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Some people were telling me this would never happen btw.

Instead of having Diyanet waste over a billion dollars in 6 months how about we pump that money into buying off politicians in the US and even going as far as collecting dirt on those who work with greek and armenian lobbies.

But nah we rather have Diyanet buy hundreds of S-Class cars and real estate in the "unbelievers" country USA.

Religious leaders regardless of which religion they follow preach about humbleness and modesty shouldnt be talking about israf or waste when they drive bmw and mercedes benz or have golden crowns or a golden pulpit like the pope.

They will tell you its wasteful to buy a car like a ferrari, bmw, mercedes or an alfa romeo while at the same time they drive mercs.

Why dont they drive the basic trim models instead of the 200k plus S class.

Not just the diyanet should have their toys taken away. The Politcians should also have their luxury toys taken away like like their cars, mansions and private jets.
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[Went through a 3-hour-long rabbit-hole regarding Israel's diamond trade; sharing the results here with you, the 3 hours is wasted but at least some people will read and learn something]

Diamonds are Israel's single biggest export item (the 13% figure below was 24% in 2016. Due to the factors mentioned below it seems, Israeli mining companies are maybe using transshipment or 3rd party countries or are not declaring numbers through confidentiality clauses; Around 13% share of Israel in world diamond exports suddenly falls to 8% in the same time-frame that U.S. sanctions it and UAE's share grows from 8% to 13%; seems the blood diamonds are being washed by the way of UAE; (

These numbers were around 50% for Israel at the turn of the century, so I suspect Israel losing 40% of its share at the same time that several small island nations have added to their share and India has increased its share massively cannot be explained away by Israel losing its supply, as none of these nations have mining endeavors in East Africa and Great Lakes Region. So my suspicion is Israel not only has retained but might have even increased its 50% share of Diamond (and many other associated minerals and gemstones) exports in the past two decades).


U.S. sanctioned the diamond mining monopoly (monopoly rights were bought for 30 million dollars along with other deals for Cobalt and Copper mining) of Israeli billionaire Dan Getler 7 years ago, citing human rights violations then Trump reversed his own sanctions on the last days of his admin without public announcement; Biden admin reinstated them to then announce 3 months ago a "limited" easing of these sanctions.

This back & forth seems to be a result of conflict of interest and the divergence of Israeli and American positions regarding Joseph Kabila, the former president of Congo and the monopoly given to the Israeli firm by him and his father, and also Israel's anarchic opportunism regarding the blood diamond and other mining enterprises (Beny Steinmetz once Israel's richest man and Soros' old partner has sevral iron and other metal mines all over the region) through whatever means possible, working with all sides of the conflict and the terrorist groups to sell them weapons (mostly in partnership with Russia through Israeli "King of Diamonds" Lev Leviev, a very close friend of Putin, another source of disputes with U.S. deep state's NATO faction), destabilizing the region and facilitating all the atrocities that have happened in the Great Lakes Region.

Regarding the cold war struggle for Angola between U.S. and Soviets, an excerpt from this article ( is interesting:

From the telegrams it appears that, unlike the US, Israel showed flexibility and was not interested in the global struggle between the West block and the Soviet block or the ideology of the Angolan liberation movements, but mainly if the specific movement was willing to build relations with it in contrast to the position of the Arab states. Israel held talks with all the liberation movements and each time chose to concentrate its support for the one that it identified as having the chance to prevail.

Then, there's the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) which according to their own website here

"started when Southern African diamond-producing states met in Kimberley, South Africa, in May 2000, to discuss ways to stop the trade in ‘conflict diamonds' and ensure that diamond purchases were not financing violence by rebel movements and their allies seeking to undermine legitimate governments."

The parties to this certification scheme are the heirs to the Cecil Rhoades/Rothschild/De Beers fortune and Israel was the closest ally of South Africa's apartheid regime and has organic ties to the Belgian and U.K. centers of Diamond trade. But even then, there was an attempt to include human rights violations included in the definiton of this certification scheme, but the move was blocked by Israeli Diamond Exchange (IDE) and its president Shmuel Schnitzer (Dan Getler's uncle), citing here that "it could be disastrous to trading centers, and especially to Israel".

The hilarious thing is that 90% (90% because althought 80% of diamond is used in industry, 90% of revenue comes from jewellery sales) of this 50 billion $ industry for Israel which fuels civil wars and genocides all over Africa is based on a marketing ploy to create a fake tradition of buying diamonds for engagement rings and the diamond cartel keeps prices high through artificial scarcity. Watch here (English subtitles are available but the video is in Turkish):



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I went through it all and while its interesting, I dont see the connection to the thread and Turkey. Care to explain / give us context? @Rooxbar


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I went through it all and while its interesting, I dont see the connection to the thread and Turkey. Care to explain / give us context? @Rooxbar
The relevance is implicit (just like my last post about Israel buying primary elections in U.S.); I can edit and make it explicit if you want.


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The relevance is implicit (just like my last post about Israel buying primary elections in U.S.); I can edit and make it explicit if you want.
Turkey should consider investing in lab grown diamonds, the profits are good, its something turkey could easily do with investments, but not sure if its a energy hungry process, also helps taking away revenue from the antichrists state.


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The relevance is implicit (just like my last post about Israel buying primary elections in U.S.); I can edit and make it explicit if you want.

Maybe I'm to slow to get it, I really mean it. Please tell me.
Are you suggesting we do similar or what?


