News Istanbul terror attack


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Narrowing name to DFLP does not hide the fact they were trained by PLO, which is clearly ancestors of whom in power in Palestine now. We also know Palestine's position against TR, so no worries. PLO hasn't just trained PKK's first members but also other leftist terrorists* in TR.

yes it's true what you have said . me as a Palestinian I can tell you PLO alongside some other militias have damaged what are we fighting for more than Israel did . And I say this not to dazzle you or suck some Turkish people ass like how one of the members here think of me .

( We also know Palestine's position against TR )
but this is vague for me , please elaborate if you have time :)


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This interview was also given after considerable progress is made in ZAP Mountains. PKK employs 2 strategies when they lose ground.
1) PKK tries to carry the fighting inside Turkiye and target civilians.
2) PKK tries to pressure Turkiye via world public opinion (chemical attack shenanigans are an extension of this) and through other nations' governments as well as organize events through their supporters inside Turkiye. HDP and so-called civilian society organizations.
Which is why we need to be coldblooded about this. Nothing this government says is trustworthy.
I disagree government doesn't need to organize such an event to gain votes. Every year Turkiye is targeted with several hundred such cases, nearly all of them taken care of before it progresses to this level. Turning a blind eye to just one of them will give the desired effect. It is safer than organizing such an event, It can't be traced back to the government. It will give a rightful reason for whatever gov. is planning to do.

Organizing a bombing event to win votes might work once, but it will have the opposite effect if you try it again. I think the government is losing votes right now rather than gaining. As this is seen as an extension of the government's failed Syria and open border policy.

After this several attacks happened inside Turkiye. One example is Mersin terrorist attack.


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This interview was also given after considerable progress is made in ZAP Mountains. PKK employs 2 strategies when they lose ground.
1) PKK tries to carry the fighting inside Turkiye and target civilians.
2) PKK tries to pressure Turkiye via world public opinion (chemical attack shenanigans are an extension of this) and through other nations' governments as well as organize events through their supporters inside Turkiye. HDP and so-called civilian society organizations.

I disagree government doesn't need to organize such an event to gain votes. Every year Turkiye is targeted with several hundred such cases, nearly all of them taken care of before it progresses to this level. Turning a blind eye to just one of them will give the desired effect. It is safer than organizing such an event, It can't be traced back to the government. It will give a rightful reason for whatever gov. is planning to do.

Organizing a bombing event to win votes might work once, but it will have the opposite effect if you try it again. I think the government is losing votes right now rather than gaining. As this is seen as an extension of the government's failed Syria and open border policy.

After this several attacks happened inside Turkiye. One example is Mersin terrorist attack.
You misunderstood my post. I meant we should get our facts clear and use unnamed questioning methods to get the answer and undeniable proof. Then thoroughly fuck up whoever was behind it. We should be producing 10000 smart munition weekly and prepare relentless slaughter.


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Not really buying 'PKK-PYD' this time. This is not their style at all,
The terrorist was clearly a noob or instructed one, not a trained one.

She dressed up that way not to be misidentified, that was simply her own preference,

She could easily opt for a burka and nobody would lift a finger to her in Taksim.
With a burka there is no way she would be identified or trackes, could easily sneak away to Greece in 8 hours.

She could burn the clothes, she lives in a house with a wood stove, but somehow didn't.

PKK-PYD would form a one time use terrorist organization seeming aligned but not linked to them. And then that terrorist organization would declare it.

People points out she might be yazidi (hence the tattoo on forearm) since she is not looking like kurdish or arabic, but more north african and some yazidi but if she decided to chage her appearance why opt for something standing out like that?

That make up again, definitely not part of concealing her identity,

Not wearing a mask, she could wear one and gain few hours more to flee from there.

She goes to home, where she is known to reside. Who on earth goes back home after conducting a terrorist organization.

