Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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Just hope they can taking the US experience to form reserve units as they was one of the best example among modern armed Forces
US National Guard and Air National Guard are included in troops rotation (to Afghanistan for example), so the "reservists" Also has combat experiences not just a bunch of LARPer.

Captain Wales

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Kemenhan Butuh 35 Batalion Komponen Cadangan, Khusus Usia 18-35 Tahun​

Matius Alfons - detikNews
Jumat, 12 Mar 2021 17:36 WIB
Pasukan TNI AL menggelar Geladi Tugas Tempur TK-3 (L-3) Koarmada I di JICT II, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Senin (20/7/2020). Geladi tersebut merupakan persiapan jelang latihan tempur di Dabo Singkep.
Ilustrasi Latihan TNI (Rifkianto Nugroho/detikcom)

Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) tengah mempersiapkan tentara komponen cadangan di tahun 2021. Setidaknya sebanyak 35 batalion tentara cadangan dibutuhkan khusus untuk kriteria 18-35 tahun.
"35 batalion (dibutuhkan) dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan TNI nantinya," kata juru bicara Menhan RI, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, saat dimintai konfirmasi, Jumat (12/3/2021).
Danil mengatakan tidak semua warga negara Indonesia bisa menjadi tentara komponen cadangan tersebut. Dia menyebut setidaknya dibutuhkan syarat usia 18 hingga 35 tahun untuk menjadi tentara komponen cadangan.

"Syarat umur memang hanya untuk berusia 18 sampai dengan 35 tahun dan lulus seleksi nantinya," ucapnya.
Lebih lanjut, Dahnil memastikan TNI masih akan menjadi komponen utama pertahanan Indonesia. Menurutnya, komponen cadangan yang akan dibentuk juga akan bersifat sukarela.
"Ya diseleksi persyaratan administrasi, kesempatan, dan lain-lain. Komponen Utama itu adalah TNI dan yang akan dibentuk nanti adalah komponen cadangan, komcad itu sukarela," jelas Dahnil.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, seleksi Komcad telah diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 3 Tahun 2021 tentang Pembinaan Kesadaran Bela Negara (PKBN) hingga Komponen Cadangan, serta ditandatangani oleh Presiden Joko Widodo.
"Setiap warga negara yang berusia 18-35 tahun, dengan latar belakang apa saja yang memenuhi persyaratan bisa secara sukarela mendaftar menjadi anggota Komcad," demikian yang disampaikan oleh Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID) Kementerian Pertahanan dalam website resminya, Rabu (3/2/2021).
Meskipun telah diatur dalam PP, Kemhan menjelaskan, tidak semua warga negara Indonesia diwajibkan untuk mengikuti seleksi komponen cadangan (Komcad) sehingga seleksi Komponen Cadangan merupakan hak bagi yang ingin sukarela berpartisipasi.
"Komponen Cadangan bukan wajib militer. Komponen Cadangan adalah salah satu program sukarela (tidak wajib) yang diamanatkan oleh UU No 23 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Nasional untuk Pertahanan Negara," jelas Kemhan dalam website resminya.

Indonesian ministry of defense stated they needed at least 35 batalion from reserve units components. Reserve units components being drawed from civillian volunteer from age between 18-35 years old.

Just hope they can taking the US experience to form reserve units as they was one of the best example among modern armed Forces
I hope our reserve unit focus more on the background/supporting role (not regular infantry troops) but more like logistics (truck driver), IT, mechanics, engineer, medics, etc.

it gives people who already have specialist skills like IT, medics, engineers, etc, an opportunities to use them in in the military
and also develop one who don't or lack any skill, so when they decided to leave not only they served the country but also they learn new skill which they can use those in their regular everyday life .
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Indonesia Correspondent
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must be an error, cruise missile for air defence????

anyway 2000 unit is quite huge. must be another SHORAD

Imagine if those numbers are really cruise missiles... 😲
Anyway, I can't tell if the error originated from the commander, the reporter or both. But since most of our journalists aren't familiar with military terms much less the names and types of defence equipments, I'm not surprised if things got misreported.
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I hope our reserve unit focus more on the background/supporting role (not regular infantry troops) but more like logistics (truck driver), IT, mechanics, engineer, medics, etc.

it gives people who already have specialist skills like IT, medics, engineers, etc, an opportunities to use them in in the military
and also develop one who don't or lack any skill, so when they decided to leave not only they served the country but also they learn new skill which they can use those in their regular everyday life .
Totally agree

In order to get the full benefits of having a reserve program, our Komcad should also be filled by those with skills, work experiences, & even experts (IT, Engineering, Biology, also social sciences like IR, Sociology, Accounting, etc)

If we doing it right, Komcad is not merely just a 'reserve basic infantryman' but also 'reserve expert/skilled workers'

Question is, so far I don't see any effort from MoD/TNI to attract our working/expert class to join Komcad

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