Defence Q&A Is the US or China the world’s economic superpower?


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Is the US or China the world’s economic superpower?

TBS Report

01 October, 2021, 02:40 pm




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United States of America
The Chinese are no where near having real problems. They are buying up the worlds resources and are the manufacturer for the world. Anyone who doesn't know how far China has come to surpassing the USA in all areas is sadly uninformed. The dollar per capita means nothing in dominating the world. Americans are going to be a distant 2nd to China by their ignorance. By 2035 things will really start to change and should start becoming obvious. They have stated many times that they are building up their Navy for one reason, to take on the US Navy and get rid the the US influence in the region. They are building up to fight and the average American just wants cheaper items at Walmart all made in China. The US media LOVES Chinese Communism. They see it as the future.


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A lot of stuff have been mentioned so far but people forget one thing which is VERY IMPORTANT when we talk about a country becoming a True Superpower and that is Culture and Soft power.

The PRC just doesn't have anything at all to show to the world: They neither have movies or music the world wants to consume, neither produce any TV shows and sports people want to see. Chinese will never ever be a world language. Chinese music will never ever be popular abroad. Even Japan and Korea have bigger Cultural influence over the modern world than Maoist China.

After taking over Honk Kong (with it's huge Movie industry) and for years warming up it's relations with the World and opening up, instead of building over their huge successes Comrade Winnie the Pooh decided to beat the war drums and turn China into a bigger version of North Korea.

ps No matter if you like it or not- We are all living in America.


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A lot of stuff have been mentioned so far but people forget one thing which is VERY IMPORTANT when we talk about a country becoming a True Superpower and that is Culture and Soft power.

The PRC just doesn't have anything at all to show to the world: They neither have movies or music the world wants to consume, neither produce any TV shows and sports people want to see. Chinese will never ever be a world language. Chinese music will never ever be popular abroad. Even Japan and Korea have bigger Cultural influence over the modern world than Maoist China.

After taking over Honk Kong (with it's huge Movie industry) and for years warming up it's relations with the World and opening up, instead of building over their huge successes Comrade Winnie the Pooh decided to beat the war drums and turn China into a bigger version of North Korea.

ps No matter if you like it or not- We are all living in America.
That is all very true. But understand this. Soft power follows hard power. Until yesterday China was known as land of famines and poverty. All the things you mentioned will follow as China consolidates her position. look forward to 2050-2100 for Chinese soft power to make impact.
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That is all very true. But understand this. Soft power follows hard power. Until yesterday China was known as land of famines and poverty. All the things you mentioned will follow as China consolidates her position. look forward to 2050-2100 for Chinese soft power to make impact.

Issue is soft power needs govt to be less of a monolith....since soft power inevitably needs a lot of "A vs B" stuff at deep level in society's debate to generate, sustain and capture people's attention truly.

Will have to see how PRC manages that.


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Issue is soft power needs govt to be less of a monolith....since soft power inevitably needs a lot of "A vs B" stuff at deep level in society's debate to generate, sustain and capture people's attention truly.

Will have to see how PRC manages that.
If you look at all of the 1st world countries, most if not all were monolith entities and have evolved to their modern form. Expect the same for China in future. Think of USA as effectively a monolith whose backbone was shaped by few white men mostly of Anglo-Saxon heritage. Then as generans rolled on it slowly began to be more inclusive.


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If you look at all of the 1st world countries, most if not all were monolith entities and have evolved to their modern form. Expect the same for China in future. Think of USA as effectively a monolith whose backbone was shaped by few white men mostly of Anglo-Saxon heritage. Then as generans rolled on it slowly began to be more inclusive.

I partially agree and disagree. China is a very different case in many respects.

The transition is not inevitable or guaranteed...and it will not take on the same hue and form as it has done in other parts of the world (these countries are far younger nation states than China, which is arguably the oldest continual one).

Simply look at what the change is w.r.t Xi Jinping relative to the 3 admins preceding it in the post-Mao era.

