Pakistan Historical Military History of Pakistan


Think Tank Analyst
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Handling of armour in schools of instruction also requires serious re-evaluation. During my stay in the School of Armour I observed that there were no fixed parameters or training guidelines at army level which regulated that institution. All depended on the commandant痴 personality. If there was a hard taskmaster like Sher Azam Malik everything went well but everything would suddenly transform once person 添� or 纏� came. As far as I know the school with few exceptions was a dumping ground for superseded or about to be superseded brigadiers, at least after 1971 with perhaps one or two odd exceptions. Naturally these commandants were on their way out and with few exceptions took more interest in preparing themselves for their future retired life! The same was true for instructors at Lieutenant Colonel level out of whom very few went beyond brigadier. Further the school痴 location being far away from both the armoured divisions did not allow integration of students doing courses in major armour training manoeuvres as is done in the Infantry School in Quetta. This school should be re-located somewhere in the desert in Cholistan or perhaps its outer fringes or in the Potohar plateau! This scribe in May-June 1993 had made a similar recommendation for the independent armoured squadron that he was commanding and was then stationed in Okara (through an official written letter held on record) to be shifted to the desert in Tamewali or Bahawalnagar. The recommendation made as part of unit points for the divisional conference was approved by Major General Zia ul Haq the General Officer Commanding the infantry division and implemented much to the chagrin of officers who later joined the new tank regiment raised from the Phoenix ashes of that squadron! Coming back to the main line of discussion there was no system of grading in the school and the powers of the officers in charge course, the chief instructor and the higher appointment holders to alter a tactical grading done by an instructor of major or colonel rank were not limited by any margin of plus one or two as was the practice in Infantry School. I don稚 know whether it has changed now from 1992.

The instructors posted after staff college to armour school were those majors who were not fit to be brigade majors or were there simply because no unit or other vacancy was available for them! This did not mean that these majors were not good since the system of assessment of staff college needs considerable revamping. The bad part was that these majors did not put up maximum hard work since they knew that the seal of relatively mediocre majors had been stamped on them and, however, hard they worked their chances for promotion beyond colonel rank were remote! Two buildings were completed in 1988-89 but these were hardly sufficient to meet the existing demands! The transparency of the system of grading could be gauged from the fact that the only two officers who got an alpha grade in tactical leg of the young officer痴 basic course were sons of serving generals! This scribe had the opportunity to see one of them during the basic course and was perplexed and surprised as to how he was graded alpha. On the other hand a retired three star general痴 son who had already managed a Bee Plus in the junior Staff Course (a far more tough affair than the mid career course) while his father was a serving three star general, was initially graded as Bee Minus in the Mid-Career Course whereas he certainly deserved a Bee! Later on I believe he was given a Bee, after much haggling as happened at Valtoha between 1 FF and 6 Lancers.


No major change in Pakistani higher armour command as earlier discussed in brief was made till 1987. In 1986-87 the older corps which contained both holding and striking formations were sub-divided into holding and striking corps. This arrangement although outwardly neat and superficially sound was essentially confusing and fallacious. It was regarding this change that this scribe pointed out in an article 的t is felt that during conduct of operations two formation commanders of equal rank commanding a holding and strike formation respectively in the same area of operations, cannot function effectively. Even during Exercise Zarb-e-Momin this aspect was not put to trial. Training of holding and strike formations needs to be integrated thus meriting a unified operational command vested in the person of one officer of the rank of lieutenant general. The change may require creation of Army Headquarters in certain operational areas�.94

The arrangement of holding and striking corps without any higher co-ordinating headquarter was a recipe for confusion and disaster as I witnessed while serving in a holding corps, once I personally saw the lack of communication and co-ordination in training and cooperation between the concerned strike and holding corps. Thus, I was motivated to write another article in which this scribe痴 recommendations for establishing a co-ordinating headquarters for the holding and striking corps were seconded by the worthy editor of the Citadel Magazine as ones which 田ertainly merits consideration�.95 The rationale on which these recommendations were based were: 典he concept of holding and striking formation also needs reappraisal....the bifurcation in terms of offensive and defensive role, while outwardly neat and theoretically sound is historically without a successful precedent. The issue could have been resolved in exercise Zarb-e-Momin in 1989 by subjecting it to the friction of a rigorous training manoeuvre�.96 典he shield and the spear or the hammer and the anvil can function effectively only if one head synchronises and co-ordinates their operational functions. As they say that too many cooks spoil the broth, the two formations fighting the same battle in the same operational area cannot fully realise their combat potential unless a headquarter regulates their operations.How can one main headquarters 200 or 400 miles in the rear, with loads of other matters to take care of, effectively co-ordinate the operations of a hammer and anvil�.97 典he need for an army headquarters to co-ordinate and effectively command the holding and strike corps is an indispensable necessity�.98 I believe that there has been some progress since these recommendations which are on record were made in 1998. All credit, however, goes to then commandant Major General Amjad and his team who published these two above quoted articles. Had these been written in 1987 or 1988 no editor would have dared to publish them. 99


Poor inter-arm cooperation seriously retarded the combat potential of the Pakistan Armoured Corps right from 1947. This was the worst British legacy that both the Indo-Pak armies inherited. A British observer in WW Two noted that 妬n the training of the armoured division, I stressed the need for co-operation of all arms in battle. One had to check a pernicious doctrine which had grown up in recent years, aided by certain civilian writers, that tank units were capable of winning an action without the assistance of other arms. The Chief agent in debunking this and many other fallacies of our pre-war pundits were the German�.100 The secret of the German Blitzkrieg tactics which revolutionised warfare lay in intimate inter-arm cooperation. The US concept of Combined Arms Teams is actually the old German inter-arm cooperation within the Panzer Division concept 層ine in new bottles�. The British tanks in WW II on the other hand repeatedly failed to function effectively because of poor inter-arm cooperation based on inter-unit rivalry and excess of regimentation. The Pakistan Army inherited this disease and this disease instead of getting reduced became more pronounced after 1947. The army remained infantry dominated since all the chiefs from 1948 to 1972 were from infantry. From 1977 to 1988 the army remained armour dominated and preference in promotion was given to those close to Zia. Poor inter-arm cooperation led to serious operational failures in Khem Karan and in Grand Slam in 1965 and at Bara Pind in 1971. The similarity between the lack of infantry tank cooperation in Grand Slam and in Khem Karan and those of similar incidents in the case of British infantry and tanks at Gazala etc is remarkable. Even when I was commissioned in 11 Cavalry in March 1983, 29 Cavalry (in which this scribe later served for some time) being a new unit was regarded as second among equals, 7 FF the mechanised infantry unit of our brigade was viewed as an enemy and 15 SP the artillery unit was despised and considered too insignificant even to be considered an enemy. The Supply and Transport unit was regarded as a bunch of untouchables! The EME was not liked but feared, for their nuisance value in inspections, though secretly despised. It was out of question to visit the messes of these units and my friendship with an officer of 7 FF was viewed by many seniors as disloyalty to the regiment! Officers from armoured regiments were mostly friendly with officers from other armoured regiments. It was rare that any officer of the infantry division met any officer of the armoured division in Kharian.

Even within the very small armoured corps of the 1950s and 1960s there were glaring differences from regiment to regiment. There were regiments with a much higher representation in the top hierarchy dating from 1947 and there were fatherless regiments who had done well in war but had no patrons beyond the brigadier rank. The negative factor here for the armoured corps was the fact that while the regiment in infantry had a much larger number of units like the Punjab and FF group, each armoured regiment was as different from each other as France from Germany and an officer from any tank regiment only believed in patronising his very own regiment!

Parallels can be found in battle of Bir El Gubi in 1941 where the 22 Armoured Brigade frontally charged the Italians with the support of just one battery of 25 Pounders 101 and failed to capture it suffering in the process huge losses and in the Battle of Bara Pind where Pakistan痴 8 Armoured Brigade did a similar thing. The German tank general and illustrious staff officer Von Mellenthin noted this failing when he said, 鍍heir commanders would not concentrate tanks and guns for a co-ordinated battle�.102

On the other hand notorious examples of non-cooperation in 1965 and 1971 wars can be compared with the conduct of the British armour at Gazala in 1942 when the 2nd Highland infantry was destroyed by German tanks while a superior British tank force merely looked on, or in the case of the 1/6th Rajputana Rifles who were abandoned to German Panzers simply because the British armour had to go into leaguer!103

One of the most notorious examples of lack of inter-arm co-operation took place in Chawinda when first the Indian tanks withdrew from Jassoran-Buttur Dograndi-Sodreke area on their own104, and later when Indian tanks ordered to re-attack the same area later were not informed about the failure of the last night痴 infantry attack!105 An Indian general frankly admitted this lack of inter arm cooperation when he said, 典here were misunderstandings galore between the infantry and armour commanders in the second battle of Chawinda. A lack of rapport seems to be the only explanation..�.106 This lack of cooperation was something like 13th century inter-arm and individual rivalry which led to the failure of the Crusaders or the Mongols against the Mamelukes.Toynbee the great historian thus wrote, 鍍he individual Mongol champion was promptly overcome by the disciplined heavy cavalry of the Egyptian Mamlukes (mostly kidnapped slaves of Slav/European origin converted to Islam after being bought by the Kurds etc). These had given warning of the supremacy of their technique at the Battle of Mansurah in AD 1250, when Frankish army of Saint Louis had paid a disastrous penalty for the thoughtless individualism of its knights, each anxious for personal honour at the expense of the disciplined formation�.107 I can state with confidence that as late as 1993 that almost each tank regiment (having seen five tank regiments and one tank squadron) or infantry regiment behaved at least symbolically like these thirteenth century knights described by Toynbee, at least in garrisons and on field manoeuvres! I am sure that the Indian army being the chip of the same block and led by as mediocre and orders oriented men is no different! At least in strength of reservoirs of mediocrity the subcontinent consists of men belonging to one nation!


The Armoured Corps inherited a typically British cavalry charge tradition, an irrational urge of being 澱rave to the point of foolhardiness�.108 The Indians suffered from a similar malady and lost many tanks in attacks delivered in a cavalry charge manner at Gadgor, Phillora, Buttur, Dograndi, Sodreke, etc. Brigadier Riaz ul Karim who was sent as Deputy GOC of 6 Armoured Division described these encounters as 適abbadi Matches�. Riaz thus observed 典he normal practice on both sides was to despatch one armoured regiment at a time to probe and infiltrate (with infantry following) and the other side reacted with launching one of their own armoured regiments to stop and destroy that force. With this type of battle, there were heavy tank casualties on both sides�.109 Riaz states that 典he first thing that I did was to stop the 銭abbadi Game� i.e for one regiment sailing into the blues and coming back with a bloody nose�.110


In all fairness the nature of Indian Army痴 employment as far as the armoured corps was concerned did not make things any easier for the armoured corps of both the countries. The Indian Armoured Corps was either employed in a screen/scout role or in conditions where their opponent as in Burma was vastly inferior both numerically and quantitatively in number of tanks. Indians were not groomed for higher ranks and even the British despite better education superior literacy level and technically and qualitatively superior position did not produce a single good tank commander at any level higher than tank regiment. No wonder that they failed the Germans in France and North Africa from 1940 till 1942 when finally the scales were turned, not because of better generalship but by virtue of overwhelming numerical superiority. Further the conservative British tank doctrine which both the armies inherited and made no effort to change that armour commanders beyond unit level remained as mediocre as they were on the British side in WW II. It is no credit to the quality of British armoured corps that General Mellenthin who saw the British Army as its direct opponent for some two years noted that � The British Artillery was the best trained and best commanded element in the British Army�.111


The armoured corps of 1947 inherited many psychological hang-ups. The subconscious emphasis inherited from the British was on being an 殿rm of fashion and wealth� 殿ffected carelessness� and worst of all 殿n arrogant non-chalance towards the duller aspects of their work�.112 During a winter collective which this scribes unit had to conduct for another armoured brigade, the other brigades units insisted that their tank commanders cannot advance unless there is a visible track going through the desert. In this case there was none! Finally the problem was resolved by asking for engineer support and a track was made with the help of earthmoving equipment! During my service I frequently heard many officers saying that a fourth tank troop in a squadron was good and added flexibility while many said that it was difficult to manage. These officers probably never understood that the Germans performed miracles with armoured divisions, which had just one Panzer Regiment (tank brigade).


Firstly we shall discuss the leaguer concept which seriously jeopardised the success of Pakistani armour operations in Khem Karan. The British mostly withdrew from the final battle positions in North Africa because they feared the German 88 Anti-Tank Guns and wanted to have a peaceful next morning. In any case the operational situation in North Africa was not area oriented, as in Punjab but mobility oriented since any outflanked force could easily move in any direction and regain its equilibrium. In Punjab where defence was a relatively far more superior type of warfare than in the desert and holding every inch of captured territory was important, the operational situation was totally different from North Africa. Here every locality once captured had to be held since manoeuvre was far more difficult due to heavy terrain, friction and large number of artificial and natural obstacles and bottlenecks. This was a serious doctrinal failing which should have been resolved in the School of Armour. No one gave it a serious thought since it was thought that the Pattons were invincible. These pedants failed to realise that the British repeatedly failed to defeat Rommel despite possessing numerical and qualitative superiority as was admitted by Captain B.H Liddell Hart.

There was an inclination in some strike formations to use French terms in operational orders! On one occasion shortly before retirement while this scribe was an umpire with a strike infantry division, I read the term 鼎oup de Main� describing the division痴 main attack. My knowledge of French was limited but as far as I then knew 鼎oup de Main� in the British military sense was a term used for a surprise attack launched in a manner which was not very deliberate or conventional. Once I pointed this out the majority was outraged and two colonels who had done the French Staff Course insisted that 鼎oup de Main� was the right word for describing 溺ain Attack or Effort�.

Then we come to brigade level. The Khem Karan failure was essentially the failure of 5 Armoured brigade. On the first day the brigade was dispersed without any coherent plan one tank regiment going for Assal Uttar from the centre and left, one tank regiment (some 19 tanks) going for Valtoha without any sizeable infantry support and the brigade headquarters sitting in Khem Karan as if it was the headquarters of Mountbatten痴 South East Asia Command rather than a brigade tactical headquarter. It appears that there was no operational philosophy of handling armour at brigade level. The brigade was thus doing what a German Panzer Division could not do i.e attacking on some three axis instead of developing the operations on what the Germans called the 鉄chwerpunkt�.113 The concept of all arms cooperation was not understood and 6 Lancers was despatched to Valtoha on its own . Its Commanding Officer did make a request for infantry114 but this was brushed aside and mechanised infantry which was available that day did little, regardless of whatever they may claim now in their regimental histories.

Major failures in both Indian and Pakistan Armies in handling of armour occurred at brigade and division level. It appears that no lessons were derived from these failures. In my thirteen years service I witnessed changes in concept of employment of armoured brigade and division with change of brigade and divisional commanders. Thus what was executed by Brigadier Inayatullah Niazi for two years was disregarded in near totality once Inayat departed and was endorsed by the same commanding officers who had served earlier under Inayat as the Gospel truth! One i.e my second commanding officer, who had dissented under both the commanders albeit tactfully retired as a colonel! This is just one example out of innumerable examples. The School of Armour as far as I know till 1992 had no concrete or tangible set of recommendations about concept of employment or doctrine of employment of an armoured brigade or division in the various types of terrain/scenarios where employment was likely. I was in charge of all the scripts held in the Tactical Wing from December 1991 to December 1992 and did not find any such thing! Even in the School, concepts of employment changed with change of commandant or change of chief instructor! The Divisional Battle Schools of Armoured Divisions were dumping grounds of superseded or near superseded majors and colonels and their cardinal attribute was 都ilence of a graveyard� as I pointed out to a letter to editor of Citadel magazine in mid-1998. There was no specific to corps area of operations doctrine of operations of armour at least till 1994, at a time when the existence of a multiple number of formations like mechanised brigade, corps reserve, army reserve operating in the same area made a clarity of role/mission/doctrine of employment all the more necessary! Infantry lieutenant colonels who had done foreign staff college had rudimentary ideas about the non-linear armoured battle and the behaviour of enemy armour in the post-breakout stage! Armour after all in all three wars has failed to breakout successfully as far as both sides are concerned!


One of the main reasons of slowness of British armour operations was the fact that brigade commanders with few exception like the great Jock Campbell, VC who was an artillery man, there was a tradition of leading from the rear and this certainly contributed to many failures in Grand Slam and in Khem Karan. Decision making was thus done at a snail痴 pace. All sorts of false and exaggerated reports were accepted as the Gospel truth etc. The British tradition of leading from the rear had a deep connection with the level of esteem in which their staff officers were held by their field commanders. The layman reader may note that unlike the German General Staff the British never had a permanent cadre of general staff officers. In their army as in both the Indo-Pak armies attending the staff course was just a hole punching business and general staff was not a highly specialised corps in the British Army unlike the German Army where the staff officer with a crimson stripe on his uniform was a highly qualified man belonging to a corps d elite. Thus while German commanders of the rank of brigade, divisional and corps level could lead from the front staying close to the leading tank regiment, the British commanders could not do so, since they looked down on their staff officers as men who were incapable of manning their main headquarters. Thus the profound truth in Mellenthin痴 observation that 鍍he officers of the German General Staff were not mere clerks or mouthpieces of their higher commanders (Mellenthin hints without saying so that the British ones were!!!!), but were trained to accept responsibility to give grave decisions and were respected accordingly. In contrast the British fighting commanders tended to look down on the staff, and the British show a curious reluctance to appoint capable staff officers to operational commands�.115


Think Tank Analyst
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There was a serious lack of offensive spirit at all levels beyond unit level. Thus Ayub did not leave Rawalpindi throughout the war. As late as 1991 a Directing Staff of Command and Staff College observed this glaring lack of aggressiveness in the army in an article published in 1991.116 The writer then an instructor at the command and Staff College and now probably commanding a division somewhere thus noted, 典he Battle of Chamb was cited as an instance; where the momentum of attack dissipated after the General Officer Commanding embraced Shahadat�. The readers may note that this man was one of the few generals who led from the front. Some of the many who saw him in that role, who this scribe knows/met are Majors Suleman Butt (11C), Iftikhar Chaudhry (11 C), Shujaat Ali Janjua (the indomitable Panther Janjua from (11C) and Lieutenant Colonel Zil ur Rehman who was commanding an R & S Company.


This factor played a serious role in the Pakistani armoured division痴 failure at Khem Karan in 1965. At the GHQ level the failure to appreciate that the armoured division must get out of the bottleneck between Rohi and Nikasu Nala was not appreciated. Nothing in the orders given to the 1st Armoured Division indicates that the planners understood this problem. Nikasu Nala was a pre-1947 landmark while Rohi Nala was no common pin to have missed the eyes of the planners. Poor general staff procedures at brigade and division level led to failure to concentrate all three armoured brigades across the Rohi Nala and thus was the principal reason for failure of the armoured division痴 effort. The GHQ vacillation and indecision on 6th, 7th and 8th September when it issued contradictory orders to the 1st Armoured Division, sometimes to send one of its brigades to Lahore and sometimes to Sialkot117 also played a major role in adding to the imperial confusion in the armoured division.

Correlli Barnett痴 observations on the British Staffs of WW II fit well on the Pakistani Staff officers role in failure to handle armour. Barnett thus noted 典he pace (referring to that of armoured operations) was too fast for the slow working staffs of lower formations (referringto corps/divisional/brigade staffs) ......(German staff work, because of greater experience and better training, was always faster and more lucid than British).....and detailed organisation for the offensive was poor and confused�.118 This observation fits well with the Military Operations Directorate of both sides and all staff officers down to armoured brigade level responsible for planning/executing the operations of both the Pakistani and the Indian 1st Armoured Divisions. The British perhaps were unlucky that their opponents were Germans and the Indians and Pakistanis were perhaps very lucky that their opponents were Pakistanis and Indians!


The Gul theory of failure because infantry officers were commanding the armoured division is not vindicated by actual facts of the 1965 war. Was the Indian 1st Armoured Division or its 1st Armoured Brigade commanded by an infantry officer and yet they proved as incompetent as Naseer. After all Rommel was from infantry, Macarthur, Mead and Lee were from Engineers and Napoleon was from artillery. The fault lay in the military clique of that time who made promotions on whims and on basis of personal likes and dislikes rather than on merit. After all the finest armoured commander that the sub- continent produced was Eftikhar who was an infantry man!

The Pakistan armoured corps with the exception of one unit of armoured cars was not employed in 1947-48 war. In 1965 Pakistan Armoured Corps failed to achieve a major breakthrough despite relative qualitative superiority in tanks as well as overwhelming numerical superiority in total available number of tanks in Khem Karan due to doctrinal leadership and essentially staff incompetence centred reasons. A breakthrough was possible and one Indian general was frank enough to recall as late as 1993 General Harbaksh Singh痴 remarks that 鄭 Blitzkrieg deep into our territory towards the Grand Trunk Road or the Beas Bridge would have found us in the helpless position of a commander paralysed into inaction for want of readily available reserves while the enemy was inexorably pushing deep into our vitals.It is a nightmarish feeling even when considered in retrospect at this stage�119. Long before 1965 and 1971 civilians on the board of the boundary commission had very high hopes from both the Indian and Pakistan Armies and thus one had said 的f Pakistan manages in a counterattack to make a 40 miles advance, then the defence of India would be affected. True they would lose Bhatinda and Dhuri and Pakistan forces were within measurable distance of Ambala,but they (referring to the Indian Army) do not lose all. Their communications are not upset; they lose so much of the railway line up to the extent of forty miles, but they still have the main line bringing their supplies at right angles to their forces...�120. The same member went further and gave the Indians a capability of advancing 500 miles inside Pakistan!121 Compare these remarks with two Indian three star generals remarks:� 展e penetrated only 11 miles (despite a five to one superiority in tanks on 8th September and a much larger one in infantry-this scribe痴 remarks) into enemy territory beyond the bridgehead at our deepest stretch, when, but for the mishandling of our forces, especially armour, the completion of our mission appeared well within our grasp�.122 Another sadly noted 妬t ground to a halt just four miles ahead of the bridgehead�!123 This happened not as propagandists assert in Pakistan because of some superior martial race or ideological reasons but simply because the Indian brigade and division commander lost their nerve. The Indians, the lower ranks till battalion/regiment level fought as bravely at Chawinda as their Pakistani counterparts, tankman and infantry man alike, at Khem Karan where Pakistan痴 1st Armoured Division also failed to achieve a breakthrough despite a seven to one superiority in tanks in total number. Leave aside west or east of Rohi Nala which was entirely a command as well as staff planning failure. The Nikasu Nala was even clearly marked as a large water obstacle even on the maps of the Punjab Boundary Commission!124 So where do we go. The common man, the tax payer has been bled white on both sides with a very large percentage being spent on armoured corps which failed to advance pathetically beyond 4 miles on the first day of the war in face of nominal opposition or eleven miles in all 17 days or got stuck between a Nala and a canal in own territory! The generals on both sides should explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against them for strategic and operational incompetence despite being provided with superiority at the decisive point and why their command outfits which are too large for their intellectual/resolution capabilities to handle in war should not be cut to one fourth their present size! But who will bell the cat! Why not employ a good team of psychiatrists at one-fiftieth the cost spent on armour and other expensive hardware and cure the pathetic minds of the sick Indo Pak psyche! Alas! we forget what long ago Freud said, 典he irrational forces in man痴 nature are so strong that the rational forces have little chance of success against them. A small minority might be able to live a life of reason, but most men are comfortable living with their delusions and superstitions than with truth�. Freud thus sadly concluded 鉄ociety which has been fashioned by man reflects to a great extent man痴 irrationality. As a consequence each new generation is corrupted by being born in an irrational society. The influence of man on society and of society on man is a vicious circle and only a few hardy souls can free themselves�. That was in the interwar years with Fascism rising and hatred gripping all Europe. Europe paid its price in million of lives in WW II. The Indo-Pak subcontinent has yet to learn. We saw one holocaust in 1947 but have learnt very little from it. The 1971 holocaust did not affect many in the West Wing.Brahmaputra and the tidal rivers had the capacity to take a huge load and disposal of anything was a simple operation! Had our higher leaders both civil and military or the armoured commanders been more competent, perhaps things may have been settled a bit less amicably albeit more swiftly in the 1947-48, 1965 or 1971 wars! In the post-nuclear scenario both sides sure do need psychiatric help! n


79 Interviews with a large number of participants including Major later Lieutenant Colonel Zil ur Rahman from 19 Baluch (R & S) residing in Lahore Cantt and one who I first met at the Lahore Cantt Polo Ground jogging track, Major Iftikhar a dear friend and senior from 11 Cavalry who commanded a tank troop in Chamb in 1971, Lieutenant Colonel Suleman Butt from 11 Cavalry who is a unit officer and a relative by family inter-marriages, who was a troop leader and was seriously wounded in Chamb and more than 100 other ranks of 11 Cavalry, 28 Cavalry and 26 Cavalry with whom I served in 11 Cavalry, 58 Cavalry and 5 Independent Armoured Squadron.

80Page-513 & 514-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

81Page-188-The Pakistan Army-1966-1971- Major General Shaukat Riza (Retired)-Printed for Services Book Club by Wajid Alis (Private Limited) -Lahore-1990. Shaukat Riza the official historian of Pakistan Army noted this anti-artillery bias of Headquarter 1 Corps in the following words; 展hen Headquarter 1 Corps was established in Gujranwala, its artillery component was driven out nine miles away to Nadipur. Even for the capture of Dharam Enclave Headquarter Artillery I Corps was kept out of picture.�

82Page-194-Shaukat Riza-Pakistan Army-1966-71-Op Cit. Riza writes that 釘rigadier Ahmad (armoured brigade commander) made approx 25 counter-attack plans. However, the artillery commander from 1 Corps and neighbouring divisions were neither consulted nor advised about these plans.This was to have unfortunate consequences as the battle unfolded.�

83Page-514-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

84 Pages-531 & 532-Ibid.

85 Page-28-The Western Front-Indo Pakistan War 1971- Lt Gen P. Candeth -Allied Publishers-Madras-1984. General Candeth who was C in C Western Command states in his book that 鍍he most critical period was between 8 and 26 October when 1 Corps and 1 Armoured Division were still outside Western Command. Had Pakistan put in a pre-emptive attack during that period the consequences would have been too dreadful to contemplate and all our efforts would have been trying to correct the adverse situation forced on us �

86 Page-25-Article- The Armoured Thrust-An Operational Analysis- Major A.H Amin (Retired)- The Citadel -Issue Number - 1/98- Command and Staff College- Quetta-April 1998.

