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That's why i am always reminded them to be more carefull to do this joint project , even squeeze those Korean hard and re negotiated with them while leverage our point by talking or even taking deals with other manufacturer to bought already prepared such as Typhoon, Rafale, F 16 or F15, even better if Indonesia can bought license production of the said aircraft and assemble them in Indonesia to mastering the production methods and set up production line for Fighter Aircraft including the people who work on it.
Have to agree there....beyond capex requirement....rolling friction coefficient is lot less than static one in process flow.
That is why its very important to always be doing something and doing it in a logical-sequential way as possible.....the teams mature and grow more seamlessly and can take on next projects lot better.

Otherwise it gets very expensive and happens piecemeal....and you have to start and bring whole large teams and facilities up to scratch in too little time (while whichever political bigwig throws/hides money and words at it).

Every couple years I make some extended phonecalls to people in know back home in India about certain companies that could use my knowhow....and frankly there is lot of BS that is still being sorted out that I take for granted here in Canada. Lot of things are just established here seamlessly and taken for granted you can say. People who's names I know but never met, they set things up a long time ago.

Then this KFX IFX projects actually give much alteration toward our aviation technology and the mastering process? And how it is trying to answered the critical question like how much our level of involvement in the projects? How much local content Indonesia side actually had bar the designing and assembly works? Can Indonesia developed the needed technology included in fighter technology in house?

This KFX project actually unwarranted and shoved from the top to the bottom during previous administration, Indonesian industry and research agency at the time actually prefer Indonesia developed jet powered light aircraft to be used as trainer and light attack aircraft. The previous efforts is to partnered with Yugoslavia Aeronautical technology institute and SOKO manufacturing, well Yugoslavia is no more in early 1990, then Habibie proceed with license producing the Hawk 109/209 with great number supposed to be built in Indonesia including the manufacturing assembly of the Turbomeca adour engine, alas the political and economy situation Made the plan is aborted.

That is concerning and explains a lot for me as to the current indecision status quo.

The hawk would have been a great middle plank for Indonesia ecosystem that would have prudently opened up some options today.

Habibie really knew what he was doing....your country needs lot more of people like him in right places consistently.

Then they are trying to get independent projects being done with foreign partner assistance just like how HAL industry partnered with Kurt Tank to develop Hal Marut.

This one was a real pity, it (AFAIK) came down to indian govt not wanting to give the price UK+Bristol siddeley were asking to develop larger engine from Orpheus....thinking other alternatives would pan out more economically (which did not).

Later it became too late as cold war progressed against India from nato side...and also bristol became part of rolls royce who had even more bargaining complete no go for India at that point.

A critical mistake and set back for our defence aviation industry in the longer term....all on a few short years and a few short decisions.

GTRE building blocks (for kaveri) basically ended up being (largely unused) orpheus engines as marut was retired early. MRO guys and engineers having a look see and poke around then give reverse engineering input and calibration to the research guys.

Not ideal at all...but not worst thing in world just took a lot longer in the end and kaveri is nowhere near what it could have been by now. Safran (i.e snecma) and maybe RR is supposed to help bring it to fruition, let us see.


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This is what I was brought up into Airforce's thread discussion, about the bridging project for KFX/IFX. another ToT program is needed here, in which we can absorb thoroughly all the skill set and design & manufacturing knowledge that we've missed during KFX/IFX development.

To my brother, Indos, Be realistic and not so naive about the agreement in KFX/IFX. SK really can proceed the program alone even if Indonesia pull out from it. It has been reiterated many times by the SK.

As I wrote on the thread, South Korea has marketing strategy which is called " Blue Ocean Strategy". You can google what it is all about. This marketing strategy was invented by a South Korean Market expert. I forgot his name. He wrote a best seller book : " Blue Ocean Strategy". Instead of having head to head competition with all contenders, he proposed to offer the customer another "value added" if the customers buy his product. In this regard, SK propose as a "Full ToT" agent for Indonesia if we buy their military products. Without this "added value" it's difficult for SK to compete with Russia, Europe, USA when those countries offered similar products.