Definitely not PKK-PYD this time but clearly Iran backed shia militias from Syria-Iraq or simply a hired terrorist for them and instructed by their intelligence agencies. It is not late to call, but we need a policy change against Iran, this attack was cleverly plotted to belittle Turkey, not to inflict an economical and sociological damage. Note also it happened when Soylu was in Syria. We need to declare Iran as an eneny state before it is too late. They have been too much already.
Yeah i agree with you, looks way too amateurish, we know pkk-pyd is way capable of acting more professional, compare that to their previous attacks its really amateurish. You made good points in your post, she made so many rookie mistakes leading to her fast capture.

So question would be why its being blamed on pkk? Well, there is no strategical gain by calling out Iran on it because there is no objective in deeping tensions.
Instead this could be used to start a new operation in northern Syria to close the gap on the border, its a calculated and pragmatic FP so i get the motivation in Governments decisions on this.

Though no matter what, i would prefer them to call out whoever it really was because many people are still oblivious to the geopolical relaties unfortunately.


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Why Iran!?
It can be usa or russia ,both of them openly support, supply, train and provide intelligence information to PKK
One reason could be revival of diplomatic relations with Israel, Israeli defence minister was in Ankara just two weeks ago, defence minister visiting means also revival of military and intelligence relations.

Israel’s Benny Gantz relaunches defence ties with Turkey

Gantz said he believes “a lot more can be done together to reduce the influence of those who destabilise our regions by supporting or conducting terrorism against innocent civilians”.

You can imagine who is meant by this and how much this would disturb Iran.


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Which is why we need to be coldblooded about this. Nothing this government says is trustworthy.
I wonder why the word of the elected Türk government is not reliable.

So, is pkk/ypg reliable? Or is Israel reliable? or trusted they American government.

Who should we trust as Türk people?


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I say its coincidence for three reasons:
-First Israelis are not amateurish enough to make their agents walk beside the suicide bomber knowing very well how Istiklal is under heavy surveilance.
-Second it was Israeli media that picked it up first, they would not expose their own agents.
-Third, Israel is trying hard to revive relations with Turkey, they would gain nothing by organazing a terror attack and on top of it be so sloppy at it.


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Lool said; "(I believe) that during the Turkish operation in Idlib, Turkey nearlu exhausted all of its artillery ammunition!"

Friend, you think like this because you don't know Mke. Don't worry, the Turkish army will not run out of ammunition. I thing, In those operations, ammunition from Korea, which is the oldest, was used first. We've seen it on TV.


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Israel’s Benny Gantz relaunches defence ties with Turkey
Gantz said he believes “a lot more can be done together to reduce the influence of those who destabilise our regions by supporting or conducting terrorism against innocent civilians”.

You can imagine who is meant by this and how much this would disturb Iran.
That is exactly why I believe that Iran isnt involved in this incident
Israel's Mossad has been teaming up with Hakan Fidan to round up those Iranian sabotage groups; Moreover, Iranian style sabotage groups mainly involve assassinations and kidnappings and not bombing crowded areas unless it is located within Shia dominated areas

I stand by @TheInsider recent post/analysis that this is done by the PKK as revenge against TSK operations within Syria and Iraq and the reason I believe Soylu this time is due to the fact that prominent US newspapers have been saying about how the attack got carried out in Turkey's most visited tourist area rather than talking about how heinour the crime is or how an innocent lovely child got killed in this incident. This shows that not only the PKK but the US has gained something from this horrible event

As you can see, there is a catch within these articles👇 They dont care about who died but rather about the fact that it got carried out in "touristic" areas

We really need to believe Soylu on this one! This attack may actually play against the govt through the fact that ppl may question the efficacy of TSK operations within Syria and Iraq and this may be one of the goals the US is aiming for


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interesting.. seems shes received education in syria by US
this proves once again that this wont be over until both Iraq and Syria has been properly and fully incorporated into the Turkish state and thoroughly homogenized in a certain way. Every time Erdogan talks about these nations' territorial integrity, one of our martyrs spits upon us from the heavens.


