TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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As a Turk of Kurdish origin, I would welcome it if the PKK/YPG were finally disbanded. They have caused nothing but trouble and mistrust for both Turks and Kurds, whether in Turkey, Iraq or Syria, and have caused countless senseless deaths in the region.
If you let Apo out of his exile, you are at the same time spitting on the graves of all the innocent people who have died in this insane conflict (The German news is talking about it).
That would really send the wrong signal, it would cause even more strife than it would solve.
I didn't understand why these people fought against their own people and their brother people anyway, so many people died for nothing, it's just a shame.
The release should not be negotiable, this guy disgusts me. I read a few lines of his doctrine in Wikipedia the man is a radical communist through and through.....And a puppet for both the West and the East.

realistically he should have disappeared into the night a long long time ago. But obviously an agenda is at play against the region, hence why he's around and was even promoted by feto/ak party openly for a long time.

In Russia the moment someone is seen to be an enemy of the state he's erased in the most comedic of ways, how many fell out their window of a tall building. Countless hundreds if not thousands are disappeared with exceptional ease. In Turkiye traitors are constantly promoted while patriots are locked up and not a word is said about it.

But understand this, kurdistan is just a means to an end. The british in world war one played the same game on kurds, fight Turks and get a state. Once the Turks lost control of north iraq, british annexed it and then Churchill gassed the kurds and celebrated it. The plan is obvious, the anglo-american world and their lessor europeans intend to prime that region for isreali domination in the long term. That can only be achieved if they get as much sectarian strife as possible going.

When Kurds were at the Polish border the westerners talked about an islamic invasion, they were completely dehumanised. But when Kurds are talked in the context of being used against Turks the white man talks with such happiness. Don't let these bastards succeed in their evil demonic games. When you see a westerner promoting division between the Turk and the Kurd, spit in his face and call him a k'nt. Because what they are doing is pushing for mass death and destruction in the region. They have evil intent in what they are doing.
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Scott Summers

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The fact that ‘Kurdish’ terror organisations and ‘Kurdistan’ activists and promotors never criticize Israel and never ever support the Palestinian struggle against Zionism, is the greatest proof that they are not communists or true marxists. They are just US lapdogs without idealism doing what they’re told.

A ultra-communist state as North Korea even recognized Palestine and their right to self determination and condemned Israel. But those Kurds just dont.


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Today, the deputies of the so-called Iranian National Assembly approved, with a fragile 51% of the votes, the decision to ban the writing and reading of the Turkish language in Iran. Despite this, we will continue our struggle to keep our Turkish identity alive in Southern Azerbaijan. Our independence is near!
How impertinent..... perhaps one should consider a counter reaction, e.g. banning Iranians (including businessmen) from entering the country, banning Farsi as a language in public.
Apparently the Iranians have not been fucked enough by the Americans and Israelis that they blame Turks for their incompetence.


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Today, the deputies of the so-called Iranian National Assembly approved, with a fragile 51% of the votes, the decision to ban the writing and reading of the Turkish language in Iran. Despite this, we will continue our struggle to keep our Turkish identity alive in Southern Azerbaijan. Our independence is near!
Maybe they see/feel it coming,the last struggles i guess.


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Today, the deputies of the so-called Iranian National Assembly approved, with a fragile 51% of the votes, the decision to ban the writing and reading of the Turkish language in Iran. Despite this, we will continue our struggle to keep our Turkish identity alive in Southern Azerbaijan. Our independence is near!

They are continuing where the Shah left off.

Pahlavi dynasty was pretty much responsible for wiping out Azerbaijani and other Turkic languages in Iran and imposed Persian on evetybody.

Khomeini did not end it but continued it.


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They are continuing where the Shah left off.

Pahlavi dynasty was pretty much responsible for wiping out Azerbaijani and other Turkic languages in Iran and imposed Persian on evetybody.

Khomeini did not end it but continued it.
Although our quarrel with Persians is very old, we haven't wage a war with Iran since 1639, Kasr-ı Şirin treaty

But throughout those long centuries, they have always been hostile towards us

We shouldn't become enemies again, but we shouldn't forget even for a second that they have never, ever been our friends and never will be, either


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❗Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is serving a life sentence on the island of Imrali in the Sea of Marmara, addressed the Kurds and made a historic announcement about the disbandment of the terrorist organization.

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