I for one assumed version 4.0 in the admin....instead it has drastically relapsed/over-corrected. This is long thing to unpack in of itself, I plan to flesh out my thoughts and perspective on it at later date.

Essentially IMO, there is a factional unease within CCP to what soft power (taking shape in China internally already) involves w.r.t their control and steering of it.


Vietnam Moderator
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I partially agree and disagree. China is a very different case in many respects.
China is a very different case ??? They just collapse slower than Lybia and Argentina when reaching $10000 GDP per capita.

Look at evergrande, this company would collpase at least 5 years ago bcs it only create Ghost towns all over CN.


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China is a very different case ??? They just collapse slower than Lybia and Argentina when reaching $10000 GDP per capita.

Look at evergrande, this company would collpase at least 5 years ago bcs it only create Ghost towns all over CN.

Yah I am talking more about the larger society rather than economy. Every large country is pretty different case to another on it.

GDP is overrated to me to begin with. Standard of living (and transparency and full accountability of that) matters much more....and that is a deeper society thing I keep track of....along with the psyche issues in the society (even more interesting to me).

Industrialisation = easy route, raw march etc

Post-industrial = needs confidence in own skin (and true understanding of the core foundational principles leading to own's success so far)...otherwise the angst and self-doubt will commence...and the growing mental psychosis from that will start to rip large segments of the population away from each other in basic issues like trust and tolerance.

Given China is well in the industrialisation phase....China can stagnate/collapse in some fashion economically and still be very appreciable just by its raw population size and "easy route" on offer to develop for quite some more time.

For China we have to see how this stuff goes first etc for sure:

But just remember the (post-industrial) US has immense problems within it too, that it has now created (quite unnecessarily for "Soft power" political purposes within it) and let fester to divide its people since the end of the cold war.

The "culture wars".

It has led to the most incompetent worthless senile "president" they have ever seen occupying the white house right now.

He is truly abominable....and what is more abominable is how the system's elitists carry water for him since they put him there.

They are accelerating the self-inflicted incredible harm on their long-term system and society as result, thinking it will just be strong enough anyway....or just ignoring that all together since they feel their elitist bubbles will hold up at least.

It is truly astonishing to me just how much of a rush the US is in (at least one massive part of it - the democrats and self-professed "liberals" and "progressives") to undermine its core greatest strengths.

The over-expansion of govt girth and power (and its consolidation with the oligarch cabal to promote more of the same)....while at the same time festering this incompetence and immorality in that govt quality...especially its executive something quite without parallel in the modern time and given what it had inherited to work with at end of cold war.

Literally didnt think I would live to see the day where a fed ex-chairman (now treasury sec given the "insiders club that you arent invited to" as carlin would say) literally yapping for a big-bloated govt pro-sleazy-politicians bullet point in totally removing the debt ceiling from legislature action ....when the limit is already this ridiculously high (And has been increased again and again like a diabetic hooked on sugar).

Talk about openly dismantling a key check and balance.

They (fed resreve ppl) used to once upon a time be counter-pressure against what politicians pushed for (i.e gimme more monehh to spend!!!!) they are all in cahoots brazenly with one political party (or uni-party faction).
So here we are....its happened and I dont think I am even halfway thru my lifetime.
This is truly tower of babel stuff now.

The media and their acolytes will literally keep clapping like seals at this now in complete partisan fashion....I remember a time when they didn't do so easily.

They have turned into reprobates and degenerates to the tune of 95%....and are now moving to silencing any dissent in alternative media.

Literally every day I feel gaslighted...and kind of helpless and resigned as I once believed + invested + trusted in the system rewarding a meritocracy, honour and rationality.

But this is the same media that treats with the kiddiest of kid gloves the utterly incompetent president they carried all this water for, and have to double down on now.

If a president says "I do not recall that advice" regarding advice from the generals (on AFG exit)....and the media doesnt kick up any stink about it (to the degree they would if the president is from another faction that isnt in favour of undermining the US core principle)....its clear whats going on.

This is a system in serious decline.

You see, these scumbags hate the American people (their own people!).

You will find that a common theme worldwide when govt gets too big (and memories and legacies still remember the prior eras) openly and active despises the people that put them there.

