TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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Flag burning is wrong. We have a tradition of respecting flags. We should respect our own traditions. We don't need to lower ourselves to their level.


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I agree the whole flag burning thing is for losers. It reminds me of the american sanctions on Turkiye and then all the fools burning American dollars and destroying Iphones to then be uploaded to american owned youtube. In their dumb heads they were doing something good, to the rest of the world it made Muslims and Turks look stupid and dumb humiliating the nation further.

The flag burning is something we see greeks, armenians and various middle eastern nations do to us and we laugh at them for it. Its entirely something Turks don't do. Even Ataturk after crushing the greeks on the battlefield wouldn't trample over the greek flag despite them burning our flags when they entered Turkye.

The islamist rot in Turkiye needs to resolved before it drowns the nation with its idiocy. Just like Russia got played by the anglo-american world over Ukraine, the Muslims are getting played by the entire western world.

They are incrementally working towards and creating a character of Islam that the common Muslim is not too dissimilar to isis. And like i have said countless times, whenever the west worked to dehumanise a peoples its because they intend to destroy them eventually. Learn from what happened to the jews countless times in europe for example.

I hear Muslims today saying we have become the "new jews" here without realising where its going to end for the "new jews". And if the common European ever moves against the Muslims, the Muslims in Europe will get swept away with relative ease. It will be far easier then when the Spanish swept away the Muslim moors of the Iberian peninsula.
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I hear Muslims today saying we have become the "new jews" here without realising where its going to end for the "new jews". And if the common European ever moves against the Muslims, the Muslims in Europe will get swept away with relative ease. It will be far easier then when the Spanish swept away the Muslim moors of the Iberian peninsula.
That's why we need to bolster their numbers in Europe. And provide them with support anyway we can.


USA Correspondent
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Flag burning is wrong. We have a tradition of respecting flags. We should respect our own traditions. We don't need to lower ourselves to their level.
A very well known story. A true story. Maybe we should remember it at this particular moment.
When the Turkish Army recaptured Izmir, some zealots laid down a Greek flag on the ground, beneath Ataturk‘s feet so that he could step on it on his way to the city hall. He, however, simply tripped around it and asked what was that about before entering the building. They in return, told him that the king Konstantine of Greece stepped on Turkish flag when he had visited Izmir during the occupation. He simply replies:
”He blundered.. I can’t reprise the blunder… A flag is the honor of a nation, not to be thrown on the ground and stepped on. Remove it!”

Moral of the story; by not sinking yourself into the gutter where your enemy crawls in, you take your dignity to the top.
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Experienced member
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United Kingdom
That's why we need to bolster their numbers in Europe. And provide them with support anyway we can.

Muslims need to stop getting played.

For example when Russians directly bombed and murdered Turkish troops in Syria, our AK party (so called Islamists) and Erdogan rushed to hide it. None of the media wanted to talk about it and they were trying to silence it on social media. Something in which we had to react to and fight over. That was a legitimate issue that demanded military action, but the Islamists tried to hide it and run from it.

When some nobody whose probably on a CIA/Mossad payroll burns the Quran in sweden it becomes big big story on Turkish media inciting the common Muslim to behave in a way that is then relayed back into europe and the europeans say, "see we told you these muslims are fanatics that hate our way of life." And since the agent provocateur got his reaction, guess what he's going to do it again and again and again as long as Muslims take the bait.

Mark my words if Muslims don't wake up, a few decades from now when they are rounding us up it will be too late. Muslims shouldnt think that whats happening to Palastinians or Uyhgurs can't happen to them.

For example the scientific gap between the west and the Arabs is bigger now then it was when the Europeans first conquered them a hundred to two hundred years ago.


Experienced member
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A very well known story. A true story. Maybe we should remember it at this particular moment.
When the Turkish Army recaptured Izmir, some zealots laid down a Greek flag on the ground, beneath Ataturk‘s feet so that he could step on it on his walk into the city hall. He, however, simply tripped around it and asked what was that about before entering the building. They in return, told him that the king Konstantine of Greece had stepped on Turkish flag when he visited Izmir during occupation. He simply replies:
”He blundered.. I can’t reprise the blunder… A flag is the honor of a nation, can not be thrown on the ground and stepped on. Remove it!”

Moral of the story; by not lowering yourself to the gutter where your enemy crawls, you take your dignity to the top.

do you think backward minded people are looking to Ataturk for wisdom? As i get older i become more cynical, sometimes i wonder if some people are just born dumb, will they will live their entire existence as a dummy and only ever reproduce dummies?.


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This was before my time but their was a guy called salman rusdie, he wrote a book that offended Muslims. It created massive outrage and was pushed by media. Muslims were lining up in the streets of the UK for example to protest and burn his books. The non-Muslim owned media was extremely excited to cover this issue and the protests. The same media that won't cover the crimes of the PKK.


The non-Muslim look at these guys like they were backward fanatics.

Many years later Salman Rushdie gets his reward for his "work" towards the agenda.


knighted by the queen of england. wake up Muslims your being played. You have to see these guys as agent provocateurs working for western intelligence agencies.
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Experienced member
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Swedish are getting exactly what they wanted out of this.

Thank AL-Jizz for being a the forefront of showing the english speaking world the fanatical muslim.

The Isrealis are loving all of this, that nation has been at the forefront of trying to convince the west that muslims are evil to justify their extermination of the Palestinians.


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The Isrealis are loving all of this, that nation has been at the forefront of trying to convince the west that muslims are evil to justify their extermination of the Palestinians.
True, but funnily enough they're too busy with their own problems ATM.


