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Iraq doesnt have the balls to commit such acts alone
It is probably a move done with US support behind the scenes as a retaliation to Turkey's recent drone attack on the asshole, Mazloum Abdi

We will see how Turkey will respond

Iraq and the Kurds cant do shit lol. We can easily steam roll them and turn the water off if they dont behave.

They are hiding behind the Americans.

So much for Death to America from Shia Iraqis 🤣

If you think this, then you haven't been paying attention.

Turn off the water and see how many more climate refugees come through the border. Why do you think Ankara constantly reiterates support for a stable unified Baghdad? Baghdad can act independently of Washington according to their interests because there are also other players like Iran that support them, they can lean on multiple players.

And if you think Halkbank case had no effect on behaviour, think again. Even the former minister of economy was sanctioned. It was a big card.

Also, Ceyhan transit fee income for Turkey was around half a million dollars a day (imagine what that money could be used for just in this month) if we use 1.5 dollars per barrel and the KRG was exporting 400,000 barrels per day you have 182 million dollars in transit fee income a year.

A Baku-Ceyhan pipeline costs 2 billion dollars.

Ministry of finance said the earthquake cost 103.6 billion dollars, cleaning the rubble from the earthquake and removing the bodies (which are still not done in places) and reconstruction
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Just one of Biden's evil plans against Turkey and his maniacal anger for not succeeding to depose Erdogan in 2016. It's just temporary setback and hasn't any serious effects on Turkey's economy. What's important is that America petrodollar hegemony in the Middle East will be gradually undone and then dollar will become toilet paper. America's sanctions power will evaporate. It's defence budget will shrink from 500+ billions to less than 200 billion. Maintaining U.S. military installations around the world or even maintaining its present military will be impossible. Then we'll see what the U.S. will do.

Wow, where did you dream that up from? Only poor third world countries shunned by the west believe this. Somehow the Yuan will go up 80% ?

That will take two hundred years of China and Russia working together. You know what's more likely? The governments of China and Russia collapsing and becoming pro-west


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View attachment 56299

Wow, where did you dream that up from? Only poor third world countries shunned by the west believe this. Somehow the Yuan will go up 80% ?

That will take two hundred years of China and Russia working together. You know what's more likely? The governments of China and Russia collapsing and becoming pro-west
The dollar will never weaken since the nations which are trying to break up from the dollar are the ones who are benfitting the most from the dollar, in general. Without the dollar, nations like China, India, and KSA will suffer the most even though they are the ones trying to rebel against the dollar, loool


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The dollar will never weaken since the nations which are trying to break up from the dollar are the ones who are benfitting the most from the dollar, in general. Without the dollar, nations like China, India, and KSA will suffer the most even though they are the ones trying to rebel against the dollar, loool
That's simply not true.

Countries like China and India will definitely benefit from De-dollarisation compared to smaller nations.


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View attachment 56299

Wow, where did you dream that up from? Only poor third world countries shunned by the west believe this.

Not really.

Somehow the Yuan will go up 80% ?

De-dollarisation won't mean Yuan going up.

That will take two hundred years of China and Russia working together.

Russia is out of equation anyway,

And these two countries are not even comparable.

One is a $2 trillions economy, while the other one is almost $20 trillions.

De-dollarisation will happen inevitably as east and south Asian economies will become majority of world GDP in next 3 decades.


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If you think this, then you haven't been paying attention.

Turn off the water and see how many more climate refugees come through the border. Why do you think Ankara constantly reiterates support for a stable unified Baghdad? Baghdad can act independently of Washington according to their interests because there are also other players like Iran that support them, they can lean on multiple players.

And if you think Halkbank case had no effect on behaviour, think again. Even the former minister of economy was sanctioned. It was a big card.

Also, Ceyhan transit fee income for Turkey was around half a million dollars a day (imagine what that money could be used for just in this month) if we use 1.5 dollars per barrel and the KRG was exporting 400,000 barrels per day you have 182 million dollars in transit fee income a year.

A Baku-Ceyhan pipeline costs 2 billion dollars.

Ministry of finance said the earthquake cost 103.6 billion dollars, cleaning the rubble from the earthquake and removing the bodies (which are still not done in places) and reconstruction

Iraq cant do anything really its a failed state that is teetering on collapse.

Under american and iranian rule.

They have no independant policy also the country is ran amok by terrorists.

They wont be harming Turkiye any time soon. Iraq is doing this because the usa and iran are behind them they grew a head.

After this ordeal they will beg for tb2s and t129 helicopters.


