TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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People thinking stoltenberg is "pro-Turkey" should rewatch and pay attention to his words closely.

"Concerns are genuine" is one of the oldest word-salad euphemisms in the book to basically take no position....but give a window dressing of nicety to placate someone.

🇹🇷 is a NATO member....NATO sec general does not have it in his job description to "take sides" against a NATO member.

It is similar to UN secretary general being extremely cautious about never criticizing a UN matter how grave things actually can be (can look at 🇨🇳 and covid world pandemic for example, 🇸🇾 war, 🇲🇲 war, rohingya....all manner of things like that).

That is left for constituent members to do so bilaterally or multilaterally.

The problem for Turkey is, that despite her legitimate concerns in an era of anti-Islamic sentiment that has only continued to rise really since 9/11, someone like erdogan was the worst thing that could have happened to Turkey.

Its always going to be hard to get the Turkish argument across to the west, since Turkey carries the Ottoman baggage and Turkey is perceived as a non-white Muslim country.

But 20 years of an Islamist nut constantly barking and destroying relations with his big mouth, means that no matter what happens in the future Turkey will be perceived as the bad guy.

That perception makes it extremely difficult for Turkey to defend her regional interests.

Erdogans name carries so much negative baggage in the world, it would be better for Turkey if a new name came to power. Appealing to the common arab or pakistani muslim, does nothing for Turkish geopolitical concerns.


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totally agree. Full subjugation of the Greek state. i even prepared a flag! (did it online therefore the quality is shite) View attachment 44817

The islands are critical to Turkish sovereignty. Most Turkish imports and exports travel via those waterways. The western coast of Turkey is the richest part of Turkey. Allowing Greece to break legal agreements and to arm those islands threatens Turkey, not in time of peace but if war ever did break out, it would put us in an extremely difficult position from the get go.

When you look at the past and at their attempted illegal annexation of Cyprus and the genocide of the Turkish Cypriots, its clear that their long term ambition was to control the water ways and lock Turkey in. Since then every attempt at peace, the Greeks did everything to stop.

Now the greeks themselves don't have the power to do anything to Turkey, but what they do have the power is to turn those lands into foreign bases. This is why the west is constantly behind these greek ambitions. Its not about greece, its about using greece as a conduit to place western bases on those lands that can be used to pressure Turkey, or in the future harm Turkey from.

We already see this game being played with the PKK and American bases in Syria.

As for mainland greece its worthless to Turkey and if you ever were for argument sake able to annex the country all you will adopt is a dept. burden. Turkish citizens by the billions in tax revenues will be sent to greece just to keep it afloat.


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Sweden and Finland would chose the side of Turkey in a new Greco-Turkish war.😅

Oh and Hungary afcourse.

View attachment 44825

Hungarians cant be trusted they are Europeanised, Westernised and Catholic they no longer hold any link to Central Asia.

Not to say us Turks are full on Turkic due to us taking Persian, Arab and some Roman culture we are still Turkic at heart even preserved our language and heritage while Hungarians have lost all link to Central Asia. Also battle of mohacs still bring bad memories to them. Even if we are cool today between each other.


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Greece is trying to affect Astana talks. Astana talks will be held on 14-16 June.


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Greece doesn't want YPG to be cut down in size. Greece wants YPG to be a constant threat to Turkiye. They are trying to protect YPG indirectly this is done with the blessings of the US. With this announcement of exercises, Greece is trying to send a message that when Turkiye commits to an operation Greece will heat the sea of Islands. Greece is trying to relieve some of the pressure from the YPG. Also sends Russia and Iran a message not to give ground to Turkiye in Astana. This is also a message to Israel not to deal with Turkiye as YPG now works with Assad and Iranian militia against Turkiye.


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Turkish ex-ambassador to Greece and CHP-member: "The islands are Greece's natural rights".



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Greece doesn't want YPG to be cut down in size. Greece wants YPG to be a constant threat to Turkiye. They are trying to protect YPG indirectly this is done with the blessings of the US. With this announcement of exercises, Greece is trying to send a message that when Turkiye commits to an operation Greece will heat the sea of Islands. Greece is trying to relieve some of the pressure from the YPG. Also sends Russia and Iran a message not to give ground to Turkiye in Astana. This is also a message to Israel not to deal with Turkiye as YPG now works with Assad and Iranian militia against Turkiye.

Turkey is 90 million people, it should be no issue to conduct an operation against the YPG in northern Syria and go to war with Greece at the same time if required. If you back down like erdogan keeps doing you will only keep inviting more trouble. Its been 10 years, we shouldn't still be talking about syria.

As for Astana talks, they are waste of time for Turkey, they have only been used to delay Turkey from doing anything and achieving anything.


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Russia is using merchant ships for the transport of militairy material in the Black Sea to their troops in Ukraine. So they can easy break through the Montreux Convention.

If Russia delays our Syrian operation, we should halt all these Russian cargo ships.


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Phillip DeFranco is an idiot who hasn't been relevant since the early 2010s. He's been trying to jump on every bandwagon possible to boost his social media profile.
Now days averaging 500k to 700k views every day for a news channel on YouTube is pretty good, this guy is a pro-Israel anti-muslims, When the IDF shot and killed that reporter he was very bias toward the IDF propaganda and now he is attacking Turkey for some reason!

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