Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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USA godkender stor våbenpakke til Israel
USA har sagt god for, at 1800 M84-bomber og 500 MK82-bomber kan sendes til Israel i en våbenpakke, som vurderes at være flere milliarder dollar værd.
Det bekræfter en række kilder, som er tæt på sagen, over for nyhedsbureauet Reuters, efter at avisen Washington Post bragte historien tidligere fredag aften.

I don't even need to provide a translation for you to understand this post. But US to deliver 2300 MK type bombs to Israel,


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You need to take their troll into account and I'm not even talking about normal trolls, but religious funded Salafi institution that works as their de facto online trolls deflecting criticism. These are their first line of defense against Arabs and Muslims who disliked their attitude

"Preachers" like Faris Al Hammadi, who despite the bombings in Gaza urge muslims not to boycott Israeli products because it's against the Sharia (yes he actually think like this)

You also need to monitor their Saudi funded Salafists here like Khalid Basalamah or Firanda Andirja, my guess sooner or later these guys will try to normalize things and present normalization with the Zionists as part of the Sharia. I cannot prove it yet, but I have a feeling they will.
This is what I'm talking about

Meet Faris Al Hamadi, UAE backed Islamic "preacher" that the UAE state fostered to deflect criticism. and He's a Salafi. And now the enemy is using his fatwa to trample Palestinian cause.

It has come to my attention that Saudi/UAE backed Salafists has this strong leaning to Israel, here's an Indonesian Salafi Riyadh Bajrey calling Hamas a Shia and its leader Ismail Haniyeh a coward

If you are Muslims, please watch out for these "Salafists", avoid them, attack their personalities online, tell your family and friend not to attend any of their sermon or pray in their Mosques. Thank you

I previously has warned people about the Saudi/UAE backed Salafist and the preachers they promoted. I specifically named Faris Al Hammadi.

Here's him admitting that he can't openly criticize Israel because his UAE Master would stop him and shut him down.

And you guys think this Palestine issue has nothing to do with religion? Why do you think the Saudi and UAE spent so much money on 'preacher's like Faris if it's not to fool the Muslim masses.

I call my fellow Muslims to start spreading the awareness about this, avoid their lecture, boycott them.



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USA godkender stor våbenpakke til Israel
USA har sagt god for, at 1800 M84-bomber og 500 MK82-bomber kan sendes til Israel i en våbenpakke, som vurderes at være flere milliarder dollar værd.
Det bekræfter en række kilder, som er tæt på sagen, over for nyhedsbureauet Reuters, efter at avisen Washington Post bragte historien tidligere fredag aften.

I don't even need to provide a translation for you to understand this post. But US to deliver 2300 MK type bombs to Israel,
The usage of 2000lbs MK-84 by Israel in densely populated Gaza seen by some experts as controversial tho and blame it for soaring death toll. For comparison, biggest bombs used by the US during Battle of Mosul was 500lbs MK-82. Recent years US only used MK-84 once during the Battle of Raqqa. Once.

‘Not seen since Vietnam’: Israel dropped hundreds of 2,000-pound bombs on Gaza, analysis shows|CNN


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The Jews had only experienced independence twice before the creation of Israel. None of them exceeded 80 years.

The Israelis have a genuine fear of this. They call it the 'Eighth-decade curse'. And this is not some cringe belief that only a handful of minorities accept. Herzog himself acknowledges this.

5 months before the Oct 7th attack,

This piece by JPost highlighted the cycle of a state within three generations. Seventy to 80 years, plus or minus two or three, has universally been considered the lifespan of three generations. Their sequence is thought to follow a regular pattern. The first generation creates, the second maintains, and the third or fourth destroys.

The writer noted that the current parallels of this are:

  1. USSR
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Turkiye
Noting that it took less than 3 generations for these countries to transform
  1. USSR from communism to capitalism
  2. China turns back to Mao-style rule after abandoning cultism under Deng
  3. Turkiye turns into an Islamic state
  4. India turns into a Hindu state

A different mix of reasons explains these events, but three appear everywhere: governance and leadership, the economy, and internal cohesion.

Now let's talk Israel :

A. Governance and Leadership

  • There is no legal time limit to an Israeli prime minister’s hold on office. This explains many of his political and personal choices. They are meant to guarantee the longest possible rule. When this coincides with proposals to reduce the power of the judiciary in favor of the executive branch, some fear that a door is opening to dictatorship or monarchy.