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Just saying, but the MB is removed Because no Arab monarchy wants the people to rule themselves democratically

The main problem with the MB isnt that they are Islamists or even terrorists but the fact that they are elected democratically. Within the framework of Western, Russian, and Jewish foreign policy, no democracy must be allowed to survive within the Med East and that is one of the reason why they wanted to reinstill a military coup in 2016 in Turkey
Who cares? Are we strong enough to defend MB? No. If so, rather than going down with MB we should have adopted a more neutral stance and milked the Sisi like others. We tried to defend MB while every other player agreed to wipe them. In the end, we couldn't save the MB and on top of that, we faced many problems.


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De-dollarisation is inevitable as the share of the US GDP from the World's total GDP is getting smaller.


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Who cares? Are we strong enough to defend MB? No. If so, rather than going down with MB we should have adopted a more neutral stance and milked the Sisi like others. We tried to defend MB while every other player agreed to wipe them. In the end, we couldn't save the MB and on top of that, we faced many problems.

MB were the most Pro Turkish even if they were Islamists.

Gamal Nasser, Hosni Mubarek and Sisi are all Anti Turkish.

Even if we did not oppose his coup he still would continued where his predessors left off.

The problem is Egypt ever since the revolution of the monarchy have been anti Turkish because the ruling family that was brought down were Turkish/Circassian/Albanian. Gamal Nasser was an Arab socialist so no surprise he was to Turkiye not as a socialist but also as a Pan Arabist. Baathist regimes like Syria and Iraq were hostile to Turkiye with Saddam it was like a love and hate relationship.

Egypt has been either hostile, indifferent just never saw Turkiye important to even have relations with.

When Turkiye went into Libya dont forget how these guys threatened us with War.

Funny how most of these Secular Arab dictatorships are all anti Turkish. Then you have the Arab monarchies like Saudi, Uae and Bahrain except Qatar, Kuwait and Oman that are hostile to Turkiye.

Since Turkiye is a regional power alot of our neighbours see Turkiye as a threat.

Turkiye is a part of the Middle East. We cant ignore this geography like we use to.

Turkiye is a bridge to the Balkans, Middle East and the Caucasus just across Central Asia is there.

Foreign policy is influenced in where you are.
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The US dollar wouldn't become worthless, but it will be one of several reserve currencies, probably the strongest. That said, as long as it is below 50 and 40 per cent of the total global reserves, it will greatly diminish the US's ability to go on stupid foreign military adventures and stop them from constantly printing more money.

here is a great article about it: why regime needs dollar be global reserve currency


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MB were the most Pro Turkish even if they were Islamists.

Personally im not a fan of the MB, at its core its was also set up as an anti-Turkish entity, however it was the only organisation that would bring hostile nations towards Turkiye in this era, Morsi was doing this with egypt. Had Morsi remained in power i suspect that Turkiye/Egypt would have created a mutual defence pact. You would have seen the Turkish army in Egypt and the Egyptian army in Turkiye. From a geopolitical perspective both nations working together is a win win. Only people benefiting from Turkish/Egyptian hostility is nations not native to the region and Isreal.

Funny how most of these Secular Arab dictatorships are all anti Turkish. Then you have the Arab monarchies like Saudi, Uae and Bahrain except Qatar, Kuwait and Oman that are hostile to Turkiye.

Never forget that some of the most hostile entities to Turkish independence tend to be Islamist in nature, just look at FETO as a prime example. Everywhere they went it was islam this, islam that and how many millions of Muslims in Turkiye were tricked to think these guys were their islamic leaders? Meanwhile its whole intended design was to fool the masses, move in and take over the state functions and then undermine the nation within to break it up.

Remember as a Muslims they primarily use Islam to trick us. Its the same trick as using an attractive women to manipulate a man. Whatever you value, that is where they will present themselves. Since we are not Hindu's or Christians, they cannot use those ideologies against us, only the ideologies that we value and identify with can be used against us.

Turkiye is a part of the Middle East. We cant ignore this geography like we use to.

Turkiye is a bridge to the Balkans, Middle East and the Caucasus just across Central Asia is there.

Foreign policy is influenced in where you are.

The bigger picture is the results, are we getting results or are we losing. The Egyptian policy was a failure, the Syrian one a failure, the Iraqi one a failure. Our position with Azerbaijan, Libya brought us results in north Africa and the caucuses strengthening our position there.

Our interventions into Syria and Iraq stopped them being a total failures, but weighing up all the pros and cons its so much was lost just to poor decision making. If we break it down our diplomacy and politics has been a constant failure, its our military success that's won us influence. Had our military been as bad as Russia's, we would looking at a Turkiye today who failed in her entire region and totally closed in.

But this also tells us something else, as long as the military is strong and capable you can overcome most political and diplomatic shortcomings.


