TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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i wonder why west (some people) see Turkiye as head of Islamic countries since they burn copy of Quran in front of Turk embassy and not other Islamic country like Pakistan , iran , indonesia ??
Turkiye is secular country by constitution .
They are very afraid of rise of Turkiye .
We as Turks & Muslims should keep calm and not act violent but of course some people can burn their flag and protest .


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And the enemies of the republic exploit it to its fullest.
Strangely, I have never seen these religious extremists and pkkists burning the flags of England and America. While millions of innocent Muslims are being killed and raped in Iraq, Syria, etc., these groups are very happy.

In fact, it is the religious extremists and the Kurds who are themselves complicit in killing and raping these people.


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i wonder why west (some people) see Turkiye as head of Islamic countries since they burn copy of Quran in front of Turk embassy and not other Islamic country like Pakistan , iran , indonesia ??
Turkiye is secular country by constitution .
They are very afraid of rise of Turkiye .
We as Turks & Muslims should keep calm and not act violent but of course some people can burn their flag and protest .

If they did that they would get beaten up thats why.

Too bad there was no Turk there who can shove a kebab stick up his a**

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Burning Qur'an infront of Saudi , Kuwaiti or Emirates embassies is not good for business but infront of Turkish, well there are some reasons through I don't know them at the moment. Actually just what the Commisares ordered, also this scum stated about 2 years ago his fantasies about children fetish sex . It seems to that people with the " Values " are mostly sexual degenerates . At the end of day the real name for this is beastiality mixed with hysterical stomping on Turkish flag and Erdoğan pictures ( organised in advance ofcourse) then anyone who burned Swedish flag looks a boy scout.
People say " Oh it is not nice to burn Sweden flags " well maybe 30 40 years ago but today? What is to respect there?


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Burning Qur'an infront of Saudi , Kuwaiti or Emirates embassies is not good for business but infront of Turkish, well there are some reasons through I don't know them at the moment. Actually just what the Commisares ordered, also this scum stated about 2 years ago his fantasies about children fetish sex . It seems to that people with the " Values " are mostly sexual degenerates . At the end of day the real name for this is beastiality mixed with hysterical stomping on Turkish flag and Erdoğan pictures ( organised in advance ofcourse) then anyone who burned Swedish flag looks a boy scout.
People say " Oh it is not nice to burn Sweden flags " well maybe 30 40 years ago but today? What is to respect there?

The far right extremists hate Turks so much because they dont like Muslims who are strong neither do like non whites becoming strong.

I think people forget the Turks and their impact in history. From the Huns to the Ottomans.

We have been a constant threat to them.

Hence why they constantly associate Islam with Turks.

Then again a lot of these far right donkeys especially from Scandanavia all look ugly as fck.

Superior race 😆


France Correspondent
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I believe that Sweds were stomping on Turkish flags and Erdoğan pictures , care to comment on that? The burning happened infront of Turkish embassy, obviously this is arranged against Turkey. As far as I am concerned i don't care about the impression of the western people about me , why shoulds I? Haven't I as Bosnian seen over the centuries what European thinks about me?
On second thoughts the barbarism is likewise shown by the Swedes, it starts to look to me like the situation before ww2. I think the instincts of European people are hoping for the usual European hobby called Pogrom. You can accuse Muslims of many things but rarely about that.

You misunderstood my comment. We shouldn’t lower ourselves to some extremist Swedes, if we do they will use that opportunity to portray Turkiye as a fanatical, extremist country. Someone above asked why did they burn the Quran in front of Turkish embassy while Turkiye is supposed to be a secular country ? The answer is very simple, look what our government did after that, and look what some fools did in Istanbul.

In the end they did provocation, and we took the bait. Simple as that.


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You misunderstood my comment. We shouldn’t lower ourselves to some extremist Swedes, if we do they will use that opportunity to portray Turkiye as a fanatical, extremist country. Someone above asked why did they burn the Quran in front of Turkish embassy while Turkiye is supposed to be a secular country ? The answer is very simple, look what our government did after that, and look what some fools did in Istanbul.

In the end they did provocation, and we took the bait. Simple as that.

Turkiye is secular this still does not stop far left and far right extremists associating Turkiye with Islam.

Remember Anatolia especially Constantinople was considered to be Christian Holy lands until the Muslim Turks took it and turned Anatolia into a majority Turkic and Muslim place.

