TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

Agha Sher

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That Stoltenberg guy is always pro-Turkey.

I wish he was the President of the United Nations than we could get more powerful in the Aegean.

He is not pro-Turkey. He is just doing his job. He recognizes the importance of Turkey for NATO, which is 2nd to only the US. Once he gets a new job you will hear him criticize Turkey everywhere he goes.


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Mitsotakis again talking out of his ass. If the aggressor it Greece no one will support Greece as it is getting pounded by hundreds of missiles and bombs daily. No one will save his conscripts soldiers he has stationed on isolated island in the aegan with outdated tanks thinking he can threaten Turkish beaches. Every single on of those island will be turned into hell on earth in a matter of minutes by artillery barrages that will make anything Mitsotakis and his conscript army have seen seem like child play. NATO will intervene with diplomacy but by the time any of them can muster a force to but in between Greece and Turkey Greece will be in ruin. It already is on the brink of being a failed state, we can gladly put the final touch on the death of Greece. Also if he thinks Turkey will listen to threats made by France or Germany or the US he should touch up on his history knowledge. Just as a shere show of force Turkey will annihilate the Greek Military. Leaving nothing to be salvaged.

So for that to happen there would need to be a Greece left after a week of fighting. Which there won't be.

There is difference between underestimating your enemy and overestimating them as many turks do. Greece sees itself as a lion while it is not even a house cat on the global scale. Drop 1000 ISIS fighters into the middle of Greece and they would take over 10% of it in a month.

We are talking about a country whose Military whichever branch it is, has never fired one single bullet, one single missile, one single bomb in real combat. It has no conventional war experience, it has no COIN experience, hell it doesn't even have any anti-riot experience. It never has in its whole history conducted an combined operation. My god forget combined, any of its branches never have planned and conducted any operation on any scale. Its sailors regulary beach their ships. Its pilots take part in a pity competition with 3 other countries and call themselves the best of the best meanwhile if you asked them which targets they have striked they would look on perpelexed, not to forget how often they crash their planes. In which hostile airspace has the Greek Air Force operated? Does it even now what a real EW interference does to ones equipment?

If we go into detail here people will realize in how much of absymal state Greece and its Military really are in. But they bought 6 second hand Rafales. The same Rafales the French have diffictulties keeping more then 50% in the air. The same country that has developed and produces the plane. Good luck with that. I'm sure it won't be called a disaster in 10 years.

And let me make on thing clear here. Over the last few weeks I have seen a lot of Greek fascist on the internet as well as greek media be it television or internet advocate for attacking civilians infrastructure against Turkey to start a war.

Let me say this. The second Greece strikes Turkish civilians it will cease to exist. TSK and Turkey will not stop until Greece has been purged from the face of the earth.

Mitosakis should be careful what he tries to unleash upon himself and his people. This is not the 70s. This time no one can threaten Turkey, if he thinks he can fire upon civilians on turkish soil and not see Greece burn because daddy biden has told him he will protect them then he will have a rude awakening.

Greeks have said they will target dams and bridges.

Basically they have no problem in targeting civilians.

When they lose they cry genocide 🤣


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Mitsotakis again talking out of his ass. If the aggressor it Greece no one will support Greece as it is getting pounded by hundreds of missiles and bombs daily. No one will save his conscripts soldiers he has stationed on isolated island in the aegan with outdated tanks thinking he can threaten Turkish beaches. Every single on of those island will be turned into hell on earth in a matter of minutes by artillery barrages that will make anything Mitsotakis and his conscript army have seen seem like child play. NATO will intervene with diplomacy but by the time any of them can muster a force to but in between Greece and Turkey Greece will be in ruin. It already is on the brink of being a failed state, we can gladly put the final touch on the death of Greece. Also if he thinks Turkey will listen to threats made by France or Germany or the US he should touch up on his history knowledge. Just as a shere show of force Turkey will annihilate the Greek Military. Leaving nothing to be salvaged.

So for that to happen there would need to be a Greece left after a week of fighting. Which there won't be.

There is difference between underestimating your enemy and overestimating them as many turks do. Greece sees itself as a lion while it is not even a house cat on the global scale. Drop 1000 ISIS fighters into the middle of Greece and they would take over 10% of it in a month.