Thus, When SK offered KFX development to Indonesia, it doesn't mean that SK was begin from the "blank scratch". They have all the foot print of fighter jet development skillset and knowledge required by their 40 years road map back from 80s ( KT1 wong bee, T-50, FA-50), consistently and rigorously achieved all the steps till they confidence enough to design their own advanced fighter jet. They offered it to Indonesia as it will be softened the cost and shared the risks as well as to get us as the first foreign customer. Yes indeed our senior engineers has also contributed in many aspect of development. But, it doesn't necessarily mean SK cannot develop and proceed without the help from our engineers.

With our involvement, SK just do improvised their basic design and detail design by the combination of SK- RI engineers.

And don't under estimate any full-license program. The license is not just for technician and vocational school background employee. There are manufacturing engineer whom will benefited from the license program.

Why Habibie started all of his "dream works" by license? because he has rigorous steps on how to mastery any particular high technology as well as make an industries from it.

1. License program : to get familiar with the technologies and the methods of manufacturing it. Thus, he got NC-212 program.

2. System integration to build a similar products in the market. By this we learned about how to integrate many systems and technology into one product. The basic design knowledge already introduced to some extent. On this step, BJH get the CN-235.

3. System integration to build a new product in the market. The same process with the step 2 were conducted. But, with more design capabilities to make a new product which has not exist in the market yet. And that's the time BJH introduced regional turbo prop N250.

4. R&D to develop new product with new technological advancement. This is the step whereas we learned a full design of new product. This was when BJH made his final project to become fully capable of aircraft designer and manufacturer : The regional jet N2130, really a new product in its class at that time.

BJH summarized all 4 steps above in his famous phrase : " Begins from the end, and ended on the beginning" . Because he reversed the R&D step into the last one, for that if it is put as the first step, then it will only "re-inventing the wheel". we will never catch-up the fast technology development.

Thus, When the KFX/IFX program was offered, to build a supersonic aircraft fighter with high-end technology, We didn't have any experience in supersonic aircraft design yet.

On the meantime, SK already has the knowledge and experience required in which they got from the steps similar to what BJH introduced in subsonic aircraft design & development.

IMHO, I saw "missing link" on our side in order to catch-up the KFX/IFX program. The links that we can achieved and afford to it if we have a bridging program. That's why I thought F-21/F-16 Viper "Make in Indonesia" will be most suitable to support KFX/IFX program on our side, since both products has LM genetics. And by this F-16 V full license, we can persuade LM to give the access to some forbidden key technologies in KFX/IFX program that will become mutual benefit for SK and RI.

It's not a simple technology that we manage to mastery, we cannot just jump into it without some stepping stones.

Anyway, there is another rule of thumb.....follows the money realistic...we don't have much money to acquires 2 program at the same

at least, not this time around....

2. System integration

This was a pretty brilliant post and very insightful to read.

You must be engineer like me huh....or something similar.

Do consider writing this up (if you want to) as an article to publish to the forum's article collection.

Stuka Dive

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This was a pretty brilliant post and very insightful to read.

You must be engineer like me huh....or something similar.

Do consider writing this up (if you want to) as an article to publish to the forum's article collection.
I am just an outsider, watchin' the show from a distance....
Though I started my early career in MRO facilities for gas turbines & propulsions, the majority of my careers afterwards were doing field engineering job for some gas turbines OEMs, then for the last 3 years as a sr. turbomachinery engineer in national private owned oil & gas company located at South China Sea.

Perhaps, will do again the traveling job worldwide with other OEMs in the future, my soul never get rested in peace at the same job site.

I did wrote similar content into an article in other forum ( in Bahasa) very long time ago. Not sure if I can make it now in this forum. Highly appreciate your advice, mate.


