TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Looks like the results are as follows:

PUK 5 seats (6 with quota)
Arab coalition 3 seats
KDP 2 seats
Turkmen Front 2 seats
Christian Quota: 1 seat (PUK candidate)
Then 3 seats divided between two other Arab coalitions.

Looks like the governor of Kirkuk will go to the Kurds and will be PUK. Unless the Turkmen front united with all the different Arab coalitions and the KDP. I think this is unlikely.

The PUK received 155,000 votes, Sunni Arabs 162,000 with three separate lists, the Iraqi Turkmen Front between 85,000 and 90,000, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) 49,000, and the New Generation (Kurdish Party) 25,000 votes. It was noteworthy that some constituencies in Kirkuk, where Turkmens live intensely, voted for the PUK as a bloc.

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The majority in Kirkuk are Arabs and Turks!

According to the announced election results, Arabs and Turks took the majority in Kirkuk!

No force has been able to Kurdify Kirkuk!

So now he changed from "Kirkuk is Turkish" to "Kirkuk is Arab + minority Turkish"

It is ironic to say that "even Turkmens voted for the Kurdish party" and carry the propaganda of the terrorist organization PKK and Kurdish saigas to the Turkish media and then say "I only shared information without being biased".

You were very biased, pro-Kurdish. All of the news you shared was from Kurdish sources.

The election results showed us that the PUK, which received 190 thousand votes in 2018 despite all its Kurdification policies for 20 years, was defeated in Kirkuk by falling to 140 thousand in this election.

Turkmen neighborhoods, on the other hand, voted only for the ITC, not for the Kurds, as alleged.

The fact that the men who settled more than 400,000 illegal Kurdish voters in Kirkuk since 2003 reached only 200,000 votes is an even greater defeat.

In addition, when we examine the reports of the Independent Observers, 70% of Kurdish voters went to the elections, while 40% of Turkish voters could only go due to problems. This shows that despite all the Kurdish parties playing their trump cards, their strongest form in Kirkuk is only the 200,000 threshold.

In short, you preferred the propaganda channels of the terrorist organization as a source, not us, who are trying to convey the most accurate information in the region.

We shouted, we said, you are being deceived. However, you have been deceived by the pages on twitter that think they are international relations experts, commanders, sultans and I don't know what.

Please get information from the right sources.

The PUK got 190,000 votes in 2018 because the KDP did not participate in the 2018 election, they boycotted it as after the 2017 referendum they left Kirkuk. Which shows that the KDP were in a position to take seats from PUK and split the Kurdish vote. Today the PUK + KDP had much more than 190,000 votes together.

This clothes seller from Kirkuk selling propaganda is the reason why elections like this are lost. Pure disinformation to gas the nation.

I still remember prior in this thread that him and Ersat Salihi were calling for KDP to be barred from Kirkuk so they couldn't campaign, the reason they gave was that "PKK would rule Kirkuk". It is obvious that this isn't true and it aided the Iranians placing PUK in the lead position in Kirkuk. I don't think this guy and Ersat's party are stupid, I think they are part of the Iranian game. The guy is an agent.


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In the attack carried out by members of the separatist terrorist organization on December 22, 2023 in the north of Iraq and in the subsequent contact, 3 of our heroic comrades were martyred and 4 of our heroic comrades were injured. Contact continues within the scope of operations against the separatist terrorist organization in the region. Sudden air operations were carried out against the determined targets and the escape directions of the terrorists. According to preliminary findings, 4 terrorists were neutralized. May God have mercy on our martyrs who lost their lives in this incident that filled us with deep pain and sadness, our condolences and patience to their grieving families, the Turkish Armed Forces and our noble nation, and we wish a speedy recovery to our injured personnel.

According to sources it was an attack in Hakurk against the Hakkari Mountain Commando Brigade personnel. They are the most successful forces in the recent Claw series of operations. With the worsening of the weather conditions the terrorists are becoming more arrogant in their moves. Martyr number may rise. Wait for official statement from the Ministry of National Defence. May Allah accept their martyrdom!


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In the attack carried out by members of the separatist terrorist organization on December 22, 2023 in the north of Iraq and in the subsequent contact, 3 of our heroic comrades were martyred and 4 of our heroic comrades were injured. Contact continues within the scope of operations against the separatist terrorist organization in the region. Sudden air operations were carried out against the determined targets and the escape directions of the terrorists. According to preliminary findings, 4 terrorists were neutralized. May God have mercy on our martyrs who lost their lives in this incident that filled us with deep pain and sadness, our condolences and patience to their grieving families, the Turkish Armed Forces and our noble nation, and we wish a speedy recovery to our injured personnel.