B. Economic power

  • Economic power: Strategic power cannot be separated from economic power today. China is living proof. For Israel, economic power is its hi-tech and military innovation, which depend entirely on a hospitable international political, financial and export environment – and on advanced scientific and technological prowess at home. Diminishing one and/or the other could jeopardize Israel’s survival.
Now fast forward to 2024, we know thanks to the war, the Israeli high-tech sector has slumped. Mainly due to the fact that those workers who work at big tech are mobilized to the war in Gaza.

While their tourism sector has also been hit very hard, with cancellations of flights to Israel and general boycott.

C. National Cohesion

  • National cohesion: In just over 20 years, the Haredim will constitute more than 30% of Israel’s population and Arabs will account for more than 20% – together more than the 40% of non-Russians who drove the USSR to extinction. Comparing anti-Zionist haredim to anti-Soviet Ukrainians, Lithuanians and other break-away nationalists may seem far-fetched. What makes them comparable is their alienation from the nation-state in which they were or are living.
  • Most Arabs will work and will likely face no obligation to help defend the country. This is similar to the 18-20% Muslim population in India who are not regarded as a major threat to cohesion. Israel’s national cohesion can be preserved if a minority of citizens, haredim, who demand exemption from laws governing the majority, does not exceed much more than 10%, which is the current situation.
  • Israel can cope. But it cannot cope with a population that comprises more than 30% that doesn’t serve in the army. If Haredi participation in the nation’s economy and defense does not increase much faster than usual, Israel will likely lack the economic, scientific and military strength – and perhaps even the moral willpower – to confront the challenges it will have to face when it approaches its 100th birthday.

Fast forward to 2024. Regarding Haredim, there has been a proposal by Ben Gvir to force them to serve in the army, this seeds trouble

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a coalition crisis over drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews into the military, an intractable battle at the heart of the state’s identity that has been sharpened by the country’s personnel needs during the war with Hamas.

In a decision that has deep ramifications for society — not to mention Netanyahu’s government — Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the suspension of state subsidies for ultra-Orthodox Jews studying in yeshivas instead of doing military service. It came just days ahead of an April 1 deadline for the government to agree on a new law to allow the community to avoid being drafted.

Cohesion and the social contracts between the Jews and the Zionist government are in trouble here as the Haredim ahs always been exempt from military service

There have been calls for a ceasefire, but IMO It is in my best interest of mine that this war continues to be prolonged as long as possible because it will stretch the Israelis to the limit.

We know that in a month, the Passover will start. The Passover will mark the perfect date for the temple institute to actually execute their plan to sacrifice the Red Heifer and build their temple in the Aqsa compound. If it turns out this way, this will provoke the anger of approximately 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and this is beneficial because we need to make a narrative.


This one-day-old article reported that Israel is preparing a huge sacrificial altar in Jerusalem for this event.

Once the Passover ritual happens, and the demolition of Aqsa mosque starts, the Israelis' main backers, the Americans will have to stave off multiple high-level diplomatic pressures, on top of that Biden himself will have to worry if he's going to be elected, and from the look of it he will start to act very erratic to secure his re-election. A bad precedent to the political process of that country.

The bonus of this is also the final nail in the coffin for any sort of normalization between the remaining Muslim states.

Meanwhile, on top of this, they still have to show their commitment to their European partners concerning Ukraine's fight with Russia which has turned into the worst since last Summer.

And then there's the China fight, we don't know if the Chinese suddenly become confident that the Americans are in no position to fight China, or an erratic and losing Biden decided to copy Zelensky's playbook by going to war and start martial law to extend his presidency. Either way not a good choice.

Now America and what happens in the Pacific is important, lose America, and Israel lose like 70% of its power. We know that war for Taiwan is not a matter of if but when. A recent estimate puts it at around 2025-2027, this is the timeline where China is at its strongest and the US comparatively is at its weakest. Another clue as to when will the war start, people need to note that Xi Jinping just like Putin in regards to Ukraine, would not let anyone but him have the honor of unifying China. And this guy has like 5-10 years MAX to order the start of the unification war before he gets too old to actually have a say.


A devastated America as a result of war with a country the size of China, could prove the opening that we're looking for to end the Haram state once and for all.