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KKDN Mahasiswa FTP Unhan Laksanakan Penelitian ke PT Citra Shipyard, Nongstra Digital Park, dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard di Batam​

KKDN Mahasiswa FTP Unhan Laksanakan Penelitian Bogor- Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Universitas Pertahanan (FTP) Unhan melaksanakan Kuliah Kerja Dalam Negeri (KKDN) dengan melaksanakan Penelitian hari ke-6 ke PT Citra Shipyard, Nongstra Digital Park, dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard di Batam, dipimpin oleh Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Romie Oktovianus Bura, B.Eng (Hons.), MRAeS, Ph.D, bertempat di Batam. Sabtu, (29/2).
Kegiatan penelitian Mahasiswa FTP Unhan berjumlah 48 mahasiswa dihari kelima ini juga didampingi oleh Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Brigjen TNI Susilo Adi Purwantoro, S. E., M. M. Eng., M.Sc., Ses LPPM Unhan Brigjen TNI Dr. Joni Widjayanto, Ses. Sos, M.M, Ses LPPPM Unhan Ir. Tristan Soemardjono, M.M, dan para Ses prodi FTP Unhan antara lain Ses Prodi Industri Pertahanan Unhan Kolonel Sus Dr. Drs. Khaerudin, M.M. , Ses Prodi Penginderaan Kolonel Sus Dr. Ir. Rudy A.G. Gultom., M.Sc, Ses Prodi Teknologi Persenjataan Kolonel Arh Dr. R. Djoko Andreas Navalino, S.I.P., M.AB, Ses Prodi Teknologi Daya Gerak Kolonel Kes Dr. Ir. Sovian Aritonang, S.Si., M.Si, serta Ka UPT Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Unhan Kolonel Lek Ir. Andi Sutomo, S.T., S.H., M.Si (Han)., M.Si, Kabag Humas Unhan Sri Murtiana S.Sos, M,M., serta para dosen FTP Unhan.
Prodi Industri Pertahanan (IP) FTP melaksanakan penelitian di PT Citra Shipyard Batam di pimpin oleh Wadek FTP Unhan didampingi oleh Sesprodi Industri Pertahan, Ka UPT Tek Infokom Unhan, Dosen Industri Pertahanan Dr.Jupriyanto, M.T dan Kasubbag TU FTP FTP Unhan dan staff.

