Indonesia Navy Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)


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How many sock puppets accounts do you intend to create⁉️ BTW don't bother changing your browser or device to mask it, I can still burn through such methods. Anyway this sock puppets account of yours is already in my ignore list now.

Yang kamu lakukan sekarang dengan membuat sock puppets accounts itu sama dengan bayi yang masih merangkak, tapi kamu sudah pingin berlari. Coba belajar berdiri tegak dulu, kemudian setelah itu belajar berjalan tegak, baru setelah itu kamu mampu belajar berlari. Semua proses belajar itu ada tahapannya❗

They do have their use for deeper water in oceanic environment of Indian Ocean and everything east of Java Sea. However, our current pressing concern is stretching from Natuna Sea on the north to Sunda Strait on the south, along with Mallacca Strait. And when budget is tight, the best course of action is utilizing it in appropriate place & time. Another aspect we seriously need for ASW is actually ASW helicopters along with the ordinance to prosecute contact (light torpedo)

First and foremost, by "Sunda Sea" are you referring to Sunda Strait or the currently underwater part of Sunda Shelf❔🤔

If you were referring to the Sunda Strait, then sadly I don't currently have the latest chart of it 😯I do however have the1943 Kriegsmarine issue chart, which is basically a carbon copy of the Dai Nippon chart, which in turn is also a carbon copy of commercially available Nederlandsch-Indië chart.😲 So anyway, there is indeed two deep spots in Sunda Strait, however Sunda Strait is an extremely dynamic landscape (seascape) due to continuous volcanic activity of Krakatoa, which mean not only those deep spot are already too small for any combat manoeuvring its also may disappear overnight or even already gone by now. Remember Krakatoa had also disappeared (as in blew up) in similar fashion.

If you were referring the currently underwater part of Sunda Shelf, then there are indeed some deep spot in Java Sea and also Natuna Sea. However, those deep spots were most likely former lakes which is now become something of undersea lakes of sort (disclaimer : this is my own theory). However, due to their nature as former lakes they were fed by river system from what currently is Java or fed from what currently is Borneo. The river system that fed those former lakes are still visible in survey done by Pertamina (forgot the year though). From operational perspective, those former lakes may host thermocline, however even IF they do, the temperature & salinity gradient won't be as steep as one would expect from oceanic environment

Anyway, the latest publicly available chart is available for download at Jaringan Informasi Geospasial Nasional. Sadly, I don't have spare storage (hardrive) capacity to accommodate the entire chart of Indonesia territory. In fact, I rarely kept any of them around due to hardrive capacity shortage (my films, TV serial, and music collection took priority). I usually just download the chart I need and printing it. And delete the files afterward.
No worry bruh, your jokes are gold. Keep posting quality jokes bruh


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😂 from PC / KCR 40, 60, 80 and 90/95 designs all SIGMA styles.
PT PAL's designs outstands from sigma style, at least they can be traced down to smaller patrol boats which was locally designed in 2000s ( i remember some patrol boats of 20 meters length) and the latest OPV by PT PAL seems to be developed from KCR 60.
But some private shipyards directly receives designs from Damen with minimum contribution, at least PT PAL puts some effort and tries to gain know-how in ship design. Still through receiving asisstance from foreign partners which they pick as subcontractors.
And again they are the one who were criticized for failures (in design) in KCR 60's first batch.
pt citra shipyard should be this one . View attachment 13130

DAMEN must've been rolling their heads now 😂
Or actually they are the one who has handed over the design?
Imo PT DRU and one other private shipyard's design originates from Damen.
And what's wrong with that❓Coastal patrol in Volksmarine context is roughly the same as our territorial water patrol (green water / littoral water) in context. Meaning those Parchim class actually doing what they were design to do in the first place
If you are referring to 70s 80s yes parchim class was nice. But now they are ancient and should be replaced with better and more efficient platforms.
Even commercial sonars are sufficient for coastal waters but single issue with towed array or bow mounted sonar differs by quality of construction and silencers (vibration and noise insulators)
In small vessels the engines tends to be located nearby to the sonar (also sonar can not be moved towards fore because of the slenderness and flow noise), at this point it is choise of the operator either pay more for insulated engines and shafting or pay more for a towed sonar ( again not an array or variable depth but single simple sonar) deployed from stern ramp (either under helicopter deck, of just from the stern deck when a landing pad is not present (not necessary for a corvette too).
In my opinion parchim serve a little longer but they will get a burden on navy for maintenance and training a crew (thus investing in human power)
Or a portion (like 4) can be retired to keep remaining alive.

