Chronology of KKB Hostages for 4 BTS workers in Papua, starting with the attack on the airport
"The group used sharp weapons, such as machetes and physically assaulted three workers," he said in a written statement, Saturday (13/5/2023).
The KKB released Alverus Sanuari and one of the injured victims named Benyamin Sembiring to return to the Oksibil District.
The two arrived at Oksibil Airport at 11.00 WIT and were immediately rushed to Oksibil Hospital for medical treatment.
"However, until now, there are still four people being held hostage by the group. Two of them are injured as a result of the persecution," said Benny.
Workers who are still being held hostage by KKB, namely Asmar (PT IBS staff) who suffered an injury to the right shoulder, Peas Kulka (Okbab District staff), Senus Lepitalem (youth from Borme District) and Fery (PT IBS staff) who suffered an injury to the left shoulder .
Kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) menyandera empat pekerja menara telekomunikasi di Distrik Okbab, Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang, Papua,
KKB Asks for Rp. 500 Million in Ransom
Kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) di Papua, meminta tebusan Rp 500 juta untuk empat pekerja BTS yang disandera.