Kunjungan dan penelitian ke PT Citra Shipyard (Ship Building & Repair) di terima oleh Direktur Utama Citra Shipyard yaitu Jovan Liau, dihadiri juga oleh General affair manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Sahat Simamora, Commercial Manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Didik Indrawan dan HSE Manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Drijanu.
Dalam kunjungan penelitian ini jelaskan profil perusahaan yang disampaikan secara langsung oleh Direktur Utama, dijelaskan bahwa Perusahaan Citra Shipyard (Ship Building & Repair) dibangun sejak 2006 yang merupakan perusahaan dalam Negeri dan SDM yg bekerja pada perusahaan ini semuanya dari indonesia.
PT. Citra Shipyard memperoduksi Kapal Domestik dan Kapal Luar negeri seperti Singapura dan Korea, adapun Angkatan Laut Philipina dan Myanmar ikut memproduksi kapal dari perusahaan ini. PT. Citra Shipyard juga Membangun kapal aluminium dan ingin melakukan riset untuk membangun kapal selam.
PT. Citra Shipyard memiliki Visi menjadi perusahaan nasional shipyard yg terbaik di indonesia. Kemudian Misinya yaitu produksi Citra Shipyard dapat di akui di dunia internasional.
Tempat pengolahan dan produksi kapal pada PT.Citra Shipyard, antara lain: Dry dock merupakan tempat Perawatan kapal. Baloon Docking merulaka. fasilitas untuk dock kapal diluar hanggar dan Fabrication Area merupaka tempat membuat kapal namun kedepan akan dijadikan workshop. Facilities Shipyard pada perusahaan ini menggunakan teknologi dan alat yang memadai Serta Ship Design Performance Test 3D Modeling And CFD yaitu Proses pengecekan design dan kekuatan serta kecepatan pada kapal dengan melalui modeling dan procesing data.
Adapun beberapa jenis Kapal yg dibangun oleh PT Citra Shipyar, yakni: Deck cargo barge untuk mengangkut berupa bahan tambang seperti batubara, batu, bijih besi dan mineral lain. Oil barge yaitu kapal yang membawa minyak kelapa sawit. Crude oil tanker yaitu kapal untuk membawa minyak mentah sebelum di olah menjadi BBM. Terdapat juga Indonesia Navy dan Coast Guard Vessel experience yaitu kapal untuk pasukan khusus. Kapal ini jg digunakan oleh bakamla.
Setelah dilakukan paparan terdapat tanya jawab antara Civitas Unhan dan PT. Citra Shipyard.
Prodi Teknologi Penginderaan (TP) melaksanakan penelitian ke Nongstra Digital Park Batam dipimpin oleh Ses LPPPM Unhan didampingi Ses Prodi Teknologi Penginderaan dan dosen pendamping Dr. Andrian Andaya Lestari, SMIEEE dan Dr. Ir. Achmad Farid W, M.
Sementara Prodi Teknologi Persenjataan (TS) dan Prodi Teknologi Daya Gerak (TDG) melaksanakan penelitian PT Palindo Marine Shipyard dipimpin Dekan FTP Unhan didampingi Ses Prodi TS dan Ses Prodi TDG, Kabag Humas Unhan dan dosen pendamping antara lain Y.H. Yogaswara, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D., Dr. Eng Bambang Joko Suroto dan Dr. Maykel T.E,.
Dalam kunjungan penelitian ke PT Palindo Marine, rombongan KKDN Unhan diterima langsung oleh Bapak Charles selaku Direktur Utama PT Palindo Marine mewakili Presiden Direktur Bapak Harmanto.
Direktur Palindo mengapreasiasi kunjungan penelitian mahasiswa Unhan, terlebih pihak Palindo Marine dan Unhan telah melaksanakan penandatangan Kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada bulan Mei 2016 silam.
Manager Engineering PT Palindo Marine Bapak Mukti Syarif Rivai memberikna pemaparan tentang profil perusahaan, dijelaskan bahwa Palindo Marine memproduksi berbagai macam tipe kapal meliputi kapal perang, kapal patroli, ferry penumpang cepat, ferry ro-ro, kapal angkut logistik, kapal SAR, tongkang, tug boat dan bangunanan apung lainnya. Kapal-kapal tersebut terbuat dari bahan material baja, alumnium, fiberglass, maupun kombinasi material baja dan alumnium.
Kapal cepat rudal 40 meter yang sudah diproduksi antara lain KRI Clurit, KRI Kujang, KRI Beladau, KRI Alamang, KRI Surik, KRI Siwar, KRI Parang dan kapal lainnya.
Dekan FTP Unhan dalam kegiatan ini sekaligus mensosialisasikan Unhan yang saat ini tengah membuka penerimaan beasiswa pasca sarjana Unhan dan berharap pegawai Palindo Marine bisa ikut kesempatan menjadi mahasiswa Unhan.
Dekan FTP Unhan juga menyampaikan kunjungan mahasiswa Unhan dalam rangka penelitian, hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menyumbang bagi pengembangan teknokogi perusahaan PT Palindo Marine semakin maju sekaligus untuk memperkuat pertahanan negara.
Kunjungan dalam penelitian ini juga dibarengi dengan diskusi yang cukup hangat dan banyak informasi terkait teknologi pembangunan yang dapat digali, diskusi antara mahasiswa dan dosen Unhan dengan pihak Palindo Marine diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan penelitian yang akan dinaikan dalam jurnal internasional dan bermanfaat untuk pengetahuan serta untuk kepentingan pertahanan negara.
Authentikasi : Kabag Humas Unhan



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KKDN Mahasiswa FTP Unhan Laksanakan Penelitian ke PT Citra Shipyard, Nongstra Digital Park, dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard di Batam​

