Parry Brima
Dont have to wait to war, there are many OSINT that being spectator on the SCS disputes,
Dont forget, we have these
Who would win in the battle of Natuna?
I reckon both have similar speed as both can jump.
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Dont have to wait to war, there are many OSINT that being spectator on the SCS disputes,
Dont forget, we have these
Radically converted ?
Some of lvtp 7 from korea are originaly "ambulance" versionRadically converted ?
Hmmm, changbogos? Even canteen guard quite talks about the upcoming sub tender latelyfor batch I submarines and their outputs as well as the readiness of batch II submarines."
i wonder if the 100 million won/ $85 million discount from the IF-X project have something to do with this.Hmmm, changbogos? Even canteen guard quite talks about the upcoming sub tender
Make sense, if they make some compromise on the other sector, although its different programmes.i wonder if the 100 million won/ $85 million discount from the IF-X project have something to do with this.
even though some PT.PAL source person previously claimed that their current infrastructure can support to build other submarine type, i have a slight doubt about that. (at worst scenario, we need to invest on new infrastructure to build a new type of submarine again)Make sense, if they make some compromise on the other sector, although its different programmes.
If we continued for changbogos batch ii, are there any room left for scorpene or uboat?
Maybe the midget sub, its still counted as submarine right...can support to build other submarine type, i have a slight doubt about that.
So do i,i have a slight doubt about that
Meanwhile ...Even canteen guard quite talks about the upcoming sub tender lately
Teknologi Kapal Selam & Kebijakan Luar Negeri Para Eksportir
Pengadaan kapal selam mensyaratkan adanya paket offset karena Indonesia memiliki aspirasi politik untuk menguasai teknologi kapal
Not 3?2 additional nagapasa that already have been signed
Any contract between Havelsan and DRU? I still doubt this could be one of the options among the western equilavents and mentioned as a winner in the article.
Make sense, if they make some compromise on the other sector, although its different programmes.
If we continued for changbogos batch ii, are there any room left for scorpene or uboat?
The FREMM and Arrowhead hull already satisfied the needed increase in size fir additional weapons and sensors + the intellectual property of the SIGMA belongs to DSNS.I seriously thinking, maybe PT. PAL can redesign PKR hull by make it more long and make it more width to accommodate more space for armaments and other system. I wonder, if they can add suprastructure behind the bridge like the hobart class have to accommodate AESA. it would be the next gen sigma and we can call it destroyer.
I know current sigma is proven design but why they not try to push themselves, they already mastered how to build modern warship hull and suprastructure. Adjustments for each modul between frigate and destroyer is not to different. It would be great if we have our own destroyer since only few countries have it. I believe the Navy will be interested ( it use same concept with the hull and little modifications with the Displacement)
As for the AESA, weapon systems and etc we can do tender like Australia did with hobart class.