Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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I think a total of 100 TB2, Akıncı, Anka drones should hit pkk/ypg targets in the 32 km band in the north of Syria.

America has seized ninety percent of Syria's oil. We must take a share of this 90 percent and enlarge and strengthen the free Syrian army with this money.


2 718
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When pkk/ ypg detonated bombs in our country, attacked from the border and killed our people, there was no sound from Europe and America, but when our country responds to pkk/ypg, stop immediately.

Why? We were harming the fight against ISIS. Non-existent isis.

The ISIS terrorist organization founded, used and disbanded by the Westerners. These westerners are really in the dirt.


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The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA.

I don't understand why some people keep pushing for Erdogan to be always tough to pkk, when the pkk is hiding behind American back. You should at least be patient and wait for the world politics to more lenient to you.

There's no real guarantee that the US will view the pkk as precious as they view they now 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.

When that time comes, you should go for the kill. But now, tread carefully.


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Switzerland Correspondent
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The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA.

I don't understand why some people keep pushing for Erdogan to be always tough to pkk, when the pkk is hiding behind American back. You should at least be patient and wait for the world politics to more lenient to you.

There's no real guarantee that the US will view the pkk as precious as they view they now 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.

When that time comes, you should go for the kill. But now, tread carefully.
Imagine leaving your security to a force thats thousands of kilometers away, entities in the regions should try to get along with their neighbors instead of becoming tool for outside forces that profit from the chaos.

Right now Syrian Kurds degraded themselves to the Oil bodyguard of Americans.



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Imagine leaving your security to a force thats thousands of kilometers away, entities in the regions should try to get along with their neighbors instead of becoming tool for outside forces that profit from the chaos.

Right now Syrian Kurds degraded themselves to the Oil bodyguard of Americans.

The pkk wishes that the US will stay long enough so that the region will accept them. There's even talks that rojava will be an 2nd Israel in the region. But they forgot that rojava is landlocked and its growth are at the mercy of its neighbors. Most of which are hostile to the idea of a kurdish marxist feminist state.

So the existence of rojava will be as long as the US decide to be interested in the middle east. Once they lose interest then it's hard seeing them moving forward.


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Switzerland Correspondent
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The pkk wishes that the US will stay long enough so that the region will accept them. There's even talks that rojava will be an 2nd Israel in the region. But they forgot that rojava is landlocked and its growth are at the mercy of its neighbors. Most of which are hostile to the idea of a kurdish marxist feminist state.

So the existence of rojava will be as long as the US decide to be interested in the middle east. Once they lose interest then it's hard seeing them moving forward.
At most they can become a second Gaza but without a coastline.


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The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA.

I don't understand why some people keep pushing for Erdogan to be always tough to pkk, when the pkk is hiding behind American back. You should at least be patient and wait for the world politics to more lenient to you.

There's no real guarantee that the US will view the pkk as precious as they view they now 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.

When that time comes, you should go for the kill. But now, tread carefully.

Patience is no good, patience is allowing both the USA and Russia to consolidate and build these terrorist entities on our border. An incremental and dirty agenda is being played against Turkey. We are facing something that intends to create a massive and serious war against Turkey. We already seen the arming and build up of the greeks on one side, we saw the wests support of Armenian aggression, forget Russia, now they are building an army on our doorstep using marxist terrorists.

As per usual not one NATO nation will stick is his neck out, when the Kurd refugees/economic migrants came to the polish border the same media portrayed them as invading hostile alien horde, a form of warfare being conducted against the western world. When the PKK terrorists place bombs in tourist areas killing civilians the very same media portrays them as Kurdish heroes being oppressed by Turks. The same Turks who have the largest refugee population on earth, thats how oppressive we are.

We've had enough, its time to crush these clowns in Syria. I just hope Turkey has nuclear weapons to keep the main backers of these terrorists in Syria honest.


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Its not really about creating a Kurdistan, its about destabilising the region and giving them (USA/Outsiders) a foothold within it. Anyone can tell you are not going to create a nation out a people who have no real history of statehood at the expense of the surrounding Turkish, Persian and Arab populations. That simply isn't possible, but it is possible to use these sentiments to destabilise and hold the people and region back.

The more terrorism, the more conflict and the more trouble the USA can create in the region, the better the americans, russians, eu and isreal feel. This is why when Russia with his assad goons were going to assault idlib which whould have resulted in another 4 to 5 million people fleeing to Turkey the EU and America targeted Turkey. Turks can stabilise this region as they had done for much of the last 1000 years, they don't want stability they want instability.


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Patience is no good, patience is allowing both the USA and Russia to consolidate and build these terrorist entities on our border. An incremental and dirty agenda is being played against Turkey. We are facing something that intends to create a massive and serious war against Turkey. We already seen the arming and build up of the greeks on one side, we saw the wests support of Armenian aggression, forget Russia, now they are building an army on our doorstep using marxist terrorists.

As per usual not one NATO nation will stick is his neck out, when the Kurd refugees/economic migrants came to the polish border the same media portrayed them as invading hostile alien horde, a form of warfare being conducted against the western world. When the PKK terrorists place bombs in tourist areas killing civilians the very same media portrays them as Kurdish heroes being oppressed by Turks. The same Turks who have the largest refugee population on earth, thats how oppressive we are.

We've had enough, its time to crush these clowns in Syria. I just hope Turkey has nuclear weapons to keep the main backers of these terrorists in Syria honest.
The pkk, are insignificant. What if an uncontrolled escalation happened between Turkiye and the US ? Everyone knows who will came put on top. The pkk will be dancing if that happens.

Captain Ahab tried to chase after a single whale only to lose everything in the process.

If anything I don't see the ypg as any different than the now extinct RVN and ANA. They only last as long as the US finds them interesting. Nobody in 2002 will imagine the ANA to be left defeated by the Taliban that the US has beat a year before. It's all come to US interest at them, once the US got bored they're in peril.


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11 9,062
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United Kingdom
The pkk, are insignificant. What if an uncontrolled escalation happened between Turkiye and the US ? Everyone knows who will came put on top. The pkk will be dancing if that happens.

Captain Ahab tried to chase after a single whale only to lose everything in the process.

If anything I don't see the ypg as any different than the now extinct RVN and ANA. They only last as long as the US finds them interesting. Nobody in 2002 will imagine the ANA to be left defeated by the Taliban that the US has beat a year before. It's all come to US interest at them, once the US got bored they're in peril.

Well lets wait till they create a PKK state and place more American bases in it and start giving the PKK an airforce and long range air defence systems.

If we do nothing its heading in that direction where the USA will directly confront us. If the PKK project ever reaches a point where it can look like its feasabile, at that point the Americans will go to war with us over it. As it stands now its still a collection of bandits and terrorists, so lets strike them and strike them hard. The americans will have to ask themselves if to they want to lose Turkey forever and force Turkey to side with Iran and Russia. I don't think they can gamble that right now, but i do know this if we do nothing we are setting up a future war with the USA.

The way we protect ourselves from the USA is to be proactive now, to move as soon as possible.

And if the americans haven't found the balls to directly attack Iran over the past 30 years, Turkey is at another level compared to what Iran is.

No doubts were 10 years ahead of the ballistic missile we have shown the world, lets get some nuclear tips because no other nation on earth has to face against both the USA and Russia.

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