KKDN Mahasiswa FTP Unhan Laksanakan Penelitian Bogor- Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Universitas Pertahanan (FTP) Unhan melaksanakan Kuliah Kerja Dalam Negeri (KKDN) dengan melaksanakan Penelitian hari ke-6 ke PT Citra Shipyard, Nongstra Digital Park, dan PT Palindo Marine Shipyard di Batam, dipimpin oleh Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Romie Oktovianus Bura, B.Eng (Hons.), MRAeS, Ph.D, bertempat di Batam. Sabtu, (29/2).
Kegiatan penelitian Mahasiswa FTP Unhan berjumlah 48 mahasiswa dihari kelima ini juga didampingi oleh Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Pertahanan Unhan Brigjen TNI Susilo Adi Purwantoro, S. E., M. M. Eng., M.Sc., Ses LPPM Unhan Brigjen TNI Dr. Joni Widjayanto, Ses. Sos, M.M, Ses LPPPM Unhan Ir. Tristan Soemardjono, M.M, dan para Ses prodi FTP Unhan antara lain Ses Prodi Industri Pertahanan Unhan Kolonel Sus Dr. Drs. Khaerudin, M.M. , Ses Prodi Penginderaan Kolonel Sus Dr. Ir. Rudy A.G. Gultom., M.Sc, Ses Prodi Teknologi Persenjataan Kolonel Arh Dr. R. Djoko Andreas Navalino, S.I.P., M.AB, Ses Prodi Teknologi Daya Gerak Kolonel Kes Dr. Ir. Sovian Aritonang, S.Si., M.Si, serta Ka UPT Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Unhan Kolonel Lek Ir. Andi Sutomo, S.T., S.H., M.Si (Han)., M.Si, Kabag Humas Unhan Sri Murtiana S.Sos, M,M., serta para dosen FTP Unhan.
Prodi Industri Pertahanan (IP) FTP melaksanakan penelitian di PT Citra Shipyard Batam di pimpin oleh Wadek FTP Unhan didampingi oleh Sesprodi Industri Pertahan, Ka UPT Tek Infokom Unhan, Dosen Industri Pertahanan Dr.Jupriyanto, M.T dan Kasubbag TU FTP FTP Unhan dan staff.

