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The tourism industry was destroyed years ago thanks to our cabdrivers, Kurdish hotel-lords and scamming restaurant owners (1200 lira for 2 cups of juice for example or 900 lira for a lahmacun) and the Youtube floggers who filmed and reported this.
That's too easy..... I don't want to defend or accuse the social or anti-social Kurds as I am of Turkish/Kurdish origin myself. I was born and live in Germany and have a house in Antalya (summer house) since 2006.
Prices in general have been extremely high for the last 2 years.
Everyone's greed has increased so that you can eat and drink on the beach + sun lounger, or in a restaurant in the evening and cab money.
They take advantage of the people there and this is not a phenomenon that only this or that person does.
If I didn't have a house with a pool, I would easily have to spend over 2500-3500€ in a hotel for a 3-week vacation with 3 people (my family) including me, and in my opinion that's just too much money for a 3-week vacation in a country like Turkey. My best friend from Kayseri has already made this acquaintance, he spent over 3000€ and he didn't go on a cheap/savings vacation or luxury vacation, but he had to eat out or in the hotel every day, then there's the classic shopping + gifts for the family that costs and the prices in the tourist areas have become really expensive.

And the alternative of going into town and eating out there doesn't help much, because the cab ride there and back makes up for the saving.
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