1258.. The Ilkhanate ended everything.
Ever since then the Arabs never able to get their former power back.
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1258.. The Ilkhanate ended everything.
I think we need to really be aware of what we mean by "Arabs" which is a rather loose, imprecise term for various peoples, with various histories and living in various geographies who today happen to speak Arabic. There is not much similarties between a Arab speaking Amazig from Algeria, to Coptic Egyptian to a Sudani to a Assyrian Syrian, to a Phoenician Lebanese to a Mesopotamnic Iraqi, to a true Arab from the interior of Arabian peninsula. True Arabs had not much before advent of Islam.Arabs
The tragedy for Pakistan was that with discovery of oil in Arabian peninsula it enabled the most backward of Arabs as opposed to Levantine Arabs, Magreb or Egypt to gain influence via petro-dollars which arrested Pakistani society for at least three generations. Pakistan is unique in that it as a society has regressed since 1960s. The rise of mullah power and the ignorant masses underneath was fininaced by and inspired by Oily Arabs.The true Arabs remained ignorant and backward until they found oil under the sand. Not surprsing since exactly what civilization can be nurtured on sand, a camel and a date palm?
@KKF 2.0 did you get chance to read Allama Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Though in Islam?
I enjoyed reading your educational thread regarding people before and after oil on another platformThe tragedy for Pakistan was that with discovery of oil in Arabian peninsula it enabled the most backward of Arabs as opposed to Levantine Arabs, Magreb or Egypt to gain influence via petro-dollars which arrested Pakistani society for at least three generations. Pakistan is unique in that it as a society has regressed since 1960s. The rise of mullah power and the ignorant masses underneath was fininaced by and inspired by Oily Arabs.
The destruction this wrought on Pakistan is untold. At home it crippled progress and social evolution. Abroad it destroyed Pakistan's image with Bin Laden [who is not even a Pakistani but a Saudi] becoming Pakistan's placard.
I think we need to really be aware of what we mean by "Arabs" which is a rather loose, imprecise term for various peoples, with various histories and living in various geographies who today happen to speak Arabic. There is not much similarties between a Arab speaking Amazig from Algeria, to Coptic Egyptian to a Sudani to a Assyrian Syrian, to a Phoenician Lebanese to a Mesopotamnic Iraqi, to a true Arab from the interior of Arabian peninsula. True Arabs had not much before advent of Islam.
Rise of Islam enabled Arabia for the first time in history to impose it's influence on neighbouring Mesoptamia, Assyria, Palestine, Egypt and the Magreb thus creating a arc of Arabic speakers. In other words various civilizations were subsumed into the early rise of Islam.
The true Arabs remained ignorant and backward until they found oil under the sand. Not surprsing since exactly what civilization can be nurtured on sand, a camel and a date palm?
@KKF 2.0 did you get chance to read Allama Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Though in Islam?
True but do note they are not Sand and Oil. The south western tip of the peninisula is mountains and has rivers.That deserves respect also Yemen has one of the oldest civilisations also where Arabs come from which Saudis hate to even mention.
Very true. What me must keep in mind is that true Arabs were on the arse end of history. Always peripheral. Nobody bothered with them and even did not even bother conquering them. Nothing is not worth conquering. If you look at even the Ottoman Empire it merely secured the holy cities and then had a route along Red Sea coast or Hijaz. The crucible of Ibn Sauds was nothing.Islam helped with the Arabs settling in various places they conquered in other words they mixd with the locals overtime became different from the Arabs from the Gulf. Hence why Arabs from Morocco to Bahrain are all different from each other.
Yes, I got to admit I was surprised. They were semi-beasts before oil. What a tragedy they got the oil. I despise them for reasons I will touch on some other time.I enjoyed reading your educational thread regarding people before and after oil on another platform
True but do note they are not Sand and Oil. The south western tip of the peninisula is mountains and has rivers.
Very true. What me must keep in mind is that true Arabs were on the arse end of history. Always peripheral. Nobody bothered with them and even did not even bother conquering them. Nothing is not worth conquering. If you look at even the Ottoman Empire it merely secured the holy cities and then had a route along Red Sea coast or Hijaz. The crucible of Ibn Sauds was nothing.
Islam as it rose quickly cross fertilized with the other host civilizations. Thus very quickly fulcrum moved away from Arabia and ended on the Fertile Crescent where it subsumed higher civilizations like Mesopotamic, Assyrian etc and we can see how Baghdad, Damascus became the centres of Islam. Egypt which never was a Arab civilization also went through same process of Arab colonization. To be fair respect has to given to the first wave out of the desert which managed to conquer and then colonize what were historically higher civilizations like Persians, Mesoptamians, Assyrians, Egytians, Greek colonies in Cyrenica [Libya] and even the Amizag people who had history going back to Hannibal of Carthage.
Yes, I got to admit I was surprised. They were semi-beasts before oil. What a tragedy they got the oil. I despise them for reasons I will touch on some other time.
God bless you and your family.@Yankeestani today was 30th anniversary of my marriage. I don't do this often but will make a exception here. Please don't make copy of it. my wife and daughter.
Congratulations.@Yankeestani today was 30th anniversary of my marriage. I don't do this often but will make a exception here. Please don't make copy of it. My wife and daughter ~ actually I have twins. This is one half. Because they are genetic twins they loo the same. Exactly.