Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations


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Laughter what you bend knee to everyone persians,arabs,Turks,Romans,Macedonians lmao Is there anyone else left you didn't bend during your history? You also bend to europe as well during crusades lol. You probably cry about mavi vatan every night before you sleep
You are historically ignorant 🙂
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In an interview with TRT, Cavusoglu for 5th time in 10 days reiterated the claims tto challenge once again the sovereignty of Greece in the Greek Aegean islands, setting as a pretext Ankara's request for demilitarization.
The answer, of course, was given by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr Papaioannou, where, among other things, he points out that the answers have been given to the UN, always based on international law, something that Turkey deliberately ignores.
In a short time I will post why Turkey is lying and that its purpose is the conquest of Greek territory within the framework of the Mavi Vatan doctrine.

Are you going to tell us how you illegally armed the Islands with many different excuses despite the treaties you signed and the terms of delivery and that you tried to justify your illegality with a legal letter after Turkey's letter to the UN?

The fact that the words of "international law" are not missing from the mouths of those who openly violate international laws is nothing but suppression of own shame and crime.


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Are you going to tell us how you illegally armed the Islands with many different excuses despite the treaties you signed and the terms of delivery and that you tried to justify your illegality with a legal letter after Turkey's letter to the UN?

The fact that the words of "international law" are not missing from the mouths of those who openly violate international laws is nothing but suppression of own shame and crime.
I had answered to all the Turkish objections, but the thread and the posts were deleted.
So again.....
Turkey is the only country that refers to and demands the demilitarization of the “islands in the Eastern Aegean”.
With regard to the militarization of the islands in the Eastern Aegean, various international agreements apply.

In particular :
  • the status of the islands of Limnos and Samothrace is governed by the 1923 Lausanne Treaty on the Straits, which has been replaced by the 1936 Montreux Treaty;
  • the status of the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Ikaria, is governed by the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty; and
  • the status of the Dodecanese islands is governed by the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.

More specifically..........
  • In article 13 of the Lausanne Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”; instead, the said article makes reference to specific military restrictions and only in respect of four islands of the Eastern Aegean, namely, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Icaria.
  • The fact that the Eastern Aegean islands are falsely considered from the Turkey to be “lying on [the] prolongation” of the Anatolian mainland and as related to the “defence and security” of the latter is indicative of Turkey’s intention to challenge Greece’s sovereignty over those islands.
  • With respect to the Dodecanese islands, it should be underlined that the 1947 Paris Treaty of Peace with Italy ceded full and unconditional sovereignty to Greece over them and the adjacent islets. It should be additionally noted that the provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it.
  • Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, in violation of the Cyprus Treaty of Guarantee, to which Greece is a signatory state, and despite the numerous United Nations Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions to the contrary, still continues to maintain substantial military forces in the occupied territories.
  • Turkey systematically violates Greek Air Space, and its military aircraft, often armed, fly over inhabited Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, which raises serious security concerns.
  • Turkey over the past six decades, has maintained a significant number of military units, aircraft and landing craft at points on the coast of Asia Minor just across from the Greek islands, which is a serious threat against Greece.
  • Furthermore, and in order to complete the Turkey’s regional profile, one should take into consideration that Turkey has invaded and illegally occupies, apart from a part of Cyprus, also parts of Iraq and Syria, claiming that it has done so out of concerns for its security. In addition, it still refuses to withdraw its military forces and mercenaries from Libya, defying relevant persistent calls by the entire international community, in the context of the latter’s endeavours for a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis

Is there any threat to the Greek islands from Turkey?

First threat came from the sea
, and is the Amphibious Marine Brigade (Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tugayı), also known as Amphibious Commando ( Amfibi Komando), is the marine corps unit of the Turkish Naval Forces based in Phocaea near Smyrna , facing Lesvos island, where they exist three amphibious battalions, an MBT battalion, an artillery battalion, a support battalion and other company-sized units.
Has been founded in 1966!!!!
At the base we could clearly see at least 35 landing craft.

Second threat came from the air, are the 2nd Land Aviation Regiment (Erhaç Airport, Malatya) and 3rd Land Aviation Regiment (Gaziemir Air Base, Smyrna), with the about 100 transport helicopters (S-70A17/19 Blackhawk and AS-532UL Cougar) as also and the 35 attack helicopters (T-129 ATAK, AH-1P Cobra).

