Supersonic missile and ramjet engine projects from the last interview of TÜBİTAK SAGE Director Gürcan Okumuş;

Studies have been carried out for a long time to eliminate surface heating problems such as aerodynamic heating encountered in high-speed missiles.

High temperature resistant composite coatings minimize the effect of heating encountered in missiles, thanks to their ablative properties. Relevant materials and processes have been produced in-house and are ready for production.

Ramjet engine project was launched in 2018. And several prototypes were built and tested.

With Ramjet engine technology, an important barrier will be left behind in tactical class missiles with supersonic cruise speed.
Within the scope of the Ramjet engine project, many of the obstacles in technologies such as aerothermodynamics, material and fuel feeding have been removed. Valuable know how was obtained.
Trisonic wind tunnel project;

It is aimed to be operational by the end of 2024.

With the facility, tests can be made from 0.2 mach speeds to subsonic-high subsonic and supersonic speeds.

The test room will be the 3rd facility in the world with the dimensions of 1.5m x 1.5m, of this size, of blown type. It is said to be the most advanced facility in the world. The designs of all aerodynamic and mechanical equipment of the tunnel have been completed.

Factory acceptance tests for the tunnel's compressor and air conditioning system will be carried out within 1 month.
Development of hypersonic missiles and Scramjet engine technologies;

Prototype development and testing activities continue at the laboratory level.

Studies are carried out on high temperature resistant ceramic materials, nano-doped composite materials, insulation and coating technologies (coatings such as thermal barrier, ablative) for hypersonic missiles.
Information KARABASAN
@kimlikci_954 I took it from your friend's twitter and translated it.