This just happens when the easy route of putting head down and getting to work on simple factory stuff just isnt available as much....and the economy has to focus on post industrial innovation etc but staying true to what got it there in first place...

...which they US ilke west in general has a real problem now with...and a large part of it feels the solution is to keep throwing more (taxpayer) money at it and borrow as you need to past that.

After the "war on poverty" final bill of 22 trillion USD?...already failed spectacularly over its duration since LBJ time.

Let's keep bloating and making the govt bigger! Make more dependent captive vote mobs to unleash on each other, it wont affect us sipping champagne or openly bragging about muh 12 dollar-a-pint ice cream in muh 24,000 dollar fridge.

Too many floors, too many idiots posing as intellects.... not enough proximity to the ground.

I can go on at length about this stuff, but I wont bore you all at once. Maybe I will expand on some points later.

It is classic case of psychological failure driven by the sheer dissonance with the foundation....the earlier "you".

You hate yourself, you gonna find out just how much you are your own worst soon depends on how much you want to keep doing it.


Vietnam Moderator
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Yah I am talking more about the larger society rather than economy. Every large country is pretty different case to another on it.

GDP is overrated to me to begin with. Standard of living (and transparency and full accountability of that) matters much more....and that is a deeper society thing I keep track of....along with the psyche issues in the society (even more interesting to me).

Industrialisation = easy route, raw march etc

Post-industrial = needs confidence in own skin (and true understanding of the core foundational principles leading to own's success so far)...otherwise the angst and self-doubt will commence...and the growing mental psychosis from that will start to rip large segments of the population away from each other in basic issues like trust and tolerance.

Given China is well in the industrialisation phase....China can stagnate/collapse in some fashion economically and still be very appreciable just by its raw population size and "easy route" on offer to develop for quite some more time.

For China we have to see how this stuff goes first etc for sure:

But just remember the (post-industrial) US has immense problems within it too, that it has now created (quite unnecessarily for "Soft power" political purposes within it) and let fester to divide its people since the end of the cold war.

The "culture wars".

It has led to the most incompetent worthless senile "president" they have ever seen occupying the white house right now.

He is truly abominable....and what is more abominable is how the system's elitists carry water for him since they put him there.

They are accelerating the self-inflicted incredible harm on their long-term system and society as result, thinking it will just be strong enough anyway....or just ignoring that all together since they feel their elitist bubbles will hold up at least.

It is truly astonishing to me just how much of a rush the US is in (at least one massive part of it - the democrats and self-professed "liberals" and "progressives") to undermine its core greatest strengths.

The over-expansion of govt girth and power (and its consolidation with the oligarch cabal to promote more of the same)....while at the same time festering this incompetence and immorality in that govt quality...especially its executive something quite without parallel in the modern time and given what it had inherited to work with at end of cold war.

Literally didnt think I would live to see the day where a fed ex-chairman (now treasury sec given the "insiders club that you arent invited to" as carlin would say) literally yapping for a big-bloated govt pro-sleazy-politicians bullet point in totally removing the debt ceiling from legislature action ....when the limit is already this ridiculously high (And has been increased again and again like a diabetic hooked on sugar).

Talk about openly dismantling a key check and balance.

They (fed resreve ppl) used to once upon a time be counter-pressure against what politicians pushed for (i.e gimme more monehh to spend!!!!) they are all in cahoots brazenly with one political party (or uni-party faction).
So here we are....its happened and I dont think I am even halfway thru my lifetime.
This is truly tower of babel stuff now.

The media and their acolytes will literally keep clapping like seals at this now in complete partisan fashion....I remember a time when they didn't do so easily.

They have turned into reprobates and degenerates to the tune of 95%....and are now moving to silencing any dissent in alternative media.

Literally every day I feel gaslighted...and kind of helpless and resigned as I once believed + invested + trusted in the system rewarding a meritocracy, honour and rationality.

But this is the same media that treats with the kiddiest of kid gloves the utterly incompetent president they carried all this water for, and have to double down on now.

