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For more complete article, about Merapi Shorad

PT DAHANA (Persero) in collaboration with the Center for Integrated Research and Innovation (CIRNOV) of Ahmad Dahlan University, conducted a test of the Merapi Missile in the Weapon Range Area (AWR) of the Indonesian Air Force, in Lumajang, East Java, 27 – 28 December 2021.

This year, the Merapi missile test was given the term "Final Concert 2021", which served to evaluate the performance of each missile subsystem in terms of mastery of missile technology manufacturing, missile capability improvement, and preparation of research production results for industry. As for the Quality Assurance (QA), during the manufacture process, the Merapi Missile is produced very strictly evaluation included the performance of booster rocket, aerodynamic structure of fin-tail, front fin (canard), seeker that uses infrared technology, and the launcher tubes, and so on.

According to DAHANA's Director of Technology and Development, Suhendra Yusuf RPN, DAHANA's makes propellant materials for the rocket boosters on the 70 mm caliber missile to ensure that the Merapi Missile is capable of traveling at a speed of 650 kilometers per hour or even exceeding the speed of sound.

"The missile has the ability to knock down aircraft, both fighter planes, military helicopters, and other air targets such as drones," said Mr Yusuf.

With a fairly light missile weight of about 10 kg, the Merapi Missile can be easily carried everywhere by the army. In terms of application, the missile is inserted into a launcher tube which requires a collapsible canard and fin-tail, so that once the missile is fired from the launcher, all of the fins will be open to perform their aerodynamic function towards the target.

This missile made by the nation's experts is also equipped with a fire and forget system. Once the missile is released, it will lock the target automatically, making it easier for the missile launchers to carry out the next maneuver after launching the missile.

According to the CIRNOV team leader, Prof. Hariyadi, the results of the firing tests suggested a high consistency regarding the performance of the missile booster rocket in addition to the direct range to the target which can reach 3,000 m. This is important because it will serve as one of the basic references for the complete synchronization of other subsystems of the missile. The canard and fin-tail can open properly after leaving the launch tube to approach the target area marked by a flare or infrared light source that is carried by the drone.

Furthermore, the performance of other subsystems related to the target position, pitching, yawing, and rolling of the missile including the target position by the seeker, can be monitored through a telemetry device mounted on the missile during firing, allowing the data to be obtained directly (real time) and continuously for evaluation. All missile components are able to withstand a shock (G-shock) up to 20 G occurring at the time the missile exits the launcher.

Mr Yusuf also hoped that by making missiles independently, Indonesia will be able to deal with embargo threat. Apart from meeting the needs of the National Main Defense System, the massive production of Merapi missiles has the potential to increase the country's finances by offering the products in the world’s weapons market.



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Dahana - Pindad Successfully Tests Spherical Powder Propellant for Munitions​

Resesearch and Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense’s Research and Development and PT DAHANA (Persero) in collaboration with PT PINDAD and the Bandung Institute of Technology successfully carried out trials of spherical powder propellant products. The trial was held on December 22, 2021 at the PT Pindad Turen test location, Malang, East Java. The propellant prototype under testing is the result of a production trial which had been in progress since November 22, 2021, which was marked by a kick off meeting and continued until the third week of December 2021 at the BGP Miniplant Energetic Material Center (EMC) DAHANA, Subang, West Java.

Propellant is the raw material for making bullets, rockets, missiles, and small, medium and large caliber munitions. The propellant prototype will be developed for the Spherical powder type which can be used for various small caliber munitions including 5.56; 7.62.9mm. The propellant from the trial production of Dahana's BGP miniplant has been ballistically tested at 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm calibers that showed a stable performance consistency with a uniform velocity and a good level of target accuracy.

Director of Technology and Development of PT DAHANA (Persero) Suhendra Yusuf RPN said in his speech, the dream for the independence of the propellant industry is a priority program from the board of directors as mandated by Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2021 on the General Policy of State Defense for the Year 2020-2024, one of which is the development of propellants.

“We are also grateful to the Ministry of Defense, which has been committed since 2015 in building various facilities at DAHANA's EMC. We want DAHANA to take full advantage of what has been provided by the Ministry of Defense. This is a joint success in term of independence from imports which is shown by the realization of a good collaboration in a triple helix between Ministry of Defense’s Research and Development, Dahana, Pindad and academics, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology, "said Mr Yusuf.