87Page-25-Article- Why I Lay down Arms-Lieutenant General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi (Retired) - Defence Journal-Issue Number -3-4-1979- Volume Number Five-Karachi-1979.

88 Page-8-Letter to the Editor from Major A.H Amin - Readers Forum- 典he Citadel-No. 3/93�- Command and Staff College Quetta-November 1993.

89Pages-39 & 40-Article - Resolution -the Cardinal Command Virtue- Captain A.H Amin-Pakistan Army Journal-June 1992 Issue-Inspector General Training and Evaluations Branch-Training publication and Information Directorate-General Branch -Rawalpindi.

90 Page-14- Article- The Intangible Forces Behind a Military Manoeuvre- Major A.H Amin -Pakistan Army Journal-June 1993 Issue- Inspector General Training and Evaluations Branch-Training Publication and Information Directorate-General Headquarters -Rawalpindi.

91 Ibid.

92 Pages-32 & 35-Article-Plain as well as Subtle aspects of Military Decision Making- Major A.H Amin (Retired)-The Citadel-Issue Number 1/94- Command and Staff College -Quetta-April 1994. This article was submitted for publication while the author was in service commanding an independent tank squadron in September 1993 but published after retirement in April 1994.

93 Page-32-Citadel Issue 1/98-Op Cit.

94 Page-31-Ibid.

95Page-3- Editors Note-The Citadel-Issue Number 2/98- Command and Staff College Quetta-December 1998.

96Page-50-Article-The Relationship of Organisation to Doctrine and Conduct of War- Major A.H Amin (Retired)-Citadel Issue number 2/98-Op Cit.

97 Ibid.

98 Ibid.

99 The reader may note that the Glasnost/Perestroika of the Pakistan Army as far as military writing is concerned began from 1988-89 onwards once General Baig became the COAS and Major General Riazullah became the Director General of Inter Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR). Riazullah essentially a fighting soldier and a career officer with a fine written expression was one of the most capable and brilliant heads of the ISPR. In addition Lieutenant Colonel I.D Hassan was particularly instrumental and decisive in improving the quality of the 撤akistan Army Journal�. Colonel I.D Hassan was succeeded in turn by two almost as brilliant editors i.e Lieutenant Colonel Syed Ishfaq and Lieutenant Colonel Syed Jawaid Ahmad both of whom raised the standard of the Pakistan Army Journal to a very high level. Unfortunately after Colonel Jawaid Ahmad痴 departure in 1994 the magazine痴 standard deteriorated and by 1997 its circulation despite the massive financial resources at its backing had been reduced from quarterly to six monthly.

100 Page-28-Eight Years Overseas-Field Marshal Henry.M. Wilson of Libya-Hutchinson Boks-London-1950.

101 Page-138-J.A.I Agar Hamilton-Op Cit and Page-40-The Mediterranean and Middle East-Volume Three-Major General I.S.O Playfair-Her Majesty痴 Stationery Office-London-1960

102Page-79-Panzer Battles-General Von Mellenthin-Corgi/Ballantine Books-New York-1977.

103 Page-243-The Crucible of War-Auchinleck痴 Command- Barrie Pitt-Macmillan-London-1986.

104 Page-156-War Despatches-Op Cit. Page-404-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit. The reader may note that Indian armour withdrew north of the railway line at Chawinda on its own, but some units in Pakistan claim that it was they who attacked the Indians and drove them out !

105 Page-405-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.This incident illustrates poor staff procedures too since the headquarter of 1st Armoured Division was also responsible for this lapse.

106 Page-496 - Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit

107 Page-197-A Study of History-The One Volume Edition- Arnold Toynbee-Thames and Hudson-Published with arrangement with Oxford University Press, London-1988.

108 Page-243-Correlli Barnett-Op Cit.

109 Pages-12 & 13-Brigadier Riazul Karim Khan, MC, LOM -Op Cit.

110 Page-13-Ibid.

111 Page-79-Von Mellenthin-Op Cit.

112 Page-243-Correlli Barnett-Op Cit.

113 Page-39-Tank Warfare-Richard Simpkin-Brasey痴 Publishers Limited London-1979.

114 Page-232-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cited.Shaukat writes that although an infantry company was to go (which means that it was ordered to go) with 6 Lancers....after some haggling (as if 5 Armoured Brigade was a fish market!!!!) only one platoon was made available. Shaukat writes that later Sahibzada Gul (6 Lancers) asked for more infantry and an air strike on Valtoha but neither came. It appears that the gears of the 5 Armoured Brigade were completely jammed due to the friction of war and despite all this its commander was promoted after the war while Nisar the real hero of tank battles in both 1965 and 1971 did not go beyond a brigadier. The finest infantry brigade commander of the 1965 Brigadier Qayyum Sher who was praised by Shaukat Riza (Page-203-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit) was also retired as a brigadier while one who was on the sidelines in Chawinda (i.e Niazi) became a lieutenant general. The same happened in India to Harbaksh Singh since he was a Punjabi and a Sikh while Manekshaw who had played no role in 1948 and 1965 wars became a

C-in-C. The lesson is that in Indo-Pak armies as perhaps in all armies; actual on ground war performance is less important than PR! Thus a brigadier who absented himself from his headquarters in 1971 on pretext of martial law duty later became a four star general while another who was accused of many atrocities/plunder in East Pakistan became a lieutenant general ! On the other hand the brigade commander who was most openly praised by the Indians in East Pakistan i.e Tajammul Hussain Malik was superseded as a major general. The German General Staff identified talent and groomed and polished it.The Indo Pak armies identify mediocrity and take it to the highest limits !

115 Pages-89 & 90-Von Mellenthin-Op Cit.

116 Page-56- Article- Do we Lack Aggressiveness-Lieutenant Colonel Javed Alam Khan- Citadel -Issue Number 1/91-Command and Staff College-Quetta-June 1991. The worthy writer who was one of the few genuinely professional officers who I served with while he was a major and I was a lieutenant in the adjacent unit/same division for four long years during the period 1985-89. His sense of humour at that time was a bit unconventional (as second in command he kept a special box in his drawer, with a scandalous creature, a kind of a puppet, that was enough to ensure that all JCOs, especially the Tabuk returned Hajis, asking for leave bolted out of room instantaneously and it was a folly to greet him by hugging him in the traditional manner on Eid. I have not met him since 1994 and I wonder whether he has succumbed to the genetic transformation that occurs once most officers reach general rank or has managed to retain his forthright resolute and intellectually honest approach which he possessed in abundance till at least brigadier rank in 1995.

117 Pages-236 , 237 & 238-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

118 Page-90-The Desert Generals -Correlli Barnett-London-1984.

119 Page-496 & 497-Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit recalling General Harbaksh Singh痴 remarks on page-161-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

120 Page-318-Remarks of Sir Mohammad Zafarullah Khan-The Partition of the Punjab-A Compilation of Official Documents-Volume Two- National Documentation Centre-Lahore -1983-Printed at Ferozsons.

121 Page-319-Ibid

122Page-496-Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit.

123Page-160-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

124 Map on page 6 Volume Four-The Partition of Punjab-Official Documents-Op Cit.


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Lets have another from Agha Amin

Grand Slam—
A Battle of Lost Opportunities
Maj (Retd) AGHA HUMAYUN AMIN from WASHINGTON DC does a detailed analysis of Pakistan Army’s attempt to capture AKHNUR in 1965.


he aim of this article is to discuss “Operation Grand Slam” in the overall context of the 1965 War, assessing its strategic significance, and the various controversies surrounding it.

The Kashmir problem shaped the future of Indo-Pak Sub-Continental politics from 1947 onwards and led to the militarisation of India and Pakistan. The Poonch Valley link road connecting Jammu with Poonch Valley, the second largest valley of Kashmir, was a hot favourite military objective of military planners in Pakistan, right from 1947-48. One of the major military objectives of the 1947-48 War was to harass Indian communications around Jammu in areas Akhnur and Kathua.1 Beri Pattan Bridge over River Tawi a few miles south-east of Nowshera on this road was the main objective of a planned Pakistani armoured brigade and infantry brigade attack code named “Operation Venus” in December 1948.2 As a matter of fact one of the reasons which motivated the Indian Government, in 1948, into requesting for a complete ceasefire may have been its anxiety to avoid a major battle, opposite its communications to the Poonch Valley.3 The Pakistani governments, calling off the projected “Operation Venus”, and acceptance of this ceasefire offer and final ceasefire with effect from night 31 December 1948 and 1st January 1949, was later much criticised in Pakistan. Claims were made that the Pakistani Government agreed to a ceasefire “to the army’s horror” at a time when military victory was within Pakistan’s grasp!4 A Pakistani officer who was then commanding the infantry brigade strike force tasked to execute “Operation Venus”, much later in 1976 claimed that, had the operation been launched, he could have been in Jammu within 24 hours and into Pathankot and Gurdaspur in the next 24 hours! 5

Thus when “Operation Grand Slam” was conceived and launched in 1965 history was repeating itself and as later events turned out, ironically history repeated itself, in terms of irresolution and indecisiveness on part of Pakistan’s highest military and political leadership. The bluff self-promoted Field Marshal from a so-called martial area proved himself as indecisive as the Hindustani Muslim Prime Minister of 1948 who was much criticised by many intellectuals in Pakistan6 for indecisiveness and timidity in the 1947-48 War. History repeated itself for the second time in 1999 when a smaller scale military operation was called off in Kargil. The man accused of timidity on this occasion was a Punjabi (Kashmiri) Prime Minister! The 35th anniversary of the 1965 War demands that we in the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent must re-assess the validity of the historical life scripts into which past experiences have programmed us! It is a vain hope since most human beings despite all advancement in civilisation are dominated by absurd urges!



1965 was an eventful year in Indo-Pak history. The Pakistani military ruler Ayub emerged victorious in the Presidential elections held in January 1965 amidst allegations of rigging. This factor created a desire in Ayub to improve his political image by a limited gain in the realm of foreign relations. He got an opportunity to do so in April 1965 over a minor border dispute with India in the Rann of Kutch area. The Pakistan Army dominated the skirmishes in the Rann area as a result of which a climate of overconfidence was created in the Pakistani military and political establishment.7

In May 1965 following the jubilation in Pakistan because of the Rann affair Ayub became keen to launch the proposed “Operation Gibraltar”: a proposed plan to launch guerrillas into Indian held Kashmir with the objective of creating a popular uprising, finally forcing India to, abandon Kashmir. Ayub went to Murree on 13 May 1965 to attend a briefing on the conduct of Operation Gibraltar.8 We will not go into the controversy surrounding this plan, which is basically an exercise in futility, and mud slinging initiated by some self-styled experts, motivated largely by personal rivalry and ulterior biases, since the prime aim of this article is to discuss the military significance of Operation Grand Slam and its connection with “Operation Gibraltar”. In this briefing Ayub “examined” the “Operation Gibraltar” plan prepared by Major General Akhtar Malik, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 12 Division. The 12 Division was responsible for the defence of the entire border of Pakistan occupied Kashmir from Ladakh in the north till Chamb near the internationally recognised border to the south. It was during this briefing that Ayub suggested that the 12 Division should also capture Akhnur.9 This attack was codenamed “Operation Grand Slam”. General Musa, the then C in C Army and Altaf Gauhar the then Information Secretary and Ayub’s close confidant, the two principal defenders of Ayub have not given any explanation about what exactly was the strategic rationale of “Grand Slam” and what was its proposed timing in relation to “Operation Gibraltar”. We will discuss this aspect in detail in the last portion of this article.


The confusion in history writing in Pakistan may be gauged from the fact that Shaukat Riza’s book on 1965 War, despite being Pakistan Army’s official account does not contain the two words “Operation Gibraltar”! It appears that the idea of launching a guerrilla war in Indian held Kashmir was in vogue since the 1950s. Major General Mitha confirms in his GHQ inspired book, written soon after publication of Gul Hassan Khan’s memoirs10 that had outraged the Pakistani GHQ that he heard ideas that such an operation should be launched since 1958.11 Mitha claims that from 1958 to 1961 he had advised that “such operations had no chance of success and each time F.M Ayub Khan had agreed with me and vetoed the suggestions”.12 General Gul Hassan states that the secret “Kashmir Cell” formed by the Foreign Office on Ayub’s orders consisting of various key officials including the DMO i.e Gul Hassan was informed by the Foreign Secretary Aziz Ahmad that the President had ordered GHQ to prepare two plans to encourage/provide all out support sabotage/guerrilla operations in Indian Held Kashmir. Gul states that the decision to mount guerrilla operations with active Pakistan Army involvement was taken after the Rann of Katch skirmish. Altaf Gauhar who was the Information Secretary at that time claims that the Foreign Secretary Aziz Ahmad had “convinced himself that Pakistan was in a position to dislodge the Indians from Kashmir” and that “Once trained Pakistani soldiers went inside Kashmir the people of the Valley would spontaneously rise in revolt” and that “fear of China would prevent the Indians from provoking an all out war that would give Pakistan army the opportunity to drive the Indians out of Kashmir just as it had done in the Rann of Kutch”. Gauhar further claimed that the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Directorate and the Foreign Office drew up the plan for Operation Gibraltar.13

Pakistani expectations, and this does not include Bhutto alone, as many self-styled experts based on personal rivalry would much later claim; were raised to unrealistic heights after the Rann affair and Ayub was convinced that Gibraltar would succeed! In a written communication before the war Ayub asserted that “As a general rule Hindu morale would not stand more than a couple of blows delivered at the right time and place. Such opportunities should, therefore, be sought and exploited”.14

Gauhar states that Mr Z.A Bhutto the Foreign Minister was so convincingly persuasive in his advocacy of Operation Gibraltar that he convinced many Pakistan Army officers serving in the GHQ, who in turn urged the Pakistani C in C Musa to “bite the bullet”.15 Further Musa, the C in C much later in 1983 claimed that Bhutto had “Brainwashed” his officers.16 These two assertions if true means that either Bhutto was a military genius or those army officers who he convinced had no grey matter and that the Pakistani C in C was a glorified headclerk whose function was that of a rubber stamp rather than anything to do with higher military strategy or operational planning.

This article is not about “Operation Gibraltar” but “Grand Slam”, however, no discussion or analysis of Grand Slam is possible if Gibraltar is not discussed, although in brief. Operation Gibraltar envisaged guerrilla operations inside Indian Occupied Kashmir by a number of guerrilla groups of roughly a battalion strength comprising of Kashmiri Volunteers trained by Pakistan Army, Pakistan Army Special Services Group (SSG) Commando personnel and some regular infantry troops.17 The total strength of the “Gibraltar Force” was not more than 5,000 to 7,000 men subdivided into five forces i.e (1) “Salahuddin Force” operating in Srinagar Valley, (2) “Ghaznavi Force “ in Mendhar-Rajauri area, (3) “Tariq Force” in Dras-Kargil area, (4) “Babar Force “in Nowshera-Sundarbani area, (5) “Qasim Force” in Bandipura-Sonarwain area, (6) “Khalid Force” in Qazinag-Naugam area, (7) “Nusrat Force” in Tithwal-Tangdhar area, (8) “Sikandar Force” in Gurais area and (9) “Khilji Force” in Kel-Minimarg area.18 The mission assigned to the various Gibraltar forces was warfare in the enemy’s rear including harassing enemy communications, destruction of bridges, logistic installations, headquarters with a view to create conditions of an “armed insurrection” in Kashmir finally leading to a national uprising against Indian rule leading to liberation of Kashmir or at least parts of it.19

The infiltration operation of the Gibraltar Force commenced from first week of August 1965.20 General Harbaksh Singh the C in C Indian Western Command described the infiltration operation as “brilliant in conception”.21 The Gibraltar Forces mission was too ambitious and its achievement was beyond its means, however, in words of Indian military writer Major K.C Praval “Although the Gibraltar Force failed to raise a revolt, they did succeed in creating a great deal of confusion and disorder by acts of sabotage, violence and murder”.22 Praval praised “Nusrat Force” which was operating in Tithwal area which in his words “caused a great deal of damage before it could be pushed back over the ceasefire line”.23 Indian General Harbaksh Singh in the typical Indo-Pak style of not being intellectually honest once dealing with assessment of enemy actions, inadvertently admitted the mental dislocation that the Gibraltar Force had caused in the headquarters of Indian 15 Corps. Harbaksh thus stated “General Officer Commanding 15 Corps gave the following assessment of the prevailing situation: — The maximum success gained by the infiltrators was in the Mandi area where they had secured local support”24 .......... “General Officer Commanding 15 Corps in a personal signal to me recommended the abandonment of the Hajipir offensive .....on account of the serious tactical situation in that sector”. 25 This happened on 15th August! On 17th August 1965 General Harbaksh Singh noted that the 15 Indian Corps Commander’s assessment of operational situation in Kashmir was “rather too grim and gloomy”.26 Even Joginder Singh who later wrote a book to refute most of Harbaksh’s assertions admitted in his book that “GOC XV Corps Lt Gen Katoch appeared to be overwhelmed by the scale of infiltration”.27 The reader may note that all this was happening despite an overwhelming Indian numerical superiority in troops. A small example being the 25 Indian Division area where the Indians had some 20 infantry battalions 28 at a time when the total strength of the 12 Pakistani Division responsible for all 400 miles of Kashmir was not more than 15 infantry battalions! 29

The local population of Indian Held Kashmir did not co-operate with the Gibraltar Force and by 18th August the operations of the Gibraltar Force were considerably reduced. The Indians brought in additional troops and the infiltration operation was checked by 20th August. As discussed earlier the Indian 15 Corps Commander was unnerved, however, the C in C Western Command Harbaksh Singh exhibited greater resolution and spurred the 15 Indian Corps into launching two major counter infiltration attacks inside Pakistan Held Kashmir to destroy the logistic bases in Hajipir Bulge and Neelam Valley areas. Both these attacks succeeded since the 12 Division was already over stretched with single infantry battalions holding frontages varying from 10 to 20 miles. 30 There is absolutely no doubt that Gibraltar was an undoubted failure! The loss of Hajipir Pass, the principal logistic base of the infiltrators on 28th August and Indian successes in the Neelam Valley and opposite Uri on 29-31st August 1965 unnerved the Pakistani GHQ who assumed that Muzaffarabad was about to be attacked!31 The supposed liberators of Indian Held Kashmir were more worried now about what they had held before commencement of hostilities! It was under these circumstances that the Pakistani GHQ ordered execution of Grand Slam with the aim of relieving Indian pressure against Muzaffarabad! Shaukat Riza the official historian of the 1965 War admitted that by 31 August the Indians had ruptured 12 Division’s defences and this was the main reason why the GHQ decided to attack Chamb “to ease pressure on 12 Division”. Shaukat also quoted Musa and the Chief of General Staff Sher Bahadur in stating that the main reason why Grand Slam was launched was that “there was danger of Indians capturing Muzaffarabad”.32 Musa in his roundabout way of saying things did not mention Muzaffarabad but merely stated that the main object of launching “Grand Slam” was “reducing pressure in the north by capturing Chamb and threatening Akhnur”.33


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Significance of Akhnur

Akhnur Class 18 bridge 34 on the fast flowing Chenab River was the key to Indian communications from Jammu and mainland India a group of valleys lying south south of the Pir Panjal Range and West of Chenab River, most prominent of which was the Poonch River Valley. The bridge was the sole all weather lifeline of one oversized Indian infantry division, with at least twenty infantry battalions, defending Poonch, Rajauri, Jhangar and Nauhshera and one Independent Infantry Brigade defending Chamb-Dewa Sector. Possession of Akhnur could enable an attacker to threaten Jammu the key to all Indian communications from Pathankot to Srinagar/lLadakh etc.

Orientation with the area

Chamb-Jaurian Sector is bounded by the ceasefire line from Dewa till Burjeal in the west, the international border from Burjeal till River Chenab in the south, various branches of River Chenab from Phulkean Salient till Akhnur in the south and Southwest, and a range of hills between the height of 1000 to 3000 feet running in a roughly east-west direction in the north. Some ridges run from this range of hills downwards in a north-south direction, most prominent of which are Phagla-Sakrana Ridge located about between a mile and two miles, eastwards from the border, followed by Tam Ka Tilla, east of Pallanwalla and the Fatwal Ridge four miles west of Akhnur. Average relative height of each ridge varied from 40 to 80 feet. These ridges on the face value were minor features, however, in terms of fields of fire and observation; their value was immense for a defender engaged in opposing tanks. The gradient rose from north to south as well as from west to east, and the area to the north restricted tank movement, while the area in the south with minor boggy patches afforded excellent manoeuvrability for tanks. Two small ridges known as Mandiala North and South dominated Chamb village itself. The Munawar Wali Tawi running from north to south into the Chenab River divided the sector into two halves, was located about 7 to 8 Kilometres from the border. The Nala had a wide bed varying from 100 yards in the north to 300 yards in the south and steep banks, which made it a partial tank obstacle. There were various crossing places on the Nala notably at Chamb, Mandiala, Darh and Channi from north to south respectively. The Nala had a lot of water in summers but maximum water depth in September was not more than four feet, thus making it negotiable for all types of tanks. Only one partially constructed bridge spanned the Nala near Chamb in 1965. Road Akhnur-Jaurian Chamb to the south and Road Akhnur-Kalit-Mandiala, both running in a east-west general alignment were two metalled roads running almost parallel to each other connected Chamb with Akhnur. The area of manoeuvre for tanks from the west was restricted to a 12 Kilometre gap between Burjeal and Dewa Hills and a 7 to 8 kilometre tract from Burjeal to the Chenab River which became relatively more boggy as one went closer to Chenab River. Both the roads leading from Chamb to Akhnur were intersected by Nalas running from north to south at a distance of two to four kilometres with small ridges in between, thus reducing tank speed, but were no obstacle for tanks. The ground all along was thus broken as well as interspersed with dry Nalas. These Nalas restricted the cross-country mobility of wheeled vehicles once off road. There were mango groves and wild orchards at places, which provided adequate cover. The area was well cultivated and in September 1965 the fields had four feet high standing crops of millet and maize. River Chenab running from north-east to south west in the south and the line of hills running in an east-west direction provided natural built-in flank protection against any tank threat, for any tank force advancing from west to east but also restricted the movement of a tank force. In terms of tank manoeuvrability and space for manoeuvre the area from the border in the west till Akhnur may be described as a cylinder which is about 12 kilometres wide on the extreme western side at its western entrance and gets progressively narrower as one advances from west of east by virtue of a line of hills in the north and Chenab River in the south both of which successively get progressively closer narrowing the north-south space reducing the north south open space gap from 12 kilometre in the west to about 3 to 4 kilometre at Akhnur. Thus in terms of tank warfare, the defenders task became easier, as the attacker advanced from west to east since space for manoeuvre was reduced by some one fourth.35

Indian and Pakistani Force Composition and Plans

Indian Force Composition and Plans. Till August 1965 the Indian force defending Chamb Jaurian consisted of the 191 Independent Infantry Brigade Group consisting of four infantry battalions and no armour.36 In addition the border posts were manned by two irregular battalions of Punjab Armed Police and Jammu and Kashmir Militia Battalion. These two battalions, however, had nominal military value like the Pakistani Rangers, by virtue of being poorly trained/equipped. In May 1965 as part of “Operation Ablaze” (Indian plan of mobilisation/shifting forward of forces in Punjab in May 1965) the Indians placed a tank squadron of AMX-13 Light tanks under command 191 Brigade.37 Activities of the Gibraltar Force Infiltrators in Chamb-Jaurian forced the Indians to bring in two additional infantry battalions by end of August 1965, 38 however, both infantry battalions reverted to their parent formations after successfully dealing with the Gibraltar Force infiltrators by end of August.39 In 1956, 80 Indian Infantry Brigade responsible for defence of area Naushahra-Rajauri-Jhangar had pointed out that 191 Brigade defending Chamb-Jaurian Sector to his left constituted a vulnerable left flank.40 The same officer as Brigadier General Staff 15 Indian Corps Kashmir had concluded that Pakistani troops attacking from opposite Chamb could capture Chamb and had recommended stationing of a tank regiment in the sector, upgrading 191 Infantry Brigade to a division and construction of an alternate bridge over the Chenab at Riasi.41 None of these recommendations except upgradation of Akhnur Bridge to carry AMX-13 tanks were accepted by the Indian higher headquarters! The Indian military planners till 1965 had firmly believed that Pakistan would not cross the international border between Chenab and Burjeal and thus regarded the southern half of Chamb Salient as “sacrosanct”.42 The Indian planners had hypothesised that the most likely area of Pakistani attack in South Kashmir was the Jhangar-Nowshera Sector.43 The Indian defences in Chamb-Jaurian were thus not as extensive as in other sectors of Kashmir. The Indian artillery consisted of just one field regiment and a troop of medium guns.44 In August 1965 in the wake of Operation Gibraltar the Indian High Command finally decided to upgrade Chamb-Jaurian Sector to a divisional command, however, till 1st September 196545 the area was defended by 191 Independent Infantry Brigade directly under command 15 Indian Corps. The 10 Division headquarters staff designated to take over the area was at this time being organised at Bangalore in the Indian south.46 The 10 Division headquarters was assigned a time frame of three weeks in August 1965 and ordered to take over the command of 80 Brigade and 191 Brigade by 15 September 1965 and had reached Akhnur by 28th August 1965. The headquarters had no communication equipment and nominal staff on 1st September 1965.47 The Indian armour consisting of a squadron of AMX-13 Light tanks which was assigned the responsibility of anti tank defence of the main tank approach west of Chamb. It was deployed in an extended form two troops on a ridge between Daur and Palla responsible for the defence of the area from Paur in the north till a little east of Burjeal in the south, one troop in the south in Munawar area and one troop in reserve at Barsala. On 1st September, however, three tanks were under repair in the rear. All Indian infantry battalion anti-tank recoilless guns were grouped under 15 Kumaon and tasked with the anti-tank defence of the Mandiala crossing. The border was manned by the border force irregular battalions and 3 Mahar and 6 Sikh Light Infantry as shown on the map with 15 Kumaon and 6/5 Gurkha in depth. 15 Kumaon was deployed on the pivotal Mandiala Heights and 6/5 Gurkha was deployed till 1st September on the Kalidhar Ridge east of River Tawi. This Ridge it may be noted was an important feature which dominated both the Chamb-Jaurian-Akhnur Road from the north and overlooked the Akhnur-Naushera-Rajauri-Poonch Road from the south.