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Maybe I'm to slow to get it, I really mean it. Please tell me.
Are you suggesting we do similar or what?
I mentioned in my post about dem primaries that AIPAC spent 10 million dollars on one campaign to flip a seat from pro-Palestinian to pro-Israeli. 10 million might not sound much, but that was the second most expensive primary.

A similar point was mentioned in Dan Getler's case, in which through a friendship he cultivated over the years with Congo's president's son (by buying him expensive stuff mostly), he got to get a concession for monopoly rights for Congo's diamond mines in his father's time and then the son became president. He bought the concessions for 30 million dollars.

These relations are more fragile than most people think. Anybody who delves into details of how these relationships are maintained and can be damaged and disrupted over the years will see that on the ground realities are open to manipulation and disruption. The least you can do is to look into it.

The type of direct confrontation and domestic use of propaganda which is utilized by the ruling party has a very domestic focus, nevertheless it doesn't mean that with a rational admin we'd see eye to eye with Israel or the Jewish lobby in Israel, esp. since the outlooks and analysis of the opposing side has already shifted dramatically after the Islamists started to play with an open hand, divulging their intentions and letting passion betray strategy. As opposed to this approach, a China that everyone saw was advancing in all fronts since 90s, kept increases in military spending and confrontation with the empire to a minimum, instead using cordial relations and cooperative posturing to infiltrate WTO, WHO, World Bank, ITU, ICAO, RFMOs, ISA and basically any organization worth their salt. This was a patient 20 year project that Xi Jinping disrupted. Maybe the analysis was it was time to break, maybe he put his foot down based on personal preferences. Only history can judge if it was a prudent decision, but no one can dispute that what came before was effective and made possible any more assertive approaches that may have followed.

Deng Xiaoping's maxim "lie low, hide your capabilities and bide your time" is not available to us due to hasty and childish approaches of the past 15 years. Only thing we can do in the light of Wolfowitz doctrine is look into disrupting the Israeli influence in the places we can, gaining trump cards behind the scene to be able to use in bilateral relations. As radicalization of Israeli body politic seems destined to increase in the coming decades, ceteris paribus regarding their level of influence over U.S. politicians, we're going to have a hard time with our efforts to gain the upper hand in terms of air force in the region, and I predict much more disruptions to come, unless we can play the old NATO guard in pentagon against the state department and the parts where Jewish influence reigns supreme.

Hari Sud

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The current world power and economic structure require a reordering.

Over the past 30 years, the United States has engaged in four unnecessary wars, Gulf Wars 1 and 2, the Afghan War, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where the U.S. is not directly involved but is heavily committed to Ukraine militarily. US did not win these wars or unlikely to win the Ukraine war, hence these wars have significantly eroded America's economic and military strength. None of them yielded decisive results, but they have diminished America's global prestige.

It may be time to reconsider the world's dominant power structure and re-order it, as the U.S. appears increasingly incapable of effectively managing global issues. The Gulf Wars, intended to secure control over a significant portion of the world's oil supply, ultimately failed to achieve their objectives. The Afghan war, while necessary, was mishandled, particularly with the choice to align with Pakistan, which covertly supported both sides, even sheltering Osama bin Laden.

The Ukraine war, which was aimed at weakening Russia, has not worked and could have been handled more effectively through diplomacy.

The unexpected alliance between Russia and China, joined by a heavily armed North Korea, is particularly concerning. Iran, though a partner, pales in comparison to the threat posed by the other three. The US animosity toward Iran, stemming from the 1979 embassy crisis, is outdated and no longer relevant.

This Russia-China-North Korea trio now poses a serious threat to both Europe and the Pacific region. This outcome is an unintended consequence of the Ukraine war. The story that portrays Russia as the sole aggressor ignores the fact that America's push to bring Ukraine into NATO, encroaching on Russia's sphere of influence, caused the conflict. If faced with a similar situation, the U.S. would probably have reacted in exactly the same manner as it did in Cuba in 1962.

The worst may still be ahead. While the war will eventually end, its economic impacts will be long-lasting. The hegemony of the U.S. dollar in global trade is already under threat, a direct result of the comprehensive sanctions imposed on Russia and the warnings issued to its trading partners. As a result, countries are beginning to settle trades in currencies other than the dollar.

This shift is a significant loss for America. If the Ukraine war were to end today, the U.S. might still have a chance to halt this decline. But if the war and sanctions persist, the gradual decline of the dollar is inevitable. Bad news for America.

If things do not go America's way, China may challenge a weakened U.S. supremacy in the Indo-Pacific region. While China may not succeed, the mere possibility is alarming for the smaller nations in the region. Although China may only intimidate and not fight a war as economic losses for them will be enormous, but belligerent China may be forcing the Taiwan issue.

While this analysis has a 50/50 chance of playing out, the mere possibility of America's military and economic decline should prompt some serious reflection among honest-minded people in Washington and elsewhere. There is a good need to reconsider and reorder the world order for long term peace and prosperity. America may be one leg of the new order, others equally powerful may seek equal status.



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For the geniuses in the forum who criticised me for saying that the PKK was funded and created by America to destabilise Turkey, Iraq, and Syria in order for the US to not only crush any competitors to the Jewish/Zionist dreams but also to steal their resources

I beg the ppl to watch this video and learn how the USA arms kurdish minorities to wreack havoc


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