Ahahaha okay buddy thanks for verified to me that you are clueless on the subject. T/R modules aren’t all the same and very importantly the reason the Rafale has so little is because of size not technology. If you notice the nose of the Rafale is way smaller than most aircraft and that’s the maximum size it can handle, that’s why even the Tejas uses it, so no it’s not a technology problem it’s a size one, just shows how much you know with “oh it has less so it worse”.
Of course it has to do with size and so it has much less TRM than its counterparts but that has a consequence. As a result, the number of modules that skip frequency is low in per second, the scanning/receiver sensors in per second are less than their counterparts and accordingly, the volume scanned in unit time is smaller than their counterparts and the resolution is lower.
If there is no difference between 800 TrM and 1300TRM, then why don't the manufacturers make a radar with 10 TRM with low electric consunption and integrate it into their aircraft with same performance? If there will be no change in performance, why is it doing million-dollar R&D to compress and cool these modules into as narrow a space as possible which each module consume electricity like crazy produced on the plane and need crazy engineering asset to coole each of them? You know the answer! Don't make me tell each details...
Greek clowns usually get angry when their "savior" named Rafale is mentioned bad and their anger increases as you remind them of the truth but when you see that your savior is not working properly against a steel strong army, you cry for help again.
Ahaha yeah okay buddy sure, just because you studied the radar for a few months that somehow means you can make a superior radar to that cause that’s obviously how stuff goes, just study something that took years and billions to make for a few months and anything can make better.I’m guess that’s the logic with the TF-X used.
I didn't mention checking features of Qatari RBE2 and developing a better radar based on this experience but on all cases both way are true. You can be sure that liquied cooled GaN AESA called Murad developed by Turkey, will perform much better as it will be developed on the basis of a much more effective semi-conductor, as mentioned by
@Yasar but what I was talking about was actually electronic warfare techniques.
Ahh sorry, Greeks have already figured out what electronic warfare sensors are for them, with 3km range system they bought from Israel to prevent Turkish drones.

When you are a technology ignorant nation, such incidents will happen to you frequently. The collection of such radar emissions is an important issue for Turkey, since Turkey is among the influential players in the world with its AESA-based technology in the field of electronic attack. You are not aware of the developments, I think you need to follow Turks more closely in this forum. Your brain is watered by listening to fake news and propaganda in the Greek media.
From what I know while the original LOA for the CCIP program was for all aircraft but in actuality only 117 passed it and from articles I’ve read özgur is being considered for the Block 40s too so yeah it’s not just the remaining block-30 and Block-50+s because you’re Block 40s alone are 117.
165+10 CCIP + 29 B50+ 38 B30
If you don't know, don't claim Greek. The truth is here. Turaf will have a combat fleet that is 1.5 times your size in all conditions and environments. With new technologies and acquisitions, as well as fighter drones, domestic fighters, these gaps will widen even more. Ultimately, when you look back, you will see a neighbor with a combat fleet that is 3-4 times the size of small Greece in all areas.
Most of this reply is addressing how I told you that all of these are statements and assumptions about the success of paper projects and unlike the equipment Greece bought/will buy which is by reputable companies with tried and proven technologies and results, Turkey not only isn’t as tried and proven, but THE FUTURE PROJECTS THAT ARENR EVEN OUT are better and you talk with such arrogance like your comparing Neolithic technology to yours. Also can you like please stop with this conductive and hateful way of speaking, I understand being mean or angry or cocky but you’re speaking like you are writing a manifesto and half of your reply sounds like what a edgelord 12 year old would write, no offence.
There's no problem when you talk about unsigned corvettes, extra frigates, F35s, or any other second hand item you've been begging for a while and see wet dreams. I am speaking about Hurjet whose prototypes are at the stage of mass production or about TFX which is planned to be delivered 14 unit in 2028 and one TFX is currently under assembly or from MIUS which is counting days for first flight or about Ramjet BVR which will start tests next year or about Gökdogan BVR which will be delivered until the end of this year, it's becoming like dreaming with paper projects for you? Ahh Greek sorry for your future generation. I hope they won't ve as ignorant as you are.
While I'm arguing, I like to highlight the tactics that other side uses to hide their helplessness. Actually, that's exactly what you did here. Since you always try to imitate what Turks do in your history, which is mixed with an inferiority complex and you always console yourself with stories of superiority, you usually choose to deny when such painful truths are written because this situation deepens your inferiority complex and you don't know what to do.
My advice to you is that if you can sign protection agreements with 5 more countries and use NATO as your own army, maybe you can go to bed feeling more secure. You can only console yourself with these fake superiority tales.