We are talking about a country whose Military whichever branch it is, has never fired one single bullet, one single missile, one single bomb in real combat. It has no conventional war experience, it has no COIN experience, hell it doesn't even have any anti-riot experience. It never has in its whole history conducted an combined operation. My god forget combined, any of its branches never have planned and conducted any operation on any scale. Its sailors regulary beach their ships. Its pilots take part in a pity competition with 3 other countries and call themselves the best of the best meanwhile if you asked them which targets they have striked they would look on perpelexed, not to forget how often they crash their planes. In which hostile airspace has the Greek Air Force operated? Does it even now what a real EW interference does to ones equipment?

Burada ayrıntıya girersek, insanlar Yunanistan'ın ve ordusunun gerçekte ne kadar kötü durumda olduğunu anlayacaklardır. Ama 6 adet ikinci el Rafales satın almışlar. Aynı Rafales'in Fransızlar %50'den fazla havada tutmada güçlük çekiyorlar. Uçağı geliştiren ve üreten aynı ülke. İyi şanslar. Eminim 10 yıl sonra buna felaket denilmeyecektir.

Ve burada bir şeyi açıklığa kavuşturmama izin verin. Son birkaç hafta içinde internette çok sayıda Yunan faşistinin yanı sıra, ister televizyon ister internet savunucusu olsun, bir savaş başlatmak için Türkiye'ye karşı sivillerin altyapısına saldırmayı savunan Yunan medyasını gördüm.

Bunu söylememe izin ver. Yunanistan'ın Türk sivillere vurduğu ikinci darbe, varlığı sona erecektir. Yunanistan yeryüzünden silinene kadar TSK ve Türkiye durmayacak.

Mitosakis should be careful what he tries to unleash upon himself and his people. This is not the 70s. This time no one can threaten Turkey, if he thinks he can fire upon civilians on turkish soil and not see Greece burn because daddy biden has told him he will protect them then he will have a rude awakening.


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Mitsotakis again talking out of his ass. If the aggressor it Greece no one will support Greece as it is getting pounded by hundreds of missiles and bombs daily. No one will save his conscripts soldiers he has stationed on isolated island in the aegan with outdated tanks thinking he can threaten Turkish beaches. Every single on of those island will be turned into hell on earth in a matter of minutes by artillery barrages that will make anything Mitsotakis and his conscript army have seen seem like child play. NATO will intervene with diplomacy but by the time any of them can muster a force to but in between Greece and Turkey Greece will be in ruin. It already is on the brink of being a failed state, we can gladly put the final touch on the death of Greece. Also if he thinks Turkey will listen to threats made by France or Germany or the US he should touch up on his history knowledge. Just as a shere show of force Turkey will annihilate the Greek Military. Leaving nothing to be salvaged.

So for that to happen there would need to be a Greece left after a week of fighting. Which there won't be.

There is difference between underestimating your enemy and overestimating them as many turks do. Greece sees itself as a lion while it is not even a house cat on the global scale. Drop 1000 ISIS fighters into the middle of Greece and they would take over 10% of it in a month.

We are talking about a country whose Military whichever branch it is, has never fired one single bullet, one single missile, one single bomb in real combat. It has no conventional war experience, it has no COIN experience, hell it doesn't even have any anti-riot experience. It never has in its whole history conducted an combined operation. My god forget combined, any of its branches never have planned and conducted any operation on any scale. Its sailors regulary beach their ships. Its pilots take part in a pity competition with 3 other countries and call themselves the best of the best meanwhile if you asked them which targets they have striked they would look on perpelexed, not to forget how often they crash their planes. In which hostile airspace has the Greek Air Force operated? Does it even now what a real EW interference does to ones equipment?

If we go into detail here people will realize in how much of absymal state Greece and its Military really are in. But they bought 6 second hand Rafales. The same Rafales the French have diffictulties keeping more then 50% in the air. The same country that has developed and produces the plane. Good luck with that. I'm sure it won't be called a disaster in 10 years.

And let me make on thing clear here. Over the last few weeks I have seen a lot of Greek fascist on the internet as well as greek media be it television or internet advocate for attacking civilians infrastructure against Turkey to start a war.