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United Kingdom
True, but funnily enough they're too busy with their own problems ATM.

Isreali and pro-zionist entities were and are at the forefront of showing Muslims as being fanatical terrorists. Because once they dehumanise Muslims they can wipe them out unhindered. The common Muslim has to educate the foolish muslims around him to wake them up and behave in a positive way, not a counter productive way.

Like this zionist mouth piece Ben Shapio.

These guys all know what they are doing, dehumanise Muslims completely and then they are given free reign to destroy them. Remember the military might is almost overwhelmingly in their hands, they just need to convince the common man, woman and child that the killing is justified. What protects Muslims from non-Muslim imperialism is the common man and woman in these nations, as long as they are not brainwashed to hate us, their militaries cannot murder us.
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I have lived in Stockholm, and have many Swedish Friends, some are anti-immigrant as well, I can't blame them after things I saw. They don't even care what you are going to do to their flag or bible, mindset is very different, you can insult them, it is a freedom of speech unless you make a physical assault . A piece of paper or cloth has no special value, if it belongs to you, you purchased it, you can burn or throw it to the garbage.. it does not matter if it is picture of king, flag of a country or some holy book. Eastern cultures turn things to holy and untouchable objects. However if that guy who is burning quran threw the burning quran to someone or some place, it will be a public crime. Besides, Swedes are mostly irreligious while still they are paying church fee! otherwise they can't get funeral service.

Only idiots react to provocations, if they provoke you, best thing to do is ignoring them.
There is a fine line between free speech and hate speech, and enabling it. What gets me is the hypocrisy of it all. I consider myself reasonably liberal leaning, but I also know know that a large portion of Sweden would lose their collective sh*t if someone arranged an anti-pride parade and/or burnt LGBTQ+ flags. Worse yet, The Torah. Forget about it!

Offending, on the other hand, perhaps the totality of 1.97 billion people? That's free speech, of course...

Toxicity all from all sides, and I fear it will only get worse as this Finland Sweden issue drags on and is milked from all cardinalities of the political compass.
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I passed the protests at the Swedish embassy at Istiklal Caddesi today.

Not the kind of people I'd want to be associated with. Bunch of Orange stabbers and clearly not our brightest citizens.

Also while most protests are banned nowadays they were of course free and government sanctioned to burn a flag and the police just stood by..


France Correspondent
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Once again, it’s a very good opportunity for the West to show Turkiye as a barbaric, fanatical Islamist country. Thank you Erdogan and thanks to the fools who took the bait and burned that Swedish flag.


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Their IQ count is probably lover than the pH of water, baboons gave the western media exactly the propaganda material to turn it on Türkiye, bravo.


8 2,075
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Once again, it’s a very good opportunity for the West to show Turkiye as a barbaric, fanatical Islamist country. Thank you Erdogan and thanks to the fools who took the bait and burned that Swedish flag.
How are they allowed when all demonstrations, strikes, events and parties are banned in Turkiye?

We should not allow such demonstrations, they should be prevented from gathering. Or, they should be passed over with more civilized demonstrations and explanations. The real reaction should be in political, intelligence and other areas.


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How are they allowed when all demonstrations, strikes, events and parties are banned in Turkiye?

We should not allow such demonstrations, they should be prevented from gathering. Or, they should be passed over with more civilized demonstrations and explanations. The real reaction should be in political, intelligence and other areas.

because AK party wants to turn Turkiye into a theocratic dictatorship where their spawn rule indefinitely. Its quite obvious that AK party don't give two shits for the wider islamic world, what they care about is securing their political rule forever within Turkiye. If that means the entire Muslim world suffers as a result they don't care. They make the money, they send their kids to western schools and they live like Sultans.


8 2,075
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because AK party wants to turn Turkiye into a theocratic dictatorship where their spawn rule indefinitely. Its quite obvious that AK party don't give two shits for the wider islamic world, what they care about is securing their political rule forever within Turkiye. If that means the entire Muslim world suffers as a result they don't care. They make the money, they send their kids to western schools and they live like Sultans.
Not all of them are forbidden, only the ones they see fit are allowed. Actions that should not happen in a democratic country, as a country we should look at ourselves first. When I say democratic, I don't mean the demonstrations of ethnic and religious terrorists who use democracy as a tool.

Our country is full of people with Pkk and ISIS mentality


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Not all of them are forbidden, only the ones they see fit are allowed. Actions that should not happen in a democratic country, as a country we should look at ourselves first. When I say democratic, I don't mean the demonstrations of ethnic and religious terrorists who use democracy as a tool.

Our country is full of people with Pkk and ISIS mentality

And the enemies of the republic exploit it to its fullest.


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Wouldn‘t surprise me when they start emptying Cola bottles tomorrow or buying stuff from IKEA and burning it as a sign of protest.

Mehmed Ali

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Once again, it’s a very good opportunity for the West to show Turkiye as a barbaric, fanatical Islamist country. Thank you Erdogan and thanks to the fools who took the bait and burned that Swedish flag.
I believe that Sweds were stomping on Turkish flags and Erdoğan pictures , care to comment on that? The burning happened infront of Turkish embassy, obviously this is arranged against Turkey. As far as I am concerned i don't care about the impression of the western people about me , why shoulds I? Haven't I as Bosnian seen over the centuries what European thinks about me?
On second thoughts the barbarism is likewise shown by the Swedes, it starts to look to me like the situation before ww2. I think the instincts of European people are hoping for the usual European hobby called Pogrom. You can accuse Muslims of many things but rarely about that.

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