According to sources it was an attack in Hakurk against the Hakkari Mountain Commando Brigade personnel. They are the most successful forces in the recent Claw series of operations. With the worsening of the weather conditions the terrorists are becoming more arrogant in their moves. Martyr number may rise. Wait for official statement from the Ministry of National Defence. May Allah accept their martyrdom!
I always wonder how these terrorists are able to carry these kind of attacks over and over again?


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An analysis and critique from our main source in these operations:

Follow him for accurate information.

Today, we have 6 martyrs (official statement is 3, but may rise) as a result of the PKK terrorists' attack on the Sur/Tatasara hills, which are located near the Claw 1 and 2 (*not Claw-Lock *) areas and where they were deployed last month. We will evaluate the incident.

They were deployed to Sur and Tatasara hills last month. There is a stream bed under the hill. The organization has at least 2 large caves/tunnels in this stream bed. There are also caves in addition to these.


If a new base area is to be established and it will be on the front line, the establishment of this base should in summer at the worst. Even if the construction of the base starts in the summer, the deficiencies of the base cannot be fixed until the winter.

We lost 7~ martyrs in the Hakurk region in the last 2 years. None of this was due to infiltration into the base area. We lost our martyrs due to IED attacks and attacks on off-base security guards.

Don't get me wrong, but 7~ martyrs in 2 years is not a bad situation. PKK could not infiltrate the base areas, so we did not suffer major casualties. This was one of the biggest gains of the Claw operations.

But in the first year of operation in Hakurk, the PKK was able to infiltrate the base once a week. The bases were developed by taking lessons and using techniques at the time and conditions have been created under which the terrorists will not be able to infiltrate successfully for years. So if the base area is weak, the terrorists will infiltrate.

Why couldn't they infiltrate? Because the bases are very strong. Over time, they all became like castles. It takes years to establish a base like a castle at the top of that mountain. Their last infiltration into open sources in the region was 2 years ago. In todays evening's try, they left behind 4-5 dead.

Now, the hill line where we lost our martyrs is in front of the solid base areas, in a lower position and closer to the PKK tunnels. These are among the biggest factors that make it difficult to ensure the security of the base area. Neither the base is solid nor the position is solid. On top of that, it is closer to the PKK.

Now, a base should not be established in a place where you are deployed in November, because there is 1 month left until winter. Within 1 month, you cannot produce solutions to solve any problems such as setting up positions, accommodating soldiers, heating problems, establishing necessary technical systems, etc.

Even if you had deployed to that hill in May, that base would have too many shortcomings now and would be attacked again. Because everything is obvious. As I wrote above, the base is not solid, neither is the location good, it is close to the PKK and on top of that, you're going there in November to set up a base.

So this is definitely a no-brainer. You have bases that have not been infiltrated for years. The terrorists are running in front of the base, but they cannot enter in. You also establish a base closer to the terrorists while you have solid bases, and you do this in November. This sounds like treason.

It has started to snow in the region for the last few days. The 2 thousand altitude hill is now completely covered in snow. Viewing angles do not reach 200 meters. The soldiers are staying in a tent, icy weather. PKK members are looking for an attack. These are incredibly difficult conditions. Why are you putting the soldiers in these conditions, there is no need.

The commanders who gave the order to establish a fixed base area on that hill in November are entirely responsible for these martyrs. Nobody should have any doubts about this. May God curse everyone who put the soldiers in those conditions, made them suffer this torture, and caused their martyrdom.

A few days ago, 2 terrorists were neutralized in the area, and in today's infiltration, 4 more terrorists were neutralized. The exact neutralized terrorist number will become clear in the coming days.


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I always wonder how these terrorists are able to carry these kind of attacks over and over again?
In this case it is most probably in result of a wrong decision. Read the message above.


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Talk is easy, the terrorist usually come when there is fog or rain that makes visibility and detectability very bad and thanks to our "ally" they have the latest ATGM's or manage some lucky hit with mortar.

Best defense is attack, continuous hunt of those animals. And let us be honest about our situation, no any country in the world would let those animals into their parliament, we do! So before starting to blame commanders, those blames are far Furter up in the hierarchy


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Unmanned helicopters that can carry 500kg ()Titra Alpin v2?) should drop and retrieve unmanned ground vehicles like havelsan Barkan. Instead of vulnerable APCs, helicopters sending someone's baby to be targets on a mountain to freakin terrorists while also becoming metal coffins themselves on the way. 10 helicopters and 1000 UGVs should suffice.