All the above turkish military units are facing the Greek islands.
Which we imagine are not going to land in Indonesia, Australia, Syria, France etc.

Greece reiterates its position that it is fully justified in taking all elementary precautionary measures to ensure that it will be able to exercise its inalienable right to self-defence on the basis of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular given the above-mentioned conduct of Turkey since 1974.
The Turkish military threat is real, what is threatened is not demilitarized.


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I would not answer you, because it is useless to argue with ...... as Mark Twain remind us.
Just a question: Do you know that we have been with some of these peoples long before you appeared as destroyers of civilization?
Because we were powerful and you were weak Greeks are made for poetry not for war. Mighty Turks destroyed your civilization to your head now go cry about it before you sleep weakling. Also when did seljuks destroyed civilization they are the piooners of İslamic-Turkic civilization don't claim eastern roman as yours, turks ain't mongolian hordes but according to your handicapped comments Turks are anti-christ for you. Your history with turks is all about losing battles and crying about it, you can't deny that I also take "Destroyers of civilization" argument as a compliment Because strong destroys while weak cries.
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Two pictures are completely erasing the general consent about history according to Akritas, Turkey was definitely the only country that was having diplomatic relations to nazi Germany. :ROFLMAO:
Lets just completely forget how even its later arch enemies were splitting countries between them, no no, lets just post two pictures with flags to make a point, namely that Turks are always the evil guys.
Man, gotta love how you bend facts the way it pleases you every time.

Edit; forgot to turn off sarcasm mode.


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Two pictures are completely erasing the general consent about history according to Akritas, Turkey was definitely the only country that was having diplomatic relations to nazi Germany. :ROFLMAO:
Lets just completely forget how even its later arch enemies were splitting countries between them, no no, lets just post two pictures with plags to make a point, Turks are always the evil guys.
Man, gotta love how you bend facts the way it pleases you every time.


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A lot of garbage arguments here. Maybe when you grow up in a toxic anti-Turkish environment like Greece they make sense but not so much in a halfway rational context.

  • In article 13 of the Lausanne Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”; instead, the said article makes reference to specific military restrictions and only in respect of four islands of the Eastern Aegean, namely, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Icaria.
  • The fact that the Eastern Aegean islands are falsely considered from the Turkey to be “lying on [the] prolongation” of the Anatolian mainland and as related to the “defence and security” of the latter is indicative of Turkey’s intention to challenge Greece’s sovereignty over those islands.
  • With respect to the Dodecanese islands, it should be underlined that the 1947 Paris Treaty of Peace with Italy ceded full and unconditional sovereignty to Greece over them and the adjacent islets. It should be additionally noted that the provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it.

Lausanne and Paris treaties call for a demilitarized regime on certain Greek islands in the Aegean. We know it, you know it. Your EU buddies also know it, which is why Germany reportedly asked Greece to remove military from those islands. Greece should start obeying international law and treaties in practice rather than just using them as a rhetorical device.

  • Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, in violation of the Cyprus Treaty of Guarantee, to which Greece is a signatory state, and despite the numerous United Nations Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions to the contrary, still continues to maintain substantial military forces in the occupied territories.

Turkey intervened in Cyprus in 1974 not in violation of but in accordance with Cyprus Treaty of Guarantees. That treaty allowed for guarantors to intervene in case one of the ethnic groups (ie. Turkish minority) was being suppressed because even at that time everybody knew how Greeks are. Greeks spent a good part of the 1960s trying to ethnically cleanse the Turks from Cyprus like they did in Crete and other places. I am sure you will remember since one of the genocidal terrorist organizations of that time was your namesake, Akritas.

It is really interesting how Greeks tried to commit a genocide in Cyprus and annex the whole island to Greece but are now crying to everyone about Cyprus being occupied. There would be no independent Cyprus at all today if it was not for Turkish intervention.

  • Turkey systematically violates Greek Air Space, and its military aircraft, often armed, fly over inhabited Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, which raises serious security concerns.

Nope, it doesn't. Greece has a unique and rather absurd way of defining its own airspace, not backed by any international law, and Turkey flies in disputed areas to let Greece know it still doesn't accept its fantasies. Overflights are done only on territories that were Ottoman in the past, that were not left to Greece with any treaties but Greece somehow still occupied. It was quite funny when Greece asked the US, in their usual sycophantic way, to calculate the number of times Turkey violated the air space of Greece and the US said it doesn't want to get involved because it doesn't agree with how Greece views its air space.