So you put together :

A. Israel's own mounting internal problems
B. Israel's backers mounting problems trying to babysit Israel
C. Competing interests that stretch the U.S ability to play strategically and decide which is their priority (due to lobby)

And maybe Israel is right to fear if their existence will pass 80 (add one or two) years.

OTOH, Muslims don't need to care much about what happens in China, Ukraine etc. The population is exploding, wait a few years and Islam will be the human race's main religion. The base that made up the population of Palestine (Muslims and Arabs) stretches from the Atlantic (Morocco) to the Pacific (Indonesia). This are all potential energy that Israel knows will come to their door sooner or later.

If America loses their 'rule based order' hegemony due to the war. Then the potential of the 1.5B (and growing) Muslim population will automatically be diverted towards Israel with no one holding it back like in the good times (1990s-2023).

So I'm excited and I hope you all are excited as well.


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If Germany cares about their bullshit ww2 responsibility.

Maybe they should start paying reparations to Poland and Greece.

Stop their mental gymnastics of putting their guilt upon the Turks and the Palestinians.

It wasnt just the Nazis it was the Germans who were responsible for WW2 and the awful crimes that the Germans committed.


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If Germany cares about their bullshit ww2 responsibility.

Maybe they should start paying reparations to Poland and Greece.

Stop their mental gymnastics of putting their guilt upon the Turks and the Palestinians.

It wasnt just the Nazis it was the Germans who were responsible for WW2 and the awful crimes that the Germans committed.

Germany be like:

Commit genocide in WW2.
And now supporting genocide against Palestinians people

Gotta keep the tradition.


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Germany be like:

Commit genocide in WW2.
And now supporting genocide against Palestinians people

Gotta keep the tradition.

They have been engaging mental gymnastics by blaming the Turks.

By using the Armenian genocide bs. Look us Germans did not kill the Jews and Slavs out of no where we were inspired by the Turks who done it to the Armenians and Greeks.

Germans are willing to ignore the racism and antisemitism that was so rife in the society before Hitler came to power.

Like the extreme militarism mixed in with social darwinism along with White and Germanic supremacy that fuelled up German colonial campaigns in Africa and the pacific while also engaging scientific racism.

Lots of Germans who believed in Social darwinism believed a global war was necessary for the survival of the fittest this was believed in the German militaries higher echelons.

The genocide against the Herero in Namibia should not be forgotten.

Since Israel was formed thanks to the Holocaust the Germans are telling the Palestinians you have to accept being killed off because of what we done in ww2.

Germans have fooled the world into believing look how clean we are.


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Are you ok,what islamic state are you talking about?
My country will never be an islamic state,get your facts right.
He see the world with Huntington’s thesis of ‘civilizationism’ worldview, not relations between nation states.

As Indonesian, I’m sorry for my fellow Indonesian to disrespect the struggle of your past Turkish state founders and think something deserve to replace what they fought for.


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Are you ok,what islamic state are you talking about?
My country will never be an islamic state,get your facts right.
Of course we all know Turkey is not an Islamic State, but that doesn't stop the Jerusalem Post to label Turkey as Islamic State, merely because Erdogan has an Islamist tone.

I don't write for JPost, so I merely copy what they said in that particular article.


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He see the world with Huntington’s thesis of ‘civilizationism’ worldview, not relations between nation states.
There's no such thing as relations between nation states.

If there's such thing then you'll see the Germans making peace with Russia, and the Americans tone down their narratives w.r.t China. Because simply put, this countries lose more by fighting than cooperating.

The fact is, countries align with polity with the closest ideological view of their own, and they seek to expand (by force if need be) to subjugate countries that do not adopt their style A.K.A civilization. So Sam Huntington is quite right in his thesis that clashes are not between nation states, rather it's between the ideas that those countries adopt.

As Indonesian, I’m sorry for my fellow Indonesian to disrespect the struggle of your past Turkish state founders and think something deserve to replace what they fought for.

Disrespect? The article is written by JPost and because the article is too long I put the summary of the entire post ( which is based on their perception) This is how they view Turkey in particular.


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They seems eager to do it.

I mean to be fair, I'm just as eager as they are. And NO, not because I support building the third temple on top of Aqsa ruins.

See, in history ( I happen to read a lot of history books) some events are so eventful, that they change the course of history itself. Think about what Rosa Parks did in 1955 that led to the abolishment of public segregation in the State. This will be bigger than those, we are very close to the point where 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide will be forced to watch, in front of their eye the demolition of a mosque that is close to their identity and its image is buried in their psyche.