Far left extremists accuse us of genociding the natives which is utter bull. As the Ancient Anatolians themselves were neither native as they came from Indo European peoples. Pre Anatolian peoples were the true natives the Greeks, Armenians and the Ancient Anatolians all came later.

Far right and far left all accuse us of a black and white history.

Doesnt matter how secular Turkiye is. You can drink and eat pork as soon as they find out your name is Ahmed or Mehmed they get triggered.

Look at the Bosniaks before the war they were barely religious did not stop the Serbs from murdering them because their names were Ibrahimovic or Ahmedovic.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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This was done by a Danish migrant living in Sweden from what I gleamed, who has a history of pulling stunts like this to bait Muslims into protests or riots to portray them as barbarians who cannot coexist with Nordic values.

I think people need to understand that Sweden does not give a damn about religion. You can burn a Quran, you can burn a Bible, you can burn a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and Swedes won't care, they look at people who take their faith seriously enough to riot as nutjobs. I'm especially suspicious of the flag-burning protest in Turkey because any other type of protest gets immediately clamped down upon. This is being deliberately backed by AKP to make Turks look unreasonable, I think some people here forget that just because some of the people AKP is opposed to hate Turkey, does not mean AKP is not an enemy. A nation can have multiple opponents it must defeat with vastly different ideologies.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
You misunderstood my comment. We shouldn’t lower ourselves to some extremist Swedes, if we do they will use that opportunity to portray Turkiye as a fanatical, extremist country. Someone above asked why did they burn the Quran in front of Turkish embassy while Turkiye is supposed to be a secular country ? The answer is very simple, look what our government did after that, and look what some fools did in Istanbul.

In the end they did provocation, and we took the bait. Simple as that.
I understand in a way what you are trying to say and maybe you have some point. Thing here is if someone doesn't react to something then other party will carry on and find new things to use. Another thing is you see Christians let it go at some stage , Christians were passive for whatever reason and the results at the end of the day that Christian Church lost all respect and self respect( this not the only reason). At some stage, the stand needs to be made, otherwise we will become a laughing stock and eventually fade away and be dictated .
This goes not just for religion and not just for Muslims this goes for many other things.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
This was done by a Danish migrant living in Sweden from what I gleamed, who has a history of pulling stunts like this to bait Muslims into protests or riots to portray them as barbarians who cannot coexist with Nordic values.

I think people need to understand that Sweden does not give a damn about religion. You can burn a Quran, you can burn a Bible, you can burn a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and Swedes won't care, they look at people who take their faith seriously enough to riot as nutjobs. I'm especially suspicious of the flag-burning protest in Turkey because any other type of protest gets immediately clamped down upon. This is being deliberately backed by AKP to make Turks look unreasonable, I think some people here forget that just because some of the people AKP is opposed to hate Turkey, does not mean AKP is not an enemy. A nation can have multiple opponents it must defeat with vastly different ideologies.
I know Sweden pretty well. I know that they don't give a damn about many things which is fine by me. But there is one thing , it is called the manners or you can call it social etiquette.
Also the expression " just because " and " ideology " when used in the same breath mean not much.
Basically for a long time the phrase " just because " was used to undermine any given ideology and at same time not give much back in return . The exceptions negated the rules , tennious parallels and conjectures became the norm.
What impression am going to make on soysuzler is unimportant to me this is not mere posturing it is practical. I know really well that I can't change an opinion of these people unless I disappear or become like them , I refused both.
As you mentioned ideologies, well the people who burn Qur'an Azi Mushan , who stomp on Turkish flag , who stomp on the picture of the president ( look on this not on party lines but as institution) have no any ideology , they are just hateful Cult.
Those are the " qualities " which are prelevant in the world.


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Burning the Quran in front of the Turkish embassy it's about Nato approval by turkey , not the anti Turkish sentiment or ( love Arabs hate Turks ) like how people mention here


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The burning of the Koran is not a matter of concern to the Arabs, they can continue to live happily under US command

The real problem is that outside of Tukiye no one can challenge europe, or russia. If 4 countries in the Muslim majority nations were at the level of say italy, they wouldnt want to create a scene fearing it could effect them economically, but because most of the muslim world if were being absolutely honest is a joke in terms of influence and power.