Pakistani Force Composition and Plans. Pakistan’s 12 Division Headquarters which was also responsible for the defence of entire Kashmir and was facing three Indian divisions and two independent brigades was tasked to command the Grand Slam attack force. The division was commanded by Major General Akhtar Malik described by Shaukat Riza as a “largehearted man and a natural leader”. One whose “subordinates never felt crowded by him, or inhibited in speaking out their minds”.48 Another military historian described Akhtar Malik as “an avid bridge player”.49 Akhtar Malik was assigned two tank regiments (from 6 Armoured Division then deployed in Gujranwala area), an independent artillery brigade (Artillery 4 Corps) consisting of three medium regiments, one field regiment, two heavy batteries of 155 mm guns and 8 inch guns respectively, a Light Anti-Aircraft gun battery, a corps artillery locating regiment, another artillery brigade (Artillery 7 Division) consisting of two field regiments and one locating regiment. His infantry component consisted of three infantry brigades i.e Number 4 Sector (3 and a quarter infantry battalions of the semi-regular AKRF), 10 Brigade (Two regular battalions) detached from 7 Division and placed under command 12 Division for Grand Slam and his own divisions, 102 Brigade (three infantry battalions).50 Akhtar Malik moved to Kharian on 28th August with a small tactical headquarters. Arrangements were made to exercise command of the Grand Slam force through the communication system of the 4 Corps Artillery Brigade. The Pakistani plan was based on three phases i.e an initial breakthrough by two infantry brigades each supported by a tank regiment along two points capturing the Chamb salient east of Tawi Nala, followed by capture of Akhnur by 10 Brigade Group (including a tank regiment) and finally a northward advance by the 102 Brigade on axis Akhnur-Jhangar linking up with Pakistan’s 25 Brigade operating against Indian communications in Naushera-Jhangar area with the final objective of capturing Rajauri51 which Pakistan had lost earlier to an Indian tank squadron on 12 April 1948.52

Comparison of Strength. It is an unfortunate trait of Indo-Pak history to magnify enemy strength and to omit mentioning own strength. The operational situation in Chamb was thus later described in words like “the Indians held the Chamb Valley strongly”53, or “Chamb was very well guarded. Apart from its very strong fortifications, the Indians had by then increased their forces in Chamb to seven battalions”.54 The following table comparing Indian and Pakistani strengths is self explanatory:—

2 : 1
Two Battalions of border police have not been counted as these were like the Pakistani Rangers. One Indian infantry battalion included in the total i.e the 6/5 Gurkha was deployed at Kali Dhar in the rear and had nothing to do with the fighting on 1st September 1965.
Pakistani tanks were far superior to Indian tanks in terms of firepower, mobility as well as protection.
The Pakistani total does not include one anti aircraft battery that enhanced air defence and two regiments of locating artillery which severely reduced the Indian artillery’s capability to retaliate, by virtue of locating enemy guns and neutralising them by counter bombardment. Pakistani batteries included nine field batteries, seven medium batteries and two heavy batteries while Indians had three field and a troop of medium guns.
COMMAND AND CONTROL Ad hoc through artillery headquartersSame since 10 Div HQ was newly raised10 Div HQ was brought from Bangalore to Akhnur on 28th August 1965 and was in the raising/formation process.


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Execution of Operation Grand Slam.

We will not discuss each and every detail of Grand Slam operations but stick to the salient facts relevant to the overall context and scope of the operation. The Pakistani attack commenced at 0500 hours 1st September 1965 supported by a terrific pre-H-Hour artillery bombardment executed in the words of the Pakistani official historian by “nine field, seven medium and two heavy batteries” which had commenced belching fire 55 at 0330 hours. The artillery was deployed so boldly that medium and 8 inch howitzers were deployed ahead of field guns 56 thus increasing their range and ability to support operations for a longer duration without redeployment. Pakistani armour which was divided into squadrons did not do well on the 1st September and was effectively engaged by Indian anti-tank guns and AMX-13 tanks. 11 Cavalry was checked in the south by the two three tank troops of 20 Lancers while 13 Lancers attacking in the north was also checked by the brilliant anti-tank gun screen under 15 Kumaon and a single tank troop of 20 Lancers. The infantry brigade commanders took greater interest in the work of battalions and the first major tactical blunder of the day was committed once the southern attacking infantry brigade i.e the 102 Brigade Commander wasted the entire day by insisting that Burjeal a minor position must be captured despite clear instructions of General Akhtar Malik to bypass it.57 Thus half of 102 Brigade and a squadron of 13 Lancers was committed to clear the Rome that Burjeal was! Burjeal was finally captured at 1500 hours!58 Shaukat Riza states that it was defended by two infantry companies of 6 Sikh but also adds that only 14 Indian soldiers were captured once it (Burjeal) was finally cleared!59 Shaukat’s verdict on the operations of 1st September is accurate once he states that “The Indians had only covering troops on border outposts “but the Pakistanis failed to cross the Tawi on 1st September as their “artillery fire was distributed”.60 This is only a partial explanation since the artillery fire was distributed because armour was distributed and the 12 Division failed to cross the Tawi on the first day because of the delay of 102 Brigade at Burjeal. In any case by evening of 1st September the 191 Indian Infantry Brigade despite all the Pakistani blunders was at its last gasp! Its sole field artillery regiment i.e the 161 Field Artillery Regiment (14 Field Regiment as per K.C Praval) had abandoned its guns61 as a result of effective Pakistani artillery counterbombardment. Thus by afternoon the Indians were supported by just one troop of Medium guns! By 6.30 in the evening 13 Lancers finally reached the line of Tawi Nala but made no attempt to cross it.62

The Indian 10 Division which had assumed command by evening of 10th September ordered the 191 Indian Infantry Brigade to withdraw to Akhnur the same night. It also ordered 3 Mahar and 6/5 Gurkha to continue holding defences in the Kalidhar area in the north. 191 Brigade was now tasked with defence of Akhnur, while 41 Mountain Brigade which was concentrating at Akhnur was ordered to “occupy the Jaurian-Troti position as quickly as possible”.63 Chamb which had been captured by evening of 1st September 1965 was occupied by an infantry unit of the 102 Brigade at 0800 hours 2nd September 1965.64 On 2nd September 1965 while General Akhtar Malik was finalising arrangements for advance towards Jaurian the command of the C in C General Musa arrived in the area of operations in a helicopter and ordered change of command of Grand Slam, replacing General Akhtar by General Yahya the GOC of 7 Division which was also in the same area of operations since 28th August 1965. This happened around 1130 hours on the morning of 2nd September 1965. 65 Brigadier Gulzar who was provided access to official records of the GHQ66 and whose book was published in August 1968 i.e some 18 years before Shaukat Riza’s account, states that change of command took place at 1100 hours.67 The Indians were equally surprised and their military historian noted that because of this change of command the Pakistanis gave “24 hours to the Indians to strengthen their defences”!68 Brigadier Amjad Chaudhry well summed up the feelings of the Grand Slam Force as “Bitterly disappointed and completely at a loss to understand”!69 Yahya proceeded in a leisurely manner calling an orders group at 1430 hours and gave orders for crossing Tawi which was not held by any troops, the 191 Indian Brigade having withdrawn to Akhnur the previous night! The 10 Brigade supported by 13 Lancers crossed the Nala “without any trouble” in Shaukat Riza’s words by 2130 hours 2nd September. Thus the Indian defences continuity was not compromised despite the fact that their 191 Brigade had withdrawn in a near rout situation. In polite language the Indians were thus not routed but pushed back and given a grace period of 24 hours to prepare a brigade strong defensive position on line Troti-Jaurian over which more Pakistani blood was to be shed on 3rd September 1965. The critical time span was not seized by the forelock and what could have been accomplished with ease on 2nd September was postponed to 3rd September! The readers may note that the Indians were still outgunned in terms of armour and artillery by six to one and thus in no position to resist a determined onslaught. The Pakistanis had, however, lost the first major opportunity to impose strategic dislocation on the 10 Division by the 24 hour pause on 2nd September 1965. Thus when the Pakistanis resumed advance on 3rd September the 41 Mountain Brigade reported that it was in position at Troti-Jaurian “reasonably well prepared to oppose the enemy”!70 Another tank squadron of 20 Lancers was also in the same position. The Indians were not strong enough to stay in this position but it was a good bargain since they were trading space for time as their strategic reserves were swiftly moving into position to launch a “Riposte”. On 3rd September Yahya ordered 10 Brigade (three battalions) with a tank regiment under command to attack and secure Jaurian by last light of the same day.71

The Indian 10 Division assumed command of the 191 Brigade and 80 Brigade by the evening of 1st September.72 The Indian 15 Corps made frantic efforts to remedy the situation and ordered 41 Mountain Brigade (Corps reserve) to occupy an intermediate position at line Troti-Jaurian. It also ordered 20 Lancers (AMX-13) less two squadrons to move from Pathankot and occupy a defensive position under command 41 Mountain Brigade at Troti-Jaurian.73 10 Brigade was to attack from Pallanwala area on two axis i.e an infantry battalion and two tank squadrons on axis Chamb-Akhnur in the north and a battalion and a tank squadron on a southern axis heading towards Nawan Hamirpur and thereafter advancing along the northern bank of River Chenab with a view to outflank the Indians from the south.74 The 10 Brigade Commander issued his orders at 1130 hours and advance commenced at 1300 hours. The advance made very slow progress due to broken terrain interspersed by a growing number of north to south aligned watercourses (Nalas) and the Indian position at Troti-Jaurian was contacted by 13 Lancers by approximately 1700 hours in the evening. The right axis force reached Nawan Hamirpur by 1800 hours. The Indians now brought in their third brigade i.e the 28 Brigade (two battalions) deploying it in another position in the rear of 41 Brigade at Fatwal Ridge about 4 kilometres west of Akhnur.

On morning (0800 hours) 4th September Yahya ordered 6 Brigade of 7 Division to relieve 102 Brigade till then deployed at the line of Tawi Nala and 102 Brigade to move forward and concentrate at area Pahariwala. 10 Brigade commenced its attack on 41 Brigade position from 1130 hours. 13 Lancers attempted to outflank the Indian 41 Brigade’s defences between Kalit and Troti, and made some progress but was delayed by two Indian AMX-13 Tank troops till last light. The Indians realised that they could not hold the 41 Brigade position for long and ordered withdrawal of 41 Brigade to Akhnur during the night of 4/5 September 1965.75 The 102 Brigade also moved forward and two of its battalions attacked Sudhan Ki Dhok on the Tam Ka Tilla Ridge on 5th September 1965. By evening 5th September 1965 the leading elements of the 13 Lancers were in contact with the 28 Brigade position on the Fatwal Ridge just four miles west of Akhnur. It was at this stage that Musa sent the message about “teeth into the enemy and should bite deeper and deeper”, in all probability drafted by a staff officer who had read the exact text of Auchinleck’s message to the 8th Army during the Tobruk battle! But later events proved that the Pakistani GHQ, including the self- promoted field marshal of peace, only had Ritchies, Cunninghams and Mclellans, but no Auchinlecks! The whole situation changed on 6th September once India attacked all along the international border opposite Sialkot, Lahore and Kasur. The 7th Division was ordered to transfer 11 Cavalry, HQ 4 Corps Artillery Brigade and 39 Field Regiment to 1 Corps in Ravi-Chenab Corridor.76 Grand Slam was over!


The Origins of the Grand Slam and Gibraltar Controversy in Pakistani Military History

The Grand Slam and Gibraltar controversy instead of being handled like a military failure unfortunately degenerated into a highly personalised affair. As a result instead of dispassionate and constructive analysis, the real reasons for failure of the 1965 war were substituted for analysis of minor tactics and in settling personal scores. Mr Bhutto the principal leader of the pro-war party in the Pakistani leadership was dismissed by Ayub from the post of Foreign Minister and very soon became a major political opponent of Ayub. Ayub tasked his Information Secretary and right hand man Mr Altaf Gauhar to initiate a campaign of character assassination of Bhutto. Bhutto by no definition an angel, like any politician also indulged in personal attacks. The controversy was soon overtaken by the 1968-69 political agitation, which resulted in the exit of Ayub, and to a second military government in Pakistan. Since Yahya the military dictator who succeeded Ayub was one of the key figures in the Grand Slam drama the issue was tactfully avoided by all politicians. The emergence of Bhutto in 1970 elections as the principal leader of the West Pakistan Wing once again ignited the 1965 controversy, but again the issue became a low key affair once Bhutto became the Prime Minister from 1971 to 1977.

Grand Slam once again made headlines once Brigadier Amjad Ali Chaudhry’s book was published in 1977.77 Chaudhry raised doubts that Ayub may have been influenced by USA into not capturing Akhnur and that the change of command was merely a tactful way of slowing down the pace of operations. Amjad also quoted Yahya as saying that he did not capture Akhnur, which as per Amjad was within Yahya’s grasp, simply because he was ordered by the then army high command not to do so! 78 Amjad’s book infuriated the then government of the military usurper Zia who was engaged in a life and death political confrontation with Bhutto and like all military governments of Pakistan, including the present one, idolised the Ayub Government! Amjad had also accused the US government of pressurising Ayub into not capturing Akhnur and this was also regarded by the Zia regime as improper! The readers may note that the change of command on 2nd September was an outrageous decision that had shocked the participants of Grand Slam! As per a participant the change of command question was “debated with so much passion that GHQ had to issue instructions outlawing such talk”.79 There is substance in this assertion. Brigadier Riazul Karim a more credible authority states that soon after the ceasefire “a rumour went around that our senior officers were unnecessarily panicky and that the war had been fought by brigadiers and below....this caused a storm in the GHQ”.80

Later on Musa the most affected party, cooked up another story that the operations of 12 Division on 2nd September were delayed since artillery was not deployed well forward to support further advance. This false assertion was challenged by Brigadier Amjad Chaudhry who was a direct participant and was the man on the spot.81 Systematic efforts as part of a totally political plan of character assassination of Bhutto, without realising that Grand Slam was Pakistan Army’s failure, were undertaken during the 11-year old Zia government to re-write the history of Pakistan. General Musa was actively assisted in writing two books which were published some six years after Amjad’s book. Musa made up a story to cover up the change of command on 02 September, stating that it was a pre-arranged issue.82 The same story was repeated by Shaukat Riza in his GHQ dictated trilogy on the Pakistan Army.83 This was 1984-85. Finally in 1993 Gul Hassan the then Director Military Operations memoirs were published. Gul exposed the cover up and dismissed the idea that change of command had been pre-planned!84

Soon after publication of Gul’s book another defender of Ayub came on the scene ! He alleged that Grand Slam was a failure in any case! The learned author is an intelligent man! But so was Bhutto, Aziz and many others! The trouble starts when one intelligent man is at loggerheads with another! Thus the resultant subjectiveness of this book, since much of it is about another intelligent man, and defence of a benefactor who was injured by this intelligent foe of the learned author! Above all one who was the author in questions enemy, without doubt a terrible enemy!85 One about whom a close friend once said that “with friends like him one does not need enemies”!86 The reasons for failure of Grand Slam given by this author, thus, were emotional but not substantial! 10 Division, which came from Bangalore consisted of just three or four officers who organised a headquarters at a garbage dump in Akhnur and was a still born baby on 1st September 1965. One whose GOC was sacked for incompetence in 1965 war! 87 It was again a case of mixing Bhutto with Akhtar Malik and the intricacies of the art of war! The net result was thus a good biography of a benefactor while simultaneously exposing the machinations of a Machiavellian evil genius! It may have been a best seller but was certainly not good military history! The worst part about writing of history in Pakistan is the fact that those who took part in the actual conduct of operations either did not have the ability to express themselves in writing, were too disgusted or disillusioned to do so, or did not have the funds to get their accounts published! Military history has thus to date been distorted!


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A case of failure at the highest level

Lack of resolution as well as military talent in Ayub was the most serious drawback as far as Pakistan Army’s conduct in 1965 War in general and Grand Slam in particular was concerned. Subconsciously Ayub was the last man who wanted war despite all the propaganda of Kashmir dispute. It is possible that this hesitation had some link with Ayub’s poor or insignificant war record in WW Two. On various occasions Ayub avoided military action. In the 1947-48 period when many officers in Pakistan were volunteering for participating in the Kashmir war Ayub did not show any inclination to participate in the Kashmir war. Ayub exhibited extreme timidity88 when the Chinese asked Pakistan to take advantage of the India-China War and settle the Kashmir dispute by exercising the military option. Seven years in power, however, somewhat emboldened Ayub’s spirits and by 1965 he felt confident enough that the Hindu who Ayub mistakenly thought as more timid than the Pakistani would not dare to start a conventional war even if Pakistan pinched the Hindu damsel at will, sometimes in the Rann and sometimes in Kashmir! Even in 1965 Ayub was not interested in a war which he wanted to avoid at all cost. This was a case of the desire to gain the glory of martyrdom in battle without actually getting killed in action! It was Ayub’s misfortune that he was surrounded by more resolute, ruthlessly ambitious, albeit militarily relatively naive, advisors like Bhutto and Aziz Ahmad who did not have any of Ayub’s timidity. Musa, Ayub’s handpicked Chief was the weakest link in the whole chain of command. The last person to wish for a war in which he would be forced to exercise his intellect in the actual conduct of modern war involving tanks divisions and corps etc, about whose employment Musa had very rudimentary ideas. A limited war i.e. a war in which fighting remained confined to Kashmir was seen by Ayub as a political opportunity to enhance his prestige which had suffered because of allegations of rigging in the 1965 elections. Thus Operation Gibraltar which visualised a Guerrilla War leading to Kashmir was seen by Ayub as a golden means of winning Kashmir without war and getting all the glory reserved for the victor of a war without ever starting an all out war! Ayub did not have the resolution to start an all out war in 1965! He also did not have the long-term vision to understand that India would retaliate militarily against the infiltrators sent into Kashmir by Pakistan. Ayub thus unwittingly set fire to the fuse which triggered a series of actions and counteractions which ultimately led to an all out war. Later critics blamed Bhutto for doing the right things for the wrong reasons! As a matter of fact all major actors were doing the right things for the wrong reason! But that is what the game of power is all about! Ayub was militarily naive enough to think that India would not start an all out war if Pakistan went for what Ayub himself called “India’s jugular vein”89 i.e. Akhnur. Critics think that Ayub lost his nerves later and made an attempt to halt the Pakistani advance by ordering change of command of the force, since he suddenly realised that an all out war was likely if Pakistan captured Akhnur. If this was Ayub’s motive then once again it was too late and Ayub’s half measures and half hearted conduct of military operations in Grand Slam harmed the Pakistani military cause in two ways. Firstly, it provoked India to launch an all out war which Ayub did not have the resolution to fight and which Musa did not have the military genius to conduct! Secondly, as a result of this indecision Pakistan failed to capture Akhnur whose loss would have led to a serious operational imbalance in the Indian dispositions in Kashmir and would have weakened India’s resolve to attack Lahore and opposite Chawinda without first redressing the serious imbalance opposite Kashmir. Thus Pakistani military/political leadership failed in both aims; ie to sever the jugular and to prevent an all out war; and primarily because of irresolution on part of their own higher leadership rather than enemy resistance. Thus Ayub and his team were not propelled by a burning desire to defeat the enemy by decisive conduct of operations but by an essentially defensive attitude. Thus even after 6th September they viewed Pakistani thrusts inside India not as actions taken to strike a decisive blow on the enemy but merely as measures to reduce Indian pressure on Lahore. The GHQ simply did not have a forward command and control set up designed to vigorously prosecute the war but essentially a distant headquarter modelled on colonial principles from where orders were issued for defence of India. The war on the Pakistani side was thus conducted disinterestedly because the higher leadership was simply irresolute and was not prepared or interested in fighting the war which came as a rude shock to them once the Indians attacked Lahore. Pakistani military writers like Shaukat Riza’s claim that the Pakistan Army never wanted a war in 1965 but war broke out in 1965 largely because of those accursed Machiavellian schemers i.e. Bhutto and Aziz Ahmad; does not speak very highly about the standard of resolution of Ayub or Musa.What is the aim of an army if it never wanted to fight a war to settle a just cause or to recover a territory which was at least as official propaganda went some sort of a Pakistani Alsace or Lorraine. It is an open secret that till this day the Pakistan Army claims that it was the Foreign Office who got them involved in 1965. So what did the army’s leadership want; to rule their own people, in uninterrupted peace,creating large business empires which made many far more prosperous than they were in 1958! Perhaps the only positive impact of the 1965 war was the realisation in the otherwise politically naive and docile Pakistani masses that their leaders were essentially making a fool out of them and Kashmir was just a cheap slogan to galvanise the masses! Unfortunately, that is what history is about! The masses have always been mobilised by great actors who were great leaders! Kashmir was never regarded as an issue by Ayub but was forced upon him by the hawks like Bhutto and Aziz, off course again for the wrong reasons, more subjective than objective, aided by military advice of Akhtar Malik. It is an irony of Pakistani military history that these civilian hawks possessed much greater resolution than the two soldiers leading the country’s government and the army! Once a man lacks resolution his conduct is vacillating and indecisive and all decisions that he makes are compromises and half measures. But even worse is the case when a man in total power lacks military talent or that animal instinct or talent that enabled civilians like Cromwell, Hitler, Stalin or Mao to do great things in the military sphere! It was a case of military incompetence at the highest level combined with lack of resolution! This essentially was the tragedy of the Pakistan Army in 1965. A time when it was still possible to settle the so-called Kashmir dispute by exercising the military option. It is best to quote Clausewitz who gave guidelines about the philosophy of war at least seventy five to ninety years before Ayub and Musa were born, but whose ideas perhaps were not digested by both of them. Clausewitz said; “No war is commenced, or, at least no war should be commenced, if people acted wisely, without first seeking a reply to the question, what is to be attained? The first is the final object; the other is the immediate aim. By this chief consideration the whole course of the war is prescribed, the extent of the means and the measure of energy are determined; its influence manifests itself down to the smallest organ of action”.90 The Pakistani leadership and the sycophants who courted them later laid the entire blame for starting the war on one who had nothing to do with soldiering and one who was not in any case the right authority for asking the question whether the Indians would start an all out war even if their jugular was severed !It was an irony that a soldier and not a naive civilian was leading the country at this stage. One who was far more naive than even Shaastri the civilian who knew much less about soldiering but understood grand strategy in a crystal clear manner. The Indians however dumb their execution of war at least started it with clear cut and definite rationale and did achieve their aim of putting an end to military adventurism in Kashmir. The Pakistani leadership, and this included the army chief turned president, was confused and as a result conducted the war with most inexplicably.


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Responsibility for Operation Gibraltar and possible motivation of various principal characters

Operation Gibraltar conceived by the ISI91 as Gauhar has stated and perhaps by Akhtar Hussain Malik and/or other people and were in vogue since 1958 was approved by President Ayub in July 1965 and executed from 1st August 196592. This means that the operation was not a conspiracy by the Pakistani Foreign Minister Bhutto alone or a pet of General Akhtar but had the blessings of Ayub. Since 1977 many Pakistani intellectuals have been wasting a lot of stationery in proving that Ayub was an innocent bystander who was duped by his Machiavellian Foreign Minister! This is an exercise in futility and it is high time that it is stopped. Above all it proves that the intellectual calibre of the Pakistani GHQ was so low that responsibility for conceiving military operations had been abdicated to the Foreign Office! The idea was too idealistic and naive but before it was launched its advocates included almost everybody who mattered in the Pakistani military and political hierarchy! Off course later with the benefit of hindsight almost all participants tried to lay the entire blame on the Pakistani Foreign Office and Mr Z.A Bhutto.

After 1965 War an exercise was initiated to prove that Ayub Khan was duped by his Foreign Minister into war with India! One opponent of Bhutto propelled by a body chemistry of pure and unadulterated venom alleged that it was a conspiracy on part of Bhutto, so that Pakistan may lose the 1965 War as a result of which Bhutto would succeed Ayub as Pakistan’s next ruler!93

In the final analysis it was Ayub who bears the ultimate responsibility for ordering Gibraltar! Failure is no crime! Churchill one of the greatest names in modern history has been accused of ordering the Gallipoli landing, which turned out to be a blunder in terms of fallacious execution! But the idea was brilliant, and this mind you is Liddell Hart’s verdict! It was in execution that it failed! Continuing on this line of thinking Ayub or Bhutto cannot be accused of blundering! War as Clausewitz says is directed on assumptions and “All action in war is directed on probable, not on certain results. Whatever is wanting in certainty must be left to fate or chance, call it, which you will. We may demand that what is so left should be as little as possible, but only in relation to the particular case...”. To thus rephrase Clausewitz with special reference to Gibraltar or Grand Slam, initiating both operations was not a crime as many including the Pakistani official historian Shaukat Riza were trying to prove! It was failure to achieve success which was possible to achieve due to various military organisational strategic and operational lapses, which was a crime!

The aim of Gibraltar and Grand Slam was after all to internationalise or defreeze the Kashmir issue . The positive aspect about Grand Slam was the fact that unlike the most recent operation Kargil of 1999 Pakistan’s means were more balanced in relation to its objectives.

A word about the motivation of various principal characters in launching Gibraltar and Grand Slam. Ayub viewed Gibraltar and Grand Slam as acts of limited aggression like the Rann of Kutch skirmish which would force India into negotiating on Kashmir at best and redeem his political position at worst. Bhutto and Aziz also had similar ambitions on a smaller scale! Akhtar Malik may have been motivated by the lust for glory, a perfectly honourable aspiration as per Clausewitz . His minority status and humble origins , having risen from the ranks may have made this urge stronger!

Intelligence Failure on both sides

There were intelligence failures on both sides. The Indians failing to discover the move of 7 Division and heavy concentration of armour and artillery opposite Chamb and the 6 Armoured Division’s existence. The Pakistanis failing to discover the true extent of Indian preparations and its firm intention to launch an all out war.

The breakdown of command issue

The breakdown of command issue has not been understood by many civilian and military writers who have discussed Grand Slam. Confusion, uncertainty and breakdown of information are the norms rather than the exception in war. Breakdown of command was rationalised later by apologists of Ayub to justify the change of command. Wireless failures, communication breakdowns and loss of key commanders are a normal occurrence in military history! In 1971 war an infantry unit in the same sector went missing just before the attack despite having all the wireless sets. In the, same sector in 1971 a brigades units were missing and a brigade attack had to be postponed for twenty four hours. In the same sector in 1971 despite having all the communication and divisional command arrangements two infantry brigades kept feeding their divisional headquarters. Anyone who has a doubt may read the 23 Divisions second principal staff officer Lieutenant Colonel Saeed Ahmad’s book “Battle of Chamb-1971”.94 Clausewitz throughout his work “On War” states that “Breakdown of command” is the most normal condition in war. It appears that a breakdown of communication did take place on 1/2 Sept 1965.