Maximilien Robespierre

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PKK in that area suffers lack of atgms actually most of the time they tend to use old SPG-9s.
Talk is easy, the terrorist usually come when there is fog or rain that makes visibility and detectability very bad and thanks to our "ally" they have the latest ATGM's or manage some lucky hit with mortar.

Best defense is attack, continuous hunt of those animals. And let us be honest about our situation, no any country in the world would let those animals into their parliament, we do! So before starting to blame commanders, those blames are far Furter up in the hierarc


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Talk is easy, the terrorist usually come when there is fog or rain that makes visibility and detectability very bad and thanks to our "ally" they have the latest ATGM's or manage some lucky hit with mortar.

Best defense is attack, continuous hunt of those animals. And let us be honest about our situation, no any country in the world would let those animals into their parliament, we do! So before starting to blame commanders, those blames are far Furter up in the hierarchy
Why are soldiers deployed here in winter instead of somewhere more defensible? This is incompetence or treason

While I mostly agree with you this event is in result of a purely taken decision for deployment at a point which will bring absolutely no benefit in a tactical way. There are well established bases in the same area a bit further to the north that are so well established that terrorists couldn't even dare to get close to and the moment they try they get BBQ'ed. A decision comparable to this is the recent redeployment at the Matin mountain (the last time we had to retreat due to the vulnerability from multiple directions, we also retreated from the east part of Seri due to similar conditions to the one at Tatasara which is the place of the current event) and I hope this winter we don't hear bad news from there, but be prepared. Offensive in the mountains is very different from what most people imagine. These are processes taking years and not days or weeks. The biggest problem is the tunnel network which allow the terrorists inside to survive for ~6 months without any resupply. Resupplying is done in the winter where means of recon can't detect movement. Cleaning of this tunnels is not a child's play as they are kilometers long (not the usual caves most of the people here know) full of IED threats, tightened and lowered places, reinforced doors, anti-pressure openings and rooms. Soldiers are waiting at the exit points for months. There are bodies of martyrs that are still in the tunnels which we still couldn't evacuate till this day. You have the period between the spring and summer for establishing of new positions and offensive operations against tunnels. If you miss that windows and don't clean the tunnel for example you are starting again next year as the tunnel is being resupplied in the winter, there are terrorists reinforcements moving under the cover of bad weather conditions and limited surveillance capability.

The difference between Matin for example and Tatasara is that the Matin tunnel network's exits are bombed everyday as a preventive measure and hope that the pressure from the bombs will be able to neutralize the terrorists and the positions at Matin are better organized and protected by both TSK and newly established Peshmerga positions. There is also another problem and this is the heavy fog which is preventing UCAVs and helicopters to work in their full potential.

You can see the position in a video above and can decide for yourselves if this is a good position to be in the winter where there is less than 200m visibility in perfect conditions and two tunnels full of terrorists are under your nose waiting for their chance. Reinforcement of the Tatasara position is absolutely not possible under the current conditions and existential needs of the soldiers are not even fulfilled. They are living in tents there without proper heating, properly organized defensive positions or the technical means for proper surveillance. Don't be shocked if we see a retreat from this position and the demolition of the base area as there is absolutely zero logic in this deployment (as we saw earlier at the eastern part of Seri). I can surely tell you that the terrorists in the caves are living in better conditions compared to our soldiers at the Tatasara base.

Forget about the stories from the 90's, the operations in 4 meters snow, -40. Forget about the most known operations till the Claw series. The Claw series is absolutely different in every way you could imagine. We are not talking about 1 weak deployments or raids, we are talking about area control without logistic corridors on enemy territory reinforced and defended for 40 years by a terrorist organization which is using the most modern means that a guerilla force can use with developed infrastructure which is expanding even in this current moment. This is not Hakkari or Sirnak, this is totally different.
Unmanned helicopters that can carry 500kg ()Titra Alpin v2?) should drop and retrieve unmanned ground vehicles like havelsan Barkan. Instead of vulnerable APCs, helicopters sending someone's baby to be targets on a mountain to freakin terrorists while also becoming metal coffins themselves on the way. 10 helicopters and 1000 UGVs should suffice.
Titra Alpin was used and tested in the area. According to rumors the operators didn't liked its performance.

Deployment of UGV at points like these will not bring any benefit as it can't keep up to the dynamic of the points. Heavier class UGV's are logical for bigger bases and static positions on which we usually deploy ACVs or Tanks as mobile cannons.
tweet is deleted is there any other source???


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UGV is not supposed to defeat PKK. It is supposed to draw fire and give the main base early warning. You know instead of sending soldiers to mountain tops at -50 degrees to draw fire like our oh so smart officers are doing for decades.

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