Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Rationally its imperative for the Palestinian side to never target civilians, it doesn't help them in anyway whatsoever. It doesn't contribute to any tactical advantage and at the same time it works to galvanise the enemies of Palestine.

The mass indiscriminate execution of the festival attendees was absolute ISIS/IDF style madness. Then parading the corpses around in Gaza chanting god is great is self defeatist, not just for palastine but for Islam itself. Why make it so easy for the enemies of Palestine to propagandise this war against Palestine?

You know every time a video comes out showing the IDF behaving like absolute savages it only works to the benefit of Palestine. The counter is true also, but the difference is the Israelis have plenty of global media to push their narrative, the Palestinians don't. So if the Palestinians commit 1 crime its portrayed like they committed a thousand and if the IDF commit a thousand crimes its as if they only committed one. Such is the nature of war when side has a massive advantage over the other. Which means the Palestinians must be more vigilant.

Pretty much everyone knows that the weight of violence is about 98% against the Palestinians and the 2% from the Palestinian side is pure retaliation.

Had Palestinians just targetted the isreali army, i suspect most of the world would just see this as self defence, arabs fighting against their jewish colonisers. But you give the enemy just one video of brutality and it will be used dehumanise your entire cause, which is to remove the oppressors boot from your neck.
It's just human psychology. The Germans, when they lost, also committed atrocities with those captured by the Russians, brutally killing nurses behind Soviet lines.
That is, they take out their anger and fear in front of a strong enemy. It is possible that these are ancient instincts of people when they lived in the wild, when weak people had to fight powerful predators.


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Tunnel systems and Hamas underground infrastructure can be thoroughly destroyed only with boots on the ground.
About this
7:08 is when they asked about the rationality of it, which kind of like they okay with civilians killed above them, by saying those civilians also support them etc etc. But like you said, subterranean fighting by ground forces is the way to clear those tunnels.

And Hamas doesn’t want two state solution based on what he said there, “from river to sea” thingy, so total wipeout of Israel, don’t asked about the Jewish people.


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Warlord-era China unified and modernized after intervention and support from communists from Russia.

Yes, I know, that's why we might never know what kind of geopolitical shifts happen in a long scenario. People might not know it but the state of Israel comes into existence at just the right time and place due to the change in world politics and it took around 2000+ years for them to realize this.

Had Hitler not invaded Poland, there would have been no WW2, which means there would have been no Holocaust which means there would be no British plan for a Jewish homeland, it could've been that today these people are scattered across Europe as second-class citizens had fate not allowing it.

Geopolitical shifts will eventually happen, a war with China for example could have limped the American so much and its ability to police the world, it's very naive to think that the end state will be achieved by merely occupying and razing Gaza. Von Clausewitz wrote in his book "On War" that in war, nothing is ever final. Today you win, tomorrow it's our turn, today you turn Gaza into rubble, tomorrow it's Tel Aviv.

Just like the Armenians of the 90s who thought that their future was secured after decisively beating Azerbaijan in the field and securing political support from USA and Europe, no one should feel secure just because today they have easy access to unconditional political support from the US :p . Even if they want to, there will be time where they simply can't.


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⚡️Israel began striking the territory of Lebanon, - the media refer to the official TG channel of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

posted this photo along with the message: "Israeli warplanes are bombing the border areas of Lebanon."



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And what do you think happened to the palestinian on daily basis ?? Nobody condone their action !! It is forbidden by the holy book . But , after years of denigration and supression into the inhumane levels yet never been heard or responded by the so callled champion of human right and moralities . every moslem here could see where the rage are coming from ...

Stop watching mainstram media outlet will you ...
No, they won't talk about it, some of them would readily defend the Israelis and cheer for it. A young woman was shot in point-blank range, and the shooter just casually sit and drink soda and not a sound coming from this "concerned " people.

IMO there's no need to say " I condone this even if I support HAMAS", what good comes out of it ? They never condone their Israeli partner why should we condone what HAMAS did ?


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@Gary this guy fully agrees with what you have been saying.

Also, I think he represents the general sentiment.
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I cannot conceal my surprise to see that it is being argued here that it is in Turkiye's interest that Israel should be a victorious state that has overcome all its problems.
Not all but a lot of the problems were solved with Israeli help such as the fight against pkk and capture of öcalan throught cooperation with Mossad.
I know this topic is tabboo in Turkey because Turks love conspiracy theories espacially regarding Israel but the Military doctrine of Turkey has a lot traces in Israel whether you guys like this fact or not.

Let me share you a piece from my belowed friend @Kartal1 who sent this yesterday, i hope he wont mind.
He has immense knowledge regarding history, trainings and equipment of TSK and would stomp a lot of people in this thread to the ground with his extensive knowledge on the matter, if only he had time and will to visit the forum.

A good example of Turkish-Israeli cooperation is fighting PKK in Syria and Lebanon in the 90s. The Turkish team that was going to take part in the notorious Operation Mercedes aiming at killing Abdullah Öcalan in Damascus was trained by MOSSAD in Israel. Before the Davos bullshit Turkish and Israeli military personnel were conducting joint training and there was even personnel exchange. The whole Police Special Operations training is based on old school Israeli techniques and tactics. The General Staff Special Forces Command's training is highly influenced by the Israeli way of doing things. The bodyguard and personal protection training of the Turkish services are also based to big extend on Israeli techniques. The second most potent tank of the army M60 Sabra were modernized in Israel and they were the most reliable tanks in our operations in Syria and Iraq. They offered the best survivability and even managed to take on ATGMs at the turret due to the advanced Israeli armor solutions that were applied.