If a president says "I do not recall that advice" regarding advice from the generals (on AFG exit)....and the media doesnt kick up any stink about it (to the degree they would if the president is from another faction that isnt in favour of undermining the US core principle)....its clear whats going on.

This is a system in serious decline.

You see, these scumbags hate the American people (their own people!).

You will find that a common theme worldwide when govt gets too big (and memories and legacies still remember the prior eras) openly and active despises the people that put them there.

This just happens when the easy route of putting head down and getting to work on simple factory stuff just isnt available as much....and the economy has to focus on post industrial innovation etc but staying true to what got it there in first place...

...which they US ilke west in general has a real problem now with...and a large part of it feels the solution is to keep throwing more (taxpayer) money at it and borrow as you need to past that.

After the "war on poverty" final bill of 22 trillion USD?...already failed spectacularly over its duration since LBJ time.

Let's keep bloating and making the govt bigger! Make more dependent captive vote mobs to unleash on each other, it wont affect us sipping champagne or openly bragging about muh 12 dollar-a-pint ice cream in muh 24,000 dollar fridge.

Too many floors, too many idiots posing as intellects.... not enough proximity to the ground.

I can go on at length about this stuff, but I wont bore you all at once. Maybe I will expand on some points later.

It is classic case of psychological failure driven by the sheer dissonance with the foundation....the earlier "you".

You hate yourself, you gonna find out just how much you are your own worst soon depends on how much you want to keep doing it.
You mean both US-CN also have serious problems like too many idiots in US now and CN despite having many problem still can develop for quite some more time ??

But at least US is still much better than CN during energy crisis. US has lots of fuel, coal to solve that problem while CN doesn't have enough, plus stop buying Aussie's coal due to Covid accusation from Aussie only making energy crisis in CN get much worse.

Its true that still can develop for quite some more time, but the way CN is going now still only lead them to the collapse or become another N.Korea when they have almost No chance to defeat US in trade war/cold war that will not end until US or CN collapse. Factories keep fleeing to VN due to trade war and high labor cost in CN, factories who still stay in CN mainly bcs CN is their main market (Iphone, Tesla EV, BMW etc).

Abt 55 to 60% of CN companies/factories are just Zombie companies/factories like Evergrande, they make No profit, they just still survive bcs CN govt don't want the unemployment rate suddenly go up too high, leading to social unrest like in Libya and Argentina.
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You mean both US-CN also have serious problems like too many idiots in US now and CN despite having many problem still can develop for quite some more time ??

But at least US is still much better than CN during energy crisis. US has lots of fuel, coal to solve that problem while CN doesn't have enough, plus stop buying Aussie's coal due to Covid accusation from Aussie only making energy crisis in CN get much worse.

Its true that still can develop for quite some more time, but the way CN is going now still only lead them to the collapse or become another N.Korea when they have almost No chance to defeat US in trade war/cold war that will not end until US or CN collapse. Factories keep fleeing to VN due to trade war and high labor cost in CN, factories who still stay in CN mainly bcs CN is their main market (Iphone, Tesla EV, BMW etc).

Abt 55 to 60% of CN companies/factories are just Zombie companies/factories like Evergrande, they make No profit, they just still survive bcs CN govt don't want the unemployment rate suddenly go up too high, leading to social unrest like in Libya and Argentina.

Totally agree. This is the rough economic contour of it I see as well.

I said earlier US definitely holds the forseeable advantage (because of inability of PRC to "Breakout" in actual dynamic way given its setup)....but US also has lot of problems its creating for itself (that is actually helping China.....just like China weaknesses help US).

China big problem is they are forcing one system (foreign + proven) into another (its local stuff like being addicted to real estate and construction side of things .....rather than suitable reforms that involve less CCP oversight/control... because of fear of that).

It was easier in stage 1, but in stage 2 and stage 3 it gets harder to do and balance. Hence why you see zombie companies, evergrande and massive increases in inner security budget (and clampdown on a bunch of economic sectors that CCP got distrustful of suddenly).