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Personally im not a fan of the MB, at its core its was also set up as an anti-Turkish entity, however it was the only organisation that would bring hostile nations towards Turkiye in this era, Morsi was doing this with egypt. Had Morsi remained in power i suspect that Turkiye/Egypt would have created a mutual defence pact. You would have seen the Turkish army in Egypt and the Egyptian army in Turkiye. From a geopolitical perspective both nations working together is a win win. Only people benefiting from Turkish/Egyptian hostility is nations not native to the region and Isreal.

Never forget that some of the most hostile entities to Turkish independence tend to be Islamist in nature, just look at FETO as a prime example. Everywhere they went it was islam this, islam that and how many millions of Muslims in Turkiye were tricked to think these guys were their islamic leaders? Meanwhile its whole intended design was to fool the masses, move in and take over the state functions and then undermine the nation within to break it up.

Remember as a Muslims they primarily use Islam to trick us. Its the same trick as using an attractive women to manipulate a man. Whatever you value, that is where they will present themselves. Since we are not Hindu's or Christians, they cannot use those ideologies against us, only the ideologies that we value and identify with can be used against us.

The bigger picture is the results, are we getting results or are we losing. The Egyptian policy was a failure, the Syrian one a failure, the Iraqi one a failure. Our position with Azerbaijan, Libya brought us results in north Africa and the caucuses strengthening our position there.

Our interventions into Syria and Iraq stopped them being a total failures, but weighing up all the pros and cons its so much was lost just to poor decision making. If we break it down our diplomacy and politics has been a constant failure, its our military success that's won us influence. Had our military been as bad as Russia's, we would looking at a Turkiye today who failed in her entire region and totally closed in.

But this also tells us something else, as long as the military is strong and capable you can overcome most political and diplomatic shortcomings.

I see it as 50/50.

Turkiye has got a lot of setbacks but also lots of wins in the Geopolitical Arena.


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I see it as 50/50.

Turkiye has got a lot of setbacks but also lots of wins in the Geopolitical Arena.

Lots of AK party supporters see the economy as a success story too. Syria was almost a total failure. Actually i think up until a few years ago, everything we were doing FP related was a disaster.


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View attachment 56299

Wow, where did you dream that up from? Only poor third world countries shunned by the west believe this. Somehow the Yuan will go up 80% ?

That will take two hundred years of China and Russia working together. You know what's more likely? The governments of China and Russia collapsing and becoming pro-west
You are wrong. All it takes for a sudden collapse is the overthrow of the House of Saud, the Emirati and Bahraini monarchies. Russia already pulled out. Iran and Veneuela will be all to happy to follow suit. If these countries reject the dollar for oil trade, it's the end of the dollar. This is why Biden is doing all he can to keep instability from reaching Saudi Arabia. All the desperate push for peace with the Houthis is to prevent the collapse of Saudi monarchy. The attempt to install dictatorship in Libya is also to protect these monarchies. If the Egyptian regime falls due to instability in Libya, Saudi Arabia's border becomes wide open and this can lead to instability in the kingdom. Saudis share long borders with U.A.E and Bahrain. A Saudi collapse will trigger the collapses of these other states. Now you understand why, in the interest of the West and the dollar, Erdogan must go. This is why they brought together all the opposition to achieve this after failing via the coup. They will fail again this time, Insha Allah.


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Who cares? Are we strong enough to defend MB? No. If so, rather than going down with MB we should have adopted a more neutral stance and milked the Sisi like others. We tried to defend MB while every other player agreed to wipe them. In the end, we couldn't save the MB and on top of that, we faced many problems.
The MB has NOT being defeated yet. Unless the Americans succeed in installing Haftar or another puppet in Libya, the war is still on.


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US is proving how good of an ally it actually is

Yeah, a perfectly-timed move by the Americans to help its allies in the upcoming election in Turkiye. Only people still haven't forgotten the hundreds killed in July 2016 and the people responsible. What a great ally the U.S. is by keeping Gulen protected and safe in America.


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You are wrong. All it takes for a sudden collapse is the overthrow of the House of Saud, the Emirati and Bahraini monarchies. Russia already pulled out. Iran and Veneuela will be all to happy to follow suit. If these countries reject the dollar for oil trade, it's the end of the dollar. This is why Biden is doing all he can to keep instability from reaching Saudi Arabia. All the desperate push for peace with the Houthis is to prevent the collapse of Saudi monarchy. The attempt to install dictatorship in Libya is also to protect these monarchies. If the Egyptian regime falls due to instability in Libya, Saudi Arabia's border becomes wide open and this can lead to instability in the kingdom. Saudis share long borders with U.A.E and Bahrain. A Saudi collapse will trigger the collapses of these other states. Now you understand why, in the interest of the West and the dollar, Erdogan must go. This is why they brought together all the opposition to achieve this after failing via the coup. They will fail again this time, Insha Allah.

"All it takes for a sudden collapse is the overthrow of the House of Saud, the Emirati and Bahraini monarchies."

How will this happen ?

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