Let me say this. The second Greece strikes Turkish civilians it will cease to exist. TSK and Turkey will not stop until Greece has been purged from the face of the earth.

Mitosakis should be careful what he tries to unleash upon himself and his people. This is not the 70s. This time no one can threaten Turkey, if he thinks he can fire upon civilians on turkish soil and not see Greece burn because daddy biden has told him he will protect them then he will have a rude awakening.
I believe I said it before but let me say it again

Greece will never ever be the aggressor
Greece literally has the islands; all what they need to do is to militarise it and build a string of US bases between Greece and Turkey. After that, Greece will announce that they will start drilling in their self-proclaimed true EEZ regardless of whether Turkey likes it or not. At that moment, Turkey will be forced to attack but Turkey wont be able to anything since the US will be the barrier in between

Mitsotakis statements are a warning to Erdogan that he will lose if he started the war after Greece's acts of drilling since the EU will have the perfect excuse to attack Turkey and label him as an invader. In other words, Mitsotakis is telling Erdogan: "Just stay quietly since you cant do anything once we complete the stage"

Greece is already setting up the defensive lines and the stage to be able to protect their EEZ proclamation in the future

What ppl needs to understand is that Greece wont invade Turkey and dont need to since they have an excuse (islands) to steal all of the Med Sea regardless of whether that reason makes sense or not. The problem is that the balance is starting to shift in Turkey's favour and the Greeks wont wait until the balance permanently shifts to Turkey's favour

That is why they want some idiots to shout PEACE PEACE while they continue arming and giving the US more bases. However, recently, Turkey conducted massive exercises near the areas of interest and that worried Greece


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I believe I said it before but let me say it again

Greece will never ever be the aggressor
Greece literally has the islands; all what they need to do is to militarise it and build a string of US bases between Greece and Turkey. After that, Greece will announce that they will start drilling in their self-proclaimed true EEZ regardless of whether Turkey likes it or not. At that moment, Turkey will be forced to attack but Turkey wont be able to anything since the US will be the barrier in between

Mitsotakis statements are a warning to Erdogan that he will lose if he started the war after Greece's acts of drilling since the EU will have the perfect excuse to attack Turkey and label him as an invader. In other words, Mitsotakis is telling Erdogan: "Just stay quietly since you cant do anything once we complete the stage"

Greece is already setting up the defensive lines and the stage to be able to protect their EEZ proclamation in the future

What ppl needs to understand is that Greece wont invade Turkey and dont need to since they have an excuse (islands) to steal all of the Med Sea regardless of whether that reason makes sense or not. The problem is that the balance is starting to shift in Turkey's favour and the Greeks wont wait until the balance permanently shifts to Turkey's favour

That is why they want some idiots to shout PEACE PEACE while they continue arming and giving the US more bases. However, recently, Turkey conducted massive exercises near the areas of interest and that worried Greece
There is something wrong with this plan. Turkiye has 4x deepsea drillships. Turkiye can anytime send 2x o those ships to near Meis island or somewhere in the Sea of İslands where Greeks think it is their turf, with the escort of the Turkish navy. Since Greeks think it is their turf, the ball is in their court to attack and stop Turkish drilling. Once they do this they will be the clear aggressors.


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There is something wrong with this plan. Turkiye has 4x deepsea drillships. Turkiye can anytime send 2x o those ships to near Meis island or somewhere in the Sea of İslands where Greeks think it is their turf, with the escort of the Turkish navy. Since Greeks think it is their turf, the ball is in their court to attack and stop Turkish drilling. Once they do this they will be the clear aggressors.


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Remember when Armenia targeted city centres with ballistic missiles, the media said nothing and no in the west cared that civilians were being directly targetted. The same will happen to Turkey, the west and media and will not care about it if Turkish civilians are killed, but at the same time they will make up lies that greek civilians are being killed.


They played the same games over Cyprus.

Anyway if war comes no more being kind to these people.


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Erdogan: "Mitsotakis called 20 of the 36 countries that participated in the Efes War Exercises. He urged them to not take part in the drills. Gladly nobody, including the US, listened to Greece."