For stage 5 and stage 6 problems, thats what we see in US taking shape now....again because its elite does not seem to understand the difference between mindsets of what the local system has been so long...and what a sudden more foreign minded "big fat govt" push (exacerbated by foreign military deployment stupidity as your country saw firsthand from them) has done to it and is doing to it.

Anyway countries like ours, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc (that are practical and on the path to lot of growth this decade).. and rest of similar developing world should learn as much from both in what they did right and wrong and set and plan things accordingly.

We (developing world, esp in Asia) should also cooperate due to security threat of China increasingly....while we grow. Let them make their own mistakes and learn from it on their time and expense.

We have lot of common sense things we need to keep doing to grow stronger and wealthier....while avoiding mistakes that West and China have created for themselves.


Vietnam Moderator
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Totally agree. This is the rough economic contour of it I see as well.

I said earlier US definitely holds the forseeable advantage (because of inability of PRC to "Breakout" in actual dynamic way given its setup)....but US also has lot of problems its creating for itself (that is actually helping China.....just like China weaknesses help US).

China big problem is they are forcing one system (foreign + proven) into another (its local stuff like being addicted to real estate and construction side of things .....rather than suitable reforms that involve less CCP oversight/control... because of fear of that).

It was easier in stage 1, but in stage 2 and stage 3 it gets harder to do and balance. Hence why you see zombie companies, evergrande and massive increases in inner security budget (and clampdown on a bunch of economic sectors that CCP got distrustful of suddenly).

For stage 5 and stage 6 problems, thats what we see in US taking shape now....again because its elite does not seem to understand the difference between mindsets of what the local system has been so long...and what a sudden more foreign minded "big fat govt" push (exacerbated by foreign military deployment stupidity as your country saw firsthand from them) has done to it and is doing to it.

Anyway countries like ours, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc (that are practical and on the path to lot of growth this decade).. and rest of similar developing world should learn as much from both in what they did right and wrong and set and plan things accordingly.

We (developing world, esp in Asia) should also cooperate due to security threat of China increasingly....while we grow. Let them make their own mistakes and learn from it on their time and expense.

We have lot of common sense things we need to keep doing to grow stronger and wealthier....while avoiding mistakes that West and China have created for themselves.
From the perspective of a guy living in a communist country like me, the US's core problem is that she is capitalist nation and having " uncontrolled democracy". We all know capitalist bosses are very greedy, they only care about how to make easy money, thats why they have moved almost all the factories from EU-US to CN (and mostly to VN now) to reduce labor cost and environmental issues.

US solve the high unemployment rate issue by turning their people working in the tourism and service industry, but tourism and service industry are almost dead due to Covid while US still have to pay money to import almost everything (phones, car, PPE,Household appliances etc). If US has to keep import everything, then she soon will lose all of her power and finally perish. Thats why Donal Trump tried so hard to bring factories back but it didn't work due to too high labor cost and too many strict environment policies that make factories won't survive.

So, the only way to make US remain as the super power is to destroy CN's economy, forces CN to obey what US wants CN to do or at least makes CN to become another N.Korea, so no one else can threaten US's super power position anymore. Thats why in 2018, I predicted CN's economy may fall inchaos in 2023 bcs US can not stop making CN collapse or else US is the one who collapse bcs she is the greedy capitalist nation.

btw, I suggest that u can read Das Kapita writen by Karl Marx when u have time, u may understand more how Capitalist nations work and why they will collapse naturally.
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Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?​

2021-10-12 09:37 HKT

Since the Soviet Union, the United States will be a deep hostility to Russia, we will see it as their enemy, on the one hand constantly on Russian launch multiple sanctions , on the other hand the Allies to Russia launched military intervention .
The newly appointed US President Biden's hostility towards Russia is obvious . The United States has previously announced sanctions on Russia's chip and semiconductor industries .
Under the constant pressure of the United States and its allies, the Russian chip industry has shrunk. 90% of the chips need to be imported, and there is no lithography machine . Today, when the chip industry is related to the development of many industries, Russia is so backward in the chip industry. Still not afraid of the United States getting stuck on its own "neck" . Why is this?
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Small chip, big technology