However, some direct participants hold the view that even then, the delay of 24 hours was avoidable in case change of command had not taken place. To conclude, it was a choice of four to six hours breakdown of command and control and 24 to 36 hours change of command between Akhtar Malik’s continuing as commander or Yahya’s take over as the commander. The only serious point that can be brought against Akhtar Malik is delay in resuming operations on 2nd September 1965. The Indians had commenced their withdrawal from Chamb at 2050 hours on 1st September 1965. 12 Division had nothing in print after 2400 hours 1st September, 1965 and should have commenced its advance towards Jaurian by 0700 hours involving 2nd Sept 1965. At 1100 hours when change of command was ordered 12 Division was still on the west bank of Tawi.


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Concentration of Resources and All Arms Cooperation

The advantage of overwhelming superiority in armour was, however, not utilised in the initial plan by distributing armour over two axes under infantry brigades who in turn dished out squadrons to their infantry battalions for the dirty work of close support! This meant that artillery fire could not be concentrated and the artillery general Shaukat’s caustic but accurate observation that artillery fire on 1st September 1965, although initially concentrated, was naturally distributed into targets spread over a 30,000 yards front 98 after the Pre-H-Hour bombardment. There is a discrepancy in accounts of Shaukat Riza and Amjad Chaudhry about utilisation of artillery .Shaukat claims that artillery fire after the H-Hour was distributed and thus relatively ineffective, however, Chaudhry states that even after H-Hour some Indian strongpoints were “attacked with as many as 13 batteries of all calibre” 99. It is true that armour was not properly employed on 1st September 1965 but the superiority in tanks when combined with overwhelming artillery support even then was so immense that the 191 Brigade was no longer a fighting force by the night of 1st September 1965.

Smaller Controversies in conduct of operations.

Some participants were of the view that Yahya assessed that the Indian 41 Brigade position required a deliberate and planned attack and this delayed the attack on 41 Brigade position at Troti by few hours. This, however, is a matter of assessment and no general in war is a prophet who knows the DS solution.

Failure to create strategic dislocation

The important factor which salvaged their position was the fact that “dislocation” was not imposed on them. This factor can only be understood in the classic Clausewitzian scenario of diminishing force of attack. The Pakistanis were attackers and their capability of offensive action was fast being reduced due to casualties and successive narrowing down of space for manoeuvre. On the other hand the Indian defensive capability was improving. Their 191 Brigade was dislocated but the Pakistanis had failed to “dislocate the equilibrium” of the 10 Division; something which was well within their grasp, had no change of command taken place on the 2nd of September.

Chances of Pakistani success in Grand Slam

The Pakistani chances of success in Grand Slam were very high, had the change of command not occurred on 2nd September 1965. The Indians described Grand Slam as “bold and masterly” in conception.100 The Indians found the 24 hour delay on from morning of 2nd to 3rd September inexplicable at a time when in words of their highest operational commander “the sudden collapse of 191 Brigade had created a critical situation”.101 The Indians thus were confounded and one of their leading historians remarks i.e “ There was a pause in operations (referring to Pakistan’s 12 Division) because, for some accountable reasons, the Pakistanis relieved 12 Infantry Division and handed over conduct of further operations to Major General Yahya Khan”.102 Another Indian direct participant and chief of staff of Western Command, no relative of Bhutto or Akhtar Malik noted “At 1100 hours on 2nd September an event of great significance took place. The enemy came to our rescue. There was a change in the command of Pakistan’s operational force in Chamb. HQ 7 Infantry Division replaced HQ 12 Infantry Division. With the inevitable procedural delay that such changes involves, we got a breather of 36 hours. Our forces reeling under the impact of relentless onslaught so far regained a measure of balance. It was a providential reprieve. Major General Mohammad Yahya Khan took over the command of operations as he thought it was a sure success and wanted all the glory for himself. GOC 12 Div Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik was sent back to look after the Hill Sector.”103 The Indians were in a bad shape on the morning of 2nd September. Contrary to Pakistani writers writing with ulterior motives of settling personal scores assertion that “the Indians had been building up their strength for defence of Munawar gap through which Pakistan could attack Akhnur”.104 The reader may gauge this so-called build up from direct quotes from Indian military historians:— “C squadron 20 Lancers (the only Indian tank force between Tawi and Akhnur on 2nd September) had only three tanks left”.105 The only reinforcements were at Pathankot some 80 miles from Akhnur and these consisted of another light tank squadron of 20 Lancers which had no ability to withstand Pakistan’s two tank regiments of five Patton Squadrons. The 191 Brigade was marching to Akhnur since 2050 hours night 01 September and the 41 Brigade which later established a position at Jaurian by morning of 3rd September was at Akhnur. The Indian armoured corps historian described the change of command of 12 Division as a “Godsend for 41 Mountain Brigade which improved and consolidated its defences”.106

Employment of Armour

Armour was not correctly employed on 1st September 1965. Regardless of all rhetoric about Grand Slam’s brilliance, armour was under-utilised and poorly employed. The vast numerical advantage of six to one in armour, was partially nullified by dividing the two tank regiments between two brigades who in turn dished out each tank squadron to one infantry battalion. Thus instead of using the armour as a punch it was used like a thin net, as a result of which its hitting power was vastly reduced while the Indians were able to engage tank squadrons made to charge them in a piecemeal manner! Thus while the Pakistani victory, thanks to tank numerical and qualitative superiority was a foregone conclusion, the cost in terms of equipment and loss of manpower was too high as the following figures prove. 11 Cavalry lost 19 killed alone in Grand Slam and all 19 of these brave men were killed on 1st September 1965!107 The readers may note that this figure exceeds killed casualties of all regular infantry units which fought the Grand Slam battle from 1st September till ceasefire except 9 Punjab which lost 24 killed. But then the total effective strength of an armoured regiment is around 400 while that of infantry battalion is around 800. The reader, however, is cautioned not to jump to false conclusions about Grand Slam from this single example. Some units like 14 Punjab lost as few as 3 killed while the total killed of all regular infantry and tank regiments did not exceed the figure of 104 killed.108 The reader may note that the casualties of the 10 Indian Division were 246 killed and 240 missing most of whom were killed.109 On the other hand the fighting on 1st September was in prepared defences and far more difficult than later. Armour’s mishandling was affordable on 1st September 1965 and was improper but not lethal as was the case with change of command on 2nd September.

Organisational Failures

It appears that in mid-May 1965 when Ayub attending the Murree briefing earlier discussed the idea that 12 Division’s task was too big to defend Kashmir as well as conduct Grand Slam did not occur to Ayub! This man commanded the corps without ever having thought how his corps with five divisions with one river dividing his command and with divergent and different roles fight their battles in war.Kashmir with 400 miles of difficult terrain was left to be commanded by one divisional headquarters though we have seen that as early as 1948 the Indians keeping in view the terrain requirements had subdivided the area into two divisional commands. Raising another divisional headquarters’ was not that much of an expensive issue so as to require US aid! Similarly it was taken for granted that one corps headquarter with a not very intellectually gifted commander was enough to control four divisions; two in defence in two different areas with a major river in between and two divisions which were supposed to carry the war into enemy territory, one of which was an armoured division! To say that by 1965 it was already too late, to raise another divisional headquarters, after the plan to launch Gibraltar was made, does not hold any substance. The Indians as late as 1st September 1965 brought in a new divisional headquarters to command and control the operations in Chamb-Akhnur area. Pakistan had the 8 Division Headquarters which had been stripped of all its brigades and was doing nothing at Kharian.This headquarter could have been tasked to take care of Grand Slam.It required imagination and common sense and it is not just enough to blame Mr Shoaib the Finance Minister for not having another divisional headquarter!110 Ayub Khan did not change the command arrangement in Kashmir after he became the C in C in 1951 and the same situation i.e. Kashmir being entrusted to one divisional headquarter continued till 1958. Ayub’s understanding of basic principles of command and organisation can be gauged from the fact that he thought that one divisional headquarter was enough to control 25 battalions of infantry organised under five sector (brigade) headquarters spread over 400 miles of the most difficult mountainous terrain in the world! Shaukat Riza does not find anything wrong in this arrangement. This command arrangement contained the seeds of disaster of many failures of 1965 war as far as Operation Grand Slam was concerned. The problem was not that of lack of US dollars but essentially lack of perception on part of the hero of Burma fame! Creating two or three divisional headquarters did not require US aid but operational vision, a quality which Ayub lacked. In 1990 a British General who knew Ayub well, having served in Indian Army in WW Two; hit the nail in the head once he wrote without off course mentioning the “12 Divisional Headquarters Command Organisational Fiasco” that “as C in C Ayub was an adequate administrator but without operational experience....and devoid of tactical flair and organisational understanding”.111 This statement cannot be taken lightly. Shaukat Hayat and Sher Ali as Ayub’s opponents may be accused of being subjective in their criticism. Lieutenant General Sir James Wilson cannot be put in this category. Wilson also observed Ayub from close quarters while serving as General Gracey’s Private Secretary in 1949. If Akhtar Hussain Malik broke down soon after change of command and wept, while blaming no one it was not because he had failed but because he was too much of a gentleman to blame anyone! God Bless his soul! While the senior Indian generals have admitted that change of command was crucial in saving Akhnur, we have been downgrading the achievements of very few great generals in our history! This self-defeating exercise was conducted by all, the military establishment and the civilians, and for various reasons, all of which had nothing to do with military history! These few great men who we have been unjustly criticising, left footprints, not business empires on the sands of time! That’s why their sons are not ministers or members of national assembly! Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself!

Assessment of 12 Division’s Role in 1965 . War at the strategic level and Influence of Operation Gibraltar and Grand Slam on Indian Military Operations in Kashmir

It is a tragedy of Pakistani military history that the futile mudslinging matches between various mandarins and political opponents of Bhutto, in the process of pursuance and as part of a war of egos has clouded the true contribution of 12 Division at the strategic level in the 1965 War. Grand Slam was a military operation approved by all who mattered at the highest level in the Pakistani decision making circles. The exercise of downplaying 12 Division’s role in 1965 is a classic case of misinformation through verbal sophistry but without concrete knowledge. One in which self-styled experts well described in the English verse “Never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of battle knew, More than a spinster”, indulged in a battle of words, assigning to their opponent, more Machiavellian qualities than he could have humanly possessed! The vastness of Akhtar’s task may be gauged from the fact that his command was spread over a 400 mile area containing mountains between 3,000 to 28,000 feet and his 25 battalions were facing more than 38 Indian infantry battalions. The reader may note that the total Indian battalions in Ravi-Sutlej corridor opposite Lahore, Barki, Bedian and Kasur never exceeded 30 while the entire Indian 1 Corps and 26 Division’s total strength between Chenab and Ravi never exceeded 29 infantry battalions. On the other hand Kashmir, north of Chenab observed around 38 and perhaps more infantry battalions. The following table is self-explanatory:—111a

15 (Incl 11 AK Battalions)​
2/3 Regt​
7 (Including 2 TDU)​
6 1/3​
10 (Including 2 TDU)​


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The Foreign Involvement Dimension and the Change of Command Controversy

Brigadier Amjad Chaudhry raised some doubts that the change of command took place because of US pressure. This is the realm of speculation. It is highly improbable that this was the reason for change of command. Of all the people Ayub had the maximum to gain from success of Grand Slam. It appears that change of command had more to do with Ayub’s lack of military insight than with superpower interference! Yahya as later events proved was his hot favourite and was being groomed to take over as the next chief as Musa’s book “From Jawan to General” proves. Musa writes in his memoirs that Yahya was not his first choice as Army C in C but was selected by Ayub overruling Musa’s reservations about Yahya’s character.112 Musa’s book prove that he did not like Akhtar Malik. So, here there was a convergence of objectives. Musa not liking Akhtar since he was close to Bhutto and Ayub liking Yahya having made up his mind to groom him for higher ranks. The situation on night 1st September 1965 was excellent. So why not let Yahya have the credit. It was ignorance and naivety of the worse kind on part of both Ayub and Musa to decide on the change of command!

Grand Slam-Some other viewpoints:-

This scribe interviewed certain direct participants, who for reasons in comprehensible are still terribly afraid of being quoted. One direct participant stated that even after 6 Brigade had replaced 10 Brigade on 6/7 September 1965 Eftikhar Khan (6 Bde Comd) told General Yahya that he could capture Akhnur since his forward troops are at “Mahwali Khad”. Yahya, however, told Eftikhar to stay put and to forget about Akhnur.

Some participants from 7 Division alleged that Gen Malik was not tracable on 1st & 2nd Sept 1965 and reasons for this absence according to the participants were ones which cannot be written. This school of thought holds the view that Amjad Chaudhry was covering Akhtar’s absence since they were from the same community ! This scribe met a retired colonel many years ago and discussed this question with him. The colonel who again did not wish to be quoted stated that General Akhtar retained the same alertness and clarity of mind even after chemical factors had produced significant changes in the body chemistry, thus dismissing doubts that the general was not sober on night 1/2 September 1965! The colonel was the generals district mate and from the same battalion! Allegations of such type have been levelled against General Grant, Mustafa Kemal etc and are beyond the scope of this brief article.

The Rationale of Grand Slam and its timing

The million dollar question that no one including Ayub’s latest biographer has answered is about the timing and strategic rationale of Grand Slam! Shaukat Riza the official historian of the Pakistan Army has nothing to say except that the aim of Grand Slam was to “force the Indian Army to throw up its gains in 12 Division area”. If this was the aim then Grand Slam was a miserable failure since the Indians did not evacuate an inch of territory in Kashmir because of Grand Slam! It did so only after Tashkent but so did Pakistan! So at the strategic level Grand Slam, in the manner it was launched had no strategic aim but merely a mid- level operational aim and one that provoked India into launching an all out war! This fact proves Ayub’s lack of strategic insight! Shaukat Riza also states in his very disjointed history that the “aim of Grand Slam was limited (again a compliment to Ayub’s strategic acumen!) i.e to relieve pressure against 12 Division.”113 Shaukat also notes that the army was a part of the wishful thinking when he states that “General Sher Bahadur admitted that it was wishful on our part to believe that Indian reaction to Grand Slam would be restricted to Kashmir”.114 Musa does not give any strategic rationale for Grand Slam in his book. But then Musa was not expected to have anything to do with strategy! Gauhar admits the ambiguity about the plans strategic rationale and timing when he writes “the purpose of Grand Slam was never clearly defined”.115

All this lack of strategic acumen is no compliment to Ayub! Altaf then praises Ayub at this point for selecting Akhnur as an objective in his book but fails to note that Ayub despite being a soldier never appreciated that there is a military term known as “Riposte” which means “Strike a vulnerable point thus forcing the enemy to abandon his attack”.116 War is not an isolated attack and the higher the level, the broader is the requirement to examine a matter from all angles. Akhtar Hussain Malik the GOC of 12 Division had to think only about his division but Ayub as Supreme Commander had to think about the whole country. The fact that Ayub as a soldier at least by length of service if not by virtue of having seen much of combat, failed to realise that if one adversary goes for another’s jugular vein as Ayub called Akhnur, speaks volumes for Ayub’s comprehension of a strategic issue, also keeping in mind the fact that the enemy in question had already redeployed his striking force and reserve divisions within 10 to 50 miles of the main Indo-Pak border since mid-1965!

Ayub approved both “Operation Gibraltar” as the infiltration campaign was called and “Operation Grand Slam” as the thrust against Akhnur was later to be called.117 The Army and men like Altaf Gauhar and Shaukat Riza were to later blame the Foreign Office for provoking India to attack Pakistan!

Who conceived the Grand Slam plan:—

Altaf Gauhar insists that it was Ayub who made the brilliant choice of Akhnur as an objective and that everyone praised him for doing so!118 Amjad Chaudhry and many in the army state that Akhnur was Akhtar Malik’s choice. Here Musa has come to our help although somewhat unwittingly! Musa first states that “The push towards Akhnur was not part of it (The original Gibraltar plan). However it was considered as one of the likely operations that we might have to undertake, as we felt that our activities would have an escalating effect”.119 This proves that the attack on Akhnur was already forwarded by 12 Division as one of the contingencies in the initial planning. Musa did not want to say it but inadvertently admitted this reality! Musa later in the same book also states that Ayub did say in the same meeting “Why don’t you go for Akhnur”, but the first part of the paragraph in Musa ‘s book proves that the Grand Slam idea i.e choice of Akhnur as an objective had originated from the 12 Division.

Grand Slam compared with Battle of Chamb-1965

It is an ironic fact of history that Grand Slam has attracted far more attention than the Battle of Chamb of 1971. Chamb was a far more difficult to enter in 1971 than in 1965! Four Indian brigades were deployed on ground to defend it unlike 1965 when the only Indian troops in 1965 holding the area consisted of one overstretched brigade. In 1971 two Indian tank units of technically better tanks than the two attacking Pakistani units were defending it! The Pakistani artillery was inferior to Indian artillery in 1971 both in technical as well as numerical terms. The Pakistani commander Eftikhar Khan was far more dynamic than anything that Pakistani army has seen from 1947 till to date! In 1971, keeping in view the near parity of all types of forces/equipment even capturing Chamb was an achievement! In 1965 not capturing Akhnur, keeping in view the overwhelming Pakistani superiority in tanks and artillery was the worst operational and strategic crime in Pakistani military history!

Ultimate Responsibility for failure to take Akhnur

The ultimate responsibility for failure in not taking Akhnur rests on Ayub. Yahya in case he obeyed Ayub’s orders for not taking Akhnur was merely obeying orders. Amjad Chaudhry, however, blamed Yahya alone since some critics hold that Yahya had not considered him fit to be promoted to general rank. The principal responsibility for not taking Akhnur lies with Ayub.


Ambition, lust for glory etc are perfectly reasonable aspirations where they are matched with military talent pertaining to operational strategy, low intensity operations, strategic insight or statesmanship! All these were sadly lacking at all levels, except unit level bravery and enthusiasm! Gibraltar failed because of pure and unadulterated military incompetence and Akhtar Malik bears the principle responsibility for Gibraltar! The Grand Slam story was different! It was not a case of balanced distribution of lack of talent at all levels that resulted in the failure of Grand Slam! The principle reason why Grand Slam failed was delay in initial launching and change of command!

Pakistani victory in Grand Slam keeping in view the immense superiority in armour and artillery was a foregone conclusion, just like the Indian victory in East Pakistan! Any divisional commander with a medium calibre could have captured Akhnur! The fatal error was change in command! Victory despite all the imperial blunders committed by 12 Division on 1st September was within Pakistan’s grasp, had not Ayub and Musa ordered change of command! The issue was not that Akhtar was brilliant or Yahya incompetent but simply that the very act of change of command was against all sound military axioms even if Yahya was Akhtar and Akhtar Yahya!

There is nothing that can describe “Operation Grand Slam” more accurately and briefly than Schiller’s quotation i.e “What is lost in a moment, is lost for eternity”! The dilemma that destroyed the Pakistani chances of victory or at least strategic dominance were also summed up long ago by another great philosopher Sun Tzu who described the most essential condition for victory as a general who has the military capacity and is not interfered with by his sovereign!

This article is not the defence of any individual but a humble attempt to see military facts as they were! It was written because a person who I hold in very high esteem asked me to do so. The only point that pinches a dispassionate student of the art of war is the fact that Grand Slam was launched some three to four days late and the change of command on 2nd September gave the Indians 24 valuable hours to dig a position at line Jaurian-Troti! The seeds of its failure were planted many years before when soldiers strayed into politics and became more interested in creating business of power, devolution of power and basic democracies, rather than in military theory, strategy, operational strategy, doctrine and military reorganisation! Grand Slam was Pakistan’s failure, Pakistan Army’s failure! It was not Ayub’s failure alone, nor Bhutto’s failure, nor Akhtar Malik’s failure! Operation Gibraltar was an altogether different affair but this article is about Grand Slam! All the reasons for Pakistan’s foreign policy of appeasing USA were rendered null and void on 6th September 1965! War is a continuation of policy but only so when those who conduct it have military talent! This was sadly lacking in the Pakistan Army and the Pakistani supreme commander at the strategic level! Pity the army that blames its foreign minister for military failures! Foreign policy whatever its quality or failures gave the Pakistan Army Pattons, locators and 8 inch howitzers to blast a hole in the bloody valley of Munawar Tawi! The true failure was Ayub’s and Musa’s in failure to function as army chiefs and national leader, so as to ensure that political questions could be settled with military effectiveness! Ayub had the maximum to gain from Grand Slam! Ayub erred in this case not because of irresolution alone but more because of lack of strategic, operational and organisational insight! The change of command, as we have discussed, and delay in launching the operation, was the main reason, if not the only reason, why Grand Slam failed! n


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1 Page-21-Raiders in Kashmir- Ex Major General Akbar Khan, D.S.O-First Printed 1970-Karachi-Reprinted by Jang Publishers-Lahore-1992.Page-214-‘The Nation that Lost its Soul’-Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan-Jang Publishers-Lahore-April 1995. Shaukat Hayat states that Akhnur was an objective assigned to the 1947 irregulars tasked to invade Kashmir from Pakistan in 1947, while Akbar Khan who is relatively more credible states that the objective was Kathua-Jammu Road.

2 Page - 266-‘The Kashmir Campaign’-1947-48-Historical Section-General Staff Branch-General Headquarters-Rawalpindi-1970.

3 Page-295 & 296-The Pakistan Army-1947-1949- Major General Shaukat Riza -Printed by Wajid Ali’s (Private) Limited-Lahore and distributed by Services Book Club-General Headquarters-Rawalpindi-1989. The signal initiated on orders of General Bucher the Indian C in C to General Gracey the Pakistani C in C and signed by Brigadier General Staff Manekshaw was thus worded; “In view of political development my government thinks continuation of moves and countermoves too often due to misunderstanding accompanied by firesupport seems senseless and wasteful in human life besides only tending to embitter feelings. My Government authorises me to state I will have their full support if I order Indian troops to remain in present positions and to ceasefire. Naturally I cannot issue any such order until I have assurance from you that you are in a position to take immediate reciprocal and effective action.Please reply, most immediate.If you agree I shall send you by signal verbatim copies of any orders issued by me and I will expect you to do the same”.This signal was dated 30th December and the Pakistani artillery had just bombarded the Beri Pattan Bridge.

4 Page-115- ‘The Story of the Pakistan Army’- Major General Fazal Muqeem Khan-Oxford University -Karachi- 1963. Page-120-‘The Story of Soldiering and Politics in India and Pakistan’-Major General Nawabzada Sher Ali Pataudi-First Published Lahore-1976-Reprinted by Syed Mobin Mahmud and Company-Lahore-1988. Page-117-Akbar Khan-Op Cit. Page-15, 16 & 17-September ‘65-’Before and After’-Brigadier Amjad Ali Khan Chaudhry-Ferozsons Limited -Lahore-1976. The reader may note that Fazal Muqeems’ book was written in 1963 with the direct blessing of the ruling military clique in Pakistan. Muqeem who was later to criticise Ayub Khan the then Pakistani President, in this book hailed Ayub as Pakistan’s saviour!

5 Page-120-Sher Ali-Op Cit.

6 Page-343- ‘Modern Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan’-S.M Ikram-Shiekh Mohammad Ashraf-Kashmiri Bazar Lahore-Second Edition-July 1965. S.M Ikram was a Punjabi Muslim civil servant whose book is a landmark study of Indian Muslim politics and highlights the Punjabi Muslim point of view about modern Muslim history. His book again had the blessing of Ayub and was reprinted in a revised form at a time when Ayub was involved in a political confrontation with his opponents led by Mr Jinnah’s sister. As a result Ayub enlisted the services of many paid intellectuals in order to reduce Jinnah’s role in the Pakistani history and projection of Iqbal in his place as a greater leader. (Refers-Page-140-‘The Military in Pakistan-Image and Reality’-Brigadier A.R Siddiqi-Vanguard Books Pvt Limited-Lahore-1996).

7Pages-84 to 92-Brigadier A.R Siddiqi-Op Cit. General Gul Hassan Khan who was the Pakistani Director of Military Operations in 1965 and later rose to the post of Pakistan Army’s C in C also thought that in May 1965 the Indian Army’s morale was at its lowest ebb following the Rann Skirmish (Refers-Page-179-‘Memoirs of General Gul Hassan Khan’-Oxford University Press-Karachi-1993). This was also the opinion of Aziz Ahmad the then Foreign Secretary who according to Gauhar was convinced that India could be dislodged from Kashmir by a guerrilla war in which Pakistan Army actively participated (Refers-Page-319-’Ayub Khan-Pakistan’s First Military Ruler’-Altaf Gauhar-Sang-E-Meel Publications-Lahore-1993).

8 Page-321-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

9 Page-36-‘My Version -Indo Pakistan War-1965’-General Musa Khan-Wajid Alis Limited-Lahore-1983-Page-322-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit-Page-183-Gul Hassan-Op Cit.

10 The book enjoyed official patronage and was distributed to military libraries and units by the Army Education Directorate Edn-4 (Lib). See Note on first page bearing no number-‘Fallacies and Realities’-Major General Aboobaker Osman Mitha-Maktaba Fikr-O-Danish (which has no future in Indo Pak!)-Lahore-1994.

11 Page-43-Ibid. This disproves the theory that the idea about Operation Gibraltar originated from outside the army!

12 Ibid. Mitha does not explain why that angel of a man Ayub later agreed to launch Operation Gibraltar!

13 For Gul’s statement regarding the time when the decision to launch Gibraltar was taken, see Page-116,167 & 168-Gul Hassan Khan-Op Cit. For Gauhar’s statement regarding Aziz Ahmad’s assessment of the Kashmir situation see Page-319-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

14Annexure-G to GHQ Letter Number 4050/5/MO-1 Dated 29 August 1965.Directive from President Ayub Khan to General Mohammad Musa, Commander in Chief Pakistan Army. Quoted by Stanley Wolpert -Page-91 of main text and page-338 of Bibliographical Notes-‘Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan-His Life and Times’-Stanley Wolpert-Oxford University Press-Karachi-1993.

15 Page-323-Ibid.

16 Page-10-Musa Khan -Op Cit.

17Page-65-‘Pakistan -Bharat Jang-September 1965’- Lieutenant Colonel Mukhtar Ahmad Gillani-142 Harley Street- Rawalpindi-July 1998.

