Economist Gürses wrote the background of the 'value gain' in TL: The return of foreign exchange sales from the 'back door'
The Central Bank's analytical balance sheet provides us these data and clues.
The bank's data shows that the Central Bank sold $3.5 billion on Monday and $3.4 billion on Tuesday.
The summary is as follows: While 7 billion dollars were sold in order to reduce it from 18 TL to 12-13 TL, it was explained that "citizens sold" alone, without ever mentioning public foreign exchange sales in propaganda channels.
It is known that on 20 and 21 December, the Central Bank did not directly intervene in foreign exchange sales. Thus, it is obvious that a total of 7 billion dollars in these two days was sold through public banks "through the back door". These were the strongest sales in the last month.
My sources tell us that some private banks have been "convinced" to engage in "backdoor" operations, as have public banks.
In the last 3 months, the Central Bank has accelerated the escape from the TL by pulling the interest rate below the inflation rate. In December, starting with foreign exchange sales interventions, it sold 17 billion dollars in 21 days. Gross foreign exchange reserves, on the other hand, decreased to 113 billion dollars as of the end of December 21.
The Central Bank's analytical balance sheet provides us these data and clues.
The bank's data shows that the Central Bank sold $3.5 billion on Monday and $3.4 billion on Tuesday.
The summary is as follows: While 7 billion dollars were sold in order to reduce it from 18 TL to 12-13 TL, it was explained that "citizens sold" alone, without ever mentioning public foreign exchange sales in propaganda channels.
It is known that on 20 and 21 December, the Central Bank did not directly intervene in foreign exchange sales. Thus, it is obvious that a total of 7 billion dollars in these two days was sold through public banks "through the back door". These were the strongest sales in the last month.
My sources tell us that some private banks have been "convinced" to engage in "backdoor" operations, as have public banks.
In the last 3 months, the Central Bank has accelerated the escape from the TL by pulling the interest rate below the inflation rate. In December, starting with foreign exchange sales interventions, it sold 17 billion dollars in 21 days. Gross foreign exchange reserves, on the other hand, decreased to 113 billion dollars as of the end of December 21.

Ekonomist Gürses, TL’de yaşanan 'değer kazancının' arka planını yazdı: 'Arka kapıdan' döviz satışının dönüşü
AKP Genel Başkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından açıklanan "Kur Korumalı TL Vadeli Mevduat" sisteminin ardından Dolar, Türk Lirası karşısında ‘değer kaybetmeye’ başladı. Yeni sistemin 'arka planını' açıklayan Ekonomist Gürses, “18 TL'den 12-13 TL'ye düşürmek için 7 milyar dolar...