  • Turkey over the past six decades, has maintained a significant number of military units, aircraft and landing craft at points on the coast of Asia Minor just across from the Greek islands, which is a serious threat against Greece.

Turkey, unlike Greece, is not required to demilitarize a part of its territory by international treaties. Any threat to Greece is imaginary. As you say yourself the military installations have been there for 6 decades and nothing has happened despite serious Greek provocations. And, before you say the Greek military on the islands deterred action, the Greek forces on islands are essentially dead the moment hostilities start.

  • Furthermore, and in order to complete the Turkey’s regional profile, one should take into consideration that Turkey has invaded and illegally occupies, apart from a part of Cyprus, also parts of Iraq and Syria, claiming that it has done so out of concerns for its security. In addition, it still refuses to withdraw its military forces and mercenaries from Libya, defying relevant persistent calls by the entire international community, in the context of the latter’s endeavours for a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis

Now you are just conflating lots of wildly different issues and do a lot of name-dropping to create the image you have in your mind. Turkish military is in Iraq and Syria to target the PKK terrorism. You might want to pay attention to how this is a valid use of the self-defense condition of the UN - a real organization with real weapons attacking Turkey and causing casualties rather than a paranoia for an amphibious assault that is yet to happen after 6 decades. Iraq, which you say Turkey invaded, cooperates with Turkey in the fight against PKK at both central government and local Kurdish levels. Syria is in a chaotic civil war with lots of participants that control much more territory such as the United States, your current puppetmaster. One can't help but notice how you fail to criticize the US for invading Syria but of course, you don't care about Syria or logical consistency, but only about trying to make Turkey look bad.

It should be noted here, to complete Greece's regional profile, that Greece has supported the PKK terrorism for a long time.

Regarding Libya, Turkey was invited to Libya by its legal government and a bilateral deal does not need approval from other parties. Also, you will find that some countries like the UK and the US will not be very quick in really demanding Turkey withdraw from Libya without seeing a corresponding Russian withdrawal. But of course, small Greece does not care for anything in the world except its narrow interests.

The Turkish military threat is real, what is threatened is not demilitarized.

What is not demilitarized can be destroyed quite easily. Turkey does not plan on invading Greece anytime soon but if it were, the military forces on the islands would be like serving hors d'Oeuvre before the main course.


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I would not answer you, because it is useless to argue with ...... as Mark Twain remind us.
Just a question: Do you know that we have been with some of these peoples long before you appeared as destroyers of civilisations.

Thank you I take that as a compliment. A bunch of guys living in tents destroyed your degenerate civilsation.


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I had answered to all the Turkish objections, but the thread and the posts were deleted.
So again.....
Turkey is the only country that refers to and demands the demilitarization of the “islands in the Eastern Aegean”.
With regard to the militarization of the islands in the Eastern Aegean, various international agreements apply.

In particular :
  • the status of the islands of Limnos and Samothrace is governed by the 1923 Lausanne Treaty on the Straits, which has been replaced by the 1936 Montreux Treaty;
  • the status of the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Ikaria, is governed by the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty; and
  • the status of the Dodecanese islands is governed by the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.

More specifically..........
  • In article 13 of the Lausanne Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”; instead, the said article makes reference to specific military restrictions and only in respect of four islands of the Eastern Aegean, namely, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Icaria.
  • The fact that the Eastern Aegean islands are falsely considered from the Turkey to be “lying on [the] prolongation” of the Anatolian mainland and as related to the “defence and security” of the latter is indicative of Turkey’s intention to challenge Greece’s sovereignty over those islands.
  • With respect to the Dodecanese islands, it should be underlined that the 1947 Paris Treaty of Peace with Italy ceded full and unconditional sovereignty to Greece over them and the adjacent islets. It should be additionally noted that the provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it.
  • Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, in violation of the Cyprus Treaty of Guarantee, to which Greece is a signatory state, and despite the numerous United Nations Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions to the contrary, still continues to maintain substantial military forces in the occupied territories.
  • Turkey systematically violates Greek Air Space, and its military aircraft, often armed, fly over inhabited Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, which raises serious security concerns.
  • Turkey over the past six decades, has maintained a significant number of military units, aircraft and landing craft at points on the coast of Asia Minor just across from the Greek islands, which is a serious threat against Greece.
  • Furthermore, and in order to complete the Turkey’s regional profile, one should take into consideration that Turkey has invaded and illegally occupies, apart from a part of Cyprus, also parts of Iraq and Syria, claiming that it has done so out of concerns for its security. In addition, it still refuses to withdraw its military forces and mercenaries from Libya, defying relevant persistent calls by the entire international community, in the context of the latter’s endeavours for a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis

Is there any threat to the Greek islands from Turkey?