18 Pages-65 & 66-Ibid.

19 Ibid.

20Page-67-Ibid. Colonel Gilani claims that it commenced from 15th August 1965. Musa states that the operation was put into effect from 7th August 1965 (Refers-Page-35-Musa Khan-Op Cit. Gauhar whose authenticity of facts is less reliable since he was a civilian states that all the forces commenced movement from 24 July and reached their destinations (in Indian Held Kashmir) by 28 July 1965 (Refers-Page-323-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit). Brigadier Z.A Khan claims that movement commenced in late July and the ceasefire line was crossed from 1st August 1965, while 7th August 1965 was the date set for commencement of operations (Refers- Page -155-‘The Way it Was’-Brigadier Z.A Khan-Dynavis Private Limited-Pathfinder Fountain -Karachi-1998. The Indian account dates the beginning of infiltration from 5th August (Refers-Page-26- ‘War Despatches’- Lieutenant General Harbaksh Singh-Lancer International-New Delhi-1991.) and larger moves from 8/9 August 1965 (refers-pages-30 & 31-Ibid).

21 Page-26-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

22Page-251-‘The Indian Army after Independence’-Major K.C Praval-First Published in 1987-Lancer International-New Delhi-Paperback Edition Reprinted in 1993.

23 Ibid.

24 Page-41- Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

25 Page-36-Ibid

26 Page-38-Ibid.

27 Page-127-‘Behind the Scenes-An Analysis of India’s Military Operations’-1947-71-Major General Joginder Singh-Lancer International-New Delhi-1993.

28 Page-43-Ibid.

29 Pages-105 to 110-‘The Pakistan Army’-War 1965- Major General Shaukat Riza -Printed for Army Education Press by M/S Wajid Alis Limited-Lahore-1984.

30 Pages-104 to 109-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

31 Page-39-Musa Khan -Op Cit and Page-110-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

32Page-111-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit. For Shaukat’s quoting Musa and Sher Bahadur about danger of loss of Muzaffarabad see Page-113-Ibid.

33 Page-39-Musa Khan-Op Cit.

34Page-344- ‘The Indian Armour-History of the Indian Armoured Corps’-1941-1971- Major General Gurcharan Singh Sandhu-Vision Books-New Delhi-1993.

35 The description of terrain is based on narratives of K.C Praval and Gurcharan Singh Sandhu op cit, Article-Battle Lore-Breakthrough in Chamb- in Soldier Speaks-Selected Articles from Pakistan Army Journal-1956-1981-Army Education Press-General Headquarters-First Edition-1981.The Battle of Chamb-Lt Col Saeed-Army Education Press-GHQ-1979.

36Page-345-Gurcharan Singh Sandhu-Op Cit.

37Page-334 and 345-Ibid. For explanation of Code name “Operation Ablaze” see Page-89-Joginder Singh-Op Cit.

38 Page-345-Ibid and Page-36-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

39 Page-345-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

40 Page-26-Joginder Singh-Op Cit.

41 Pages-36 & 37-Ibid

42 Pages-343 & 334-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

43 Page-344-Ibid.

44 Page-345-Ibid and Page-257-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

45 Page-255-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

46 Page-257-Ibid

47 Ibid.

48 Page-104-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

49 Footnote Number One-Page-46-Amjad Ali Khan Chaudhry-Op Cit.

50 Pages114 & 115-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

51 Page-117 & 118-Ibid.

52 Page -297-Gurcharan Singh -Op Cit.

53 Page-39-Musa Khan-Op Cit.

54 Page-48-Amjad Chaudhry -Op Cit..

55 Page-116-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.

56 Ibid. This was achievement of the indomitable gunner Amjad Chaudhry who was later not promoted for doing well in war ! Amjad was assisted by another extremely able artillery officer Aleem Afridi who was later famous in removing Yahya by threatening him with a march of 6 Armoured Division to Rawalpindi immediately after the surrender at Dacca and later in the Attock Conspiracy case to overthrow Mr Bhutto in 1972.

57 Page-49-Amjad Chaudhry-Op Cit.Shaukat Riza , who was more interested in the artillery aspect of all operations , does not state anything about the delay that was caused due to Burjeal , and its overall negative effect on the overall conduct of operations on the 1st September 1965 , but merely states that “Burjeal had been bypassed by 13 Punjab” and “Brigadier Zafar ordered 8 Baluch to clear the position forthwith” . (Refers-Page-120-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit).

58 Page-121-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.

59 Ibid.

60 Page-123-Ibid.

61 Page-62-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit . Harbaksh states that this was a “blemish on the fair name of 161 Field Regiment as well as 10 Division” .Also seePage-50-Amjad Chaudhry-Op Cit. It was here that Pakistani locating regiments proved their worth by locating Indian guns through modern US sound ranging devices .Chaudhry states that many 25 Pounders of this Indian unit received direct Pakistani artillery shell hits .K.C Praval says it was 14 Field Regiment ( Pages-260 & 261-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit).

62 Page-348-Gurcaharan Singh-Op Cit.

63 Page-60 & 61-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

64 Page-121-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.

65 Ibid.

66 See page-11 of Preface-Brig Gulzar Ahmad-Op Cit.

67 Page-151-Ibid.

68 Page-261-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

69 Page-55-Amjad Chaudhry-Op Cit.

70 Page-61-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

71 Page-124-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.

72 Page-348-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit

73 Page-60-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

74 Page-124-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.

75 Page-62-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

76 Page-131-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit. Auchinlek had passed a message saying “During three days at your advance headquarter, I have seen and heard enough to convince me, though I did not need convincing, that the determination to beat the enemy of your commanders and troops could not be greater, and I have no doubt whatever that he will be beaten . His position is desperate , and he is trying by lashing out in all directions to distract us from our object which is to destroy him utterly.we will not be distracted. And he will be destroyed.You have got your teeth into him.hang on and bite deeper and deeper and hang on till he is finished . give him no rest .The general situation in North Africa is EXCELLENT.There is only one order ATTACK AND PURSUE.ALL OUT EVERYONE. C. AUCHINLECK GENERAL C IN C. (Refers-Pages-312 & 313-The Sidi Rezegh Battles-1941-J.A.I Agar Hamilton and L.C.F Turner-Oxford University Press-Cape Town-1957.

77 Page-64-Amjad Chaudhry-Op Cit.

78 Page-63-Ibid.

79Page-46-Letter from a major from Lawrencepur dated 1st September 1975 to Editor Defence Journal Karachi- Defence Journal-No 11-Decemeber 1975-Volume Number-One-Karachi-1975.

80Pages-13 & 14-Article-Higher Conduct of 1965 War-Brigadier Riazul Karim Khan-Defence Journal-Special Issue-Volume Ten-Numbers-1-2-1984- Karachi.

81 Page-55-Brigadier Chaudhry-Op Cit.

82 Pages-39 & 40-Musa Khan -Op Cit.

83 Page-121-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

84 Explained in detail by Gul-Page-201-Gul Hassan Khan-Op Cit.

85 Bhutto later implicated Gauhar in a trumped up case on ridiculous grounds i.e possession of a bottle containing about 12 ounces of Scotch Whiskey and an old “Playboy” issue.

86 Remarks of a friend of Mr Bhutto who had served in Burma Shell quoted by Akhund (Memoirs of a Bystander) or Rafi Raza (Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Pakistan) published by Oxford University Press Karachi in 1997. The inability to provide an exact reference is regretted since I lost both the books which I had bought in 1997 and was unable to find a copy to locate the exact page number.

87 Pages-257 & 305-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

88Page-918 to 920-‘Shahab Nama’-Qudratullah Shahab-Sang-E-Meel Publications-Lahore-1994.Shahab who was with Ayub at that time as a civilian staff officer has given a detailed account of this incident. Shahab who later became very religious (as many men in their old age !!!!) was a sycophant par excellence who competed with,but was finally surpassed by another in playing the sycophant courtier with Ayub. Qudrat was notorious in sycophancy with Ayub and also wrote the notorious “The New Leaf” that appeared in the Pakistan Times issue of 19th April 1959. (Page-102-Pakistan-Military Rule or Peoples Power-Tariq Ali-Jonathan Cape-London-1970 ). Shahab was also notorious in initiating a campaign against Justice M.R Kayani (Page-4-Preface to M.R Kayani’s collected works by Iftikhar Ahmad Khan-‘The Whole Truth’-M.R Kayani-Pakistan Writers co-operative Society-Lahore-1988). A case of two typical lower middle class civil servants employing sycophancy as a tool for advancement! Herein lies the secret of success of many Pakistani successful civil servant families who later amassed great wealth despite being from basically humble or middle class background!

89Page-322-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

90Page-367-On War-Edited by Anatol Rapoport-Pelican Books-London-1974.

91Page-321-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

92Page-155-Brig Z.A Khan-Op Cit.

93Page-112-‘The First Round-Indo Pakistan War’-1965-M. Asghar Khan-Islamic Information Services Limited-London 1979.

94“Battle of Chamb”-Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Saeed-Army Education Press-GHQ Rawalpindi-1979.

95Page-45-Letter to the Editor Defence Journal from Major Khursheed Ahmad (Retired) , Hyderabad-Dated 26 Otober 1975 -Defence Journal-No 11-Decemeber 1975-Volume Number-One-Karachi-1975.

96Page-47-Letter to Editor Defence Journal from Lieutenant Colonel M.R Hassan (Retired) dated 06 October 1975.

97 Page-53 & 54-Amjad Chaudhry -Op Cit.

98 Page-123-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit

99 Page-48-Amjad Chaudhry-Op Cit.

100 Page-255-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

101 Page-61-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

102 Page-349-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

103 Page-118-Major General Joginder Singh-Op Cit.

104 Page-331-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

105 Page-349-Gurcharan Singh Sandhu-Op Cit.

106 Page-349-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

107 Page-45-History of 11 Cavalry (FF)-Lieutenant Colonel Khalid Gujjar-Quetta Cantt-1999.

108Calculated from total regular infantry casualties given by Lieutenant Colonel Mukhtar Gilani (Page-109-Colonel Mukhtar Gillani -Op Cit), total casualties of 11 Cavalry (Refers- page-45 of 11 Cavalry History-Op Cit) and total casualties of 13 Lancers i.e 16 killed (Refers-Page-160-Brig Z.A Khan -Op Cit).

109 Pages-404, 405 and 409-Major K.C Praval-Op Cit.

110 Page-182-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit. Till 18th September this Headquarters was doing nothing sitting in Kharian and in words of Shaukat Riza “engaged in line of communication pursuits”.

111Page-428-Article-Pakistan- ‘Memories of the Early Years’- Lieutenant General Sir James Wilson-in-Army Quarterly and Defence Journal -Volume-120-Issue Number Four-Tavistock Street-London-October-1990.

111aPage-230-Footnote 68-The Pakistan Army Till 1965-Major A.H Amin-P.O Box 13146-Arlington-VA-22219-USA-17 August 1999.

112 Page-187- Jawan to General-General Mohammad Musa- East and West Publishing Company-Karachi-1984.

113 Page-113-Shauakat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

114 Page-114-Ibid.

115 Page-327-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

116 Page-39-‘An Introduction to Strategy’-General Andre Beaufre-Faber and Faber-London-1965. Altaf praised Ayub in the following words; “everyone admired Ayub for giving the operation a real edge and a new dimension” (Page-322-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit).In the Army and Civil Service as in the Corporate Sector the sycophants are always admiring their bosses.Psychologists have concluded that , “Flattery” pays and it does gets you into better places”. See Pages-321 to 328- of the Research Essay-“Flattery Will Get You Somewhere:Styles and Uses of Ingratiation”-Edward.E.Jones-in Readings About the Social Animal-Edited by Ariel Aronson-W.H Freeman and Company-San Francisco-1973.It is one thing to make a plan on the map and another to execute it.Ayub did not have the “Resolution” to capture Akhnur as we shall discuss in greater detail later.

117 Page-322-Altaf Guahar-Ibid.

118 Page-322-Altaf Gauhar-Op Cit.

119 Page-35 and 36-Musa Khan-Op Cit.


Joe Shearer

21 1,942
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There was a serious lack of offensive spirit at all levels beyond unit level. Thus Ayub did not leave Rawalpindi throughout the war. As late as 1991 a Directing Staff of Command and Staff College observed this glaring lack of aggressiveness in the army in an article published in 1991.116 The writer then an instructor at the command and Staff College and now probably commanding a division somewhere thus noted, 典he Battle of Chamb was cited as an instance; where the momentum of attack dissipated after the General Officer Commanding embraced Shahadat�. The readers may note that this man was one of the few generals who led from the front. Some of the many who saw him in that role, who this scribe knows/met are Majors Suleman Butt (11C), Iftikhar Chaudhry (11 C), Shujaat Ali Janjua (the indomitable Panther Janjua from (11C) and Lieutenant Colonel Zil ur Rehman who was commanding an R & S Company.


This factor played a serious role in the Pakistani armoured division痴 failure at Khem Karan in 1965. At the GHQ level the failure to appreciate that the armoured division must get out of the bottleneck between Rohi and Nikasu Nala was not appreciated. Nothing in the orders given to the 1st Armoured Division indicates that the planners understood this problem. Nikasu Nala was a pre-1947 landmark while Rohi Nala was no common pin to have missed the eyes of the planners. Poor general staff procedures at brigade and division level led to failure to concentrate all three armoured brigades across the Rohi Nala and thus was the principal reason for failure of the armoured division痴 effort. The GHQ vacillation and indecision on 6th, 7th and 8th September when it issued contradictory orders to the 1st Armoured Division, sometimes to send one of its brigades to Lahore and sometimes to Sialkot117 also played a major role in adding to the imperial confusion in the armoured division.

Correlli Barnett痴 observations on the British Staffs of WW II fit well on the Pakistani Staff officers role in failure to handle armour. Barnett thus noted 典he pace (referring to that of armoured operations) was too fast for the slow working staffs of lower formations (referringto corps/divisional/brigade staffs) ......(German staff work, because of greater experience and better training, was always faster and more lucid than British).....and detailed organisation for the offensive was poor and confused�.118 This observation fits well with the Military Operations Directorate of both sides and all staff officers down to armoured brigade level responsible for planning/executing the operations of both the Pakistani and the Indian 1st Armoured Divisions. The British perhaps were unlucky that their opponents were Germans and the Indians and Pakistanis were perhaps very lucky that their opponents were Pakistanis and Indians!


The Gul theory of failure because infantry officers were commanding the armoured division is not vindicated by actual facts of the 1965 war. Was the Indian 1st Armoured Division or its 1st Armoured Brigade commanded by an infantry officer and yet they proved as incompetent as Naseer. After all Rommel was from infantry, Macarthur, Mead and Lee were from Engineers and Napoleon was from artillery. The fault lay in the military clique of that time who made promotions on whims and on basis of personal likes and dislikes rather than on merit. After all the finest armoured commander that the sub- continent produced was Eftikhar who was an infantry man!

The Pakistan armoured corps with the exception of one unit of armoured cars was not employed in 1947-48 war. In 1965 Pakistan Armoured Corps failed to achieve a major breakthrough despite relative qualitative superiority in tanks as well as overwhelming numerical superiority in total available number of tanks in Khem Karan due to doctrinal leadership and essentially staff incompetence centred reasons. A breakthrough was possible and one Indian general was frank enough to recall as late as 1993 General Harbaksh Singh痴 remarks that 鄭 Blitzkrieg deep into our territory towards the Grand Trunk Road or the Beas Bridge would have found us in the helpless position of a commander paralysed into inaction for want of readily available reserves while the enemy was inexorably pushing deep into our vitals.It is a nightmarish feeling even when considered in retrospect at this stage�119. Long before 1965 and 1971 civilians on the board of the boundary commission had very high hopes from both the Indian and Pakistan Armies and thus one had said 的f Pakistan manages in a counterattack to make a 40 miles advance, then the defence of India would be affected. True they would lose Bhatinda and Dhuri and Pakistan forces were within measurable distance of Ambala,but they (referring to the Indian Army) do not lose all. Their communications are not upset; they lose so much of the railway line up to the extent of forty miles, but they still have the main line bringing their supplies at right angles to their forces...�120. The same member went further and gave the Indians a capability of advancing 500 miles inside Pakistan!121 Compare these remarks with two Indian three star generals remarks:� 展e penetrated only 11 miles (despite a five to one superiority in tanks on 8th September and a much larger one in infantry-this scribe痴 remarks) into enemy territory beyond the bridgehead at our deepest stretch, when, but for the mishandling of our forces, especially armour, the completion of our mission appeared well within our grasp�.122 Another sadly noted 妬t ground to a halt just four miles ahead of the bridgehead�!123 This happened not as propagandists assert in Pakistan because of some superior martial race or ideological reasons but simply because the Indian brigade and division commander lost their nerve. The Indians, the lower ranks till battalion/regiment level fought as bravely at Chawinda as their Pakistani counterparts, tankman and infantry man alike, at Khem Karan where Pakistan痴 1st Armoured Division also failed to achieve a breakthrough despite a seven to one superiority in tanks in total number. Leave aside west or east of Rohi Nala which was entirely a command as well as staff planning failure. The Nikasu Nala was even clearly marked as a large water obstacle even on the maps of the Punjab Boundary Commission!124 So where do we go. The common man, the tax payer has been bled white on both sides with a very large percentage being spent on armoured corps which failed to advance pathetically beyond 4 miles on the first day of the war in face of nominal opposition or eleven miles in all 17 days or got stuck between a Nala and a canal in own territory! The generals on both sides should explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against them for strategic and operational incompetence despite being provided with superiority at the decisive point and why their command outfits which are too large for their intellectual/resolution capabilities to handle in war should not be cut to one fourth their present size! But who will bell the cat! Why not employ a good team of psychiatrists at one-fiftieth the cost spent on armour and other expensive hardware and cure the pathetic minds of the sick Indo Pak psyche! Alas! we forget what long ago Freud said, 典he irrational forces in man痴 nature are so strong that the rational forces have little chance of success against them. A small minority might be able to live a life of reason, but most men are comfortable living with their delusions and superstitions than with truth�. Freud thus sadly concluded 鉄ociety which has been fashioned by man reflects to a great extent man痴 irrationality. As a consequence each new generation is corrupted by being born in an irrational society. The influence of man on society and of society on man is a vicious circle and only a few hardy souls can free themselves�. That was in the interwar years with Fascism rising and hatred gripping all Europe. Europe paid its price in million of lives in WW II. The Indo-Pak subcontinent has yet to learn. We saw one holocaust in 1947 but have learnt very little from it. The 1971 holocaust did not affect many in the West Wing.Brahmaputra and the tidal rivers had the capacity to take a huge load and disposal of anything was a simple operation! Had our higher leaders both civil and military or the armoured commanders been more competent, perhaps things may have been settled a bit less amicably albeit more swiftly in the 1947-48, 1965 or 1971 wars! In the post-nuclear scenario both sides sure do need psychiatric help! n


79 Interviews with a large number of participants including Major later Lieutenant Colonel Zil ur Rahman from 19 Baluch (R & S) residing in Lahore Cantt and one who I first met at the Lahore Cantt Polo Ground jogging track, Major Iftikhar a dear friend and senior from 11 Cavalry who commanded a tank troop in Chamb in 1971, Lieutenant Colonel Suleman Butt from 11 Cavalry who is a unit officer and a relative by family inter-marriages, who was a troop leader and was seriously wounded in Chamb and more than 100 other ranks of 11 Cavalry, 28 Cavalry and 26 Cavalry with whom I served in 11 Cavalry, 58 Cavalry and 5 Independent Armoured Squadron.

80Page-513 & 514-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

81Page-188-The Pakistan Army-1966-1971- Major General Shaukat Riza (Retired)-Printed for Services Book Club by Wajid Alis (Private Limited) -Lahore-1990. Shaukat Riza the official historian of Pakistan Army noted this anti-artillery bias of Headquarter 1 Corps in the following words; 展hen Headquarter 1 Corps was established in Gujranwala, its artillery component was driven out nine miles away to Nadipur. Even for the capture of Dharam Enclave Headquarter Artillery I Corps was kept out of picture.�

82Page-194-Shaukat Riza-Pakistan Army-1966-71-Op Cit. Riza writes that 釘rigadier Ahmad (armoured brigade commander) made approx 25 counter-attack plans. However, the artillery commander from 1 Corps and neighbouring divisions were neither consulted nor advised about these plans.This was to have unfortunate consequences as the battle unfolded.�

83Page-514-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.

84 Pages-531 & 532-Ibid.

85 Page-28-The Western Front-Indo Pakistan War 1971- Lt Gen P. Candeth -Allied Publishers-Madras-1984. General Candeth who was C in C Western Command states in his book that 鍍he most critical period was between 8 and 26 October when 1 Corps and 1 Armoured Division were still outside Western Command. Had Pakistan put in a pre-emptive attack during that period the consequences would have been too dreadful to contemplate and all our efforts would have been trying to correct the adverse situation forced on us �

86 Page-25-Article- The Armoured Thrust-An Operational Analysis- Major A.H Amin (Retired)- The Citadel -Issue Number - 1/98- Command and Staff College- Quetta-April 1998.

87Page-25-Article- Why I Lay down Arms-Lieutenant General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi (Retired) - Defence Journal-Issue Number -3-4-1979- Volume Number Five-Karachi-1979.

88 Page-8-Letter to the Editor from Major A.H Amin - Readers Forum- 典he Citadel-No. 3/93�- Command and Staff College Quetta-November 1993.

89Pages-39 & 40-Article - Resolution -the Cardinal Command Virtue- Captain A.H Amin-Pakistan Army Journal-June 1992 Issue-Inspector General Training and Evaluations Branch-Training publication and Information Directorate-General Branch -Rawalpindi.

90 Page-14- Article- The Intangible Forces Behind a Military Manoeuvre- Major A.H Amin -Pakistan Army Journal-June 1993 Issue- Inspector General Training and Evaluations Branch-Training Publication and Information Directorate-General Headquarters -Rawalpindi.

91 Ibid.

92 Pages-32 & 35-Article-Plain as well as Subtle aspects of Military Decision Making- Major A.H Amin (Retired)-The Citadel-Issue Number 1/94- Command and Staff College -Quetta-April 1994. This article was submitted for publication while the author was in service commanding an independent tank squadron in September 1993 but published after retirement in April 1994.

93 Page-32-Citadel Issue 1/98-Op Cit.

94 Page-31-Ibid.

95Page-3- Editors Note-The Citadel-Issue Number 2/98- Command and Staff College Quetta-December 1998.

96Page-50-Article-The Relationship of Organisation to Doctrine and Conduct of War- Major A.H Amin (Retired)-Citadel Issue number 2/98-Op Cit.

97 Ibid.

98 Ibid.

99 The reader may note that the Glasnost/Perestroika of the Pakistan Army as far as military writing is concerned began from 1988-89 onwards once General Baig became the COAS and Major General Riazullah became the Director General of Inter Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR). Riazullah essentially a fighting soldier and a career officer with a fine written expression was one of the most capable and brilliant heads of the ISPR. In addition Lieutenant Colonel I.D Hassan was particularly instrumental and decisive in improving the quality of the 撤akistan Army Journal�. Colonel I.D Hassan was succeeded in turn by two almost as brilliant editors i.e Lieutenant Colonel Syed Ishfaq and Lieutenant Colonel Syed Jawaid Ahmad both of whom raised the standard of the Pakistan Army Journal to a very high level. Unfortunately after Colonel Jawaid Ahmad痴 departure in 1994 the magazine痴 standard deteriorated and by 1997 its circulation despite the massive financial resources at its backing had been reduced from quarterly to six monthly.

100 Page-28-Eight Years Overseas-Field Marshal Henry.M. Wilson of Libya-Hutchinson Boks-London-1950.

101 Page-138-J.A.I Agar Hamilton-Op Cit and Page-40-The Mediterranean and Middle East-Volume Three-Major General I.S.O Playfair-Her Majesty痴 Stationery Office-London-1960

102Page-79-Panzer Battles-General Von Mellenthin-Corgi/Ballantine Books-New York-1977.

103 Page-243-The Crucible of War-Auchinleck痴 Command- Barrie Pitt-Macmillan-London-1986.

104 Page-156-War Despatches-Op Cit. Page-404-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit. The reader may note that Indian armour withdrew north of the railway line at Chawinda on its own, but some units in Pakistan claim that it was they who attacked the Indians and drove them out !

105 Page-405-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.This incident illustrates poor staff procedures too since the headquarter of 1st Armoured Division was also responsible for this lapse.

106 Page-496 - Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit

107 Page-197-A Study of History-The One Volume Edition- Arnold Toynbee-Thames and Hudson-Published with arrangement with Oxford University Press, London-1988.

108 Page-243-Correlli Barnett-Op Cit.

109 Pages-12 & 13-Brigadier Riazul Karim Khan, MC, LOM -Op Cit.

110 Page-13-Ibid.

111 Page-79-Von Mellenthin-Op Cit.

112 Page-243-Correlli Barnett-Op Cit.

113 Page-39-Tank Warfare-Richard Simpkin-Brasey痴 Publishers Limited London-1979.

114 Page-232-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cited.Shaukat writes that although an infantry company was to go (which means that it was ordered to go) with 6 Lancers....after some haggling (as if 5 Armoured Brigade was a fish market!!!!) only one platoon was made available. Shaukat writes that later Sahibzada Gul (6 Lancers) asked for more infantry and an air strike on Valtoha but neither came. It appears that the gears of the 5 Armoured Brigade were completely jammed due to the friction of war and despite all this its commander was promoted after the war while Nisar the real hero of tank battles in both 1965 and 1971 did not go beyond a brigadier. The finest infantry brigade commander of the 1965 Brigadier Qayyum Sher who was praised by Shaukat Riza (Page-203-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit) was also retired as a brigadier while one who was on the sidelines in Chawinda (i.e Niazi) became a lieutenant general. The same happened in India to Harbaksh Singh since he was a Punjabi and a Sikh while Manekshaw who had played no role in 1948 and 1965 wars became a

C-in-C. The lesson is that in Indo-Pak armies as perhaps in all armies; actual on ground war performance is less important than PR! Thus a brigadier who absented himself from his headquarters in 1971 on pretext of martial law duty later became a four star general while another who was accused of many atrocities/plunder in East Pakistan became a lieutenant general ! On the other hand the brigade commander who was most openly praised by the Indians in East Pakistan i.e Tajammul Hussain Malik was superseded as a major general. The German General Staff identified talent and groomed and polished it.The Indo Pak armies identify mediocrity and take it to the highest limits !

