People thinking stoltenberg is "pro-Turkey" should rewatch and pay attention to his words closely.
"Concerns are genuine" is one of the oldest word-salad euphemisms in the book to basically take no position....but give a window dressing of nicety to placate someone.
is a NATO member....NATO sec general does not have it in his job description to "take sides" against a NATO member.
It is similar to UN secretary general being extremely cautious about never criticizing a UN matter how grave things actually can be (can look atand covid world pandemic for example,
war, rohingya....all manner of things like that).
That is left for constituent members to do so bilaterally or multilaterally.
The problem for Turkey is, that despite her legitimate concerns in an era of anti-Islamic sentiment that has only continued to rise really since 9/11, someone like erdogan was the worst thing that could have happened to Turkey.
Its always going to be hard to get the Turkish argument across to the west, since Turkey carries the Ottoman baggage and Turkey is perceived as a non-white Muslim country.
But 20 years of an Islamist nut constantly barking and destroying relations with his big mouth, means that no matter what happens in the future Turkey will be perceived as the bad guy.
That perception makes it extremely difficult for Turkey to defend her regional interests.
Erdogans name carries so much negative baggage in the world, it would be better for Turkey if a new name came to power. Appealing to the common arab or pakistani muslim, does nothing for Turkish geopolitical concerns.