First threat came from the sea
, and is the Amphibious Marine Brigade (Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tugayı), also known as Amphibious Commando ( Amfibi Komando), is the marine corps unit of the Turkish Naval Forces based in Phocaea near Smyrna , facing Lesvos island, where they exist three amphibious battalions, an MBT battalion, an artillery battalion, a support battalion and other company-sized units.
Has been founded in 1966!!!!
At the base we could clearly see at least 35 landing craft.

Second threat came from the air, are the 2nd Land Aviation Regiment (Erhaç Airport, Malatya) and 3rd Land Aviation Regiment (Gaziemir Air Base, Smyrna), with the about 100 transport helicopters (S-70A17/19 Blackhawk and AS-532UL Cougar) as also and the 35 attack helicopters (T-129 ATAK, AH-1P Cobra).

All the above turkish military units are facing the Greek islands.
Which we imagine are not going to land in Indonesia, Australia, Syria, France etc.

Greece reiterates its position that it is fully justified in taking all elementary precautionary measures to ensure that it will be able to exercise its inalienable right to self-defence on the basis of Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular given the above-mentioned conduct of Turkey since 1974.
The Turkish military threat is real, what is threatened is not demilitarized.

None of the treaties you mentioned do not approve the militarisation of the islands, on the contrary, they put the surrender of the islands on the condition. Writing the names of the treaties in question like parrot 100 times and creating a perception does not prove that arming the islands actually legitimate. Posting the articles that you have collected from the right and left and whose meaning you do not know does not strengthen your perception among Turks. On the contrary, it is an indication of how people you are but you can't mislead the truth with mere propaganda.

You are the country that, like no other example in the world, accepts the continental shelf as 6 miles and extends its airspace to 10 miles illegally. The situation is so ridiculous that a frigate cruising at 6 miles does not violate your continental shelf, but a helicopter taking off from the frigate automatically violates your airspace and you immediately start whining with the lie of "international laws." You are trying to make a victim even from the illegality you have created.

You don't talk at all about supplying weapons to illegal organizations and killing the Turks. You forget how many innocent civilians you killed in order to add the Cyprus to Greece with your ENOSIS dreams. As the rudeness you have created is not enough, you accuse Turkey, which intervene to help as a guarantor state, of violating international laws. On the contrary, as a guarantor state, it is a right and legal to protect the Turks from the Greek gangs, as stated in the guarantor agreement.

Turkey's operations against terrorists organisations in Iraq, Syria and intervention of Turkish Army in Libya war by the request of UN legitimate government have nothing to do with international treaties you have to abide by. In these treaties, there is no article stating that if Turkey organizes an operation against PKK in Syria, the treaty demilitarisation rules on the the islands will be terminated. Do not mix apples and orange and make simple perception games by bringing up an issue that has nothing to do with international texts that your country signed and must abide by.

Turkey can deploy as many different systems as it wants, and deploy them wherever it wants on the mainland. There is no international agreement or commitment that prevents this but you cannot arm these islands a few miles away from Turkey contrary to the Lausanne and Paris treaties, with the silly justifications by listing a few base or equipment produced by Turkish industry. This is a matter clearly stated in the treaties. Anyone who can read can put these texts of agreement in front of you. Although everything is obvious in Lausanne and Paris treaties, you make yourself look like a kid by searching for a word like "demilitarization". I will try to help you to find this word in texts.
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Lausanne Treaty
Article 13

With a view to ensuring the maintenance of peace, the Greek Government undertakes to observe the following restrictions in the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria:

(1)No naval base and no fortification will be established in the said islands.

(2)Greek military aircraft will be forbidden to fly over the territory of the Anatolian coast. Reciprocally, the Turkish Government will forbid their military aircraft to fly over the said islands.

(3)The Greek military forces in the said islands will be limited to the normal contingent called up for military service, which can be trained on the spot, as well as to a force of gendarmerie and police in proportion to the force of gendarmerie and police existing in the whole of the Greek territory.