Current status of Russia's chip industry​

The chip appeared during the US-Soviet arms race in the last century. The United States grasped the golden age of chip development at that time, while the undisintegrated Soviet Union made serious mistakes in its estimation of chip development at that time , and incorrectly estimated the development of the chip industry.
While the United States is working hard to explore the field of semiconductors, the Soviet Union is still concentrating on the study of small electron tubes , which has led to the Soviet Union being in a backward posture in the early stages of chip development. In the disintegration of the Soviet Union, countries such as Russia and Belarus were formed. Among them, Russia inherited most of the Soviet Union's legacy, so it was constantly targeted by the United States.
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Electron tube
Under the joint suppression of Western countries, the current Russian chip industry is very depressed , especially for the development of civilian chips. It can be said that there is no way out.
Therefore, Russia's civilian chips are very dependent on imports, and almost all civilian chips need to be imported. Due to Russia's weak chip capabilities , Russia is in the position of a consumer terminal in the chip industry, and Russia is a loyal buyer of American chips .
Of course, Russia also has very few chips that do not need to be imported. Most of these chips are military chips . Military chips are not very demanding. They only need high temperature resistance, radiation protection, and stability . It does not matter whether it is the most advanced technology.

Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

The use of military chips is also indispensable in the manufacture of fighters.
Therefore, military chips are very friendly to Russia, which does not have lithography machines, and Russia has not disappointed, and has made a lot of achievements in military chips.


The lithography machine is the source of the production of chips . It uses similar copying technology to rub the fine patterns on the mask onto the silicon wafer through light exposure. It is also called an exposure machine . If you want to produce chips, you must have a lithography machine, and the production technology of lithography machines is controlled in a very small number of countries, such as the Netherlands, Japan, Germany, the United States, and China . Among them, the Netherlands has the most advanced lithography machine technology. Its most high-end lithography machine has even reached the 2 nanometer level.

What is the difficulty of producing lithography machines? We can take a look at the CPU in our old mobile phone, only the size of a fingernail, but there are countless circuit diagrams printed on it. Someone once made such an analogy, like carving a picture of Qingming Shanghe on the hair , even more difficult than this. In order to develop lithography technology, China once went to Germany to observe other people's research, but was told, " Even if you give you a full set of drawings, you can't do it ."
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

This is not to despise us, but to say that the production lithography machine has extremely high technical requirements . Even if it is a low-end lithography machine, it is also a machine composed of tens of thousands of precision parts and hundreds of high-precision sensors. The most important thing is that its error is almost zero, only one ten thousandth of a hair. .

A high-end lithography machine is often the crystallization of the wisdom of dozens of countries, and each component is made by the top technology of a country, so the lithography machine is also known as the flower of the modern optical industry .
How does a lithography machine produce chips? First, we have to prepare wafers. The wafer is a cylindrical monocrystalline silicon, a silicon wafer formed by slicing after grinding and polishing. The smaller the wafer size, the smaller the chip size produced .
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?


Then, we will use a photolithography machine to remove the protective film on the wafer surface according to the template . Due to the different templates, the method of removing the protective film of the wafer by the lithography machine is also different: one is that when the size of the template and the wafer are the same, the template is different, and the lithography machine removes the protective film on the surface of the wafer; the other is the template and the wafer. The manufactured integrated circuits are of the same size, and the template is moved .
Because the latter has higher accuracy and more catering to market needs, the second processing method has gradually become the mainstream. Finally, we only need to soak the wafer with part of the protective film removed in corrosive water , and corrode the part without the protective film to form a circuit . After taking out the chip, rinse the surface with clean water, and a chip is produced. It can be said that in the production process of chips, if there is no lithography machine, there will be no chips.
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Processed wafer

So how did Russia break through the predicament of not having a lithography machine and have the courage not to be afraid of the United States getting stuck?