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I believe I said it before but let me say it again

Greece will never ever be the aggressor
Greece literally has the islands; all what they need to do is to militarise it and build a string of US bases between Greece and Turkey. After that, Greece will announce that they will start drilling in their self-proclaimed true EEZ regardless of whether Turkey likes it or not. At that moment, Turkey will be forced to attack but Turkey wont be able to anything since the US will be the barrier in between

Mitsotakis statements are a warning to Erdogan that he will lose if he started the war after Greece's acts of drilling since the EU will have the perfect excuse to attack Turkey and label him as an invader. In other words, Mitsotakis is telling Erdogan: "Just stay quietly since you cant do anything once we complete the stage"

Greece is already setting up the defensive lines and the stage to be able to protect their EEZ proclamation in the future

What ppl needs to understand is that Greece wont invade Turkey and dont need to since they have an excuse (islands) to steal all of the Med Sea regardless of whether that reason makes sense or not. The problem is that the balance is starting to shift in Turkey's favour and the Greeks wont wait until the balance permanently shifts to Turkey's favour

That is why they want some idiots to shout PEACE PEACE while they continue arming and giving the US more bases. However, recently, Turkey conducted massive exercises near the areas of interest and that worried Greece
I will said and it is FACT just keep it in mind that it is Officially greece ALREADY BECOME aggressor!

What I mean it is FACT that 5 islands WERE given to greece from Turkiye according to SIGNED "Treaty of Lausanne" IF and ONLY IF THERE are NO Military present on any given time. ANY military foot on this islands MEAN LEGALLY that greece BROKE SIGNED Treaty of Lausanne . Then Turkiye have in FACT and LEGALLY RIGHT TO DEFEND OR ATTACK these ISLANDS.

When come to usa.... At moment greece already MADE ACTION and it is aggressor according to Signed and LEGAL international LAW and ALSO according to military RULES OF ENGAGEMENTS . IF usa back up greece in this CASE then usa ALSO BECOME ILLEGALLY BRAKING INTERNATIONAL LAW.
World is watching this it is BLACK AND WHITE.


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Sweden and Finland would chose the side of Turkey in a new Greco-Turkish war.😅

Oh and Hungary afcourse.

View attachment 44825

I think you are reading that wrong. TR essentially registers in the negative for all those surveyed countries....sometimes in the heavy negative.

Greece just registers in the negative in Hungary and Finland case ....and around zero for Sweden....but TR registers worse in these 3 countries as well. (i.e you can argue these countries overall dont want to support any side).

A pro-TR country (regd this conflict) in Europe would have turkey chart somewhere on the right hand side and greece on left hand side etc.


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He is not pro-Turkey. He is just doing his job. He recognizes the importance of Turkey for NATO, which is 2nd to only the US. Once he gets a new job you will hear him criticize Turkey everywhere he goes.

ye the guy is just show the way he talks and forms his sentences, his body language etc lel


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People thinking stoltenberg is "pro-Turkey" should rewatch and pay attention to his words closely.

"Concerns are genuine" is one of the oldest word-salad euphemisms in the book to basically take no position....but give a window dressing of nicety to placate someone.

🇹🇷 is a NATO member....NATO sec general does not have it in his job description to "take sides" against a NATO member.

It is similar to UN secretary general being extremely cautious about never criticizing a UN matter how grave things actually can be (can look at 🇨🇳 and covid world pandemic for example, 🇸🇾 war, 🇲🇲 war, rohingya....all manner of things like that).

That is left for constituent members to do so bilaterally or multilaterally.


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I think you are reading that wrong. TR essentially registers in the negative for all those surveyed countries....sometimes in the heavy negative.

Greece just registers in the negative in Hungary and Finland case ....and around zero for Sweden....but TR registers worse in these 3 countries as well. (i.e you can argue these countries overall dont want to support any side).

A pro-TR country (regd this conflict) in Europe would have turkey chart somewhere on the right hand side and greece on left hand side etc.

I just realised that Greece (GRE) has near 0 for itself too according to this poll.

That's messed up.....something seems off about this poll (I would think Greece population supports its armed forces much more than that in such a conflict). Do we have the original source?

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