Kunjungan dan penelitian ke PT Citra Shipyard (Ship Building & Repair) di terima oleh Direktur Utama Citra Shipyard yaitu Jovan Liau, dihadiri juga oleh General affair manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Sahat Simamora, Commercial Manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Didik Indrawan dan HSE Manager Citra Shipyard yaitu Drijanu.
Dalam kunjungan penelitian ini jelaskan profil perusahaan yang disampaikan secara langsung oleh Direktur Utama, dijelaskan bahwa Perusahaan Citra Shipyard (Ship Building & Repair) dibangun sejak 2006 yang merupakan perusahaan dalam Negeri dan SDM yg bekerja pada perusahaan ini semuanya dari indonesia.
PT. Citra Shipyard memperoduksi Kapal Domestik dan Kapal Luar negeri seperti Singapura dan Korea, adapun Angkatan Laut Philipina dan Myanmar ikut memproduksi kapal dari perusahaan ini. PT. Citra Shipyard juga Membangun kapal aluminium dan ingin melakukan riset untuk membangun kapal selam.
PT. Citra Shipyard memiliki Visi menjadi perusahaan nasional shipyard yg terbaik di indonesia. Kemudian Misinya yaitu produksi Citra Shipyard dapat di akui di dunia internasional.
Tempat pengolahan dan produksi kapal pada PT.Citra Shipyard, antara lain: Dry dock merupakan tempat Perawatan kapal. Baloon Docking merulaka. fasilitas untuk dock kapal diluar hanggar dan Fabrication Area merupaka tempat membuat kapal namun kedepan akan dijadikan workshop. Facilities Shipyard pada perusahaan ini menggunakan teknologi dan alat yang memadai Serta Ship Design Performance Test 3D Modeling And CFD yaitu Proses pengecekan design dan kekuatan serta kecepatan pada kapal dengan melalui modeling dan procesing data.
Adapun beberapa jenis Kapal yg dibangun oleh PT Citra Shipyar, yakni: Deck cargo barge untuk mengangkut berupa bahan tambang seperti batubara, batu, bijih besi dan mineral lain. Oil barge yaitu kapal yang membawa minyak kelapa sawit. Crude oil tanker yaitu kapal untuk membawa minyak mentah sebelum di olah menjadi BBM. Terdapat juga Indonesia Navy dan Coast Guard Vessel experience yaitu kapal untuk pasukan khusus. Kapal ini jg digunakan oleh bakamla.
Setelah dilakukan paparan terdapat tanya jawab antara Civitas Unhan dan PT. Citra Shipyard.
Prodi Teknologi Penginderaan (TP) melaksanakan penelitian ke Nongstra Digital Park Batam dipimpin oleh Ses LPPPM Unhan didampingi Ses Prodi Teknologi Penginderaan dan dosen pendamping Dr. Andrian Andaya Lestari, SMIEEE dan Dr. Ir. Achmad Farid W, M.
Sementara Prodi Teknologi Persenjataan (TS) dan Prodi Teknologi Daya Gerak (TDG) melaksanakan penelitian PT Palindo Marine Shipyard dipimpin Dekan FTP Unhan didampingi Ses Prodi TS dan Ses Prodi TDG, Kabag Humas Unhan dan dosen pendamping antara lain Y.H. Yogaswara, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D., Dr. Eng Bambang Joko Suroto dan Dr. Maykel T.E,.
Dalam kunjungan penelitian ke PT Palindo Marine, rombongan KKDN Unhan diterima langsung oleh Bapak Charles selaku Direktur Utama PT Palindo Marine mewakili Presiden Direktur Bapak Harmanto.
Direktur Palindo mengapreasiasi kunjungan penelitian mahasiswa Unhan, terlebih pihak Palindo Marine dan Unhan telah melaksanakan penandatangan Kerjasama dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada bulan Mei 2016 silam.
Manager Engineering PT Palindo Marine Bapak Mukti Syarif Rivai memberikna pemaparan tentang profil perusahaan, dijelaskan bahwa Palindo Marine memproduksi berbagai macam tipe kapal meliputi kapal perang, kapal patroli, ferry penumpang cepat, ferry ro-ro, kapal angkut logistik, kapal SAR, tongkang, tug boat dan bangunanan apung lainnya. Kapal-kapal tersebut terbuat dari bahan material baja, alumnium, fiberglass, maupun kombinasi material baja dan alumnium.
Kapal cepat rudal 40 meter yang sudah diproduksi antara lain KRI Clurit, KRI Kujang, KRI Beladau, KRI Alamang, KRI Surik, KRI Siwar, KRI Parang dan kapal lainnya.
Dekan FTP Unhan dalam kegiatan ini sekaligus mensosialisasikan Unhan yang saat ini tengah membuka penerimaan beasiswa pasca sarjana Unhan dan berharap pegawai Palindo Marine bisa ikut kesempatan menjadi mahasiswa Unhan.
Dekan FTP Unhan juga menyampaikan kunjungan mahasiswa Unhan dalam rangka penelitian, hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menyumbang bagi pengembangan teknokogi perusahaan PT Palindo Marine semakin maju sekaligus untuk memperkuat pertahanan negara.
Kunjungan dalam penelitian ini juga dibarengi dengan diskusi yang cukup hangat dan banyak informasi terkait teknologi pembangunan yang dapat digali, diskusi antara mahasiswa dan dosen Unhan dengan pihak Palindo Marine diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan penelitian yang akan dinaikan dalam jurnal internasional dan bermanfaat untuk pengetahuan serta untuk kepentingan pertahanan negara.
Authentikasi : Kabag Humas Unhan

what kind of research that they want to do in Batam?
what kind of product they trying to build?

A better version of Fast (relatively) Patrol / Attack Boat? OPV?


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Defense Minister Prabowo Receives Honorary Visit of the Czech Ambassador
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021



Jakarta - The Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Menhan RI) Prabowo Subianto received an honorary visit from the Czech Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Jaroslav Dolecek, Thursday (21/10) at the Ministry of Defense, Jakarta.

This visit is one of the efforts to improve and strengthen bilateral cooperation relations between the two countries, especially in the defense sector, which has been well established so far.

The defense cooperation relationship between Indonesia and the Czech Republic has been going on for a long time, and the two countries are eager to increase the cooperation, especially in the defense industry.

The defense cooperation between Indonesia and the Czech Republic has been strengthened by the signing of a cooperation agreement document in the defense sector of the two countries, namely the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Czech Republic on Cooperation Activities in the Field of Defense on 21 November 2006 in Jakarta, and was ratified in 2013.

