Breaking News Iran strikes Pakistani territory; Pakistan Counter Strikes; Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar


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what a shame on pakistan.. they got bullied and strikes happend from USa and now iran does it too.. what kind of image do we have now? its like turning from ultra aslan to ultra kitty

mehmed beg

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All of this mess, because ISKP, a relatively small player in the grand scheme of things, are able to kill 100+ people inside Soleimani's tomb complex.

Never underestimate what a small group of men can do to international politics and the world order. WW1 started because some Serbian extremists decided to kill a monarch, resulting in the end of 4 empires and the total remaking of the world order from that of empires to nation-states.

In fact, seeing just how big the effect on international relations is of a relatively menial terrorists operation, I suspect there will be more ISIS/ISKP bombings targetting Iran and trying to entice Iran to overreact. Iran as it stands is a regional power with the whims and ego of an empire, it is easily manipulated to overreact the same way Austria throws tantrum after the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


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Unconfirmed. Pakistani COAS in Quetta, Balochistan.

If you have business with Pakistan, meet the COAS instead the President or PM lol, military so entrenched to politics. I don’t think he talked about Iran before when he was in US December last year. TTP and ISKP were the main talking points, FP magazine reported they also talked about Pakistani economic situations.

Maula Jutt

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IDK why we're fighting when we claim to be hitting the same people with same ideology?

They targeted Islamist Baloch separatists while Pak targeted Communist Baloch separatists (both separatist organizations acknowledged their losses so it wasn't "complete" BS)

Crazy how this whole thing escalated so quickly - our PM met their FM, our Navies were conducting joint drills

Than out of nowhere Iran started bombing militants in Pakistani territory with no prior warning

Than Iranian FM called Pak a brotherly country even after the attacks

It's all so bizarre
It's clear that no one wants to escalate beyond a certain threshold or I hope that's the case

We have no issues with Iran
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China urged both Iran and Pakistan to calmness.
China wants the war on the line from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, or more precisely, it wants the US to be stuck there as much as possible. As freight prices climb towards new records, turmoil in these regions will directly serve Chinese interests also. On the other hand, If the economic corridors China is building or planning to build remain in disarray, it basically serves US interests.

MS Sandhu

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Hope Iranians learn the lesson and don't mess up with Pakistan in future
As a precaution, Pakistan must deploy its Nuclear and Conventional Assets on western front
The diplomatic approach to deal with Iran is not enough.Military posture is inevitable.


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Hope Iranians learn the lesson and don't mess up with Pakistan in future
As a precaution, Pakistan must deploy its Nuclear and Conventional Assets on western front
The diplomatic approach to deal with Iran is not enough.Military posture is inevitable.
Pakistan is a formidable nuclear power. It has the ability to use its nuclear deterrent under the command of three different force commands, and its 'known' nuclear arsenal is large enough to send a country larger than it in area back to the stone age in less than an hour. But I don't think there is any need to even address this aspect of the issue. Because Pakistan outweighs in conventional terms both in technological capacity and manpower.

And the other thing is that if Pakistan is left with no other way out but war, the number of power centers that will directly support it is incomparably larger than those that would back Iran. The problem is that this foolish move and the callousness with which it violates Pakistan's sovereignty has the potential to directly serve US interests. So I've really been looking for a logical reason behind this attack and I haven't found even one. Perhaps in order to get the right perspective, we need to recognize that where Iran's positioning of itself is an illusion.


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Great. I hope India will also provide similar support to Pakistan for its counter-strikes as well. They could have waited for a day to see Pakistan's response and made a statement saying violation of sovereignty is crossing the line and both sides should calm down or simply stayed silent but now they have been placed in an uncomfortable position as well. State that Pakistan did right and provide diplomatic support to Pakistan's action like they did to Iran or state that Pakistan did wrong and become a hypocrite on the world stage. Most likely Insia will remain silent but it will be a sour taste.

Those that claim getting hit is an embarrassment need to consider modern military technology. Modern technology has changed the military dynamic entirely. You can successfully strike a country and the only way that strike can be stopped is if there was military readiness, advanced defensive technology, deployed and ready with high level of luck being involved as well. States take time to response and professional armies all the more so because there is military bureaucracy. You have meetings, responses are scaled, pros and cons are calculated and then action is taken. If you commander on spot seeing a destroyed village launches an invasion in a foreign land then that is not a professional army but a rag tag group of armed fighters bringing ruin on their country. Its a good thing that professional armies have a chain of command because guess what, that brigadier with his 1000+ troops will happily launch an invasion in search for personal glory and validation, bringing war to the state. ANA is a great example of a decentralized military where individual commanders took belligerent actions against neighboring states leading to weak diplomatic relations, militarized borders and ofcourse absolute distrust in the central government's ability to carry out their promises. ANA was a nightmare to handle for Ashraf Ghani.
Whoa Pakistan is not fucking around. 7 airstrikes.

Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar targeting BLF camps in Iran. Seems proportionate. We didnt strike IRGC which would have been counter-productive and we focused on terrorists whilst sending a message to iran and our eastern neighbor.


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Operation Marg Bar Sarmachar: Pakistan strikes terrorist hideouts in Iran after airspace violation

Pakistan on Thursday morning struck terrorist hideouts in Iran’s Siestan-o-Baluchistan province, less than 48 hours after Iran violated its airspace.

According to a statement by the Foreign Office (FO), Pakistan undertook a series of “highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes” and killed a number of terrorists during the intelligence-based operation codenamed ‘Marg Bar Sarmachar’.

Key developments

  • FO says action taken in light of credible intelligence of large-scale terrorist activities by Sarmachars
  • Iran says three women, four children — “all non-Iranian nationals” — killed in attack targeting village near city of Saravan
  • Pakistani strikes come after Islamabad downgraded diplomatic ties with Iran
  • Caretaker information minister says airspace violation by Iran under investigation; PM and FM to cut short foreign visits

Iran on Tuesday had launched attacks in Pakistan targeting what it described as bases for the militant group Jaish al-Adl in the border town of Panjgur in Balochistan, Iranian state media reported, prompting strong condemnation from Islamabad and downgrading of diplomatic ties.

The Iranian strikes were part of a series of attacks carried out by Iran in recent days in Syria and Iraq as a response to recent terrorist attacks on its territory. They have heightened concerns about regional stability, particularly amid ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

The FO statement on Thursday morning said: “Over the last several years, in our engagements with Iran, Pakistan has consistently shared its serious concerns about the safe havens and sanctuaries enjoyed by Pakistani origin terrorists calling themselves Sarmachars on the ungoverned spaces inside Iran. Pakistan also shared multiple dossiers with concrete evidence of the presence and activities of these terrorists.”

“However, because of lack of action on our serious concerns, these so-called Sarmachars continued to spill the blood of innocent Pakistanis with impunity. This morning’s action was taken in light of credible intelligence of impending large-scale terrorist activities by these so-called Sarmachars.

“This action is a manifestation of Pakistan’s unflinching resolve to protect and defend its national security against all threats. The successful execution of this highly complex operation is also a testimony to the professionalism of the Pakistan Armed Forces.”

“Pakistan will continue to take all necessary steps to preserve the safety and security of its people which is sacrosanct, inviolable and sacred,” said FO.

The statement stressed that Pakistan “fully respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran”, adding “the sole objective of today’s act was in pursuit of Pakistan’s own security and national interest which is paramount and cannot be compromised”.

“As a responsible member of the international community, Pakistan upholds the principles and purposes of the UN Charter including territorial integrity and sovereignty of member states. Guided by these principles, and in exercise of our legitimate rights within international law, Pakistan will never allow its sovereignty and territorial integrity to be challenged, under any pretext or circumstances.

“Iran is a brotherly country and the people of Pakistan have great respect and affection for the Iranian people. We have always emphasised dialogue and cooperation in confronting common challenges including the menace of terrorism and will continue to endeavour to find joint solutions,” it concluded.

Meanwhile, the Iranian state media reported that at least three women and four children were killed in the Pakistani strikes on Iran’s southeast border region.

“Pakistan attacked an Iranian border village with missiles,” state television said, quoting Alireza Marhamati, deputy provincial governor of Iran’s Siestan-o-Baluchistan province.

“Three women and four children were killed in this incident. All non-Iranian nationals,” he added, noting that the attack targeted a village near the city of Saravan on the border with Pakistan.

BLF has responded to the news as well that we struck with missiles and drones. Quetta air base was quite busy last night and was put on high alert but somebody would have noticed that Pakistans response assets are too far away. I dont think our strategic assets will be relocated but we may build more military assets. Now both sides have their strikes so saner heads should prevail and situation deescalated.

I still have no idea what happened. It can be to strike Jandullah. Yes they struck but to be so belligerent is just reckless. Either there are issues in IRGC which i find hard to believe or they wanted to strike Pakistan to justify further operations in Iraq and Syria by stating that we are targeting terrorists all across our neighbors because right now the hot borders of Iran are at completely other end. Why target a border that is cool and silent?


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I think it's important to try keep an eye on what's going in internally in Iran. as @Saiyan0321 pointed out the border between Pakistan and Iran was living its own life and cooperation was going on. So this tantrum of sorts must have stemmed from something that happened or is happening internally in Iran.

Staying silent about it and not saying anything is proof enough that they don't want to create more awareness about it. and don't want to display any weakness to anyone.

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