115 Pages-89 & 90-Von Mellenthin-Op Cit.

116 Page-56- Article- Do we Lack Aggressiveness-Lieutenant Colonel Javed Alam Khan- Citadel -Issue Number 1/91-Command and Staff College-Quetta-June 1991. The worthy writer who was one of the few genuinely professional officers who I served with while he was a major and I was a lieutenant in the adjacent unit/same division for four long years during the period 1985-89. His sense of humour at that time was a bit unconventional (as second in command he kept a special box in his drawer, with a scandalous creature, a kind of a puppet, that was enough to ensure that all JCOs, especially the Tabuk returned Hajis, asking for leave bolted out of room instantaneously and it was a folly to greet him by hugging him in the traditional manner on Eid. I have not met him since 1994 and I wonder whether he has succumbed to the genetic transformation that occurs once most officers reach general rank or has managed to retain his forthright resolute and intellectually honest approach which he possessed in abundance till at least brigadier rank in 1995.

117 Pages-236 , 237 & 238-Shaukat Riza-1965-Op Cit.

118 Page-90-The Desert Generals -Correlli Barnett-London-1984.

119 Page-496 & 497-Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit recalling General Harbaksh Singh痴 remarks on page-161-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

120 Page-318-Remarks of Sir Mohammad Zafarullah Khan-The Partition of the Punjab-A Compilation of Official Documents-Volume Two- National Documentation Centre-Lahore -1983-Printed at Ferozsons.

121 Page-319-Ibid

122Page-496-Lieut Gen S.L Menezes-Op Cit.

123Page-160-Harbaksh Singh-Op Cit.

124 Map on page 6 Volume Four-The Partition of Punjab-Official Documents-Op Cit.
The Harbaksh vs. Manekshaw choice was not as easy as Major Amin makes it out to be. General Harbaksh Singh's own chief of staff, had a great deal to say about his boss, and much of it was not good to read.


Think Tank Analyst
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Surrender at Skardu—1948

On November 1, 1947 the Dogra governor of Gilgit agency surrendered to Gilgit Scouts and the Pakistan flag was raised. After the liberation, Major Aslam Khan (later brigadier) was posted to Gilgit to take over command of the forces available in the region. He raised the strength of the combined forces and organised them for different contingencies. An immediate appreciation of the situation was carried out and it was found that Skardu was still held strongly by parts of the 6th Jammu and Kashmir Infantry Battalion and the possibility of a likely enemy counterattack was not ruled out. The 6th Jammu and Kashmir Infantry Battalion was re-raised at Skardu in December 1947 composed of Dogras, Sikhs and Muslims soldiers. It was anticipated that India would like to capture Gilgit and reinforce Skardu through alternative routes. Taking this into account it was decided to fight the battle in enemy territory.

Four wings were raised and Major Ehsan Ali was made commander of “D” wing of ex-Gilgit Scouts with the mission to neutralise the enemy at Skardu and conquer all of Baltistan including Kargil and Leh. Major Ehsan Ali, a local of Nager (Gilgit) was the first man from Gilgit region to get commissioned in the Kashmir state army in 1932. Skardu was linked with Gilgit along river Indus, located at 7400 feet above sea level and its location was strategic towards Ladakh on one side and beyond Karakoram Pass, Yarkand valley in China. The column was named the Ibex Force, assembled at Harmosh, 25 miles east of Gilgit and on February 1, the leading column left Harmosh for Skardu. The distance from Gilgit to Skardu is 160 miles and a 20-day journey, but the liberation forces covered it in 14 days, that too in winter.Lt Col Thapa, incharge Skardu garrison anticipated an advance from Gilgit and therefore decided to block the approach at Tsari, 20 miles short of Skardu. Two platoons were deployed on both banks of river Indus. At the same time, heavy enemy reinforcement also started pouring into Skardu to advance on to Gilgit. Despite enemy presence at Tsari, the positions were crossed quietly by the leading elements of Ibex Force. A platoon was left behind to tackle the enemy and Tsari, which was attacked on February 9, 1948 once it was detected. The enemy was overpowered in close coordination with mujahid Bakhtawar Shah. Raja of Rondou also played an important role in clearing the enemy and raised a lashkar of 300 volunteers. After clearing the opposition at Tsari, the Ibex force crossed Indus towards Skardu garrison. In Skardu troops of the 6th Jammu and Kashmir light Infantry Battalion were deployed at Kharpocho Fort, at dominating ground point 8853 and in and around the cantonment. Two additional companies were rushed to Skardu from Srinagar and brigadier Faqir Singh was appointed sector commander with the order to move forthwith.

The first attack on Skardu garrison was launched on February 11, but lost surprise once detected by the enemy; it resulted in heavy exchange of fire. As there was no headway, it was decided to withdraw liberation forces for regrouping. However, the Skardu garrison was surrounded and the enemy was fixed at Kharpocho Fort, the cantonment fort, the fort of Raja of Skardu and gurdwara east of the cantonment. The second attack was launched on March 24, 1948 and half of the enemy positions were occupied including point 8853, but it was not a complete victory. In the meantime, news came that a brigade size reinforcement (Biscuit Column) under brigadier Faqir Singh was on its way to rescue the beleaguered force at Skardu. The advancing party consisted of 350 men, 600 coolies and 200 horses with ammunition, clothing and ration. Brigadier Faqir Singh was also accompanied by his advisor Colonel Coutts.

They heard the news that an ambush was planned and laid at Thurego 8 miles west of Gol along Kargil-Skardu road. Two platoons covered an area of two miles and once the enemy came inside, the site boulders were rolled down on them besides heavy firing. Brigadier Faqir Singh and his advisor managed to escape with some troops due to poor visibility. Many jumped into river Indus and drowned. The place of this action is famously known as Faqir Singh Ki Pari. In the meantime, the siege of Skardu continued as the enemy was confined to Skardu cantonment and Kharpochu fort. The besieged troops were supplied through para drops. On 8 April came the news that two battalions of 163 Brigade (“Z” brigade) are on their way to Skardu. The 5th Jammu and Kashmir Battalion was under Lt Col Sampuran Singh and the 7th Jammu and Kashmir Battalion under Lt Col Kirpal Singh. It was decided by Major Ehsan Ali to ambush this force too at Parkuta 68 kilometres from Skardu. The ambush site covered an area of 4 miles from the junction of Shyok and Indus up to Parkuta. On April 20, when enemy forces came near the southern bank of river Indus, they were fired on by ambush forces.
Later, it developed into a long battle over a month from mid-April to May 17. As a result of this, the siege of Skardu was lifted and handed over to local volunteers as the remaining forces were sent to Parkuta. Major Ehsan Ali personally came to Parkuta and a decisive victory was achieved as surviving enemy forces ran back towards Kargil. With this action, Ibex Force succeeded in clearing the whole Indus valley. The retreating enemy under Lt Col Kirpal Singh was again ambushed at Kharmang and only a small party was able to reach back to Srinagar. The “Z” brigade ceased to exist with this last blow. In May 1948, elements of Ibex Force succeeded in capturing Kargil and Dras by Eskimo Force which was a great blow to India. In the meantime, 300 men of Chitral Scouts and Chitral Body Guards under command Shahzade Mata-ul-Mulk and Major Burhan-ud-Din arrived at Skardu and took over control of the situation. Colonel Mata-ul-Mulk asked Lt Col Thapa through a messenger (POW) to surrender but he did not reply. Indian air force kept attacking the position of liberation forces and para dropped supplies to besieged troops. In view of the increasing pressure of liberation forces on the night of 12/13 August, Lt Col Thapa asked for terms of surrender. Thapa now realised that the game was up and informed general Thimmaya that the garrison had no option but to surrender. On August 14, 1948 after a 5-month long siege Lt Col Thapa, Captain Ganga Singh, Captain Parhdal Singh, Lieutenant Ajit Singh with 250 men surrendered to liberation forces. According to historian Dr. Ahmad Hassan Dani “the final victory was achieved with the help of Chitral men that delivered the final blow under the command of Col Mata-ul-Mulk”. Major Ehsan Ali proved his mettle as a conqueror of Baltistan was awarded Sitara-e-Jurrat by the government of Pakistan for his leadership and bravery. Lt Col Sher Jung Thapa later (brigadier) was awarded Mahavir Chakra by India. He along with other POW were repatriated to India after the war.


Joe Shearer

21 1,942
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Nation of origin

Surrender at Skardu—1948​

On November 1, 1947 the Dogra governor of Gilgit agency surrendered to Gilgit Scouts and the Pakistan flag was raised. After the liberation, Major Aslam Khan (later brigadier) was posted to Gilgit to take over command of the forces available in the region. He raised the strength of the combined forces and organised them for different contingencies. An immediate appreciation of the situation was carried out and it was found that Skardu was still held strongly by parts of the 6th Jammu and Kashmir Infantry Battalion and the possibility of a likely enemy counterattack was not ruled out. The 6th Jammu and Kashmir Infantry Battalion was re-raised at Skardu in December 1947 composed of Dogras, Sikhs and Muslims soldiers. It was anticipated that India would like to capture Gilgit and reinforce Skardu through alternative routes. Taking this into account it was decided to fight the battle in enemy territory.

Four wings were raised and Major Ehsan Ali was made commander of “D” wing of ex-Gilgit Scouts with the mission to neutralise the enemy at Skardu and conquer all of Baltistan including Kargil and Leh. Major Ehsan Ali, a local of Nager (Gilgit) was the first man from Gilgit region to get commissioned in the Kashmir state army in 1932. Skardu was linked with Gilgit along river Indus, located at 7400 feet above sea level and its location was strategic towards Ladakh on one side and beyond Karakoram Pass, Yarkand valley in China. The column was named the Ibex Force, assembled at Harmosh, 25 miles east of Gilgit and on February 1, the leading column left Harmosh for Skardu. The distance from Gilgit to Skardu is 160 miles and a 20-day journey, but the liberation forces covered it in 14 days, that too in winter.Lt Col Thapa, incharge Skardu garrison anticipated an advance from Gilgit and therefore decided to block the approach at Tsari, 20 miles short of Skardu. Two platoons were deployed on both banks of river Indus. At the same time, heavy enemy reinforcement also started pouring into Skardu to advance on to Gilgit. Despite enemy presence at Tsari, the positions were crossed quietly by the leading elements of Ibex Force. A platoon was left behind to tackle the enemy and Tsari, which was attacked on February 9, 1948 once it was detected. The enemy was overpowered in close coordination with mujahid Bakhtawar Shah. Raja of Rondou also played an important role in clearing the enemy and raised a lashkar of 300 volunteers. After clearing the opposition at Tsari, the Ibex force crossed Indus towards Skardu garrison. In Skardu troops of the 6th Jammu and Kashmir light Infantry Battalion were deployed at Kharpocho Fort, at dominating ground point 8853 and in and around the cantonment. Two additional companies were rushed to Skardu from Srinagar and brigadier Faqir Singh was appointed sector commander with the order to move forthwith.

The first attack on Skardu garrison was launched on February 11, but lost surprise once detected by the enemy; it resulted in heavy exchange of fire. As there was no headway, it was decided to withdraw liberation forces for regrouping. However, the Skardu garrison was surrounded and the enemy was fixed at Kharpocho Fort, the cantonment fort, the fort of Raja of Skardu and gurdwara east of the cantonment. The second attack was launched on March 24, 1948 and half of the enemy positions were occupied including point 8853, but it was not a complete victory. In the meantime, news came that a brigade size reinforcement (Biscuit Column) under brigadier Faqir Singh was on its way to rescue the beleaguered force at Skardu. The advancing party consisted of 350 men, 600 coolies and 200 horses with ammunition, clothing and ration. Brigadier Faqir Singh was also accompanied by his advisor Colonel Coutts.

They heard the news that an ambush was planned and laid at Thurego 8 miles west of Gol along Kargil-Skardu road. Two platoons covered an area of two miles and once the enemy came inside, the site boulders were rolled down on them besides heavy firing. Brigadier Faqir Singh and his advisor managed to escape with some troops due to poor visibility. Many jumped into river Indus and drowned. The place of this action is famously known as Faqir Singh Ki Pari. In the meantime, the siege of Skardu continued as the enemy was confined to Skardu cantonment and Kharpochu fort. The besieged troops were supplied through para drops. On 8 April came the news that two battalions of 163 Brigade (“Z” brigade) are on their way to Skardu. The 5th Jammu and Kashmir Battalion was under Lt Col Sampuran Singh and the 7th Jammu and Kashmir Battalion under Lt Col Kirpal Singh. It was decided by Major Ehsan Ali to ambush this force too at Parkuta 68 kilometres from Skardu. The ambush site covered an area of 4 miles from the junction of Shyok and Indus up to Parkuta. On April 20, when enemy forces came near the southern bank of river Indus, they were fired on by ambush forces.
Later, it developed into a long battle over a month from mid-April to May 17. As a result of this, the siege of Skardu was lifted and handed over to local volunteers as the remaining forces were sent to Parkuta. Major Ehsan Ali personally came to Parkuta and a decisive victory was achieved as surviving enemy forces ran back towards Kargil. With this action, Ibex Force succeeded in clearing the whole Indus valley. The retreating enemy under Lt Col Kirpal Singh was again ambushed at Kharmang and only a small party was able to reach back to Srinagar. The “Z” brigade ceased to exist with this last blow. In May 1948, elements of Ibex Force succeeded in capturing Kargil and Dras by Eskimo Force which was a great blow to India. In the meantime, 300 men of Chitral Scouts and Chitral Body Guards under command Shahzade Mata-ul-Mulk and Major Burhan-ud-Din arrived at Skardu and took over control of the situation. Colonel Mata-ul-Mulk asked Lt Col Thapa through a messenger (POW) to surrender but he did not reply. Indian air force kept attacking the position of liberation forces and para dropped supplies to besieged troops. In view of the increasing pressure of liberation forces on the night of 12/13 August, Lt Col Thapa asked for terms of surrender. Thapa now realised that the game was up and informed general Thimmaya that the garrison had no option but to surrender. On August 14, 1948 after a 5-month long siege Lt Col Thapa, Captain Ganga Singh, Captain Parhdal Singh, Lieutenant Ajit Singh with 250 men surrendered to liberation forces. According to historian Dr. Ahmad Hassan Dani “the final victory was achieved with the help of Chitral men that delivered the final blow under the command of Col Mata-ul-Mulk”. Major Ehsan Ali proved his mettle as a conqueror of Baltistan was awarded Sitara-e-Jurrat by the government of Pakistan for his leadership and bravery. Lt Col Sher Jung Thapa later (brigadier) was awarded Mahavir Chakra by India. He along with other POW were repatriated to India after the war.

Where did you get this? This is the most complete account of the siege of Skardu that I have read, although it differs in material ways from the abbreviated narrative that I have read.


Think Tank Analyst
101 1,892
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good read on the battle of kushtia 1971. We have sinned in a very important factor that by becoming deranged about 1971, we have forgotten many of our heroes who gave their lives for their country. Those sons of soil were fighting there and taking on the enemy invasion and i blame the ISPR here. Its his job to make sure that such incidents are documented and told to the public but he is too busy talking about everything else.

1971 happened and we fought a war. Its time we remember those men that fought over there and died over there.

1 9 7 1 W a r

Tank Ambush at Kushtia

Squadron and Company Commander Dislocate a Corps Commander!
Based on selected extracts from this scribe’s book “The Pakistan Army Since 1965” the second volume of Pakistan Army history, presently under limited circulation within a select list of recipients,
which the author decided to publish after the recent publication of Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report with the precise aim, that, real military talent in the Pakistan Army at squadron and company level in 1971, is not confused with military incompetence at brigade, division, corps and army level. The author is of the firm conviction
that the 1971 War was a military as well as political failure but this had more to do with higher military incompetence than lower level military leadership. All things were not foul and stinking, but while failure is an orphan, victory has many fathers! This article is dedicated to the memory of those who were soldiers, not butchers, who fought well, who died, many of whom have no graves, and all those gave their lives for a better tomorrow
that has eluded us to date! Maj (Retd) AGHA HUMAYUN AMIN from WASHINGTON DC writes about a forgotten
delaying action in then East Pakistan. The tank battle of Kushtia is Greek to most in Pakistan. Ironically it was one of the most classic tank actions of 1971 war in which a vastly outnumbered tank infantry force of squadron
company level inflicted such a punishment on theIndians that their corps commander lost his mental
equilibrium and earmarked a whole division to deal
with a Pakistani delaying force of squadron
battalion strength.
Civil War followed by a mixed Civil War and
Conventional War further compounded by
atrocities, confused real military competence with
abnormal psychology and even genuine heroism or
resolution in face of tremendous adversity was
forgotten while atrocities were remembered!
It is ironic that many purely military writers like
Shaukat Riza and Fazal Muqeem Khan ignored this
inspiring battle! Of all the people it was Siddiq
Salik, more a journalist than a soldier who most
precisely described the battle of Kushtia as “the
first and last battle that Brigadier Manzoor’s
brigade fought in the entire war1”! Siddiq,
however, never knew the degree to which this
battle influenced the higher commander’s
perceptions and actions! But then Siddiq was more
of a civilian and cannot be blamed for this lapse
once we see so-called military historians making
the same error! I came to know of the significance
of this thought-provoking battle only after I read
some Indian military accounts! No tribute to the
cause of military history in Pakistan, which likes
the politicians, has hit the rock bottom!
The Hamood Ur Rahman Commission found villains
but ignored existence of heroes! It is again ironic
that Hamood found villains not merely because
they existed but because those who had ordered
the inquiry wanted some villains to keep the men
in Khaki in their place! Hamood thus unwittingly
became the tool of politicians despite the fact that
he was an illustrious judge! Pakistan’s legal or
political history with the exception of one decision
of the Sindh High Court and one single resolute
Sindhi Muslim Chief Justice is after all little more
than the confinement of all who matter in
petticoats, in terms of resolution and heroic
defiance since 1954! Robes or any other dress in
the symbolic form are an illusion! Petticoats, are
the essence! Chief Justice Hamood ur Rahman like
all his predecessors or followers was a rubber
stamp, as far as the big flies were concerned, since
laws as the truest saying in English language
states are like cobwebs through which the greater
flies brake through! Hamood’s findings had no de
facto value! Ironically on the other hand the men
who were identified as villains and cowards by the
Hamood Commission were promoted while many
real heroes were sidelined or superseded! Thus
while Tajammul, Saadullah and Sher ur Rahman
were sidelined Jehanzeb Arbab, Rahim Khan,
Rahimuddin Khan, Admiral Sharif and many more
did extremely well after the 1971 War and are
doing well to date!
Opposing Strengths
2 Indian Corps (a newly raised corps headquarters)
was tasked with the reduction of the SouthWest
Sector of East Pakistan. The Indian 2 Corps was
vastly superior to Pakistan’s 9 Division defending
the Sector. It had two over sized infantry divisions
(4 Mountain and 9 Infantry Division) and one
independent infantry brigade (50 Independent Para
Brigade). 4 Indian Mountain Division had three
infantry brigades (7, 41 and 62) one of which (7
Brigade) was initially held back as corps reserve.
In addition this division also had under command a
tank squadron (45 Cavalry/PT-76), a Mechanised
Infantry Company and an additional medium
artillery battery apart from its integral divisional
artillery. 9 Indian Infantry Division had three
infantry brigades (33, 35 and 42) and one tank
regiment less one squadron (45 Cavalry/PT-76)
and one tank squadron (63 Cavalry/T-55).
Lieutenant General Raina the Indian Corps
Commander had seen action in WW II in North
Africa and Burma.
Pakistan’s 9 Infantry Division comprised two
infantry brigades, 57 Brigade (Brigadier Manzoor)
holding the northern half and 107 Brigade
(Brigadier Hayat) holding the Central Approach i.e
Jessore. An ad hoc brigade consisting of Para
military forces of dubious military value was
holding the southern approach (Khulna Sub￾
Sector). In addition there was the “Divisional
Reserve” consisting of half battalion Recce and
Support, one infantry battalion and a tank
squadron of M-24 Chafee Light Tanks. The
Pakistani 9 Division was commanded by Major
General Ansari an artillery officer who proved in
the war that he was an honest man and a devout
Muslim, but did little in the realm of commanding
his division or anything in terms of leading from
the front!
Opposing Plans
The operational task assigned to the 2 Indian
Corps was to capture Khulna, Jessore, Magura,
secure ferry sites over Madhumati and finally
either capture the Golaundu Ghat or to secure
Paksay Bridge (Hardinge Bridge) over the Ganga,
whatever ordered. 4 Mountain Division was tasked
with the capture of Magura and securing of Ferry
Sites over the Madhumati and subsequently secure
Goalundu Ghat or Paksey Bridge. 9 Division was
tasked to capture Jessore in the first phase and
Khulna in the second phase.
Pakistan’s 9 Division had employed five regular
infantry battalions to hold the five main
approaches running from West to East in between
the Ganges River with 57 Brigade in the north and
107 Brigade in the centre. We will not discuss the
details of these dispositions since these are beyond
the scope of this article.
Summary of Operational Situation till Battle of
The Indians had been actively conducting military
operations against the Pakistani 9 Division since
mid-November 1971. The pace of these operations
was, however, extremely conservative
unimaginative and timid! Indian victory in terms of
tangible superiority in quantum of forces was a
forgone conclusion in this sector as in any other
sector of East Pakistan!
The reader may note that the ad hoc force at
Khulna bolted towards Dacca around 4th/5th
December without having been attacked!
The Indian tactics were based on establishing
roadblocks in the Pakistani brigades rear with
forces of battalion, tank squadron/troops strength
while vastly superior tank and infantry forces
attacked frontally and contained and pinned down
the Pakistani infantry brigades. Brigadier Manzoor
the 57 Brigade Commander made the Indian task
easier by assuming that they would attack
Chuadanga and denuded all other approaches
while concentrating most of his troops to defend
Chuadanga! Manzoor in the process, wittingly or
unwittingly offered the Indian commander a golden
opportunity to compromise the operational
integrity of the 9 Pakistani Infantry Division. The
Indians had logically assumed that the Pakistani
brigades would withdraw eastwards and fight as a
division. They did not know that both the Pakistani
brigade commanders had decided to fight their
private wars and had already decided to withdraw
northeastwards and southeastwards! The next
Indian move against Jhenida commencing from 4
December when the Indians established a tank
infantry roadblock at a point halfway between road
Chuadanga-Jhenida, thus came as a surprise to 57
Brigade which was effectively cut off from its
parent formation i.e 9 Division. The 1971 war was
over the 9 Division as a division from 4th
December 1971! Its brigades continued fighting
but they fought as brigades since the division
commander had failed to goad and spur them into
fighting as a division! The division commander who
preferred sitting on his prayer mat2 rather than
leave his headquarters and goad men like Brigadier
Manzoor, remained plagued with inertia and
inaction! There is not much to write about 9
Division’s operational role after 4th December! 41
Brigade after its brilliant success advanced to
Jhenida supported by tanks. Jhenida, thanks to
Manzoor’s Chuadanga blunder was almost
defenceless and the Indians captured it after some
limited fighting on 7th December 1971.
Meanwhile, 62 Indian Brigade advanced towards
Kaliganj which was defended by a very small ad
hoc force under colonel staff 9 Division. Kaliganj
was captured by morning of 7th December. 9
Division’s story ends here. Its divisional
headquarter withdrew to Faridpur while K.K Afridi’s
ad hoc force delayed the Indians over the
The 2 Indian Corps which was commanded by as
much of a windbag as the Pakistani divisional
commander now finally released 7 Brigade less
battalion to 4 Mountain Division on 8th December.
The Indian Corps Commander, the readers may
note, thought that 57 Brigade had withdrawn
towards Faridpur along with Headquarter 9
Division.3 The 7th Brigade reached Jhenida during
night 8th/9th December 1971 and was ordered to
advance towards Kushtia on 9th December. For
this purpose 7 Brigade was also assigned two tank
troops of the 45th Cavalry. Tangibly everything
was now excellent for the Indians .
Battle of Kushtia
9 Division was assigned with a squadron of 29
Cavalry for the defence of Hardinge Bridge.4 This
squadron was commanded by one Major Sher ur
Rahman.5 At this stage 57 Brigade was in the
process of withdrawing across the Hardinge Bridge
to Nator in 16 Division area. Manzoor tasked Sher
ur Rahman along with an infantry company
commanded by Major Zahid (18 Punjab) to delay
the Indian force which was reported by the para￾
miltary Razakars to be on the way to Kushtia. Sher
ur Rahman, as I many years later heard first hand
from many soldiers of 29 Cavalry who had fought
with him at Kushtia was no Manzoor! He selected
an ambush site along with Major Zahid the infantry
company commander inside Kushtia. The main
road passed across a high embankment at this site
and there was some open face on both flanks while
some trees and buildings provided concealment
and firing positions to Sher ur Rahman’s two tank
troops6 and Major Zahid’s infantry company. The
ground on both sides of the road was boggy
limited manoeuvre options of Indian tanks leading
the 7 Brigade advance. The Indian tanks (two
troops) leading the advance reached the outskirts
of Kushtia at 2 p.m. and deployed outside the
towns built up area. As per the Indian armoured
corps historian precisely at this point in time the
Indian 2 Corps Commander Raina along with GOC
4 Mountain Division arrived in a helicopter and
“chided the commanders on the spot for their
unnecessary caution when there was no enemy
who was, in any case, on the run. He told them not
to waste time on battle procedure but press on
with tanks because there was no requirement to
lead with infantry through the town”.7 The Indians
commenced advance tanks leading and infantry
very close behind. The first shot as per one 29
Cavalry veteran was fired once the sixth and the
last Indian tank was in range and the infantry
company (of 22 Rajput) was also within small arms
range. The scene after this was one of total chaos.
Most of the infantry company was gunned down
within no time and as per Major General Gurcharan
Singh Sandhu “within a few minutes the battalion
(22 Rajput) ceased to exist as a fighting force” and
“stragglers kept trickling away until the next
day”.8 The Indian tank corps historian states that
“The first shot from a Chafee (29 Cavalry) split
open the fifth tank down the line”. Only one out of
six tanks escaped the ambush. The battle was
over! All that the Indian 7 Brigade Commander
now did was to organise a defensive position with
his second battalion behind a canal close to
Kushtia. Gurcharan admitted and this was stated
by many 29 Cavalry veterans that “Pakistani tanks
made contact with the canal and engaged the
defenders. At last light they blew up the canal
bridge and withdrew to Paksay”.9 57 Brigade was
given the breather it needed to withdraw across
the Ganges. Many years later I had the opportunity
of hearing a first hand account of this withdrawal
while under intense air attack from another direct
participant Colonel Rathore from Engineers.
Rathore was a very fine officer and a gentleman
and when I heard him that he was staff officer with
my father in 491 Brigade Group at Jaglot Farm.
This was 8 years after the war i.e July 1979.
Reaction of Indian Corps Commander
The reactions of Indian 2 Corps Commander may
be termed as typical reactions of any Indo-Pak
subcontinental Corps commander! I will simply
quote Indian military historians in describing this
part of the battle!
Gurcharan Singh gives the following picture. “The
Corps Commander received the news of the
mishap on return to his headquarter. He over￾
reacted and ordered 4 Mountain Division to halt its
advance along the Faridpur axis and contain the
enemy along Madhumati with one battalion. The
rest of the division (i.e some two infantry brigades)
was to back track to Kushtia, capture and clear the
Hardinge Bridge. Two tank troops of 45 Cavalry
were ordered to move from 9 Division to make up
its “A” Squadron in Kushtia. Kushtia was bombed
and strafed by the IAF on 10 and 11 December.
Pakistanis had evacuated it during night 9-10
December. 4 Division concentrated outside the
town by morning of 10 December. Elaborate plans
were made for a divisional attack on 11 December,
when the town was found clear”.10
I am quoting Praval a more balanced historian
since some Indians may find Gurcharan’s more
forthright criticism unpalatable! Praval states
“Unfortunately Barar and Raina over reacted to the
reverse. During the evening the former ordered 41
Brigade top move from Jhenida to Kushtia. Later
during the night Raina told Barar to move the
third brigade too also, leaving a battalion on the
Madhumati. Thus by evening of 10 December the
whole division assembled in front of Kushtia”!11
Now compare the Indians with what Shaukat Riza!
Shaukat merely states without naming Sher or
Zahid that “Enemy 7 Mountain Brigade attacked
the position and suffered serious casualties”.12
Fazal Muqeem merely brushes the affair aside by
stating that “the attack was repulsed and three
tanks captured”.13 Is this the way military history
is written? Its not difficult to figure that Gurcharan
Singh and Praval were fairer with Majors Zahid and
Sher ur Rahman than Shaukat Riza and Fazal
Muqeem Khan. This is the sub-continental psyche!
Talent must never be recognised! A conspiracy
against originality and boldness! Heroism died in
1858! At least as far as higher level leadership was
Technical and Numerical Inferiority Nullified by
Superior Tactics and Resolute Leadership
The battle of Kushtia proves that technical and
numerical inferiority can be nullified by superior
tactics and resolute leadership. Unfortunately while
there were many Shers and Zahids there were no
Lettow Vorbecks or Rommels commanding the
Pakistani divisions or corps. There was one
Rommel but he was on the western Front! Ask the
troops who fought under him, not irresolute people
who he kicked and abused in Chamb and you can
find out .
Lack of Higher Planning at Divisional Level which
led to independent withdrawal by brigade
commanders and failure of 9 Division to function
as a credible operational entity
The readers may note that the state of
demoralisation and apathy in the 9 Division at
higher level was such that no credible or concrete
plan had been prepared for withdrawal of the
division’s two regular brigades in case of an Indian
breakthrough which was most likely, keeping in
view the immense disparity between the Indian
and Pakistani forces! It appears that both the
regular brigade commanders i.e the 57 and 107
Brigade Commanders had made up their mind to
withdraw northeast and Southwest to the safety of
Rajshahi north of Ganges in 16 Division area and
Khulna in the south! Whatever the motives of the
brigade commanders this action resulted in
rendering the 9 Division into an operational non￾
entity soon after the commencement of actual war
on 5th December 1971! One of the brigade
commanders was thus later condemned in the
Hamood Report for this unauthorised withdrawal!
Even Fazal Muqeem 14 admitted this fact once he
said “Headquarters 9 Division (Major General M.H
Ansari) which had lost control earlier ...”.
Dislocation of Enemy Higher Commander’s Military
Two majors dislocated the enemy higher
commanders mental equilibrium. What would have
happened had there been some Sher ur Rahmans
and Zahids in 9 Division Headquarter too. What
would have happened had the Pakistani GHQ
allocated a few more tanks for the Eastern
Command earlier in 1971 or 1970! If the Indians
could employ T-55/T-54 tanks why could not
Pakistani T-59s have been employed there? And
what did most of Pakistan’s T-59s in 1971 war do
in the 1971 War apart from hiding in reserve
forests or moving in trains!
Quality of Higher Military Leadership
The Pakistani 9 Division was commanded by Major
General Ansari an artillery officer who proved in
the war that he was a devout Muslim, but did little
in the realm of commanding his division or
anything in terms of leading from the front! Ansari
sat on the prayer mat but did little else during the
war! He was as good as any unit Pesh Imam of his
division. His operational role was zero multiplied by
zero in the war! Defenders of Ansari assert that he
was a decent man, but there are so many decent
men in this world, who don’t command divisions in
battle but perform other minor roles more
commensurate with their temperament or genius!
There was no military leadership at divisional level
in the Pakistani 9 Division. This over ensured that
the battle was relegated to the two infantry
brigade commanders, one bold but not interested
in fighting a divisional battle, while another who
was most keen to hit the Paksey Bridge and
become a part of the 16 Division! Brigadier Hayat
took his own decisions, mission oriented but ones
which compromised his divisions integrity
withdrawing his brigade to Khulna, fighting an
excellent brigade battle while also ensuring that
the Indians were given an excellent gap to race
forward towards Dacca in the middle! Brigadier
Manzoor’s performance was “hopeless” in words of
a participant and his role in the flight of his brigade
cannot be over exaggerated!
A Battle of Offensive Defence or Clausewitzian
Shield of Blows
The battle was a classic application of Clausewitz’s
concept of offensive defence in which he described
defence as a shield of arrows!
A Case Study of Divisional Battle
The battle of 9 Division in 1971 illustrates the
barrenness at divisional level. The absence of the
GOC as a decisive operational division makes at
divisional level.
The South Western Sector of Eastern Command
was not a really very decisive sector of the 1971
War. The significance of the “Tank Ambush at
Kushtia” lies in the heavy odds involved and how
certain military commanders at squadron company
level through resolution ingenuity and sheer
tenacity emerged at least tactically victorious
against vastly superior forces. The true significance
of the “Battle of Kushtia” lies in the fact that
“ingenuity, resolution and a positive mental
attitude could have enabled the Eastern Command
to fight longer than it did”! That the seeds of the
dramatic collapse of 16 December lay not in
numerical inferiority alone but in phenomenal lack
of military competence in the Eastern Command
and those in the Military Operations Directorate in
the Pakistani GHQ who insisted that the Eastern
Command must conduct a rigid defensive strategy
of holding every inch! This article does not aim at
proving that East Pakistan could have been a
Pakistani victory but only that a more imaginative
higher strategy could have resulted in a less
humiliating defeat than what actually happened!
The failure in East Pakistan was not a political
failure alone but a military failure at the highest
Sher ur Rahman lives in the hearts of 29 Cavalry
veterans as the ultimate war hero! This I
discovered in the Rakhs of Qila Sobha Singh! In
Pakistani military history he figures nowhere, since
he was not from the trade union of guards! Wrong
forever on the throne! Truth forever on the
1Page-145-Witness to Surrender-Siddiq Salik￾
Oxford University Press-Pakistan-First Published in
1977-Third Impression-Oxford University Press￾
Pakistan -1998.
2Page-145-Siddiq Salik-Op Cit.
3Page-439-The Indian Armour-History of Indian
Armoured Corps-1941-1971-Major General
Gurcharan Singh Sandhu-Vision Books-New Delhi￾
4Page-141-The Pakistan Army-1966-71-Major
General Shaukat Riza (Retired)-Services Book
5 I first heard his name while talking with my
squadron commander Captain Azam Niazi in
October 1984 while serving in 29 Cavalry. I had
been attached with this unit since around 25th
September (following another attachment period
with 15 SP from 09 August 1984 to 25th
September 1984) due to some disciplinary
problem with my commanding officer in 11
Cavalry. Azam said that he joined the unit because
he had been deeply impressed by Sher ur
Rahman’s exploits in 1971 War. The time spent
with Azam was memorable and we made good use
of it by hunting around the Degh Nala and the
marshes around Qila Sobha Singh and Dhamtal. At
that time, thanks to Durga Devi and Terry Tyrant
seemed imminent and 8 Armoured Brigade was
deployed close to the border.
6 Page-439-Gurcharan Singh Sandhu-Op Cit. I
have relied on the Indian general’s description in
stating that the ambush force consisted of two
tank troops!
7 Page-439-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.
8 Page-439-Gurcharan Singh -Op Cit.
9 Page-441-Gurcharan Singh-Op Cit.
10 Page-441-Ibid.
11Page-331-The Indian Army Since Independence￾
Major K.C Praval-Lancer Books-New Delhi-1992.
12 Page-142-Shaukat Riza-Op Cit.
13Page-179-Pakistan’s Crisis in Leadership-Major
General Fazal Muqeem Khan-National Book
14 Page-179- Fazal Muqeem-Op Cit.​


