Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Nah, she should not have been paraded like that. That was inhumane.
She should have been arrested and legally persecuted for violating Palestinian sovereign territory.
That comment by Gary is the type of cringy extremism held by many that makes peace in the region so hard to achieve. It's also the exact type of rhetoric that causes Israel and some percentage of their allies in the West to not really care if their tax money is spent on bombs and guided ordinance that bury children and grandmother's, under the rubble of destroyed buildings.

If you can't support a militant on militant conflict, and instead are insistent on lumping everyone together as viable targets, that's when ideas of genocide start becoming viable.


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That comment by Gary is the type of cringy extremism held
Lookey here, you're the last person to accuse of that because for one, in the past, you :

  1. You wanted to starve the Russians of food and medicine
  2. you wanted to bomb people in Russia, just like Dresden

by many that makes peace in the region so hard to achieve.

There's never been peace ever since Israeli settlers wiped out and displaced the local Palestinians, if there's peace, it's peace for Israelis, not for the Palestinians who since 1948 until today, never really understood why the crimes of Germany towards Jews in WW2 resulted in their persecutions and mass displacement.

In occupied Palestine it is very easy to find footage of innocent Palestinian mother getting separated from her children for no reason, or Women casually shot by the Israeli police for also no reason.

There will be no peace, Hamas's action is justified on the basis that harm goes both ways. And if Hamas is wiped out somebody else will take the baton, the Middle East is plenty and there's no shortage of opportunity to pursue the violent outcome.


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One thing i notice with Isreals how they constantly shit on Ottoman history. Imagine these guys were fleeing persecution and we rescue them, today they shit on our history.

What is it with yesterdays beggar/refugee turning into tomorrows shitheads? Absolute shameless bastards! No other race has spent most of their history on the run as these guys and they never have anything kind to say about the people who saved their ancestors. Jews Muslims don't owe you anything, its you who owes the Muslim world.

I've watched countless videos by Isrealis about the history of the region and all them are shitting on the Ottomans, none of them want to mention how the Ottomans rescued them.

When you see how Isreals behave today, it makes you wonder the real reason why historically they always had to flee in the end.

Isrealis keep up this attitude and a time will come when the Turks will return to the region they ruled for over a thousand years. And this argument over whether the land is Palestinian or Isreali can be settled by the people who ruled it for close to a thousand years. And while Turks took that land fighting an honourable fight both the arabs and jews gained position in that land via treachery.
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One thing i notice with Isreals how they constantly shit on Ottoman history. Imagine these guys were fleeing persecution and we rescue them, today they shit on our history.

What is it with yesterdays beggar/refugee turning into tomorrows shitheads? Absolute shameless bastards! No other race has spent most of their history on the run as these guys and they never have anything kind to say about the people who saved their ancestors. Jews Muslims don't owe you anything, its you who owes the Muslim world.

I've watched countless videos by Isrealis about the history of the region and all them are shitting on the Ottomans, none of them want to mention how the Ottomans rescued them.

When you see how Isreals behave today, it makes you wonder the real reason why historically they always had to flee in the end.

Isrealis keep up this attitude and a time will come when the Turks will return to the region they ruled for over a thousand years. And this argument over whether the land is Palestinian or Isreali can be settled by the people who ruled it for close to a thousand years. And while Turks took that land fighting an honourable fight both the arabs and jews gained position in that land via treachery.

There would never be a caliphate/empire ever again .we are too fragmented... The only avenue is coalition of interest . And even that are hard to happen . Even @Gary scenario need a certain condition to happen .until the gulf are democratized naturally . They would never reach their full potential ... And coup d'etat only make a volatile situation that only make things get worsen and chaotic and create the potentiial birthbof ISIS 2.0


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People are acting surprised when Israels going around massacring the native peoples of Palestine.

Theodore hertzl even stated that Israel will need to be established with the natives either being treated like slaves or wiped out.

Theodore Hertzl was a big time Jewish supremacist especially at a time where racism was so common during the 1800s.

Not only were the Jewish people demonised and considered subhuman by the Europeans the Jews in Europe particular began to believe in their own supremacist racist beliefs that they developed.


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One thing i notice with Isreals how they constantly shit on Ottoman history. Imagine these guys were fleeing persecution and we rescue them, today they shit on our history.

What is it with yesterdays beggar/refugee turning into tomorrows shitheads? Absolute shameless bastards! No other race has spent most of their history on the run as these guys and they never have anything kind to say about the people who saved their ancestors. Jews Muslims don't owe you anything, its you who owes the Muslim world.

I've watched countless videos by Isrealis about the history of the region and all them are shitting on the Ottomans, none of them want to mention how the Ottomans rescued them.

When you see how Isreals behave today, it makes you wonder the real reason why historically they always had to flee in the end.
Well, they are arrogant.

And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.

When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled.

Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them.

If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands.

Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you ˹if you repent˺, but if you return ˹to sin˺, We will return ˹to punishment˺. And We have made Hell a ˹permanent˺ confinement for the disbelievers.”

Surah Al-Isra.


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One thing i notice with Isreals how they constantly shit on Ottoman history. Imagine these guys were fleeing persecution and we rescue them, today they shit on our history.

What is it with yesterdays beggar/refugee turning into tomorrows shitheads? Absolute shameless bastards! No other race has spent most of their history on the run as these guys and they never have anything kind to say about the people who saved their ancestors. Jews Muslims don't owe you anything, its you who owes the Muslim world.

I've watched countless videos by Isrealis about the history of the region and all them are shitting on the Ottomans, none of them want to mention how the Ottomans rescued them.

When you see how Isreals behave today, it makes you wonder the real reason why historically they always had to flee in the end.

