labor payments in Gross Value Added at current prices was 37% in the second quarter of last year, this ratio decreased to 32.9% in 2021."


In the first quarter, the following situation emerged; "While the share of labor payments in Gross Value Added at current prices was 39.0% in the first quarter of last year, this ratio decreased to 35.5% in 2021."

Again, according to the independent GDP data for 2020 announced today, "While the share of payments made to the labor force in the current gross value added was 34.8% in 2019, this rate decreased to 33.1% in 2020."

Yes, there is a growth, we are faced with a growth from quarter to quarter, but the share of the labor side is decreasing. Of course, there is also the effect of supports such as short-time working allowance. These supports continued in the second quarter of the year as well. Employment losses continued in certain sectors. The idle workforce is high. We will see the real picture in the third quarter, where there are no restrictions and supports, and if there is a decline in the share of labor payments, we have a serious problem. In addition, there is serious inflation. Public inflation is at least ten percentage points higher than official inflation. While the share of the working class in welfare is decreasing, the cost of living it is exposed to causes it to fall back from the current level of welfare. This is an unsustainable, crippling situation.”


Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) announced the gross domestic product (GDP) results for the second quarter of this year (April-June).
Accordingly, the GDP forecast, as a chained volume index, increased by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year.

According to the production method, the GDP estimation at current prices increased by 52.4 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 1 trillion 581 billion 120 million liras. The second quarter value of GDP was 188 billion 566 million dollars in US dollars at current prices.

When the activities that make up the GDP are analyzed, services as chained volume index 45.8 percent, industry 40.5 percent, professional, administrative and support service activities 32.4 percent, other service activities 32.3 percent in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period of the previous year. , information and communication activities increased by 25.3 percent, public administration, education, human health and social service activities increased by 8.5 percent, real estate activities increased by 3.7 percent, construction by 3.1 percent and agriculture, forestry and fishery by 2.3 percent. Finance and insurance activities, on the other hand, decreased by 22.7 percent.

Meanwhile, the highest growth rate in the new series announced since 1999 was reached. The shrinkage of 10.4 percent, which occurred in the same quarter of last year, was also effective in this growth .

On the other hand, TURKSTAT revised its growth figures for the previous period . The growth figure for the first quarter of this year was revised from 7 percent to 7.2 percent.

Economists participating in the AA Finans Growth Expectation Survey had predicted a 21.8 percent growth in the Turkish economy in the second quarter of the year .
The growth rate of the Turkish economy since 2010 by years and quarters is as follows:
1st Quarter​
2. Quarter​
3rd Quarter​
4th Quarter​

Do you know the amount of money being paid to the labour sector/market or do you only know the rates? Because, I do remember reading that the Unemployment rate is at 3 years low which means more are being employed and more ppl are getting salaries which means that the rate of labour payments should increase. Or is it that the increase in the rate of labour payments is less than the imcrease in actual production since this may explain why the labour payment share is lower while unemployment rate is increasing?

If you know the right answer, pls do share whenever you are free


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Do you know the amount of money being paid to the labour sector/market or do you only know the rates? Because, I do remember reading that the Unemployment rate is at 3 years low which means more are being employed and more ppl are getting salaries which means that the rate of labour payments should increase. Or is it that the increase in the rate of labour payments is less than the imcrease in actual production since this may explain why the labour payment share is lower while unemployment rate is increasing?

If you know the right answer, pls do share whenever you are free
I have relatives working in different segments, Ministry, University, Provinces, Banking, Entrepreneurs and Retired. (locations Istanbul, Ankara and Karaman)

While I can't say anything about how much salary they receive I can tell you that their living standards are wastly different.

One of my cousins apparently moved into a bigger condo with 4-5 bedrooms and just as many bathrooms and such (Ankara).

While another cousin of mine lives in a 2-3 room apartment in Istanbul (I don't know if they own it) I'd consider her the standard for common working class. In a way she is like the bluecollar workers from Japan. Go to work 8 am - 18 pm go home, eat dinner, sleep, rinse and repeat.

My relatives who're in Karaman are doing various things like school transportation, working in "Köy hizmetleri" (provincial services etc.), or running a "Firin" (Bakery) get by somehow. But not everyone are capable of saving up and investing in short improving their life significantly.

As you may be able to guess from above description those who're entrepreneurs have better odds at making investments and such, while those who're employees are like meat in the grinder.

What's the point of talking about a country's economy if people are barely making ends meet ? China has great growth, but they can do that by having a big part of the population live on 1 USD a day (made up example).