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Joe Shearer

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You are quite right in quoting the redoubtable Major Amin at length on this particular encounter, and in reminding us of his take-away from his own and from others' reports of the matter. It was indeed a very well-planned defence by a specific segment of the Pakistani defenders, and stood out all the more brightly because of the purposeless and thoughtless actions of other commanders and the formations reporting to them.

Having said that, it is necessary to caution Pakistani readers in particular against overblowing this incident or drawing the wrong lessons from the disparity in strength that has been mentioned overall and in detail, in this case with well-founded estimates of the strength, the order of battle, on either side. This was the one incident that was remarkable. There was brave fighting elsewhere, but none of those other incidents showed even a particle of the fighting spirit, more, of the fighting brain that was on display here.

As every Pakistani who has read the gloomy account of what happened in East Pakistan knows, there were four distinct attacks by the Indian Army on Pakistan Army positions. This one was blocked, and its blockage displayed serious failures of command on the Indian side. None of the other three was blocked, and indeed, there was some very intelligent decision-making on display, considerable gallantry (on both sides) and overall, an inability to withstand the flood of superior power unleashed.

It is that vision that needs to be retained; that is the real world, and not this singular occurrence that is being reported. If any lessons are to be learnt, it is embedded in what has become apparent in more and more spheres of activity. When India does not tear itself to bits internally, when its politicians are not allowed to destroy the confidence of the majority of its population, consisting of an agglomeration of minorities who together exceed in presence and in numbers the dominant minority that claims simultaneous to be the dominant majority, and therefore entitled to have its views prevail, in the teeth of laws, of judicial action and judgements, and of fundamental human rights, and at the same time, demonstrates in its political demands and in its behaviour in the street in fundamental ways an assumption of the mantle of victimised minority status, when the institutions are not in an uproar and do not spending their time in taking large bites out of each other's backs, when Indian training and education (in the broadest sense, including sports and military matters) are allowed free play, it is impossible to win against India.

Obviously this sounds arrogant and boastful. Those who bear to follow through the unravelling of this apparently condescending dismissal of the raw talent to be found in all countries in south Asia will find it worthwhile, and perhaps convincing in its sponsoring a different thought process among all residents of the region.

Long story short, just imagine a weakened, enfeebled, frustrated and leaderless Indian group defeating the world's best at a site of the latter's choosing. Dreamland? It just happened, didn't it? The practical lesson is that Indians are India's worst enemy; when they are not deployed in hostile fashion, best not to argue. Best, in those circus-like conditions, to grab the best peace one can find lying around.

More on enquiry.


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There are two massive mountain ranges that dominate the Indian Held Kashmir, the Himalayas and the Pir Panjal Ranges and between these two ranges lies the Kashmir Valley. There are two proper entrances, discounting trekking entrances as well entrances which cannot be used for large scale operations, which are south-east by way of Banihal Pass through which runs the road of Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar and the other from the west oat Baramula where the river Jhelum leaves the Srinagar valley, separating the kafir khan range from the Pir Panjal range. The Pre-Partition route from former west Pakistan ran from Rawalpindi through Murree to Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir and then along the river Jhelum to Uri, Baramulla and then unto Srinagar. This was the route that was taken by the Mujahideen for their invasion of Kashmir in 1947[1].

The terrain on the south western side of the pir panjal range is drained by two main tributaries of the Jhelum, namely, the river Neelam which is also known as Kishangaga in the upper regions of the flowing river and the River Punch. There are two other main water courses in this region which cleave the mountain landscape, the river Mendhar, a tributary of the River Punch, and Munawar Tawi, which drains the Rajauri-Naushahra area and falls into River Chenab near Marala, North-West of Sialkot, West of Akhnur of Jammu District[2]. On this extreme southern edge of Kashmir, where Munawar Tawi leaves the foothills called Kalidhar Ridge and enters the plains of Punjab, lies an undulating, rolling stretch of ground called the Munawar Gap also known as the Munawar Pass[3]. Starting in the north from a point called NJ 9842 which lies south-west of the Karakorum Pass, the Cease Fire Line followed a 470-mile zigzag course over jagged peaks creating awkward bulges and a number of salient in the disputed State of Kashmir. Holding this enormous line on the Azad Kashmir side was the oversized 12 Division with the head of a golden stag as its emblem. In 1965, it had eighteen infantry battalions mostly belonging to AKRF and twenty irregular Mujahid companies.

On the Indian side, XV Corps with its headquarters at Udhampur, was responsible for the Indian Held Kashmir and Ladakh areas. Before the outbreak of hostilities in 1965, it comprised 3 Infantry Division at Leh, 19 Infantry Division at Baramula and 25 Infantry Division at Rajauri. In addition to these three infantry divisions, XV Corps had three independent infantry brigades (68. 121 and 191 Brigades) and a large number of second-line forces such as police, Jammu and Kashmir Militia and Ladakh Scouts in IHK. On 5 December 1962, Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik, a large-hearted, bold, energetic and an aggressive personality, took over command of 12 Division. The formation he inherited was divided into four sectors, each commanded by a brigadier.

The territory generally referred to as the Northern Area, which in the sixties extended from the Karakorum Pass on the Pakistan—China border to Athmuqam in the Neelam valley, was guarded by such second-line forces as the Northern Scouts, Karakorum Scouts and Gilgit Scouts, all grouped under the DIG Northern Area. In early 1965, the Northern Area was placed under the 12 Division’s operational command. South of Athmuqam lay the area of responsibility of Number I Sector, commanded by Brigadier Fazle Rahim Khilji with its headquarters at Muzaffarabad (Map 2). This sector was responsible for the area from Athmuqam to Pir Kanthi in the Jhelum Valley. Immediately on the right of Number I Sector was Brigadier Rafiq's Number 2 Sector at Bagh which held the area from Pir Kanthi Hot Springs guarding the Haji Pir Pass, Bagh and hajira valleys. The area from Hot Springs to Mirpur was the responsibility Of Number 3 Sector, commanded by Brigadier Qazi Abdul Wahid. The extreme southern end of 12 Division from Mirpur to the junction of the Cease Fire Line with the boundary line dividing Punjab and the Kashmir State (near Burejal) was held by Number 4 Sector commanded by Brigadier Abdul Hamid.

The area from the junction of the Cease Fire Line with the Punjab and Kashmir boundary to the River Chenab was the responsibility of 102 Brigade, a regular independent infantry brigade (nick-named GUJRAT Force) which until 1964 operated directly under GIIQ. In March 1964, it was grouped under the 12 Division thus extending the latter formation’s southern boundary down to the right bank of the River Chenab (Map 2). 12 Division's gigantic operational responsibility was compounded by disgruntled AKRF troops and a troublesome Cease Fire Line bristling with Indian guns. Ever since the imposition of the Cease Fire on I January 1949, the Indian occupation troops had continually harassed the population living on the Azad Kashmir side of the Cease Fire Line. All domestic chores such as farming, grazing, harvesting and drawing water from mountain springs had to be performed under constant threat of Indian firing. Some of the far-flung salients left unprotected by the 12 Division owing to a dearth of troops were freely patrolled by the Indians.

Of Politics and Diplomacy of two states

Before we venture into the Military Operations within Operation Gibraltar, we need to look at the situation between the two countries and how the diplomatic and stateside were functioning when the operation was being planned and executed. After the failure at the Battle of Sardar Post,[4] the Pakistani Army launched a comprehensive military operation which culminated into the Battle of Bets[5] which was won by the Pakistani Army. Having gained great moral confidence with the victory and outgunning India, especially in the use of Armour and Artillery, there was a general growing perception that the Pakistani Army was militarily strong enough to push India back and counter any offensive it may look to engage into. The victory also gave a growing thought that India was smarting with the loss at Kutch and may not engage in a full-scale military war. The Victory had also solidified a sidelined perception within the Military that the “Hindu” had no stomach for war and fighting, which was also highlighted[6] by Altaf Gauhar[7] as well as he highlighted that the same had become “A Belief if not a Military Doctrine”[8].

This thinking of martial and religious superiority would have a disastrous impact on the Kashmir campaign itself as religious affiliation and national morale became much-highlighted factors within the planned engagements with defects and shortcomings within the planned military operations being brushed under the carpet resulting in this false confidence. While troop military and national pride do play a role, this conceptual belief often led to the Pakistan military often overestimating their capabilities and grossly underestimating the capabilities of the opposition and thinking that perhaps the two could be the decisive factor between the two engaging sides. It was clear that this form of thinking needed to be mitigated rather than encouraged and in no way to proliferate the military planning. The Indian Army, Post Battle of Sardar, had started to build up its military deployment along the Punjab and Kashmir region with Ayub Khan and by the end of the conflict had now 7 divisions in Indian Held Kashmir. This Military Buildup was part of the Indian planning that if the conflict of Kutch would grow out of hand, then India would launch attacks across the Ceasefire Line and Punjab to divert any Military Pressure at Kutch. Pakistan, in an attempt to hide the Operation, made sure to move the 10th Division away from Lahore despite the Indian Buildup which would later on lead to the hasty defense of Lahore as India would cross the International Border. This movement of the division is evidence of the fact that the Indian Army build-up was not seen seriously and there was a perception that India will not launch fresh offensives into Pakistan despite the fact that this was the Indian defense Doctrine since the late 1950s to avert pressure exerted at set conflict zones. Pakistan would pay a hefty price for this complacency. During this period between June and August, Pakistani Newspapers and the State Channel published several interviews with senior Pakistani commanders who stated that the fighting with Indians had been very easy and the Indian soldiers would hardly ever allow themselves to get too close to the Pakistani Soldiers and at the sight of the Pakistani soldiers, they would flee in complete disarray. Ayub Khan confidently declared during a meeting at the Commonwealth Conference at London that the Indians were ‘Squealing like they did after their conflict with China and if war was to break out then “We shall hurt India beyond Repair”[9].

Ayub was most certainly enjoying himself after Kutch however that does not mean that Ayub was confident that if Pakistan locked horns with India in a full-scale war, Pakistan would be able to comparatively match their resources or bring about complete victory. Indeed he was a cautious man and wanted to make sure that no full-scale war happened which would force the Indian army to fully deploy but engage in controlled conflicts and take advantage of International Support, lack of Indian Modernization and the perception that India could not and would not engage in a conflict properly. There was a growing perception among the senior figures within the Pakistan government and this error of judgment would culminate in the mess that Pakistan would find itself in September. It is important to highlight that despite many of the men involved within the Operations of this study, Operation Gibraltar and Operation Grand Slam were planned by military men and presented before and agreed upon by men who boasted long military careers. It was clear that despite the military shortcomings of Field Marshal Ayub, running a state had slowly poisoned his thinking and that of his generals as they became more bureaucratic and political and less military in nature and thinking which resulted in many shortcomings being ignored for short-term political goals. A military would look into the events of Kutch and would take serious note of the shortcomings of the Battle of Sardar Post and the advantages displayed within the Battle of Bet and work towards mitigating or highlighting the issues and look to provide reforms and advancements that would make sure that the blunders of the former are immediately rectified and the advantages, especially the artillery advantages highlighted in the latter are improved upon and any immediate military plans to include however in a political and bureaucratic fashion, the battle of Sardar Post was largely ignored and the battle of bets, wherein Pakistan had great superiority, would not be used as an example to encompass a 700k+ military but that is what happened. Unfortunately, this transition also didn’t help them understand the mind of Shastri who could make border concession at a wasteland like Rann of Kutch which is flooded half the year in a conflict regarding patrols whereas Kashmir was completely different and only politicians like Nehru or Gandhi or Patel had the political currency to make concessions regarding Kashmir without paying major political cost, especially in face of an aggressive Pakistan. Shastri could never do that.

Another important aspect to understand is that during the entire Kutch Conflict, the US had taken a backseat and it was clear that the US would not go out of its way to defend the Pakistani Position and had largely left the United Kingdom to handle the diplomatic front regarding the conflict however Pakistan took this silence as an acceptance rather than the US absence. The US did raise protest for Pakistan using US weapons against India when the same were solely to be used against the Soviet Union however Ayub looked to interpret it to mean that the US had no issue with Pakistan using US equipment against India to gain Military Advantage in a conflict. This would be put to the test in the war of 1965. Ayub and his close circle now believed that in the event of any conflict, Pakistan could gain military advantage and the International community would come for arbitration and a meek and defeated India would be forced to accede to demands at the negotiating table. The 1st July 1965 Agreement brought great hope to Ayub and he was so satisfied that he wanted the said agreement to be a model for the coming Kashmir Dispute and to this extent that Aziz Ahmed said to Ayub Khan after looking into the Agreement brought by Bhutto that they had found their main negotiator for Kashmir.[10]

With the context of the situation displayed, let us delve deeper. One of Ayub Khan’s Cabinet Members of the time, G.Q Chaudhary[11] highlights that most of the decisions were made by Ayub Khan and while Cabinet Members like Bhutto had some influence,

“….usually the cabinet would discuss peripheral issues such as a civilian aviation pact…. But vital decisions, whether related to defense, foreign affairs, or economic policy, were decided in the Presidential House with the help of an inner cabinet.”[12]

This was corroborated by General Musa,[13] in his work. G.W Chaudhary highlighted that rather than having an actual debate within the parliament, Ayub would form two groups of Senior Military Officers to make Pros and Cons of a proposed action where one group was to focus on ‘for the action’ and the other was ‘against the action’. In case of Military Action against India, “This well-established practice was not allowed.”[14] This was largely done to keep the secrecy of the operations in question and as the voices of individuals, led largely by Bhutto and Akhtar Malik, grew louder and stronger, Ayub became more and more convinced and in the absence of a proper cabinet debate, many issues with the operations were overlooked and the difficulties were brushed under the carpet.

It is important to highlight that Both Operation Gibraltar and Operation Grand Slam were meant to defreeze the Kashmir Issue and bring Kashmir back into the International discussion and for a solution similar to the Rann of Kutch conflict. The idea was that if the International community witnessed growing military conflict regarding Kashmir then they may intervene to keep the peace and force India to settle the issue. Planning for ways to activate the Kashmir issue was discussed as early as the late 1950s when Pakistan felt that the issue was slowly dying and actual state focus happened in the early 1960s wherein Ayub asked the Intelligence bureau to plan for methods to keep the Kashmir Issue burning, especially in light of the growing Vietnam Conflict which was taking space in the global issue.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani Military in Kashmir was suffering from a serious situation regarding the Azad Kashmir Regiment Force. The AKRF troops made up more than 80% of the 12 Division's order of battle. Formed during the turbulent times of the Kashmir War of 1947-48, the AKRF units initially comprised volunteers who had served without pay, rations or uniforms. Gradually. They were given some facilities but there was still vast disparity in pay, scale of rations and training facilities between them and the regular Pakistani troops. With the passage of time, the disparity increased and with it discontentment. By 1963. Frustration among the civilian population as well as AKRF troops had reached its peak and was beginning to boil over. In the words of Brigadier Khilji who had already served three tenures in Azad Kashmir and possessed vast experience of service in the mountains

“I had all the time known that this thing is slowly and gradually growing up. But by the time I was posted (back to Azad Kashmir) in 1963. I was literally forced to solve a situation which I do not know what you will call. At some places, the AK troops had even abandoned their forward positions and had just come down and were roaming around."[15]

The General Headquarters ordered a court of inquiry which became the duty of Brigadier Khilji’s and this arduous task was his responsibility to be carried out immediately on taking over the Number 1 sector. As a result of this inquiry, the rank and file of AKRF were purged of recalcitrant elements. Thereafter, General Akhtar set about restoring the morale of his Azad Kashmir troops. The pay scales of AKRF were raised to a measure of respectability and free rations along with uniforms were made admissible. The troops deployed along the Cease Fire Line were ordered to adopt an aggressive posture and dominate their areas through retaliatory fire. The areas which could not be physically occupied for want of troops were patrolled regularly and ambushes as well as raids were organized in areas frequented by Indian patrols. Within a year the situation improved greatly as the Indians ceased to dominate the Cease Fire Line and morale among the 12 Division's troops rose to unprecedented heights. Unfortunately, this morale would be immediately tested as these men would be sent into hostile territory to organize a revolt.

The intensity of military activity along the Cease Fire Line increased with the passage of time. In December 1963 occurred the incident of theft of the Holy Relic from the shrine at Hazratbal in Srinagar. The result of this outrage was mass protests and violent rallies on both sides of the Cease Fire Line. It also rekindled the yearning to overthrow the Indian yoke in occupied Kashmir. It was perhaps at this point that the thinking of the Kashmir Cell and the GOC of the 12 Division coincided. Bhutto perchance found in General Akhtar Malik the man he needed to de-freeze the Kashmir issue. Encouraged by the local successes and the unrest that prevailed in the Valley, General Akhtar, in the words of Brigadier Iqbal Ahmed Shamim (GSO-I Operations at HQ 12 Division during 1965),

"…..toyed with the idea of taking advantage of these factors by sending into IHK, some deep range patrols…”[16]

In early 1964, Aziz Ahmed was made Chairman of the newly formed ‘Kashmir Publicity Committee’ and the said committee was given the objective of keeping the Kashmir Issue alive[17] however the committee was neither given a proper directive nor was the function of said committee highlighted in any official manner. Most members did not even know what was the true purpose of the Committee and whether they were to propose diplomatic or military solutions. The committee met in secrecy in the home of the Education Secretary and to ensure maximum secrecy, meetings were neither recorded nor properly documented which in hindsight only limited the functioning of said committee. The Director of Military Intelligence would also attend meetings as a member. Bhutto and Aziz Ahmed were adamant that if proper military and political support was granted, then the population of IHK would rise up in popular revolt against India. The Foreign Ministry, functioning under Bhutto and Aziz were also convinced and argued that International Support was there and that if a military solution is sought then intervention will arrive and they will be able to get proper support during negotiations. They argued this on the basis of the recent Kutch Conflict and stated that diplomatic support for Pakistan was great and this was doubled down post the Kutch Conflict. While the rhetoric convinced some, the Commander in Chief of the Army, General Musa Khan remained unconvinced as he highlighted that the preparations for infiltration and revolt were not proper and would not be effective in both military and political operations. He also countered the blind enthusiasm by stating that if Pakistan tried to organize and fund an armed resistance through such vigorous and blatant infiltrations then it will lead to a general war for which Pakistan was not only ill-prepared but was also outnumbered. He also highlighted that every setback that India will face within the Vale due to this resistance will force India to deploy more and more resources and eventually target the country that is supplying and hosting the resistance. Unfortunately, the room was not conducive for such criticism. He wanted his opposition to be properly noted despite the secrecy and he claimed[18] that he ensured that a note citing his opposition was sent to Ayub following one of the meetings wherein he cited his opposition to the plan in great detail. General Musa highlights that when he had sent the note, Ayub Khan replied to the note by returning said note with a simple comment that he agreed with the GHQ. General Musa also highlighted that during these meetings, Bhutto would emphasize on the need to launch raids as soon as possible and would fortify his opinion upon other military officers by highlighting the sensitivity of the time and the limited window wherein any military operation could be conducted and this included the GOC of the 12th Division, General Akhtar Malik.