So Sweden a country whose king fled to Ottoman lands for protection from the Russians, which ended up in a war between the Ottomans and Russians, in which the Ottomans completely crushed Peter the great armies and really should have marched onto Moscow and annexed Russia, they feel comfortable taking a big shit on 2 billion Muslims to antagonise the Muslims because they know that ultimately Muslims have no power or influence.

Yeah so to the non-Turk Muslim yeah its about NATO, but they still took on a shit on you, your religion, your history and your culture.


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It is really interesting to see Indians takes on Turkiye-Sweden skirmish on Quran burning incident in front of Turkish embassy.
Just read the comments below the video
And that is just ONE example, You can watch all the different news channels comments sections for yourself and see if anything different comes up.

When it comes to hatred against Muslims, unfortunately Indians are in a league of their own.
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DefenceHub Diplomat
31 5,068
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We're reading too much into the Quran-burning incident. We have to understand the Swedish mindset and constitution before start bashing on them. Sweden and Swedes don't care about any religion or flags or any thing you might hold sacred at all. You could, forgive my example, defecate on Swedish flag and burn it in front of Swedish parliament under police protection. If you own the flag, that is it's your possession, you could do whatever you want to do with it. It's a piece of cloth for them. And you can burn it, it's your civil right. Government can't do anything about it. This is the same for religious book. If you own the book you can do whatever you like with it. It's just a piece of paper to them. The civil liberties in Sweden goes even further. You can, for instance, fly an ISIS flag in Sweden. The judges ruled that it's a legal act.

Without knowing these monumental differences of Swedish society and constitution, the events we've witnessed in the past weeks seem incredibly dumb for the Sweden's side. Why would they allow such stupid protests(only a dimwit would burn a holy-book to make a point) and provoke the country that has the final say of your NATO accession? Because they have no choice. Once the police give the go, it's going to happen. If the police didn't give the permission, he could take it to the court and still win. The state has absolutely no say in it. That is at least theoretically.

Unfortunately, this kind of unlimited-freedom makes Sweden the perfect incubator for terrorist organizations to thrive and proliferate. They will pay the price for it eventually and deal with those terrorists themselves. However, I think, it's a grave mistake to say "we're denying Sweden's application because of burning of our holy book". NATO is a defense pact. Members don't have to hold the same values as other members. Those are irrelevant for the alliance. We have perfectly legitimate reasons for keeping Sweden out of NATO. Their support for YPG and their embargoes against us are to name a few. Therefore, we shouldn't delude our valid points to "the Quran burning" and make us weaker in the international area. Because the latter is not gonna fly with any other country.



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It is really interesting to see Indians takes on Turkiye-Sweden skirmish on Quran burning incident in front of Turkish embassy.
Just read the comments below the video
And that is just ONE example, You can watch all the different news channels comments sections for yourself and see if anything different comes up.

When it comes to hatred against Muslims, unfortunately Indians are in a league of their own.
Indian nationalists are pretty special in general.


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United Kingdom
r flags or any thing you might hold sacred. You could, forgive my example, defecate on Swedish flag and burn it in front of Swedish parliament under police protection. If you own the flag, that is it's your possession, you could do whatever you want to do with it. It's a piece of cloth for them. And you can burn it, it's your civil right. Governme

Remember AK party is a populist party, what harms the nation doesn't matter to them. What helps their election they do it, just like holding sweden out because of islam or making the agia sophia a mosque.

I just hope AK party doesnt turn this into another s400 fiasco, where they create ideal conditions for Turkiye to be booted out of the organisation and they are begging to be readmitted like with the F35.

This political party is destroying Turkiye.

Also this retarded behaviour from AK party is further heaping animosity on Turkish citizens of europe as well as Muslims in general.

Angry Turk !!!

4 1,253
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Remember AK party is a populist party, what harms the nation doesn't matter to them. What helps their election they do it, just like holding sweden out because of islam or making the agia sophia a mosque.

I just hope AK party doesnt turn this into another s400 fiasco, where they create ideal conditions for Turkiye to be booted out of the organisation and they are begging to be readmitted like with the F35.

This political party is destroying Turkiye.

Also this retarded behaviour from AK party is further heaping animosity on Turkish citizens of europe as well as Muslims in general.
There should be a new rule that doesn't allow 20 years of leading... I see the guys face for WAY too long. Can't stand it no more.

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