Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy"

I wonder who would not want the establishment of the country? They are groups are useful idiots of the land thieves.

Everyone should know about this


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Jews is America are generally very successful. They take their education extremely importantly and they often get substantial support from their communities. As a result, they often do well financially and work their ways into positions of power throughout organizations.

Good for them for having such excellent work ethic!
This is true, no one denies it. But the state of Israel was founded on the genocide of Palestinians by forcibly expelling them from their homes, then closing the borders to them through mining and physically exterminating them at the border when they tried to return. After a simulated war in 1948, when Egypt sent 20 thousand of its soldiers and Transjordan 12 thousand soldiers against the 115 thousand Israeli militia( by prior agreement between Israel and Transjordan), Israel expelled about 1 million Arabs, both Christians and Arabs.
The US and Israel are pursuing policies similar to the Roman Empire. The Palestinians, in turn, are pursuing policies similar to those pursued by their ancestors during the uprising in the First and Second Jewish Wars. Rome then carried out a massacre of the Palestinian population, the USA and Israel will also carry out massacres in the Gaza Strip.


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This is true, no one denies it. But the state of Israel was founded on the genocide of Palestinians by forcibly expelling them from their homes, then closing the borders to them through mining and physically exterminating them at the border when they tried to return. After a simulated war in 1948, when Egypt sent 20 thousand of its soldiers and Transjordan 12 thousand soldiers against the 115 thousand Israeli militia( by prior agreement between Israel and Transjordan), Israel expelled about 1 million Arabs, both Christians and Arabs.
The US and Israel are pursuing policies similar to the Roman Empire. The Palestinians, in turn, are pursuing policies similar to those pursued by their ancestors during the uprising in the First and Second Jewish Wars. Rome then carried out a massacre of the Palestinian population, the USA and Israel will also carry out massacres in the Gaza Strip.
Almost every country on the planet was founded through warring with and / or genociding one or more population groups that lived there. Borders have changed substantially over time and most of that has to do with war. The same thing has always want to be true. If you want your territory back, you can take it by force or ally yourself with someone who can do it for you.

That's literally the history of the world. I hate when we recognize the annexation of property as some monstrous crime, that's completely unique every time it happens. It's so common throughout history that it's harder to find example of countries that weren't formed by war than it is otherwise.

Not to mention, as I stated previously, the Palestinian population is steadily and stabily growing at a high 2.8% growth rate. They are not actually at any risk of disappearing through genocide. That's silly and ridiculous.


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If they tried to set it up in Germany, there would have been another holocaust by now. Europeans would have turned nazis rather than accepting something like that.

Thats what caused Israel in the first place.

European anti semitism.

I know us Muslims have anti semitism but most anti semitism has always been local and never supported by a Muslim state regardless if its the Ottomans, Seljuks, Mamluks, Arab Caliphates or Al Andalus.

Even the Muslim Mongols were tolerant of Jews.

European Anti Semitism is the cause but nobody will talk about it.

Angry Turk !!!

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From 2022.

The EU has no morals or principles, only rhetoric:

We all know that those crackers are all hypocrites. Always was and always will be.

That's why at the end of the day, the most important thing for a Country to save its own interests is to become an absolute military powerhouse. Most won't but some will.

If not, chances are you end up like some arab countries.


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Europeans when it comes to Holocaust will either pin the blame on the Palestinians by pointing out to Al Husseini or the Ottoman Empire with the "Armenian Genocide".

None will look at what caused it at the first place. They know it themselves.


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We all know that those crackers are all hypocrites. Always was and always will be.

That's why at the end of the day, the most important thing for a Country to save its own interests is to become an absolute military powerhouse. Most won't but some will.

If not, chances are you end up like some arab countries.

Israel is going to invade Gaza look how their tune changes by saying Israel has the right to fight terrorists to protect its national security and interests.

Now look at the tune when Turkiye goes in and tries to destroy pkk and ypg

1- its complicating the fight against isis

2- its destabilising the region

3- show restraint

4- Turks are commiting genocide or ethnic cleansing.

5- turn a blind eye to the constant terror attacks done by the Pkk

Nobody can take the Americans and Europeans in general seriously.

Hence why Russia and China are laughing at them. Now the Africans are also laughing at them.


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From the looks of it 95% of all the atrocity accusations levelled at the Palestinian side is turning out to be no more then Israeli/western propaganda.

Meanwhile Isrealis seem to be just killing everything.


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From the looks of it 95% of all the atrocity accusations levelled at the Palestinian side is turning out to be no more then Israeli/western propaganda.

Meanwhile Isrealis seem to be just killing everything.
95% of the atrocities are BS? Thousands of rockets were not fired into Israeli cities? Hundreds of civilians were not shot in their homes, ambushed in their cars, burned to death, had grenades thrown in their bomb shelters, kidnapped and taken as hostage, etc?

I'm not seeing evidence of mass rape. I'm not not seeing evidence of a bunch of decapitated babies. But 95% BS?... Come on man, even if you're being hyperbolic, that's one of the most outlandish partisan posts I've seen.