Accompanying the Indonesian Minister of Defense when receiving the Czech Ambassador, Director General of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, Major General of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Dr. rer. pol. Rodon Pedrason, M.A., Director General of Defense Ministry of Defense Major General Budi Prijono, ST, M.M, CfrA, and Kabaranahan of the Ministry of Defense Marsda TNI Yusuf Jauhari, M.Eng. (Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense)


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Indonesia seeks more autonomy on CN235 production in offset talks for A400M​

by Ridzwan Rahmat


An Indonesian maritime patrol aircraft variant of the CN235 at the Singapore Airshow in 2016. (Janes/Ridzwan Rahmat)

Indonesia is seeking greater autonomy from Airbus in the manufacturing process for the CN235 twin-turboprop aircraft.

Meeting documents provided to Janes indicate that Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials have included this objective as an offset condition should Jakarta decide to procure A400M multirole aircraft for the Indonesian Air Force.

The CN235 is a medium-range utility aircraft that was jointly developed by Construcciones Aeron´auticas SA (now part of Airbus) and Indonesian manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia – PTDI (earlier known as IPTN) in the 1980s.

Several variants of the aircraft have since been developed, with PTDI securing contracts for maritime patrol and transport versions of the airframe with customers like the Indonesian armed forces, the Nepal Army Air Wing, and the Senegalese Air Force since 1993.

As reported by Janes in October 2021, the Indonesian MoD has restarted talks to potentially procure a fleet of Airbus A400Ms to enhance military airlift capabilities of its air force. Indonesian defence planners are also in consultation with Airbus to understand if the aircraft type can also fulfil its air force's in-flight refuelling requirements.

An attendance list of the recent meeting that took place between Indonesian officials and Airbus on 1 October includes five representatives from the MoD's Directorate General for Defence Potential, a senior executive of PTDI, and representatives from state-owned aerospace service provider, GMF AeroAsia.

Documents from this meeting further indicate that PTDI is pushing to manufacture more segments of the CN235 at its facilities in Bandung, Indonesia.

These segments are namely the aircraft's inboard flaps, nose fuselage, engine cowlings, nose and main landing gears assemblies, and centre wing box assembly.

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Indonesia seeks more autonomy on CN235 production in offset talks for A400M​

by Ridzwan Rahmat


An Indonesian maritime patrol aircraft variant of the CN235 at the Singapore Airshow in 2016. (Janes/Ridzwan Rahmat)

Indonesia is seeking greater autonomy from Airbus in the manufacturing process for the CN235 twin-turboprop aircraft.

Meeting documents provided to Janes indicate that Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials have included this objective as an offset condition should Jakarta decide to procure A400M multirole aircraft for the Indonesian Air Force.

The CN235 is a medium-range utility aircraft that was jointly developed by Construcciones Aeron´auticas SA (now part of Airbus) and Indonesian manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia – PTDI (earlier known as IPTN) in the 1980s.

Several variants of the aircraft have since been developed, with PTDI securing contracts for maritime patrol and transport versions of the airframe with customers like the Indonesian armed forces, the Nepal Army Air Wing, and the Senegalese Air Force since 1993.

As reported by Janes in October 2021, the Indonesian MoD has restarted talks to potentially procure a fleet of Airbus A400Ms to enhance military airlift capabilities of its air force. Indonesian defence planners are also in consultation with Airbus to understand if the aircraft type can also fulfil its air force's in-flight refuelling requirements.

An attendance list of the recent meeting that took place between Indonesian officials and Airbus on 1 October includes five representatives from the MoD's Directorate General for Defence Potential, a senior executive of PTDI, and representatives from state-owned aerospace service provider, GMF AeroAsia.

Documents from this meeting further indicate that PTDI is pushing to manufacture more segments of the CN235 at its facilities in Bandung, Indonesia.

These segments are namely the aircraft's inboard flaps, nose fuselage, engine cowlings, nose and main landing gears assemblies, and centre wing box assembly.

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So a400m now, wait for Garuda to collapse, take their A330 for MRTT ?


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