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From the district governor to the pickets: Detain the worker if necessary, disperse this place​

After the workers went on strike in front of Bel Karper company, Çorlu District Governor Cafer Sarılı told the gendarme that 'Detain the worker, disperse this place if necessary.' It was alleged that he gave the order.​

From the district governor to the pickets: Detain the worker if necessary, disperse this place

While the illegal practices of the French origin Bel Karper employer continue, the calls of the Tekgıda-İş Union member workers to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and the relevant authorities remain unanswered.

In Bel Karper, the employer's attempt to recruit new workers instead of the 3 workers he had unlawfully dismissed while on strike, and the employer's illegal practices were reflected in the minutes with his own signature. Allegedly, the employer's representative called the gendarmerie after the striking workers blocked the vehicle carrying the new workers, and the District Governor came to the scene. District Governor Sarılı told the gendarmerie, "Production will continue in this factory, if these workers prevent this, take them into custody, intervene, disperse them." gave the order. Strike spokesmen were fined 12 thousand TL.

Speaking to Aydınlık, Tekgıda-İş Organization Expert Yunus Durdu said, “It is very sad that the most competent authority representing the state here, the Çorlu District Governor, is protecting the employer, not the workers, who are trying to protect the law, while the French employer is violating the laws of the Republic of Turkey.” he said.


“Although the gendarme and the police come here, we are guilty here. They leave the worker unattended.” Durdu said, describing the events as follows: “The Governor has come. The other party looks into the eyes of the District Governor here and says, 'I do all kinds of unlawfulness here, if any, their complaints should go to the court.' said. We are saddened by the fact that the District Governor of Çorlu remained silent about this incident and could not do anything about it… Workers and unions who respect the law and act according to it are here; We have been waiting for the implementation of our laws for 6 years. The state's most competent authority here is so silent about a French company, and on top of that, defending their rights... While the workers here are seeking their rights, the gendarme next to the District Governor said to the gendarme, 'Whatever happens, do not disrupt the production here, if there is such an obstruction at the door, take them into custody and disperse them.


Emphasizing that they have been on strike decisively for 105 days, Yunus Durdu continued: “We have been fighting this struggle for 105 days. If there are laws, everyone must obey them. Whether we are İşkur or the courts, we have been using these methods since we went on strike. İşkur officials sent by the district governor determined that illegal workers were employed in the official report they kept here. The employer also admitted to the İşkur officials that he had employed illegal workers. Despite this, the state officials do nothing here, they come at the workers, we do not find this right. The state must do its part here as soon as possible, the authorities must find a solution as soon as possible, and the workers must stand up for their legal rights. If the Çorlu District Governor is doing this, then the forest laws are valid here. Our struggle means the protection of the laws of the Republic of Turkey. We want the authorities to come to their senses as soon as possible.”

@Lool I believe that striking workers being threatened in this manner says plenty. At least it's not China, yet.


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The economy grew by %0.9 compared to the second quarter of this year and grew by %21.7 compared to the "same quarter of the last year". There is nothing wrong with the numbers. This is related to covid recession so don't be fooled by numbers.


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Well, we're experiencing quite a boom in the export, but it's not benefitting the lower classes.

Take USD figures for export growth with some pinch of salt as there is about 6% USD inflation (officially) right now.

It was better measure to use pre-covid when its inflation was relatively low....but now that's changed....and it will take some years to return to prior reference quality (for direct use).

It is best to look at volumetric exports, how much volume and man-hours of labour of stuff is being exported now compared to before etc.

This is likely part of reason why you see it not benefitting the lower classes (who are much more dependent on day to day consumption price basket and the inflation inflicted there, that export growth has little impact on to begin with)

That is very much the same gist of the article you posted just after (looking to break down GDP into volumetrics and activity).


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This is no joke, serious achievement regardless how you ponder it in deductive manner.

Good results but those are still rookie numbers, we need to reach 300-400bln € in exports and most importantly finally get rid off the current account deficit. And if then the average citizen profit from the economy too, than I am finally happy.


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Good results but those are still rookie numbers, we need to reach 300-400bln € in exports and most importantly finally get rid off the current account deficit. And if then the average citizen profit from the economy too, than I am finally happy.
Under current conditions that is not overall ambitious goal and it can be achieved whitin year.
This logistic crysis with China is gift from Heavens for Turkey.


Good results but those are still rookie numbers, we need to reach 300-400bln € in exports and most importantly finally get rid off the current account deficit. And if then the average citizen profit from the economy too, than I am finally happy.

In order to catch 300-400 billion dollar of Export volume, Türkiye must be a country as same as South Korea.

So we need own Samsung, Kia, Hyundai :)

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