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95% of the atrocities are BS? Thousands of rockets were not fired into Israeli cities? Hundreds of civilians were not shot in their homes, ambushed in their cars, burned to death, had grenades thrown in their bomb shelters, kidnapped and taken as hostage, etc?

I'm not seeing evidence of mass rape. I'm not not seeing evidence of a bunch of decapitated babies. But 95% BS?... Come on man, even if you're being hyperbolic, that's one of the most outlandish partisan posts I've seen.

give it up man, your gushing over isreal and rushing to defend them constantly. The moment someone says anything in favour of the other side your diving in to denounce them, are you on the Zionist payroll or something?

Something seems really fishy about you in this thread.
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give it up man, your gushing over isreal and rushing to defend them constantly. The moment someone says anything in favour of the other side your diving in to denounce them, are you on the zoinist payroll or something?

Something seems really fishy about you in this thread.
I'm pointing out that a comment was hyperbolic to the point of being eye rolling. I also happily concede that there is propaganda being pushed by Israel that is BS. The mass rape and baby decapitation is almost certainly sensationalist proganda and an outright lie.

I support Israel's right to defend themselves, as I do every sovereign nation / state. I absolutely denounce the mass killing of civilians on either side of the conflict. I'm simply realistic to accept what happens in these conflicts, as we see around the world. I'm among the only people in this thread that is not blindly partisan on the side of Hamas and the Palistinians, which isn't terribly surprising considering the cultural, religious and ethnic breakdown of the thread participants.


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I'm pointing out that a comment was hyperbolic to the point of being eye rolling. I also happily concede that there is propaganda being pushed by Israel that is BS. The mass rape and baby decapitation is almost certainly sensationalist proganda and an outright lie.

I support Israel's right to defend themselves, as I do every sovereign nation / state. I absolutely denounce the mass killing of civilians on either side of the conflict. I'm simply realistic to accept what happens in these conflicts, as we see around the world. I'm among the only people in this thread that is not blindly partisan on the side of Hamas and the Palistinians, which isn't terribly surprising considering the cultural, religious and ethnic breakdown of the thread participants.

got to add you to ignore, your coming across as something quite disgusting and perverse in this thread. Its like your following a strategy to propagandise on Israel's behalf. To target anyone who doesnt buy Isreali/western bullshit with accusations and insinuations. I got no time for it. Bullshit is bullshit.


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got to add you to ignore, your coming across as something quite disgusting and perverse in this thread. Its like your following a strategy to propagandise on Israel's behalf. To target anyone who doesnt buy Isreali/western bullshit with accusations and insinuations. I got no time for it. Bullshit is bullshit.
No problem. If you don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit your narrative, or the narrative of the side you support, the ignore feature seems like the correct action for you!


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If anyone is wondering why the anglo-american world is so connected to zionist ambitions they should start by learning about British-Isrealism.

Most Zionists on earth are Christian and the majority of Christian Zionists are found in the USA/UK.

The ideology they believe is unsubstantiated bullshit, no more then a pack of lies, but be aware that many christians will shill for Isreal because of their zionist beliefs. But they will never reveal to you that they are pro zionist except that all of their actions aid in it.

The links are just to get you started, there are some good books written on the subject.


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Europeans when it comes to Holocaust will either pin the blame on the Palestinians by pointing out to Al Husseini or the Ottoman Empire with the "Armenian Genocide".

None will look at what caused it at the first place. They know it themselves.
Obviously this is meant to be hyperbolic and a little bit humoristic, but it goes without saying that Holocaust falls squarely on the German Nazis and their associates / allies. Nobody else.
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95% of the atrocities are BS? Thousands of rockets were not fired into Israeli cities? Hundreds of civilians were not shot in their homes, ambushed in their cars, burned to death, had grenades thrown in their bomb shelters, kidnapped and taken as hostage, etc?

I'm not seeing evidence of mass rape. I'm not not seeing evidence of a bunch of decapitated babies. But 95% BS?... Come on man, even if you're being hyperbolic, that's one of the most outlandish partisan posts I've seen.

One has rockets and the other side has capabilities to carpet bomb a city.

No comparsion at all.

Palestinians dont have tanks, fighter jets, nukes or even drones.

Just to cross into Israel they had to use primitive paragliders. Even if Hamas took the border crossing they still had to give it up and withdraw.


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Obviously this is meant to be hyperbolic and a little bit humoristic, but it goes without saying that Holocaust falls squarely on the German Nazis and their associates / allies. Nobody else.

Yeah the problem is now the Germans are no longer being blamed its either the Nazis or the ones who inspired the Nazis.

Lets look into Martin Luther's anti semitic writings, scientific racism, lebensraum, herero genocide done by German colonial forces.

Hitler did not choose to kill Jews alongside Slavs overnight.

Germans nowadays find it really convient to wash their hands and say its either the Nazis or the Nazis were inspired by the Turks.

Nowadays this whole war in Palestine vs Israel also boils down to this as European anti semitism played a role in Israel's foundation.
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