this is crunch

4 639
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yes, i think the parchim class should really get to be replaced, they are no longer effective, most of their time are on the quays, and mostly at Tj Priok base, only some of the ship that are still in active use

Van Kravchenko

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insert spidermanmeme.jpg

But back to the topic, I'd like to see the FPB-60 class replacing our Parchim,
We need more missile and ASW 🤣🤣🤣

Plz, replace them with some handsome guy like Singapore Independence-class.
Thats will suite with anti-piracy mission 😁.
I'd love with their SAM

Temporary Name

Keep in mind (i) that our southern neighbor is not in good terms with PRC, (ii) PRC has been mapping anything below the surface quite laboriously, (iii) any body of water other than java sea and strait of malacca, including those north and south of our 12 NM territorial border cannot be considered as shallow, (iv) battle against any enemy may need to be fought and won within our inner sea are enough reasons for Indonesia to procure ocean going platforms with standoff ASW sensor and weapon (e.g. towed array sonar and ASW helo), and preferably standardized on (on the sensor and weapon)


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We need more missile and ASW 🤣🤣🤣

Plz, replace them with some handsome guy like Singapore Independence-class.
Thats will suite with anti-piracy mission 😁.
I'd love with their SAM
Can't be compared to SG lah, for us, there are still a lot of other areas that need our urgent attention. For Parchim replacement something in a KCR-60 platform, armed with 57/40 mm quick-firing canons, mistral simbad, and either 4x4 AsHM launchers or 2x torpedo tube (+ compact ASW suite)

this is crunch

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usv kah, wasnt a few years ago at indodefense PT Lundin showcased a trimaran usv also, i forgot the picture, but im sure i've seen them before
well this tesco indomaritim USV already shown since prabowo visit them though , i dont know what happened to lundin/saab bonefish USV.



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Can't be compared to SG lah, for us, there are still a lot of other areas that need our urgent attention. For Parchim replacement something in a KCR-60 platform, armed with 57/40 mm quick-firing canons, mistral simbad, and either 4x4 AsHM launchers or 2x torpedo tube (+ compact ASW suite)
The 4 kcr60 that already being ordered, it have good sewaco its just that it need more endurance if its to replace parchim. The ashm still unclear

Temporary Name

Considering that Parchim was intended only to perform coastal ASW operation within the vicinity of East German coast, for Indonesia I think whatever platform that we are going to use to replace Parchim, should offer improvement over Parchim class, e.g. endurance, ability to embark organic ASW helo, improved ASW suite. Perhaps something along th DPN type class


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well this tesco indomaritim USV already shown since prabowo visit them though , i dont know what happened to lundin/saab bonefish USV.
View attachment 13164
View attachment 13165
I really am not wishing for war anytime soon, but somehow after looking at these pictures and warship models in this thread, reminds me of Soviet Union's war machine productions prior to Operation Barbarossa:

Although that the Soviets knew their potential enemy in the West possessed many technological advances in their military, but they did not consider it urgent to catch up as well as to improve their tactics and strategies. As it turned out, they were caught in surprise when the Germans attacked.

Although the Soviets eventually manage to reach technological parity and then surpassed the Germans from 1943 onward, but that also meant that for the first two years of the German invasion the Soviet Union had to sacrifice too much.

Yes, I know, it's not fully applicable to Indonesia. But I got this sense of dread when I realize how many of our defense projects were started compared to how many of them finished and actually fielded.

It's as if that although we somehow know what lies ahead, but there's still a lack of sense of urgency to anticipate.

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