Once this happens, they WILL start questioning things around them, and I hope that will lead them somewhere. In particular their final perception of what and who they must defend.


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Oh yes, one more thing in regard to nation-states V civilizational clash theories.

The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most damning evidence that civilizations and values, not nation-states dictates how the world order operate. John Mearsheimer recently concluded an interview that I highly recommend with Gita Wirjawan, the Former Minister of Trade of Indonesia:

You can watch from 34:16

He argues that the U.S. doesn't actually have any strategic benefit of continuing to arm and defend Israel in the Middle East. The lobby is a particularly interesting topic, because if Israel is such a strategic national importance to the U.S., logically you wouldn't need lobbies. The very reason why AIPAC exists is because they know that the interests between the U.S as a nation state and Israel don't always converge, that is why they need lobbies to make the case that Israeli interests are also an American one.

If you look at US senators, the absolute majority of them see and treat Israel as their biblical ally, even though from the perspective of a nation-state they don't deserve such.

If this is an Islamic majority country saying this to Palestine, they would lose their mind and label everyone as Islamic state. But if its them, completely normal and OK


Is this how a nation-state advancing its national interests operates ?

How Is Hamas which operates in Gaza a threat to Europe many thousands of miles away ? This is the exact tone of civilizational struggle. That of Judeo-Christianity V Islam. This is how they view themselves and some Muslims still thinks that this is just a normal nation struggle.

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ADL is going after Muslims who are speaking out against Israel, Zionist Extremism and Jewish extremism.


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Oh yes, one more thing in regard to nation-states V civilizational clash theories.

The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most damning evidence that civilizations and values, not nation-states dictates how the world order operate. John Mearsheimer recently concluded an interview that I highly recommend with Gita Wirjawan, the Former Minister of Trade of Indonesia:

You can watch from 34:16

He argues that the U.S. doesn't actually have any strategic benefit of continuing to arm and defend Israel in the Middle East. The lobby is a particularly interesting topic, because if Israel is such a strategic national importance to the U.S., logically you wouldn't need lobbies. The very reason why AIPAC exists is because they know that the interests between the U.S as a nation state and Israel don't always converge, that is why they need lobbies to make the case that Israeli interests are also an American one.

If you look at US senators, the absolute majority of them see and treat Israel as their biblical ally, even though from the perspective of a nation-state they don't deserve such.

If this is an Islamic majority country saying this to Palestine, they would lose their mind and label everyone as Islamic state. But if its them, completely normal and OK

View attachment 66983

Is this how a nation-state advancing its national interests operates ?

How Is Hamas which operates in Gaza a threat to Europe many thousands of miles away ? This is the exact tone of civilizational struggle. That of Judeo-Christianity V Islam. This is how they view themselves and some Muslims still thinks that this is just a normal nation struggle.

View attachment 66984

Interesting how the Jews also made up the term Judaeo-Islamic civilisation when they were living in Muslim Spain and the Muslim Middle East.

For centuries Christendom never accepted Jews as part of their civilisation.

Which is the biggest irony LOL


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Interesting how the Jews also made up the term Judaeo-Islamic civilisation when they were living in Muslim Spain and the Muslim Middle East.

For centuries Christendom never accepted Jews as part of their civilisation.

Which is the biggest irony LOL

Just to add things here, the Jews are the lowest of society for most of their existence, and this is not a mockery, but hard facts. Back when Muhammad was preaching in Medina he warns his followers that indeed at one point in time his followers will start imitating Jews and Christians. When his companions heard this they were startled because in their mind why would anyone imitate the Jews, as the Jews are an absolute nobody at the time and the time before it.

One of the reason why they have to latch to either Islam or Christianity and comes up with something like Judeo-Christianity is the fact that they lack the potential to be a great power while not lacking in ambitions. Unlike Islam and Christianity which aggressively seeks convert from all races. Judaism prefer exclusivity. You can't just convert to Judaism, unless you have Jew blood. This limited their size and their ability to multiply and shape the world.

This is why they balance their lack of self power by creating lobby groups like AIPAC, the idea is simple, Jews alone are not powerful enough and they lack the manpower. But what they can, is capture the leadership of other nations and use them to direct that other nations potential to their direct benefit. In short, they're parasites.

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