How does Russia overcome the influence of no lithography machine?​

First, although more than 90% of Russian chips rely on imports, it is also for this reason that Russia is in the position of an end consumer in the chip sales chain . You only need to spend money to buy these chips. As a buyer rather than a seller, Russia naturally does not need to worry about the impact of the lithography machine.
In addition, what should worry about is the United States, which has imposed sanctions on it, because Russia is a loyal buyer of American chips, and a large part of the chips are bought from the United States. And even if the United States stops supplying chips to Russia , it is difficult for anyone to remain unmoved in the face of such a huge domestic chip market in Russia. Therefore, as a buyer, Russia just sits and waits for the seller's chip to be sold.
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Russia: Too much money has been given to the United States
Second, the United States has the US chip advantage, and Russia has also made new discoveries in the study of small electronic tubes-excited crystal oscillators. Russian researchers conducted a series of studies by thinking about their country's dominant area- analog circuit technology , and finally found a solution, that is, to replace military chips with excited crystal oscillators , alleviating the power of US chip sanctions.
And this research result is also applied in fact, the Russian S-400 air defense missile system is used this research result, without the chip, still shows the power of this air defense missile system.
The S-400 air defense missile system has a strong combat capability, with long, medium and short range and high, medium and low altitude defense combat capabilities. For the US Tomahawk cruise missile , this system can intercept the Tomahawk missile excellently by combining positional defense and mobile defense. Not only can it improve defense capabilities , but it is also very economical and applicable . At the same time, it is considered the best of all air defense missile systems in the world today.

Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Tomahawk missile
Not only that, Russia also holds many powerful nuclear weapons, including nuclear submarines, nuclear bombs, bombers, etc., among which the number of nuclear submarines and bombers in the hands of Russia is very large , which severely restricts the most proud military weapons of the United States- Aircraft carrier .
And the recent success of Russia in hypersonic missiles has further strengthened its strong military strength. The failure of the United States in researching hypersonic missiles also proves that Russia is insurmountable in the military . This is one of the reasons why the United States dare not act rashly.

Third, even if the lack of advanced lithography machines has led to Russia's lagging behind in the chip industry , Russia is not inferior to the United States in terms of overall electronics . The Murmansk-BN electronic warfare system that they researched and equipped in their own country is a very rare strategic-level electronic warfare system. Compared with semiconductors researched by the United States, it is more stable against nuclear radiation and at the same time. The interference range of this system is 5,000 kilometers , and it is natural to break the information supply chain.
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Murmansk Electronic Warfare System Operation Module
Fourth, Russia actually responded to the situation where there is no lithography machine with a "breaking jar" mentality. Because of the failure of Russia's predecessor chip development in the early stage , it has been suppressed by many Western countries, and the Russian chip industry has almost been scrapped. Russia gave up this industry, focused on the research of electron tubes, and solved the predicament of not having lithography machines through innovations in electron tubes as a countermeasure.

Now that the chip is so important, what step have we achieved in this regard ?

China Chip​

In 2017, China's supercomputer "Shenwei Taihu Light" , which uses the domestic chip "Shenwei 26010" many-core processor, won the world's three consecutive championships in the field of supercomputing. This is only a small microcosm of China's chip technology. In addition, Huawei HiSilicon's Kirin processor has long been among the world's top mobile phone chips. Shanghai Microelectronics also released a good news: Breaking through the blockade, developed a 22-nanometer lithography machine.
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

China Lithography Machine

But for now, compared with the United States, the Netherlands, Japan and other countries, China's technology in this area of chips is still immature, and it mainly relies on large amounts of imports.
In fact, before the 1980s, China's semiconductor technology was relatively advanced, but because foreign companies liberalized their trade with China, the idea of “buying better than building” became extremely popular since the 1980s . Liu Shaoqi even proposed “shipbuilding”. It's better to buy a boat, and it is better to buy a boat than to rent a boat." Although this sentence was severely criticized later , in that era, China's semiconductor industry began to stagnate. It was not until the 1990s that we realized the importance of innovation and began to pursue the international advanced level.
The most advanced level is about to achieve mass production of nano-5 goals, while China now can only complete 22-nanometer lithography technology. Therefore, we need to seek technological breakthroughs in this short period of time, catch up to the international level faster, and realize the dream of independent research and development of high-end chips as soon as possible .
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Chinese chip bloody breakthrough