Isrealis keep up this attitude and a time will come when the Turks will return to the region they ruled for over a thousand years. And this argument over whether the land is Palestinian or Isreali can be settled by the people who ruled it for close to a thousand years. And while Turks took that land fighting an honourable fight both the arabs and jews gained position in that land via treachery.

Without the Ottoman Empire collapsing there would have been no Israel.

Still Arabs and Jews are pretty proud about playing a role in the Ottoman Empire collapsing.

Now they are butchering each other. They have learnt nothing.


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Muslims not making Jerusalem a capital means they lose their right hahahaha

Zionists are getting more pathetic by the day. Madinah was the only Holy city which was capital of the Rashidun Caliphate before Ali transfered the capital city to Kufa.

Muslim rulers regardless if its the Ummayad, Abassid, Seljuk, Mamluk and the Ottomans always recognised Makkah, Madinah and Jerusalem aka Al Quds as holy cities but not capital cities to retain political power.

There is nothing wrong with that Political capital cities and holy cities can be kept separate. Sacred cities dont have to be capital cities.


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Without the Ottoman Empire collapsing there would have been no Israel.

Still Arabs and Jews are pretty proud about playing a role in the Ottoman Empire collapsing.

Now they are butchering each other. They have learnt nothing.

Ottoman Empire should have given the Arabs independence without bloodshed. It would've been good for everybody.


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One thing i notice with Isreals how they constantly shit on Ottoman history. Imagine these guys were fleeing persecution and we rescue them, today they shit on our history.

What is it with yesterdays beggar/refugee turning into tomorrows shitheads? Absolute shameless bastards! No other race has spent most of their history on the run as these guys and they never have anything kind to say about the people who saved their ancestors. Jews Muslims don't owe you anything, its you who owes the Muslim world.

I've watched countless videos by Isrealis about the history of the region and all them are shitting on the Ottomans, none of them want to mention how the Ottomans rescued them.

When you see how Isreals behave today, it makes you wonder the real reason why historically they always had to flee in the end.

Isrealis keep up this attitude and a time will come when the Turks will return to the region they ruled for over a thousand years. And this argument over whether the land is Palestinian or Isreali can be settled by the people who ruled it for close to a thousand years. And while Turks took that land fighting an honourable fight both the arabs and jews gained position in that land via treachery.
European knew them and paid them as well what they deserved . Turks did not know why Europeans go through Holocaust and unknowingly Turkey rescued them. Hope now you know why Europeans hate them and try to drive them away from Europe . They can't live in peace , and they don't let others to leave in peace . Ever and always disgrace and dishonour is in their fate . Once Americans will just repeat the history , what Germans did earlier , these days are not far away.
Dr Goebbels blame them for beginning of the first world war and for the defeat of Germans in the first world war as they back stabbed .
The master speech of Dr Goebbels , I listen to it so many times .
Some of their recent contributions are Iraq Iran war , destruction of Iraq , Afghanistan, Ukraine war , civil war in Syria. Now they are trying heart and soul to stage another war between USA and Iran .
I can't tolerate the pictures from Gaza where hundreds of children are crying and dieing . They are killing neonets and childrens , even stopped supplying oxygen to ICU and immature baby incubators and all of these babies died .These parasites are worst then Mongols .
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Marquis de Sade

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There are 57 islamic countries under the umbrella of the Organisation of Islamic States.

If every member state just send 1 ship to the Gaza-coast, just 1 ship to make a strong statement.

57 ships as a naval ring in the Eastern Mediterranean around the Gaza strip breaking the bloccade.

Would Israel attack those 57 ships and declare war against 57 countries?



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There would never be a caliphate/empire ever again .we are too fragmented... The only avenue is coalition of interest . And even that are hard to happen . Even @Gary scenario need a certain condition to happen .until the gulf are democratized naturally . They would never reach their full potential ... And coup d'etat only make a volatile situation that only make things get worsen and chaotic and create the potentiial birthbof ISIS 2.0

The video is not 100% accurate, but don't think the Turks are going to lay low forever. Its not in our blood.


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European knew them and paid them as well what they deserved . Turks did not know why Europeans go through Holocaust and unknowingly Turkey rescued them. Hope now you know why Europeans hate them and try to drive them away from Europe . They can't live in peace , and they don't let others to leave in peace . Ever and always disgrace and dishonour is in their fate . Once Americans will just repeat the history , what Germans did earlier , these days are not far away.
Dr Goebbels blame them for beginning of the first world war and for the defeat of Germans in the first world war as they back stabbed .
The master speech of Dr Goebbels , I listen to it so many times .

This is what I said before, all major world power from all the time has a habit of persecuting them. Their existence as a state in the last 75 years almost made people forget that they only have nationhood for only 232 years out of their 3000 years of existence, that is:

  • Kingdom Of Israel (80 years)
  • Hasmonean Kingdom of Israel (77 years)
  • State of Israel (currently at 75)
There's even a fear among them that just like the two previous state, the current state of Israel will not pass 80, they call it the 8th decade curse.

Funnily enough, the Levantine "Arabs" are basically the offspring of Jacob (Israel) that stayed and didn't flee the land when the 2 previous Israeli states collapsed and eventually many of them embraced Christianity first before mass embracing Islam.

Meanwhile, the cowards who fled to Europe, became "White" claimed the land for their own.


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We prepared ourselves for a long, continuous, and flexible defense in every aspect.

The longer the enemy stays in Gaza, the more losses he will suffer..!

- Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Ubeyde

Notice in 1:55 he puts the charge right below the Trophy APS launcher, disabling it.

The same tactic like the previous video where they run towards one of the Merkava and do the exact same thing.

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