Lausanne Straits Convention.
Article 4

The zones and islands indicated below shall be demilitarised:

3)In the Aegean Sea, the islands of Samothrace, Lemnos

Article 6

No armed forces shall be stationed in the demilitarised zones and islands except the police and gendarmerie forces necessary for the maintenance of order; the armament of such forces will be composed only of revolvers, swords, rifles and four Lewis guns per hundred men, and will exclude any artillery.

In the territorial waters of the demilitarised zones and islands, there shall exist no submarine engines of war other than submarine vessels.

In the demilitarised zones and islands and in their territorial waters, Turkey and Greece shall similarly be entitled to effect such outside these zones and islands of the men recruited therein.

Turkey and Greece shall have the right to organize in the said zones and islands in their respective territories any system of observation and communication, both telegraphic, telephonic and visual. Greece shall be entitled to send her fleet into the territorial waters of the demilitarised Greek islands, but may not use these waters as a base of operations against Turkey nor for any military or naval concentration for this purpose.

1947 Paris Peace Treaty
Screenshot_20220210-191803_Samsung Notes.jpg

Anyone with a brain can read and understand the treaty texts. While these texts are in the middle, you are posting same copy/paste articles repeatedly and using the parrot techniques that a criminal will use to suppress his crime, but to make propaganda and play perception games for different reasons. Greece has only one intention and that is to deceive the public with lies. This society, which does not respect any international rules, is now illegally arming the islands in a way that poses a serious threat to Turkey. Even though it is not included as a remark or restriction clause in the treaty texts, Greek side is using Turkey's Western bases, the last operations, and the amphibious vehicles programs as an excuse. Even if this Greek member using Turkey's today's amphibious vehicles or operations as an excuse, Greece has been arming these islands since 1960. Turkey gave its first note on this subject in the 1960s. He is just trying to create a perception to hide illegal mimitarization of Greek side with different justifications.


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This is a interesting interview, Greec doesn't accept 3 points at International Court of Justice. These are armed status of the Islands, crazy 10 mile airspace and EEZ. So they demand go to the court but the same time they don't accept these 3 points :D . Why do want to go to the court lol??//asdlndacnp quuewfn:ROFLMAO:


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Lausanne Treaty
Article 13

With a view to ensuring the maintenance of peace, the Greek Government undertakes to observe the following restrictions in the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria:

(1)No naval base and no fortification will be established in the said islands.

There is naval base and no fortification in the said islands.
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.
Furthermore, in article 13 of the same Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”.

(2)Greek military aircraft will be forbidden to fly over the territory of the Anatolian coast. Reciprocally, the Turkish Government will forbid their military aircraft to fly over the said islands

Greek aircraft do not fly over Turkey, as Turkish aircraft constantly do, there are plety records from the NATO radars
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.

(3)The Greek military forces in the said islands will be limited to the normal contingent called up for military service, which can be trained on the spot, as well as to a force of gendarmerie and police in proportion to the force of gendarmerie and police existing in the whole of the Greek territory.

This is exactly what the islands have, If you have something else, bring it and prove it

Article 4

The zones and islands indicated below shall be demilitarised:
3)In the Aegean Sea, the islands of Samothrace, Lemnos

Article 6
No armed forces shall be stationed in the demilitarised zones and islands except the police and gendarmerie forces necessary for the maintenance of order; the armament of such forces will be composed only of revolvers, swords, rifles and four Lewis guns per hundred men, and will exclude any artillery.
In the territorial waters of the demilitarised zones and islands, there shall exist no submarine engines of war other than submarine vessels.
In the demilitarised zones and islands and in their territorial waters, Turkey and Greece shall similarly be entitled to effect such outside these zones and islands of the men recruited therein.
Turkey and Greece shall have the right to organize in the said zones and islands in their respective territories any system of observation and communication, both telegraphic, telephonic and visual. Greece shall be entitled to send her fleet into the territorial waters of the demilitarised Greek islands, but may not use these waters as a base of operations against Turkey nor for any military or naval concentration for this purpose
This demilitarized status was completely abolished since the above-mentioned Convention was replaced in its entirety by the 1936 Montreux Convention, which governs the same subject.
More specifically, the preamble of the said Convention expressly stipulates that the parties thereto “have resolved to replace by the present Convention the Convention signed at Lausanne on the 24th July, 1923”. The Montreux Convention does not provide for the demilitarization of or any other military restriction whatsoever on these islands.
Also, Turkey has officially recognized Greece’s sovereign right to militarize Lemnos and Samothrace, inter alia, by an official letterdated 6 May 1936, addressed from the then Turkish Ambassador to Athens to the Greek Prime Minister, as well as by a relevant statement made before Turkey’s National Assembly on 31 July 1936 by the then Turkish Foreign Minister, R. Aras, on the occasion of the ratification of the Montreux Convention. Thus, there is no demilitarization obligation for Lemnos and Samothrace and, therefore, any arguments to the contrary are false and misleading.
But Turkey never respects international law and its signatures.