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I believe you're not serious, thus deserve no genuine answer. But if you are seriously contemplating that, then seek help. Incitement to genocide shouldn't be allowed on this forum. @TR_123456
Genocide? Calm down mate
Maybe have worded it a bit too rough i guess
What I meant is that we kick them out, and replace them with Sunni pro-Turkey Syrians. As for the Shia-Kurdish extremist, they will have nearly 95% of Syria to resettle in; surely Russia and the US can accomodate their so-called kurdish allies within their own controlled areas😁


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surely Russia and the US can acvomodate their so-called kurdish allies within their own controlled areas
hell, they should let them live in the US or Russia if theyre so fond of them...


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I didn't say you wanted genocide(although you're flirting with the idea). I didn't reply to your post. @heartbang said we should invade Iraq and Syria fully and referring to your post he suggested that we should carry this out by "destroy all the cities of such ppl and then replace them with the pro-Turkey Sunni Muslims living in Turkey"(your words). Fusing these two ideas together, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots and infer the word "genocide" from it.

I'm guessing this was not his sentiment as he retracted his post. So no problem.
when ALL the refugees in Turkiye get to settle their previous residencies inside Syria, "destroy all the cities of such ppl and then replace them with the pro-Turkey Sunni Muslims living in Turkey" thing already gets halfway done. we dont need to do any extra "destroying" anyway because Syria is already a pile of rubble and does not need any more of that. as a matter of fact, we should just unleash the "quintet" over the vast landscape of Syria, Tasmanian Devil style. ;)

but for this to effectively happen, some things must be let go of by the wayside. our current approach to the Syrian question worked very well so far, but the momentum SNA has gained over the years is slipping away, YPG is gaining strength each passing day thanks to our dastardly ally, the US, and current admins way of approaching things lack resolve. currently Erdogan's insisting on NOT using the only card in his deck that works. he got lost in the sauce and eating away his time. what he needs to do is as such:
  • chuck the negotiations with Assad out the window, that slimy chinless manlet isnt into it.
  • chuck the Astana process out the window, and see Russia and Iran as what they are.(aka weak af and hostile af)
  • cease the "respecting the territorial integrity of our neighbors" hooplah. your neighbors are dead and zombies arent the kinda folk to communicate using words.
  • line the Turkish army across the southern border, formally declare war on Iraq and Syria, and MARCH ALL THE WAY TO THE SAUDI/JORDANIAN BORDER!(technically you dont need to formally declare war, but it'd make some things on the domestic front a lotta easier, such as quashing the opposition and managing the logistics.)
  • after that, reorganize the state structure(s) in a way that benefits you, take *some* stuff to make it worth your troubles(read, oil), and back off. the world might vilify you in the short term, but theyd be grateful in the long term.
in my opinion, this is what we have to do.

i'd like to point it out that nothing above has anything to do with the act of genocide. no flirting, no foreplay, NADA!

i dont think you have any ill will, and you seem like a compassionate person, but one must consider the context behind what has been said, as much as whats been said. interpreting speech without considering the context behind the said speech is not only a superficial way of communicating, but its also a very authoritarian way to do so. authoritarians throughout the age have always been obsessed about WHAT words to say, and what words not to say, completely glancing over any and all subtleties such as WHEN did the word said, or said words relation to the rest of the sentence, etc.
(Just like the automatic profanity filters deployed in this very platform and countless others. :) )

between that and some "idea-fusing" you have managed to concoct some preposterous lies out of thin air, and tried to slander my name with it, possibly managing to see me stricken off this fine forum. that is an oppressive and frankly, petty behavior, which is more at home in Nazi courtrooms and CCP "re-education" camps than an online forum operating from the busom of the free world. i am disappointed in you, but im certain you do know better.
to be honest, my first post regarding this topic was assembled in an ill-worded manner on the merit of being composed in a sleep-deprived haze. but thats the reason i deleted it and composed it again as a more intelligible quasi-answer above the orange line.
no human should ever be permanently flagged over some thing they did in a semi-conscious state of mind. i hope you'll reevaluate your actions.
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