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Dont be surprised,they need their stolen money to be safe on South-Cyprus banks.Kazakistan recognized Greek Cyprus .
Kazakistan recognized Greek Cyprus .
As a Turk of Kurdish origin, I would welcome it if the PKK/YPG were finally disbanded. They have caused nothing but trouble and mistrust for both Turks and Kurds, whether in Turkey, Iraq or Syria, and have caused countless senseless deaths in the region.
If you let Apo out of his exile, you are at the same time spitting on the graves of all the innocent people who have died in this insane conflict (The German news is talking about it).
That would really send the wrong signal, it would cause even more strife than it would solve.
I didn't understand why these people fought against their own people and their brother people anyway, so many people died for nothing, it's just a shame.
The release should not be negotiable, this guy disgusts me. I read a few lines of his doctrine in Wikipedia the man is a radical communist through and through.....And a puppet for both the West and the East.