The importance of independent research and development of chips​

Chips are full of our daily lives. There are chips in refrigerators, TVs, mobile phones, computers and other furniture. But looking at the entire chip market, there is no China . With the deepening of chip research, we are more and more aware of the meaning of chips.
It not only marks the degree of technological development of a country, but also plays a decisive role in a country's international status. Whether a country has the ability to independently research and develop chips and whether the developed chips are at a leading level are all related to the country's right to speak, and a country has enough right to speak before it has a sense of international presence and will be respected by other countries. And value .
Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

"China Core"
At the same time, research and development of chips is also a high-tech. "Several skills are not overwhelming." For every country, it is hoped that the deeper the technology, the better.

Concluding remarks​

Although Russia today has the confidence not to be afraid of the United States' necks due to its military strength and innovative discoveries in electronic tubes , some military experts still believe that Russia should also develop lithography technology to ensure that it will not fall into the trap. The dilemma of stuck neck.
Whether it is Russia or China, our main purpose is to grow and strengthen ourselves, so that we can really not fear the potential threats.

Russia does not have a lithography machine, and 90% of its chips rely on imports. Why are you not afraid of the United States getting stuck?

Do the top stream, walk the flower path
As China continues to have good news in the development of chips and lithography technology, I believe that with our continuous technological breakthroughs in the future, we will no longer be restricted by external factors, and our domestic chips will also With our efforts, it has rapidly developed into the world's top class . But before this expectation is realized, we still have to make great efforts.


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There is no doubt that US is a military superpower, but is it still an economic superpower? I highly doubt about it. and economic strength will always eventually decides ones military strength.


Vietnam Moderator
2 456
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There is no doubt that US is a military superpower, but is it still an economic superpower? I highly doubt about it. and economic strength will always eventually decides ones military strength.
No, US is no longer an economic superpower. Despite Trump, Biden spend alot to take chip fabs back to US, but seem like it only make a little profit due to very high labor cost plus very hard to find good technicians

US is almost kicked out of the production chain, the producers only need US's market now

Google trans:

While TSMC founder Chang raved about "cheap land and electricity" in the US in a recent speech, he also complained: "We had to work very hard to find technicians. and capable workers".

Mark Liu also noted that costs in the US turned out to be "much higher" than TSMC expected.

All of which point to a localization craze being driven by politics, rather than by science or business. After all, opening fabs in the US affects only a small part of the production process. Today, semiconductors are typically designed in the US, manufactured in Taiwan or South Korea, tested and assembled in Southeast Asia (Malaysia,VN), and then built into products in China. Everything has become extremely specialized. TSMC dominates chip foundry services, and only the Dutch company ASML manufactures the advanced lithography machines on which all its fabs are based.


Experienced member
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No, US is no longer an economic superpower. Despite Trump, Biden spend alot to take chip fabs back to US, but seem like it only make a little profit due to very high labor cost plus very hard to find good technicians

US is almost kicked out of the production chain, the producers only need US's market now

Google trans:

While TSMC founder Chang raved about "cheap land and electricity" in the US in a recent speech, he also complained: "We had to work very hard to find technicians. and capable workers".

Mark Liu also noted that costs in the US turned out to be "much higher" than TSMC expected.

All of which point to a localization craze being driven by politics, rather than by science or business. After all, opening fabs in the US affects only a small part of the production process. Today, semiconductors are typically designed in the US, manufactured in Taiwan or South Korea, tested and assembled in Southeast Asia (Malaysia,VN), and then built into products in China. Everything has become extremely specialized. TSMC dominates chip foundry services, and only the Dutch company ASML manufactures the advanced lithography machines on which all its fabs are based.

US has sunset a bunch of stuff by its own hand, getting addicted to debt.

It is now nearly full service based economy, with manufacturing left that is immediate to these service sectors mostly.

It will have to leverage this in a different way geopolitically. That is only taking shape now.

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