General Musa complained to Ayub Khan that this aggressive argument for military action was not acceptable and he stated that Ayub Khan agreed and assured him that he would put an end to this immediately however the Foreign Ministry and Military Intelligence favoured immediate military action. The Committee highlighted the recent military operation in Kutch as well as that of the diplomatic mission as evidence of the fact that Pakistan could succeed both militarily and diplomatically in a limited-scale operation and this was resonated by Ayub Khan as well and this was not limited to the Kashmir Committee or Ayub but also with some senior military officials of the army who felt that the Indian Army was a largely ineffective military force whose gigantic size and obsolete military equipment and broken military doctrine would put them at a military disadvantage, especially in face of the better quality US weaponry which would give Pakistan a gigantic military edge in a limited military scale. The Kashmir Committee also highlighted the unrest within the valley of Kashmir wherein it would highlight post arrest of Sheikh Abdullah and the Hazrat Bal[19] strikes, the people of IHK would be more receptive towards an uprising and irregular and regular incursions. The hope was that if Pakistan sent in regular and irregular forces and through them made a decisive move, the population, under the push irregulars and leadership of the regulars pushed in then the people would rise up and push the Indian Army back which would place the Indian Government into a terrible position. It would either have to come to terms with the Kashmir uprising and communicate with the uprising movement and Pakistan for a compromise ot it would have to face a popular revolt through a heavy crackdown which would only galvanize the population to fight more and lead India to International Condemnation and invite International intervention and with sheikh Abdullah in prison, this could be used to further extend the pressure on India. Another reason provided was that India was going through a political and economical turmoil. In 1964, Talbot visited South Asia and highlighted the contrast as Pakistan was filled confidence and a new found capability and self-belief whereas India was facing a serious economic crisis which was being exasperated through communal riots, food shortages and weak economic growth under an experienced and unknown Prime Minister as the Nation was still coming to grips with the death of statesman like Nehru.[20]

During the meetings another aspect was repeatedly highlighted which focused on the modernization program by the Indian Army. In 1962, the Indian army suffered a serious defeat in Aksai Chin and there was a great need to modernize and rearm the army to make it a better and more responsive military force. Both Bhutto as well as some Military Officials that by 1970, Pakistan will face a very different India which will be well-equipped, well-trained and larger in size with a more accurate responsive doctrine and would mount a serious military challenge to any operation that Pakistan might undertake be it of limited or grander scale and if Pakistan wanted to take a military issue to Kashmir then it could not be left later than 1965-66 since in 1965 Pakistan had more modern weapons and superior military morale and by 1970, challenging India at a military scale would be quite impossible. Bhutto was the main proponent of this World War 1 esque theory wherein the German Empire sought war with Russia before it could prepare a railway network allowing for quick deployment. Bhutto stated to his biographer, “I wrote to Ayub Khan saying that if we wanted to pursue a policy of confrontation with India, time was running out. We had to act now or it was too late.”[21]

Bhutto also argued that Pakistan’s new Foreign Policy would be critical in amassing support for Pakistan and isolating India as Britain was on friendly terms with both countries but favoured largely Pakistan as was seen with the Kutch agreement, whereas the three major powers that were in Asia were China, USSR and USA and post the Sino-Pak Pact, China was on very friendly terms with Pakistan and with the 1962 Conflict and the border conflicts post 1962, the relations between China and India were low. There was even a general perception that if things escalated then China may try to take advantage of the situation, forcing India into a corner. Chinese overtures towards other Muslim states also placed Pakistan with a sense of security that Pakistan could play a key role in doing that. The USSR, while not exactly pro-Pakistan but was largely less hostile and Bhutto assured that the Soviets were more receptive towards Pakistan especially with the Ayub USSR visit earlier that year and felt that the USSR was under the impression that there was a growing rift between the US and Pakistan which it could exploit to gain a powerful and strong Ally in Asia and while the relations between Pakistan and US weren’t as high as they were in the 1950s, Ayub was convinced that the US bases inside Pakistan gave Pakistan enough leverage over the US to befriend China as well as take military action against India without any serious adverse action by the US. On top of this, the US position had largely been sympathetic towards Pakistan as Diplomats repeatedly told Pakistan counterparts that Pakistan held the moral high ground in Kashmir and that the rigidity of the Indian stance was destabilizing the peace of South Asia.

It is also important to highlight that while this was not discussed within the Committee itself, both Ayub and Bhutto felt that the Presidential Elections had done great damage to Ayub as despite rigging the election against Fatima Jinnah, Ayub barely won and lost at the important constituencies of Karachi and East Pakistan. Ayub knew that despite Fatima Jinnah accepting the results, the country was politically divided and the political fabric was getting out of control however a Galvanized Kashmir Issue could unite West Pakistan and stem the political flow within East Pakistan and promote unity under Ayub to tackle India whilst Kashmir was being resolved especially if Ayub could take Kashmir away from India and end the issue with Pakistan in triumph, whether that triumph was military or diplomatic, did not matter.[22]

[1] Raiders in Kashmir by Akbar Khan
[2] Course of Munawar Tawi River
[3] The origins of the name, in accordance to local legends as well as the Jammu and Kashmir Travel Guide is that that the pass was named after the Major Malik Munawar Awan who played an important role in Operation Gibraltar as he was part of the Ghaznavi Force and was even declared as king of rajouri for his conducted operations in the Rajouri Sector which went all the way till the end of the 1965 war.
[4] One of the battles at the Rann of Kutch Conflict wherein the Pakistani Military launched an operation to take over Sardar Post but the same ended in failure with both sides smarting. This was followed with the Battle of Bets wherein Pakistan won a comprehensive victory by completing most of the objectives and leading to the Kutch Ceasefire. The failures of the Indian Army along with the Shastri Government accepting Ceasefire without taking back the lost positions in the battle of bets placed great pressure on the Indian Government.
[5] Ibid, Reference 4
[6] Altaf gauhar, Ayub Khan, Pakistan’s First Military Ruler
[7] Altaf Gauhar rose in the ranks of Civil Service and became very close to Ayub Khan and Ghost Wrote his Book. Friends Not Masters and was considered as the Defacto Vice President of Pakistan during Ayub Years. Gauhar was against the Yahya Khan Takeover in 1969 and was twice imprisoned by Zulfiqar Bhutto. His notes and works are essential for any research to be done regarding the times of Ayub Khan.
[8] Ibid, Reference 6
[9] Russel Brines, The Indo Pakistan Conflict, Pall Mall Press 1968
[10] James Sir. M 1993 Pakistan Chronicle Karachi,
[11] Ghulam Waheed Chaudhary was a political scientist and diplomat from East Pakistan and was involved in the formulation of the Tashkent Agreement. His work Pakistan’s Relations With India 1947-1966 has considerable research in the days that we are discussing here and he has used adequate sources, evidences and authorities that support his conclusions and assertions.
[12] G.W. Chaudhary The Last Days of United Pakistan, Oxford Press 1993
[13] My version: India-Pakistan War 1965 By General Musa Khan which is an excellent and reliable account regarding the period being discussed and will be used for future references.
[14] Ibid, Reference 12
[15] Brigadier FR Khilji Interview Dated 14th September 1978 at command and staff college, Quetta
[16] Brigadier Iqbal Ahmed Shamim’s Interview Dated 13th September 1978 at Command and Staff College, Quetta
[17] Gulzar Ahmed “Pakistan Meets Indian challenge” 1967
[18] Ibid, Ref 13,
[19] In 1963 the Hair of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H disappeared within the Hazrat Bal Shrine within Srinagar on 27th December 1963 and following this incident large scale protests took place forcing Jawarlal Nehru to make speech regarding the issue.
[20] Cohen and Tucker EDS, 145
[21] Salman Taseer, Bhutto, London, Ithaca Press 1979
[22] Ibid Ref 7


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In February 1965 a plan of action was formulated by the Committee and was placed before the head of the Military Intelligence along with Bhutto, Aziz Ahmed, Musa and Gauhar being present however the heads of the Naval and Air Forces were not made part of the committee because it was felt that utmost secrecy was needed and only the Army was capable of professional secrecy. The proposal recommended sending regular Pakistani Soldiers to IHK as Kashmiri Mujahideen. During the presentation of this proposal, According to Gauhar, Ayub was annoyed and asked who gave the Foreign Ministry and Military Intelligence the authority to force a military campaign upon Pakistan and there was an awkward silence and embarrassment for Bhutto and the Committee who felt that they had overstepped and Gauhar stated in his book that he felt that the plan was shelved but that was clearly not the case. Either Ayub was acting infront of the larger committee to highlight how he was against such military proposals or he was unconvinced but not deterred but became convinced later on. It is also possible that Ayub was simply utilizing his style of finding faults to witness a satisfying answer for at this point, the Government had decided to undertake guerrilla operations, General Headquarters officially ordered the commander of the 12 Division to prepare plans for operations in IHK. Nevertheless, the plan of action did not die out there especially if we consider the fact that on 15th April, sent to the Chief of General Staff a brief paper containing the study of guerrilla operations and the political decisions regarding clandestine operations within IHK. There is evidence to suggest that Akhtar Malik had already undertaken this task and was well-prepared before the presentation on said date. He sent to the Chief of the General Staff a brief paper containing a historical study of guerrilla and insurgency operations, and the political decisions concerning clandestine operations in IHK which he thought the army must obtain from the Government before going into action. In the demi official letter (dated 15 April 1965) accompanying the paper, General Akhtar wrote to the Chief of General Staff:

“Reference our conversation regarding starting guerrilla activities inside the Held Kashmir territory. I am enclosing a brief note giving my visualization as to how this movement can be organized. These are my rough thoughts on the problem and 1 might be able to explain further details when we discuss the problem. However, in view of the time factor working against us I felt that I might forward these to you as early as possible for your study and consideration.”[1]

He wrote pointedly:

“A political approach based on civil intelligence appreciation with regard to the present political climate in Held Kashmir is pre-requisite for planning and conducting any guerrilla operations there..... How far are to go? What is the political appreciation of India's reaction to guerrilla movement in Held Kashmir? In case they decided to act like the British in Malaya as opposed to the French in Indo-China then are we prepared to see this fight to the end? It must be appreciated that If Pakistan tries to drag its feet and leave the Kashmiris in the lurch halfway through, then Kashmir would be lost to us forever”[2]

General Akhtar recommended that action should be initiated,

"After political and intelligence appreciations establish feasibility of insurgency movement in Kashmir…..”[3]

And that the operations should be organized and handled by the army alone:

“A small executive body in the GHQ should direct and control the operations guided personally by the C-in-C. It should be a very small body which should NOT any interference from the ministries. The executive body should consult any ministry it deems fit. All intelligence agencies operating in Held Kashmir should be under it. C-in-C should be the final authority on formulation and execution of plans and policies. For detailed execution and day to day conduct of operations, Headquarters 12 Division (with additional staff) should be made responsible.”[4]

It was quite clear that Akhtar Malik was not enjoying the presence of Civilian actors within the Kashmir Committee which was largely formed to look into a military solution to Kashmir which is understandable considering the fact that Pakistan was in the grips of military rule and Bhutto, who was the largest civilian leader present, was not qualified to discuss or advise on the military aspect of the matter, especially on the hastiness of the Operation.

If secrecy was important then it was not kept as Pakistan repeatedly gave ominous hints towards something grand as on 20th April the US learned of a private meeting in Rawalpindi chaired by Ayub Khan which excluded the press but was attended by the Military, ministers and bureaucracy after his visits to China and USSR wherein Ayub had stated that he was more than satisfied with his visit to China because the Chinese leadership had expressed all-out support to Pakistan. He said that he was attempting to correct the mistakes of the past by trying to befriend the USSR but such tasks would take a long time to complete as the damage was too great however he felt that the relations had been repaired to such an extent that the USSR may not veto any future Kashmir Resolution if the issue was raised again in the United Nations Security Council. Ayub, it was reported, was asked by an audience member during this meeting on how Pakistan could survive as a small country in a position of a lamb between lions. Ayub replied that he was not a lamb and he knew how to live peacefully amongst lions by setting one lion against another. Ayub also announced that he would retain Pakistan’s membership of CENTO and SEATO and would continue to have cordial ties with USSR and China. [5]

During the third week of April 1965, the general officers of the Pakistan Army were called to GHQ for the Twelfth Division Commanders Conference. As one of the regular features of this conference, Brigadier Irshad, the Director of Military Intelligence gave an intelligence briefing to the assemblage on 19th April. Brigadier Irshad highlighted the rapid expansion of the Indian Army as a result of India’s five years roll plan started after the NEFA debacle. He highlighted that in 1962, the Indian Army comprised only nine divisions and now it was nineteen divisions strong. However, the DMI said that despite its growing size, the Indian Army was in a state of flux owing to new raisings and that it would not be ready to go to war until two or three years. At the end of his briefing, the DMI made four recommendations.

Firstly, the Pakistan Army should be improved qualitatively and quantitatively.

Secondly, Pakistan must seriously give thought to India's nuclear potential.

Thirdly, any pressure that Pakistan was capable of bringing to upon India should be exerted during the two or three years in which India was militarily unbalanced.

Lastly, Pakistan should improve its relations with Afghanistan.[6]

General Akhtar was also asked to brief the gathering on the activities of the 12 Division along the Cease Fire Line in which he highlighted how his troops in AK had achieved ascendancy over the Indians deployed opposite them. On 9th May 1965, General Akhtar sent another paper to the CGS. This was more specific in detail regarding the preparation, planning, organization, communications, logistics, execution and launching of the insurgency operations in IHK. The paper pointed out inter alia, that these operations could be launched up to October, failing which they would have to be postponed until May 1966. General Akhtar wrote that the guerrilla forces could be launched within ten weeks of the decision to go ahead and that if the decision was taken within the next few days, the operations could be launched by the end of July or the beginning of August 1965 and it would still leave three clear months of operating season during 1965.[7]

Time indeed was the highlighted critical factor which forced the hand of the Pakistani decision-makers. The C-in-C had stressed the postponement of action in Kashmir by a year or two to muster more strength. The DMI had also advocated the same course of action but at the same time, he had also pointed out that the Army was unbalanced because of its rapid expansion and that Pakistan should take action before the Indian reorganization became fully operational. General Akhtar was confident that he could undertake the guerrilla operations at ten weeks’ notice. Kashmir cell was keen on starting the insurgency as soon as possible despite the fact that the majority of the military officers present stated that the Pakistani Army also needed to be properly prepared.

It is quite unknown when Ayub gave the green light to plan infiltration. The actions of General Akhtar highlight that support for the idea was given by February 1965 but Gulzar Ahmed highlights that the permission was given by the early summer of 1965 when he secretly approved military planning for a limited war in Kashmir despite opposition from General Musa as well as few other Military Senior Officials. He also highlighted that Ayub had his own reservations. We know that Ayub used to make two groups, one in support for a proposal and one against, and have them bring their arguments before he made up his mind. It could be that he gave Akhtar, Aziz and Bhutto the green light to lead the supporting arguments for Military intervention in Kashmir and supported the reservations of Musa and other military officials to understand the arguments against such Military intervention. If so, then clearly Akhtar and Bhutto took center stage as their arguments and assertions of war now for victory today rather than a defeat tomorrow plus diplomatic support asserted by Bhutto, could have swayed the mind of Ayub. Looking at the political landscape of 1965, the time-limit argument may not be just military in nature as Ayub, who saw rising politicians and military individuals, was quite worried for his own future.

General Musa also highlighted that while the exact date is unknown, it was to appear that after Ayub’s first negative reaction to the proposal, the GHQ was to direct General Akhtar, either in spring or early summer, to prepare a draft plan for deep raids into the IHK in accordance to the parameters defined by the GHQ. Now it is important to understand that Ayub had told General Musa that he agreed with GHQ yet the GHQ here was informing General Akhtar to propose military infiltration plans. There is little doubt that the GHQ acted independently from Ayub and there is little doubt that this order came from Ayub himself despite the objections of General Musa. As Stated on 15th of April General Akhtar presented to the Chief of Defence Staff a brief proposal with a more detailed plan being sent on 9th May and a formal presentation of the plans to Ayub and other Senior Officials was to be presented on 13th or 15th of May at Murree Headquarters. General Musa the Chief of General Staff Brigadier Irshad director of Military Intelligence was present along with Major General Malik Sher Bahadur (CGS), and Brigadier Gul Hassan, the Director of Military Operations.[8] The primary political aim of the operation was:

“To create large scale disturbances in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK), which would force India to take major political and military steps to meet the situation and which, in turn, would nullify her pretentious stand before the world that no political problem existed in Kashmir. To place India on the horns of a dilemma in which if she decided to deal with the situation by local military action against the freedom fighters inside IHK, she would expose herself to a long drawn, indecisive guerrilla warfare against a hostile population and to the risk of Kashmir turning itself into another Viet Nam. If, on the other hand, she decided to escalate the conflict, a dangerous situation would be created in South Asia which would force the Security Council and the United Nations, and in particular the big powers, to take urgent steps to bring about a solution of the problem, instead of treating it as a dead issue.”[9]

The military aim of launching the guerrilla operations was threefold. Firstly, disrupt Indian civil and military control of the State. Secondly, to encourage, assist and direct an armed revolt by the people of Kashmir against Indian military occupation, and thirdly, to create conditions for an advance by the Azad Kashmir forces into the heart of occupied Kashmir and eventual liberation of IHK.[10]

The operation was code-named GIBRALTAR General Akhtar envisaged Operation GIBRALTAR to be conducted in two, broad phases. The first phase was to create a shock wave by launching raiding attacks on selected targets and thus prepare the ground for a general uprising. The second phase was the incorporation of the civil uprising in the guerrilla operations and, therefore depended entirely on the success of the first phase. After General Akhtar's briefing was over. President Ayub approved the plan and appointed a committee to execute it. Headed by General Musa, the committee Comprised General Sher Bahadur (CGS), Brigadiers Gul Hassan (DMO and Irshad (DMI) as its members, and General Akhtar Malik as the executive member. A special fund of a considerable amount was given to the 12 Division to meet the expenditure of the operations.

Either way, we can safely conclude that by the summer of 1965 Ayub was fully involved in the enterprise since General Akhtar himself could confirm that by this time, Ayub was fully involved to such an extent that it was his idea and he would assert that Ayub had ordered him to bypass General Musa while Gibraltar was being planned and other sources confirm this assertion that at this time, Ayub was completely part of the loop and the decision to give General Akhtar and the 12th Division the authority to plan and execute military infiltration in IHK was given great secrecy and was known only to a handful of Ayub Military and political advisors. Even some senior generals who had voiced their opposition to such plans were kept out of the loop and the Pakistani Air Force and Navy were not informed either. General Gul Hassan admits that the Army high command always felt that the Air Force Senior command was not as Security Minded as the Army branch and as for the Navy, he states that “…..GHQ was aware that we had such a service in the country and that it was located somewhere near Karachi.”[11]

The detailed plan brought by General Malik was not very different than the one proposed within the Kashmir Committee in February which Ayub had criticized except this time it was more detailed and highlighted two separate Operations which were to become Operation Gibraltar and Operation Grand Slam. The presentation of this plan was well known among the circles of Ayub and Bhutto had even sent a letter a day before General Akhtar was to present the plan for Ayub to review, to accept said plan. Within this letter, Bhutto argued that India was in no position to risk an all our general war and Pakistan had to act now within the limited available to it otherwise it would hand over the initiative to India which could then launch attacks over Pakistan at the time of its own choosing. Bhutto ended the letter by stating

“…..This is our house of decision and may God Guide us on the right path.”[12]

General Akhtar was also given additional officers to create within his division headquarters a separate branch of staff officers for planning and execution of GIBRALTAR. On 16th May, Brigadier Ishaq and six other officers reached Headquarters 12th Division to form the "GIBRALTAR Planning Staff' with the brigadier as the 'Chief of Planning Staff." On 17th May 1965, two days after General Akhtar's briefing in Murree, the Indians occupied three Pakistani posts opposite Kargil which were Kuro Posts titled Laila and Majnu. To the world, India explained the action as retaliation against Pakistani incursions from these posts against her supply line from Srinagar to Leh. The Indian public at home was given to believe that the Rann of Kutch had been avenged. In Pakistan it was seen as yet another affront in the bitter business of Kashmir. Detailed planning and preparations for Operation GIBRALTAR began in Headquarters 12th Division immediately after the President had given his approval. On 17 May, General Akhtar issued his Planning Directive to all sector commanders. The Directive began by giving a background to the Kashmir problem:

“.....time is fast running short because the growing might of India will progressively alter the balance of power in India's favour and thus encourage her in her intransigent and intractable attitude towards not only the Kashmir problem but in other spheres as well. It is not our policy to throw a military challenge to India in order to seek a solution in Kashmir. Time has, however, come to discard hopes of peaceful settlement and adopt more aggressive measures which will compel India to either come to the negotiation table in a chastened mood or face a growing menace in Kashmir imposing an ever increasing burden on her economy. These operations will be executed through guerrilla action in selected areas. It is hoped that these guerrilla operations, if properly handled and propagated, will act as ignitors for indigenous civil uprisings, building in a crescendo of civil disruption which cannot fail to attract international attention and weaken India's stand on Kashmir. The insurgency operations will be an extension of our present military activities and political offensive...., the re-arrest of Sheikh Abdullah has created a psychological atmosphere of disillusionment and conditions are ripe to inflame the feelings of the population. Violent actions, if properly planned and conducted and if these are launched with sufficient dispersion will create a shock wave which with continuous nourishment can engulf the whole of Indian Held Kashmir. The success of insurgent guerrilla operation will depend on correct assessment of feelings in Indian Held Kashmir and, the support which such operations receive from us.”[13]

A week after the Planning Directive was issued, a staff study on enemy reactions to GIBRALTAR was prepared by Headquarters 12th Division and sent to all sector commanders. This study highlighted two main hypotheses. The first hypothesis envisaged Indian reaction confined to the territory of Kashmir in which several variations were considered depending on whether the enemy adopted a defensive or offensive posture. The second hypothesis stated that GIBRALTAR could lead to an all-out war between India and Pakistan. In this hypothesis too the enemy's strategy in Kashmir was contingent upon the adoption of a defensive or offensive posture by India. Based on the enemy reactions conceived in the staff study, the sector commanders were ordered to plan counter- measures in their respective areas of responsibility.[14] A day after the staff study on enemy reactions was issued, General Akhtar sent a comprehensive requirement to the Directors of Intelligence Bureau (1B), Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence requesting political, strategic and military intelligence about the targets in IHK. On 29 May, General Akhtar issued another directive to his sector commanders giving detailed guidance on types of targets to be interdicted, disrupted or destroyed by the guerrilla forces. Reading through the copy sent to GHQ, General Musa wrote on it in his own hand,

“This is a very sound paper. Operations indicated in it should pay handsome dividends. Para 13 deals with employment of IHK civilians. I am hopeful that our success will encourage them to join us. We should be prepared to utilize them fully.”[15]

Truly the atmosphere within the higher echelons of Pakistan was that there is a destiny that is awaiting Pakistan and this moment. Now Altaf Gauhar stated that Bhutto was present for the meeting whereas General Musa states that no civilian official attended the meeting but nevertheless Bhutto knew about the plan and the briefing itself as evidenced by the letter itself, enough that Bhutto wanted Ayub to approve it even before the presentation. There is enough evidence to suggest that Bhutto and Akhtar were in contact with each other regarding the planning of the operations. During the meeting the aims of Operation Gibraltar were laid down as an infiltration operation that would create large-scale disturbances in IHK which would force India to take serious political and military steps to control the situation and as India would crackdown, it would weaken its rigid and pretentious stance before the world that there is no issue in Kashmir and any insurgency is extremely small scale. The meeting also highlighted that as India would bring more and more military within Kashmir, the Abuses that would follow would galvanize the populace to revolt causing India to get stuck in a quagmire similar to one that US was within Vietnam at that time. The armed fighters would tie the Indian Army in a protracted guerrilla war and put it in a war of attrition and India would feel the heat, Pakistan would double down along the CFL forcing India to face an internal and external situation and if India decided to start an all-out war then,

“…..a dangerous situation would be created in South Asia, which would force the Security Council and the United Nations and in particular the big powers, to take urgent steps to bring about a solution to the problem instead of treating it as a dead issue.”[16]

[1] Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik’s Demi Official letter Dated 5th April 1965. Addressed to the chief pf the General staff
[2] Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik’s paper titled POINTS NEEDING POLITICAL DECISION
[3] Ibid Gen. Akhtar paper
[4] Ibid Ref General Akhtar Paper
[5] Pakistan Memo, Volume III 12/64 7/65 LBJ Library
[6] Brigadier Irshad Ahmed Khan’s interview Dated 27th September 1978 at the Command and Staff College. Quetta
[7] Major General Akhtar’s Demi Official Letter Dated 9th May 1965 addressed to the Chief of General Staff
[8] Ibid; Ref Gulzar Ahmed
[9] 12th Divisions Final Report on Operation Gibraltar
[10] 12th Division Operation Instructions 1 to 6 issued between 10-13th July 1965
[11] Lt General Gul Hassan Memoirs
[12] Ibid, Ref 6 as well as White Paper, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Pakistan.
[13] Gibraltar Planning Directive, Dated 17th May 1965
[14] 12th Division’s staff study on enemy reactions
[15] 12th Division GOC’s planning guidance Dated 29th May 1965
[16] Ibid Gulzar Ahmed, 12th Division Final Report on Gibraltar

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