Mr Yusuf also stated that the construction of the propellant factory was a form of collaboration between the State-Owned Enterprises of the Defense Industry, particularly PT DAHANA (Persero) and PT PINDAD (Persero). The collaboration between the two SOEs in producing propellant is a historic event where both are committed to developing formulas and propellant technology.

"The success of the production trial for the manufacture of single-base propellant, for Small Caliber Munitions (MKK) and Large Caliber Munitions (MKB) can immediately encourage the establishment of a propellant industry in the country, so that Indonesia will no longer need to import propellant from abroad which has been going on for decades. This also shows that the industry, especially SOEs in terms of technology, is capable of producing propellant,” said Mr Yusuf.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Dr. Ignatius Eko Djoko Purwanto, S.A.P.,S.E.,M.M. conveyed that this activity was a strategic implementation step.

"This is realized by signing a joint commitment in the form of a memorandum of understanding agreed by all parties, namely Ministry of Defense’s Research and Development, PT DAHANA (Persero), PT Pindad (Persero) and the Bandung Institute of Technology," said Brigadier General Purwanto.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director of Technology & Development of PT Pindad (Persero) Sigit P. Santosa, PhD. "The results of the propellant that we have produced is something extraordinary. We we are confident and able to produce propellant with better development," said Mr Santoso.

During the same occasion, Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara, Dean of FTMD ITB, as a representative from ITB said that the presence of this university must be relevant to the interests of the nation which is realized through the participation of independence, sovereignty and involvement with several national projects.

"We have resources that hopefully can be fully contributed and realized to support this propellant independence," said Prof. Dirgantara.

One of the most important news this year, without propellant no need to talking big about build this and that


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Developing N219 Aircraft with MSA Configuration, PTDI Signs MoU with Infoglobal

01/01/2022, 19:30 WIB

image_1641036100.jpeg - PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)/PTDI and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta/Infoglobal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding cooperation in the integration of the Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) mission system on the N219 aircraft. The MoU document was signed by PTDI's Director of Commerce, Technology & Development, Gita Amperiawan and Infoglobal's President Director, Adi Sasongko, at PTDI's Production Area II, Bandung.

With this cooperation, in the future the N219 aircraft will be developed with a special design as a maritime surveillance aircraft or MSA. The mission system from Infoglobal which had previously been installed on the NC212 Maritime Patrol (Patmar) TNI AL aircraft will then be further developed for use on the N219 MSA aircraft produced by PTDI. Infoglobal is a company engaged in fighter/military aircraft avionics, radar data processing, weapons control systems and defense application software.

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Looking at PT Tri Ratna Diesel from Rutan group workshop who well known for their agriculture Machinery and engines, all of their component Made in Indonesia

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Should utilize PT Barata Indonesia more, they can Made heavy vehicles chase and heavy engine blocks as their foundry is quite large in capacity and have complete production line actually


Var Dracon

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regarding the subtitle, im making an assumption here that we got a potential customer from the middle east or this project was funded by them eh ?
It was probably shown first at Expo 2020 Dubai. From what I've learned SOE usually a bit late on posting their videos to Youtube. Pindad has videos on their MotoEV, MV2, and Maung that were shown Mandalika circuit but they haven't uploaded it in their social medias.


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Edited. The video doesnt show the test of missile being developed. Just wait Dahana official video for that missile test.
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The canard and fin-tail can open properly after leaving the launch tube to approach the target area marked by a flare or infrared light source that is carried by the drone
Just confusion a little here; is this a VSHORAD (MANPADS) or man portable tube launched anti-personnel/vehicle IR/SAL guided FFAR-like?


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Just confusion a little here; is this a VSHORAD (MANPADS) or man portable tube launched anti-personnel/vehicle IR/SAL guided FFAR-like?

MANPADS, the target is helicopter and plane. We have another program for anti tank rocket. Missile seeker test has been conducted by ITB (Institute Teknologi Bandung) in late 2019 but there is no video, just article in our Ministry of Defense website.


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MANPADS, the target is helicopter and plane. We have another program for anti tank rocket. Missile seeker test has been conducted by ITB in late 2019 but there is no video, just article in our Ministry of Defense website.
Yes, but they speak of Flares and IR markers in the article, if i know correctly these are rather used for ground target marking. Do they refer to flares dispatched by an aerial platform to perform as a decoy hanging on the air for the missile? And some another unmanned platform towing sort of IR decoy?
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