Real cooperation must continue against mutual threats. I personally don't care about empty words. They can call us invaders, we will call them killers and let the show continue but we need deeper cooperation whennit comes to economic, defence projects and security cooperation as a whole. There is absolutely no reason at hosting Hamas office in Türkiye. It has no importance to Türkiye but only damaging the image of the country.


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„In the last day, Air Force aircraft carried out extensive strikes across the Gaza Strip, causing devastating damage to Hamas terrorists. In the last three hours alone, around 130 targets were attacked by dozens of aircraft. The focus of the attack: Beit Hanon, Sajaya, Al Furkan and Rimal.“



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I cannot conceal my surprise to see that it is being argued here that it is in Turkiye's interest that Israel should be a victorious state that has overcome all its problems.
This is just how effective Israeli brainwashing is
They still cant realise that Israel was one of the PKK's greatest supporters and were one of those who were trying to hinder Turkish defence industry development in addition to hindering any military foreign sales to Turkey. They were also the ones who used to sell faulty weapons to the Turkish state. Finally, they were one of the supporters of the Greek Med-East Pipeline project and are still one of their prime supporters

Yet ppl believe that being BFF with Israel is gonna solve the PKK issue among many other things, loool

Israel, just like any other state, is only hunting for its own interests and it is in Israel's interest for all nations within the Med East to be poor, weak, corrupt, economically in debt, and lack on of the main primary resources such as gas or water!

Turkey rn is a danger to Israel and ppl should understand so! Yet that doesnt mean antagonising Israel since the other anti-Israel states surrounding Israel are just as bad and thus Turks should learn from the US a bit amd have them kill each other

Let Hamas and Israel butcher each other to the core and only try to intervene diplomatically if one side is gonna lose everything in order to protect them until the next fight😉. Now this is politics


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So the muslim children will grow up to think that HAMAS militants were heros? You can be sure that those children will become Hafeez or preacher and not an engineer or a scientist. Their last resort would be amassing a few thousand muslims to pray and curse the infidels before the most cutting-edge weapons from the skies obliterate them. And the solution will always be more praying. It's god's will in the end and it has nothing to do with muslim's world-view and actions.
Tl:dr of why Muslim countries fail miserably everywhere, even those with immense oil wealth.


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It definitely is not in Turkey's interest for Israel to win outright, esp. since the Islamist admin in Turkey has shifted the Overton window so much on the issue over the last two decades that Israel definitely is set in seeing Turkey as a potential trouble-maker for their plans. Israeli ambition about the future of middle-east is antithetical to real development (as opposed to the gulf-region model of development based on squandering gratis oil money on failed high-risers and soccer players in the futile dreams of becoming trade and tourism hubs of sorts without ever considering their long-term situation in the world of climate change and water crisis and demographic sustainability and the consequences of this on human capital) of any other nation in the region.

Israeli assassinations of Iraqi, Syrian and Iranian scientists (and maybe a clandestine hand in some Turkish assassinations as well) and the history of their attitude to semi-independent and ambitious leaders in the region (again in Iraq, Syria and Iran) and bombing of infrastructures whenever they've had the chance (Intersting case here, helping their mortal enemy, the Islamic Republic of Iran), and their incessant effort to stop any player in the region from acquiring advanced military tech esp. in terms of air supremacy, shows that Israeli ambitions stand at odds with a strong independent Turkey, as those ambitions stand today. Unless these ambitions are curbed, or the Israeli deep state's contention that Turkey is a potential "trouble-maker" is changed (through smart diplomacy, which doesn't guarantee anything but is something you have to try), having Israel grapple with domestic issues indefinitely is to Turkish interests, not them gaining control over Gaza and encroaching evermore on West Bank, leaving behind old problems to plot their role in East Med with ever-increasing ease of mind.


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@Gary this guy fully agrees with what you have been saying.

Also, I think he represents the general sentiment.
Well, this is the kind of spirit I want to see from the Palestinians, and I hope this is shared with others too especially the youth.


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And now the theory that Natenyahu knew of the operation gradually turns out to be true. Natenyahu probably planned all of this fiasco to have an excuse for invading Gaza and grabing more territory for Israel. Above all, it was the perfect opportunity for him to consolidate his power which was at its weakest

A 3rd rate farce was being played infront of our eyes


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And now the theory that Natenyahu knew of the operation gradually turns out to be true.
It doesn't. It's never that simple. Intelligence is bits and pieces, this wouldn't be the first time a smoke was thought to be from a camp fire when it's a forest burning.

And Russia/Iran has won

Thank you Hamas, Congratulations Putin
Couldn't see any actual sources for this yet.

Iran doesn‘t give a rat‘s ass about the Palestinian cause. Hezbollah and Hamas are dumb useful pawns on their geopolitical Shah-in-Shah chessboard.
I wrote the same thing on the first day, but from Hamas point of view, it literally doesn't matter as they are in a losing war for decades.
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