1947 Paris Peace Treaty

Τhe mentioned provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by the article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it..


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There is naval base and no fortification in the said islands.
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.
Furthermore, in article 13 of the same Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”.

Greek aircraft do not fly over Turkey, as Turkish aircraft constantly do, there are plety records from the NATO radars
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.

This is exactly what the islands have, If you have something else, bring it and prove it

This demilitarized status was completely abolished since the above-mentioned Convention was replaced in its entirety by the 1936 Montreux Convention, which governs the same subject.
More specifically, the preamble of the said Convention expressly stipulates that the parties thereto “have resolved to replace by the present Convention the Convention signed at Lausanne on the 24th July, 1923”. The Montreux Convention does not provide for the demilitarization of or any other military restriction whatsoever on these islands.
Also, Turkey has officially recognized Greece’s sovereign right to militarize Lemnos and Samothrace, inter alia, by an official letterdated 6 May 1936, addressed from the then Turkish Ambassador to Athens to the Greek Prime Minister, as well as by a relevant statement made before Turkey’s National Assembly on 31 July 1936 by the then Turkish Foreign Minister, R. Aras, on the occasion of the ratification of the Montreux Convention. Thus, there is no demilitarization obligation for Lemnos and Samothrace and, therefore, any arguments to the contrary are false and misleading.
But Turkey never respects international law and its signatures.

Τhe mentioned provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by the article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it..
same copy pasta everytime are you a parrot or something that can't be talked with?


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Two pictures are completely erasing the general consent about history according to Akritas, Turkey was definitely the only country that was having diplomatic relations to nazi Germany. :ROFLMAO:
Lets just completely forget how even its later arch enemies were splitting countries between them, no no, lets just post two pictures with flags to make a point, namely that Turks are always the evil guys.
Man, gotta love how you bend facts the way it pleases you every time.

Edit; forgot to turn off sarcasm mode.
He also forgot Turks gave them food and shelter during WW2 according to akritas It didn't happened lol even our ship got sunk while trying to send humanitarian aid to these ungrateful people.

Kara Khan

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He also forgot Turks gave them food and shelter during WW2 according to akritas It didn't happened lol even our ship got sunk while trying to send humanitarian aid to these ungrateful people.



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What is not demilitarized can be destroyed quite easily. Turkey does not plan on invading Greece anytime soon but if it were, the military forces on the islands would be like serving hors d'Oeuvre before the main course.
The rest of my "garbage" as you said, you made the effort and answered, without of course saying anything different. Just because you answered, it means something, that I achieved what I wanted.
I just stay in the last one you wrote.
Turkey plans to invade Greece......
e.g. the photos from the Base of Fokea with the turkish landing fleet and the Balyoz Harekâtı Plan are some solid proofs.




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Are not operations or....interventions, but invasions, and this is evident from your ethnic cleansing policy, The explanation as to what is taking place in our wider region lies with Erdogan’s neo-Ottomanism, a concept that has evolved over the years. From the beginning, Erdogan showed that he wanted to exercise influence outside his country’s borders. Neo-Ottomanism provided the ideological underpinnings for this policy. Neo-Ottomanism was initially detected in cultural areas.
This guy has serious mental damage yeah Invading some mountains are gonna help us in N.Iraq with his debunked ethnic cleansing bullshit. It is apparent that these greeks are soft asses who never dealt with Counter Insurgency go read some stuff about Counter Insurgency and come back here. Only ethnic cleansing we did was against your Invading force in anatolia deal with it. According to mr akritas here Turks should stay in there place while PKK brings back more manpower from Its camps in N.Iraq Is this what you want Mr akritas give us a answer? @Akritas Don't talk about stuff you don't know so many people lost their relatives here against the pkk you are supporting If you go like that I will support everything happened to greeks Including greek genocide know your place. We ain't gonna take your pkk propaganda or nonsense no more

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